Vista in Elisabeth City Mrs. Paul Jones visited in Eliza beth City Wednesday. Attend Meetlnf Here Messrs. Ernest Mears ,of Wilson; James Coston, ot Kinston, and A. L. Tyler, of Rocky Mount, attended a Belk-Tyler meeting here Wednesday night. WU1 Arrive Today Mrs. T. W. Hott and Mr. and Mrs. T W. Hott Jr., of Narrows, Va., will arrive Friday for a brief visit with Rev. and Mrs. John L. Goff. Mrs. Hott is the mother of Mrs. Goff. Vista Here Tuesday Miss Nell Harrison, of Washing ton, visited her family here Tues day. Was Business Visitor Here Mr. W. Robert Everett, of Palmyra, was here yesterday attending to bus iness. In Jamesville Tuesday Mrs. Ray Goodmon was in James: vlile Tuesday assisting the women there in organizing a Red Cross un it for making surgical bandages for the army. Shop Here Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. Ben James, of Rob ersonville, shopped here Wednes day. Attend Lions Meeting Messrs. K. P. Lindsley, John Ea gles and Dr. E. T. Walker attended a Lions club meeting in Greenville Monday night. Visits Here Wednesday Mrs. Don Matthews, of Hamilton, visited here Wednesday. Undergoing Treatment Mrs. J. Griffin is in a Washing ton hospital undergoing treatment. Re tarns from Mississippi Mrs. Jim Roebuck, of Everetts, has returned from Biloxi, Miss., after visiting her husband who is sta tioned there. Attend Ration Meet Messrs. J. A. Everett, of Palmyra; Herbert Roebuck, of Robersonville, and C. C. Martin, of Jamesville, at tended a ration board meeting here Thursday. Returns from Oulfport, Miss. Mrs. Ben Hardison has returned from Gulfport, Miss., after a two weeks' visit with her husband. Pvt Ben Hardison, who is stationed there. Return Home Mrs. Brennon Thatch and little daughter, Mildred, have returned to their home after a visit here with Mrs. G. A. Burroughs In Washington Tuesday Mesdames Fenner Wallace. Wes ley Lewis, D. C. McLawhorn" and daughters, Angie and Gertie, and Misses Thelma Carrow, Leslie Car row shopped in Washington Tues day. In Henderson Tuesday Jessup Harrison spent Tuesday night in Henderson with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Harrison. Spends Week-end Here Miss Hattie Porter, of Aurora and Pamlico Beach, spent last week-end here with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Godwin. Is Visiting Here Miss Eleanor Taylor, of Norfolk, is visiting friends here this week. Enters Local Hospital Mr. Lester Peel, Cross Roads Township farmer and well-known county citiien, entered the local hos pital this week for treatment. Makes Honor Boll Cadet Ray Stallings. son of Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Stallings, of James ville, made the honor roll at the Oak Ridge Military Institute for the first quarter, according to a recent letter received by the parents of the young man from the officials of the Institute. Visiting In Durham Mr Reg Manning is spending the week-end in Durham and attend ing the Duke-Georgia Tech football game. Spending Week-end Here Prank Lilley, of State College, Ral eigh, is visiting his parents near here this week-end. Visits Here This Week Miss Murjorie Lilley, of Cherry Point .visited here for a few days this week. Visiting In Winston-Salem Mr. and Mrs J. B. Taylor and sons, Sammy and J. B., Jr., are spendnig the week-end with relatives in Win ston-Salem and Stoneville, N. C. Leaves for Seven Springs Mrs. C. L. Roberson is leaving on Sunday for Seven Springs where she has accepted a position. Attend Club Meet Mesdames George Harrison, E. T. Walker, H O. Peele and Miss Edna Barnhill attended a district meet ing of the Woman's Club in Powells villc Wednesday. Spend Week-end Here Mr. and Mrs W. E. Yancey and Mr. and Mrs. Nat Watkins, of Ox ford, visited Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Bu chanan here last week-end. WE CARRY THE COMPLETE STOCK Expected in a modern druf store, bat we consider our prescrip tion department the most important part of our business and (tve it our first attention. WE ARE FIRST, LAST AND AL WAYS A DRUG STORE. Davis Pharmacy PRESCRIPTIONS The War Production Board Awards Us Coveted Banner For Scrap Shipments lL th? Wir Pradactioi Baard Q s CRAP PRODIICEI ? Scrap matal produced and ?old last month,..