PAT PAT WAB BOND BAT -MriKUiN THE ENTERPRISE ?VEI TMTOf FOR VICTORY UNTO STATES NM BONOS-STAMPS VOLUME XLV?NUMBER 85 Williamston, Martin County, North Carolina, Tuesday, October 27, 1942. ESTABLISHED 1899 Heavy Losses Are Sustained by Navy In Solomons Area At Least Fourteen American Ships Sunk and Others Are Damaged After paying a big price to gain them, American forces are now hard pressed in an effort to hold to the Solomon Islands in the south Paci fic, late reports stating that the de fenders are under heavy attack by land, sea and air. At least eight heavy land attacks have been beat en off by the Marines and soldiers, and possibly the defenders are more than holding their own in the air, but on sea our Navy has sustained heavy losses. Even there the fight ing is not one-sided, but American losses are mounting. Last night the Navy Department reported the loss of the plane car rier "Wasp" and about 180 of its 1, 800 crew in mid-September. The announcement also revealed the sinking of the destroyer "Porter. According to official reports, Amer ican ship losses in the Solomons area now stand at 14?three cruisers, six destroyers, four transports and one carrier. Other American ships were damaged Unofficial reports state that Tom Skinner was on one of the transports when it was attacked. He was saved along with all others aboard. , . On the other side of the ledger, the Japs in two days of fighting be ginning Sunday lost 22 planes, had three cruisers and two plane carriers damaged and other enemy ships were believed damaged. Apparently the main sea fight is about over, for the present any way. The losses have apparently been so heavy on both sides that the tempo could hardly be maintained. Secretary of the Navy Frank Knox stated tdoay that the outcome of the battle is not yet clear. He denied reports emanating from Tokyo and claiming that four Allied plane car riers and a battleship had been sunk in the recent fighting around Guad alcanal The Navy man referred to the claims as constituting just an other "fishing expedition ? fishing for Information." Meager details have been heard from the land fighting on Guadal canal, but the last reports stated that the defenders were still holding their own after the Japs had made eight attempts to regain the air field there. - The seriousness of the situation in the Solomons is evidenced in Wash ington where President Roosevelt called the naval high command into conference late yesterday and where it was recognized American forces in the distant area are now facing one of the most "terrific ordeals in American history." With reinforced Japanese obvi ously bent on throwing everything they have into a drive to overwhelm the Marines and Army men, an at mosphere of tense expectation was apparent in some'Washington quar ters. Conferring with the President was Admiral Ernest J. King, command er-in-chief of the fleet, ?nd Mr Roosevelt's personal chief-of-staff. Admiral William D. Leahy. The con ferees said nothing to newspaper men, but it was considered proba ble that the conference dealt with strategic and combat problems in the Southwest Pacific, particularly in the Solomon Ulands. Representative Maas (R-Minn.) who saw more than four months of duty as a Marine Corps colonel in the Southwest Pacific, was another White House visitor and gave the President a report on conditions. Maas would not say what the gen eral tenor of his report was but there was nothing to indicate it was optimistic. . . . Activity, while partly overshadow ed by reports from the Solomons, continues at a rapid pace on other fronts. The Allied offensive is roll ing forward against Rommel s army in Egypt and Allied bombers are ac tive in nearly every part of the world. The Japs have been blasted in the Southwest Pacific and fields on the Burma front have been at tacked. The Jap submarine base at Kiska in the Aleutians was pound ed yesterday by American bombers. Allied troops swarming through widening gaps in the north, central and south sectors of the Egyptian front, have captured 1,450 Axis pris oners, routed Nazi tanks in the first armored clash, and are pulverizing the enemy line with the 8rea^*t British artillery blasts since the bat tle of the Somme in World War I, (Continued on pate sis) # Coffee Rations Are Fixed; Canned Good Rations Soon Effective November 29, coffee will be included in the list of rationed food* and article*. One pound for five week* will be allotted each per iod over 15 year* of age No new reg istration will be necessary, the au thorities stating that the sugar ra tion cards will be used, starting with Stamp No. 27 and working back to No. 19. The system will al low the addicts a little over one cup a day. Following the official coffee ra tioning announcement, it was ru mored that rationing of canned goods would follow in due time, possibly during the early part of nest year. Father of Nine Enlists in the U.S. Army Raymond Keiley, 40, of Pittsburgh, Pa., poses with wife and nine children whom he'll soon leave to join tha U. S. Army. Upon Kelley's induction, the family will be eligible for $142 a month in Government allot ments and allocations. He has been on WPA and relief rolls. Members of the Keiley family are left to right: Paul, 3; Clarence, 5; Harry, 7; Michael, 8; Dorothy, 9; Tommy, 11; Anna, 12; John, 14; Raymond, Jr., 15; Mrs. Cecelia Keiley, 83, and Raymond Keiley. (Central Press) Local Tobacco Market To End Current Season Next Tuesday The Williamston Tobacco Market will end the current season upon the completion of sales next Tuesday, it was announced yesterday following a meeting of the tobacco board of trade. Virtually all the tobacco in this immediate area has already been marketed, the market opera tors reasoning that another week would afford ample time for the marketing of the remainder of the crop. Sales on local floors continued fairly heavy up until the past week end, but comparatively little activ ity is being reported this week. The selling organization will be main taned in its entirety until the last pound is sold, and the buying com panies will have their representa tives on the job until the last bid is heard. A complete review on the market activities for the season is not avail able at the moment, but as a whole, the season has been possibly the most successful one since 1919. There was very little variation in the prices, the market maintaining an upward trend during most of the season or until about two weeks ago when the demand for some grades slacken ed. The reduction followed a week of rain, and it is possible the large amount of damaged tobacco had something to do with prices. How ever the better grades held their own. The price situation was far bet ter than the quality of the crop in this immediate area. Nearly every farmer, admitting that his crop was badly damaged by the dry growing season, received more for his crop than he expected. This section was possibly the hardest hit in the en tire belt, but even then prices were satisfactory. MAILING TIME Saturday of this week is the last day for mailing Christmas packages to the boys overseas. Already more than 100 pack ages have been mailed in the lo cal offises for delivery in wide ly scattered parts of the world. Disappointment for many young men in foreign service is almost certain at Christmas time, the government announcing this week that 4,986 sacks of gift mail had been sent to the bot tom of the ocean. The mail was on a cargo ship that was sent to the bottom apparently some time after October 3rd. As far as it could be learned no packages were mailed for overseas deliv ery during the latter part of September and up to October 3rd. Shortage Of Copper Bobs Up In County Unable to get copper for making kettles and with the rationing pro gram making sugar almost unavail able, illicit liquor manufacturers continue to carry on in this county dcspute the obstacles. Turning to honey for sweetening and using a common old gas drum for a kettle, the manufacturers had just about solved their problems when ABC Of ficer J. H. Roebuck and his assistant, Roy Peel, came along and wiped out the crude outfit. It was the first time in his long years of enforcement work that Of ficer Roebuck had found a gas drum in the Free Union section of this county. The officers wrecked the plant and poured out about 200 gal lons of honey beer during recent raiding activities. POSTPONED AGAIN The registration of fuel oil dealers in this county and State has stall been postponed, the county rationing board was ad vised here yesterday. No date for holding the registration was mentioned and no reason for the second postponement of the task was offered. As far as it could be learned here otday the registration for Individ sal consumers will not be held until after the fuel oil deal ers register. The fuel oil dealer regtstra tiou was first scheduled for last week and then delayed until this delaying the rngtatratlon for an indefinite time. Truck Registration Believed Far From Complete In County Mileage Form* for Antonio biles To Be Made Avail able About Nov. 1st The complicated registration of motor trucks in this county is prog ressing slowly, unofficial reports ga thered from some of the registration centers indicating that the task is far from complete. The tedious task of filling in the forms was started last Thursday, and it is understood that hardly more than half the esti mated 750 trucks in the county were registered at that time. The regis tration of farm trucks is still under way in the offices of the county agent in the agricultural building, but how long it will be continued there could not be learned. According to instructions coming from the Of/ice of Defense Trans portation, the applications must be in the agency's office at Detroit in time for certificates of war neces sity to be mailed back to the truck i owner. It is understood that quite a few truck owners did not receive the application forms. What action, if any, will be taken in those cases could not be predicted. The names and addresses of those receiving no application forms were taken by the county committee and are being forwarded to the national office. Puzzled by the apparently compli cated application form, a few far mers were quoted as saying they (Continued on page six) Rationing Causes Belt-Tightening With wider rationing of scarce commodities, particularly foodstuffs, near at hand, a lot of belt-tighten ing is in prospect. Signs of what is to come already are evident. Coffee has become a will-o'-the-wisp. Meat is harder to obtain and milk short ages are reported