([ton? 1 take this opportunity to thank the many citi zens of Martin and adjoining counties in mak ing it possible for me to receive this Merit Award from the War Production Board. # This award wan given me for increasing the shipment of scrap iron and metal by one-third over a six-months period. It would have been impossible for me to re ceive this honor unless the patriotic citizens of Martin and adjoining counties had not put forth special effort in gathering and bringing to me an increased quantity of iron and metal. Let's keep the good work going, as our boys at the front need all the assistance that we can give them. WILLIAMSTON PARTS & METAL COMPANY By W. K. PARKER Interesting News As Reported From The Local Schools In chapel Thursday, October 29th, the music contest took place. Miss Kathryn Mewborn, music teacher, asked Mrs. Ruth Grimes and Mrs. H. E. McKnight, to judge the songs which the grammar grades had com posed. The songs that were sung are as follows: Second grade?Miss Benson. "A Little Iron, a Little Steel." Third grade?Mrs. Bunting. "Scrap for Uncle Sam." Fourth grade ? Miss Manning: Scrap Song. Fourth grade ? Miss Katherine Bradley, "Call of America." Fourth grade?Miss Elliott: "Our Song to Win the War." Fifth grade ? Miss Baker: Help Save Scrap. Fifth grade?Mrs. Coburn: "Scrap for Victory." Sixth grade?Miss Edith Bradley, "Scrap for Uncle Sam." Sixth grade?Mrs. Eagles: "Scrap for Freedom." While waiting for the judges' de cision, after every class had already sang its song, Mr David N. Hix, principal, announced that both schools have collected altogether about 90,000 pounds of scrap metal including receipts. The rooms that won five dollar prizes for bringing the most scrap metal are: In grammar school. Miss Edith Bradley's sixth glade with 8,398 pounds. In high school, Mrs. Man ning's eighth grade. Then Miss Mewborn came up with the names of rooms that won the song prizes. They are as follows: Third grade, Miss Bunting, first prize; sixth grade, Mrs. Eagles, sec ond prize; fifth grade, Miss Baker, third prize. First Prise?Scrap for Uncle Sam We're very little girls and boys To try to make a poem; But scrap for Uncle Sam, 1 think, Will help to solve our problem. We're looking scrap for Uncle Sam To help to win this war; If scrap will help our country win, We'll try to find some more ?Mrs. Bunting's Third Grade Second Prise?Scrap for Freedom Take time to go from door to door, Until the scrap you find no more; Look everywhere; In attac, basement, and the yard. The work will not bo very hard. Look here and there. Get all the metal you can find, Lead, steel, and iron of any kind; We need them all. We'll fight our battle on land and sea, We'll fight till we win victory. Till Axis fall. ?Mrs. Eagles' Sixth Grade. Third Prize?Save Your Scrap Hoys and girls come with me, Save your scrap to keep us free. Men and women you come too, Save our flag, red, white and blue. Throw your scrap into the fight, Ere you go to sleep tonight. If you wait another day, The Japs may take your land away. We all want to win this wa^, Peace is what we're fighting for. Help our boys be brave and true, They will serve and save us too. ?Miss Baker's Fifth Grade Hallowe'en Program At S r h ool Tonight Mr and Mrs Ima Nuisance Man ning request the honor of your pres snce at the wedding of their lovely and charming daughter, Petunia Blossom, to Mr. Percival Archibald (Lee) Thomas, Jr., Friday evening at 7:30 o'clock in the high school au iitorium. Miss Petunia Blossom will be giv ;n in marriage by her father, Mr. [ma Nuisance (A1 Ward) Manning. The Reverend Theron Gurganus will officiate. The following will attend Miss Petunia and Mr. Percival Arch ibald: ushers, Mr. Shadrack (Reg) Peele, Mr. Jitterbug (Larry) Hughes, Mr. Heman (R. J.) Rogerson, Mr. [ma Coon Baldree, Mr. U. R. A. Pos sum (Bunk) Burroughs, and Mr. Charles Atlas (Wilbur) Jackson; bridesmaids, Miss Rowena (Roy) Hudson, Miss Wilhelmina (Billy) Myers, Miss Henrietta (Hewett) An drews, Miss Jasamine (Jasper) Browder, Miss Snookie (John) Goff, and Miss Love Precious (J. D.) Lil ley; maid of honor, Miss Liza Jane (Bennie) Weaver; ring bearer, Mas ter Sydney (Jessie) Gurganus; flow er girls, dainty little Misses Gladiola (Hal) Dickens and Chrysanthemum (John) Whitley, and best man, Mr. Ebeneezer (Jack) Mobley. Music will be furnished by the lovely soprano, Miss Lily Pons (How ell) Peele, and the talented Miss Cor delia Paderewski (Bill) Peele, pian ist. Special guests will be: Mrs. Z. Z. Whymihere (Clifton) Cullipher and little daughter, Margie (Tim Jack son), Mr Leftatthealtar (Jimmy) Knight, Miss Maisie West (Pope) Burroughs, Mrs. Percival Archibald Thomas, Sr., (Tom Chesson), Miss Abigail Uppington (Billy) Peele, and Mrs. Ima Nuisance Manning (Jimmy Waters). Following the Womanless Wed ding there will be a costume contest with two prizes of one dollar in war stamps being awarded for the most original costume and- for the pret tiest costume. Three short movies will complete the entertainment In the auditorium after which the an nual Hallowe'en carnival