in some areas. Cur rently, of the foodstuffs, only sugar is being rationed. But others will fol low, say Washington reports ? as soon as the necessary machinery can be established. Meat rationing has been promised ? two and a half pounds a week to a person. In fact, some cities are experiencing it with meatless days in restaurants. Thus a swing from abundance to scarcity is taking place. Although there's little likelihood of the nation going hun gry on the war-time diet that's tak ing form, one thing is certain: the dinner plate isn't going to look the same. Missionary Relates His Experiences In Concentration Camp Pentcroatal Conference Hears Rev. Clyde Herndon Here Siiiiduy Afternoon Foreign missions climaxed the pro gram at the 32nd annual conference of the Pentecostal Holiness Church here Sunday afternoon when seven of the denomination's leading mis sionaries appeared before the nearly 800 delegates, religious leaders and communicants It was an impressive service, and the large congregation expressed its appreciation by raising a sizable free-will offering for one of the mission workers Seven missionaries, including Rev. and Mrs. Clyde H. Herndon, of Dan ville, Va.; Miss Anna Deane Cole, of Birmingham; Rev. and Mrs. T H Rousseau, of Franklin Springs, Ga.; Miss Mavis Lee Oakley, of Greenville, and Rev. J. M. Turner, of Franklin Springs, Ga., appeared on the program Mrs. Herndon, Miss Cole, and Mrs. Rousseau portrayed a typical Chinese street scene with Miss Oakley as -their interpreter. They, with Rev. Rousseau, sang sev eral songs in Chinese. The Rev. Mr. Turner, missionary to India home on furlough, sang two Hindu songs and expressed a desire to return to his work. He did not re late any of his experiences in that country, and offered no comment on the uncertainty of British rule in India. The feature address was deliver ed by Mr. Herndon who related his experiences in Hong Kong from the time he was arrested last December unitl he was released from a Jap concentration camp last June 30. A bit nervous and hardly back to his normal health following the trying ordeals that were his and many oth er Americans in the Jap controlled city, the missionary was careful not to reveal any information that might endanger the lives and safety of those Americans remaining in Japan ese hands Following the outbreak of war on December 7th, the little missionary group held to the mission. On De cember 12th, armed Chinese fifth columnists visited the home and carried away personal effects, in cluding money, clothes and baggage, but the property of the church was not damaged at that time The Japs made their appearance at the mission on December 21st and they were ev erything but pleasant to the mission aries." The small group was left there until December 28th when Rev Herndon and others of the group were driven from the home. Wan dering in the streets of the city, they were arrested the following day and interned in a hotel. "Although we were not allowed to leave our rooms or even look out a window, we saw plenty," the missionary declared, in timating that it was there that wo men were insulted. On January 23 the missionaries were herded into the Stanley concentration camp where they merely existed week ?f (Continued on page six) TOBACCO CARDS All tobaceo farmer* are being urged to surrender their mar keting card* immediately after completing their marketing, a spokesman In the office of the county agent's office said this morning. The cards are to be checked against the warehouse receipts, and the immediate surrender of the cards will make it possible to correct any error*. Quite a few farmers have already sur rendered their marketing cards to the office of the eounty agent in the eounty agieultural build ing. War As It Relates To Home Front Is Reviewed for Week Transportation and Manpow er Constitute Major Prob lem for the Nation The war we are fighting is war on the vastest of scales. It involves vast numbers of men, vast quantities of weapons and materials, vast dis tances. In its earlier stages the Axis aggressors, fanning out along inter ior lines that radiated from Berlin to Tokyo, were aided by the rela tively short distances to their fronts. As the enemy's lines of communica tions were extended the odds no longer were as overwhelmingly in their favor, and yet distance is still the Allies major problem. But whereas the Axis means of transportation and supply are ap proaching definite limits, those of the United Nations are steadily in creasing. The phenomenal growth of our "external" system of war trans portation?new ships launched at an average of three a day, thous ands of motor vehicles and cargo planes heading for overseas?is evi dence that we shall solve that prob lem of distance as we shall solve our other problems. We may not hope, however, that this external trans portation growth can be matched by a corresponding expansion of our continental transportation systems. We've about come to the end of our production of new railway freight and passenger cars, streetcars, buses, commercial trucks -materials used to build these carriers and convey ances are more needed for war uses. The wartime burden of the carriers has been staggering this year, and will be even heavier next year. Hope to Get 10,000.000 Tires Much of our transportation rolls on rubber wheels?about 86 per cent of all travel in the U. S. is by pas senger automobiles. In 2,300 cities and towns they constitute the only available means of transportation. And were millions of farmers, war workers and others engaged in vi tal services to be deprived of the use of their cars, the extra load could not possibly be absorbed by buses, streetcars, and railroads. If we were to use up our existing tires reckless ly, all the steps so far taken to save rubber might not avert a great transportation disaster. For we must save our stocks of crude and I synthetic rubber for our armies ? | they also roll forward on rubber : wheels. Here's the answer?from Novem ber 22 oh, we'll have to get along with only one spare tire for each j passenger car.?All others must be sold to the Government, and it is hoped that by this means some ten million tires may be obtained. Some of these will be good only for scrap rubber, but the greater part will serve as a reservoir from which tires may be drawn to meet essential needs. Manpower Situation to Be Critical The program will not alter the necessity to keep aUtos within the 35 miles an hour maximum speed lim it, in fact, we'll be more than ever obligated to take the best possible care of the five tires we keep. The Railway Express Agency will col lect the "idle" tires at no cost to owners. While motorists may keep their five best tires, they must note down the serial numbers of those they keep- these numbers must be given on your application for gaso line mileage ration. By the end of next year we'll need at least 20 million workers for direct war production?five million more than we now have?and there'll be about nine million in the armed serv ices, several million of them drawn ffom w?f jobs In June, 1943, about 47 1-2 million persons were employ ed, only a small percentage of them in war industry. During 1943 we can count on about 32 1-2 million peo ple to carry on all civilian work arid services other than direct war work and fighting. In the face of such a [critical manpower situation local la bor of all kinds, without prejudice as to employment, must be found for farms and local industries. And ev ery business and factory must ex amine its roll of employees to see whether workers are doing the job for which they are best fitted, whe ther they can be trained on the spot for more highly skilled jobs, and (Continued on page aix) ? C. H. Hollowell Is Reported Missing C. H. Hollowell, III, former audi tor of the State Department of Rev enue and who worked in Williams tdn and this section for some time, was recently reported missing in ac tion presumably somewhere in the Southwest Pacific. The young man, a native of Elizabeth City, made many friends during his visits to Williamston. It is understood that he was a member of the Wasp airplane car rier officers' staff, the carrier having been reported sunk the middle of last month Young Hollowell resigned his poat with the State department to enlist in the service. He was schooled at Northwestern Univeraity and had been in the Navy only a short time. Church Group Urges Ban on Liquor Traffic Ranger Honored Corp. Franklin M. Koons, a former Iowa auctioneer now a U. S. Han ger, is the first American soldier to win a British army decoration in this war. Koons was awarded the Military Medal for "conspicu ous gallantry and admirable leader ship" during the raid on Dieppe. (Central Vresa} Bit Of Scrap About Collection of Scrap For the War Effort Old Civil War Kclic Shipped to Steel Mill* for Fne in Current War Used on Roanoke Island during the Civil War and after playing a rath er dangerous part in political vic tory celebrations here for a long number of years, an old cannon was loaded and shipped from here a short time ago to the steel mills for use in the current war. Little of its actual war history is known, but shortly after the strug gle the cannon, weighing possibly more than three hundred pounds, was shipped to Plymouth and later delivered to the late John Watts, farmer-business man, who lived to the edge of town on the Washing ton Road and who maintained a bus iness office on the main street. The date the cannon was delivered to Mr. Watts is not known, but it is under stood that the Democrats, celebrat ing a victory at the polls, stole the weapon and fired it about 1876. No cannon balls were used, but liberal quantities of powder were packed into the barrel and when the gun was fired everybody within a rad ius of several miles heard about a Democratic victory at the polls without the means of modern com munication systems or the grapevine telegraph. If the Republicans ever tried to reclaim the weapon it is not known, but the Democrats, fearful of the (Continued on page six) Visiting Ministers In IiOeal Churches Receiving special invitations, vis iting ministers to the 32nd annual North Carolina Conference of the Pentecostal Holiness Church just concluded here, appeared in several pulpits throughout the community last Sunday morning and evening. "We are all striving for the same goal and trying to make this a bet ter world in which to live," one of the ministers was quoted as saying while handling the special assign merit in one of the churches. The assignments were as follows: Bethany, Rev. W. Harvey Morris, of Goldsboro; Rehoboth, Rev. C. B. Strickland, of Falcon; Memorial Baptist, Rev. A H Butler, Falcon; Methodist, Rev. I. D. Dickens, Wilm ington; Christian, Rev. J. W. But ler, Goldsboro; Community Church, Rev D. F. Fulcher, Vanceboro. Dr. T. L. Aaron, president of the denomination's college in Georgia, occupied the pulpit in the host church. ROUND-UP * After showing a marked de cline the week before, the round-up of drunks by local and county officers bounced np again last week-end. The num ber of arrests Jumped from six for the previous week-end to an even doien last week-end. Ten of those arrested and Jailed were booked for public drunkenness, one for assaulting another with a deadly weapon and the re maining one for bastardy. Four of the twelve persons were white, the ages of the twelve ranging from IT to M years. Most of the alleged viola tions are being cleared in Jus tice J. L. HaasoU's court Holiness Conference Holds Final Session Monday Afternoon * ? Marked Growth Is Made Bv Church Ijist Year, Bishop Kin# Tells Conference thJhpN?.rth Carollna Conference of brought. H?liness Church br ught to a successful close its [" annua! session ln the local church yesterday afternoon, the ex panding religious group, represent from ,NPPr?X'm;"c'y 300 delegates from all over eastern North Carolina and several states, taking a firm and compromising stand for things spir forcL. o,,tron,gIy cnndt'inning the world" ?f eV" a" "un8odly coiftaded by Blsh?P J H. King, the conference carefully reviewed the work of the Church during the past year and with equal care formulated plans for an expund.d work for the fromyeBr' E"courag,?g reports came from every quarter, and the confer aUond"1 by prominent nation al leaders and returned missionar ies from India and China, was rec ognized as the most successful held in recent years. a Ten ministers, passin gtests for ad mission, were licensed and enrolled as the- conference got underway last Saturday following an informal opening the evening before Making his formal report, Conference Super ?ntendent W Eddie Morris, of Ken ly. announced that three new churches had been organized at Ben son, Raleigh and Roper, and that mission points had been established a Thompson s Chapel, near L.ucama, at Moore s Creek, near Wilmington, and at Spring Lake, near Fort Bragg New parsonages built during the year and improved church plants were noted in reports submitted by 'he lay delegates. The business program was aban doned Sunday when a full worship schedule was held Bishop King ,n the conference sermon said Christians must be ex amples of Christ-centered life ir. a sin-darkened age, holding up Christ as a sure foundation for those groD ing for a firm faith. , "Sacrifice, service and self-deniai are essentia! if one live saccording 'o the Christian ideal," the Bishop asserted. Church Extension Reaching the unchurched millions in the United States is not the task of one denomination, but of all t hristians, declared the Rev G H Montgomery, church editor and di rector of general evangelism, in a Church Extension rally. May God help the church to rise above the sins of this age and ungod ly world, with her enthusiasm, her initiative, her Christian personality, power and possessions, with a mighty message of full salvation for this world," the editor concluded. Returning to its business to mark the close of the sessions, the confer ence yesterday announced the as signments to the eighty-two churches and took a firm stand against the li quor traffic, condemned the ever-in creasing number of divorces and pleaded for a return to worship around the family altar. A resolu tion seeking to ban the sale of alco holic beverages in and around army camps, naval bases and other mili tary areas was approved, and the conference overwhelmingly voted to continue to fight the sale of intoxi cating liquors, calling upon church men to support a program of "edu cation, legislation and salvation" against the business of selling alco holic beverages anywhere.. The proposed transfer of the Fal con Orphanage, valued at $96,000 to the Pentecostal Holiness Church, was advanced in the orphanage commit tee reixirt submitted by Mr J. A. Culbreth, superintendent and one of its founders. During his stay here Mr Culbreth, now 71 years of age! Stated that the first two children to enter the orphanage came from Par mee, in this county. Hundreds of children have been cared for by the institution since it was founded back in the early part of this century. A?VU'uUon thankln8 'he people Of Wilhamston for their hospitality the local and state press for their coverage of the session, and William ston churches for opening pulpits to visiting ministers was adopted. (Continued on page tlx) Stiffen Fractured Skull W hile Playing "Tartan" Master Wilton Knox, young son of Mrs. Janie Edwards Knox, suffered a severe skull injury in a fall from a tree near his home last Friday af ternoon. Imitating "Tarxan," the little fellow started to jump from a tree limb to a telephone pole, miss ed and fell, his head striking the concrete sidewalk. No bruise was noticeable, but after a short time he lost consciousness and was re moved to a Washington hospital (or treatment. His condition is mueh im proved and the little fallow is ex pected home shortly.