will be held in the gymnasium. Proceeds from a small admission fee will be used to defray expenses tk. /~?v-;? a COMMISSIONED Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Rober son, of Robersonville, received a wire Wednesday from their son Dixie Roberson, advising them that he had graduated from the officers training school at Mi ami Beach. Fla. Roberson re ceived his commission, second lieutenant, this week. Dixie Roberson, for several years employed by the Bank of Robersonville and its successor, the Guaranty Bank and Trust Company, has many friends in the county who will be delight ed to hear of his advancement in Uncle Sam's Army. He was inducted into the army at Fort Bragg and for several months was stationed in Louis iana. but for the past ninety days has been located in Miami Beach where he trained for a commission. CELEBRATE ANNIVERSARY Hamilton, Oct. 29?Mr. and Mrs. David Matthews, of Hamilton, cele brated their 60th wedding annivers ary on Friday. Oct. 23rd. Mrs. Minnie Ransom Matthews was the daughter of Dr. Edward and Josephine Alexander Ransom. of Tyrrell County. After the death of her parents, she came to Williams ton to live with her aunt. Mrs. Fan nie Biggs. Mr. Matthews was a na tive of the Hamilton section. They were married at the home of Mrs. Fannie Biggs in Williamston by Dr. Huffman, a prominent Bap tist minister of that day. They im mediately came to Hamilton and to the same house in which they now live. Their many friends, which includ ed most everyone in town, called to see them that day, gave a little pro gram of old time songs and beauti ful tributes and presented them with a radio and other gifts. Mr. and Mrs. Matthews have three children, Don G. Matthews, of Ham ilton; Edward R. Matthews, of Tam pa, Fla.; and Mrs. Edward Council, of Morehead City, N. C; two grand sons, Don Matthews, Jr., a student at Wake Forest, and Edward Coun cil, Jr., an ensign in the Navy. In Robersonville Monday Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Jone^s visit edlinRobersonvjiie Monday. MISCELLANEOUS SHOWER Mrs. Billy Cullipher was hostess t a miscellaneous shower Saturday light at her home on Ray Street in lonor of Mr and Mrs. Ervin Culli iher. The Hallowe'en motif was carried ut in the decorations with fall lowers in shades of orange and yel 3W. The hostess was assisted by Mes ames Joe Gray Corey and Herbert lullipher in serving delicious punch, akes and salted nuts. Mr. and Mrs Ervin Cullipher re vived gifts from Mosdames Era 'obb. Z. T. Piephoff, Leroy Perry, lasil Harden, J. T. Allen, Herbert 'ullipher, Jr., Kajer Perry, Walter /ynne. Joe Gray Corey, H. A. Cul pher. Ricks Allsbrooks, Johnnie 'ullipher, Haywood Rogers, Kader .illey and Misses Laura LeggetL, fary Elizabeth Warren, Ruth Ev lyn Terry, Olivia Rogerson, Mil red Wynne. Irma Williams and Mr. lilt Jones, of Williamston; Mesdames /endal Woolen ,of Jamesville; Wil ur Cowan, of Pinetown; Daniel loone ,of Robersonville. and Rich rd Cullipher, of Washington, D C Receiving Advanced Miss Elizabeth Coburn. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Coburn, of this county, is receiving advanced train ing in nursing at Galliger Municipal and Children's hospitals in Washing ton City. Was Business Visitor Here Mr. J. M. Highsmith. of Roberson ville, was a business visitor here yes treday. CHILDREN'S COLDS FOR DIRECT relief from miseries of colds?coughing, phlegm, irrita tion, clogged upper air passages rub throat, chest, and back with Vicks VapoRub. Its poultice-and vapor action brings relief without dosing. ALSO. FOR HEAD COLO "sniffles", melt a spoonful of VapoRub in hot water. Then have the child 1 breathe in the steaming vapors. MSSS Just IJnjtaekefi? New Shipment ?ur-Trimmed Coats IN Plaids - Tweeds \ These lovolv fiir-triiiiiiie<l eoats I will give you I lit- wuriiith you ^ ui'ivl. Kveryone is skillfully ilf signed anil made from the finest furs and materials. lie sure to see tliis seleetiou tliis week-end. i'liey are moderately prieed and have Ioii-; wearing quality. Ladies Oxlords We have ju-l unpacked a new sliip ineiil of LAIMKS' OXFOKDS. All size* and exceptionally fine (|iiulily for only $1.98 NAT ISRAEL S WILL1AMSTON, N. CI. FREE PRIZES $5.00 Defense Stamps $3.00 Defense Stamps \\ e a it reHiiming our policy of IuhI year and 011 November 2ml, I4) 12. we will give lo each eiiHlomer making a 2.">e pureliase, a tieket ?-111 i11i11<1 tliem lo a elianee on one of these r ^ two prizes. Drawing Every Sat. Night FIRST, DRAWING to he held Saturday, November 7th. Remember, eustoinerH, you don't have to he lu re to win one of these prizes. Tickets will he issued and prizes j?ivcn until (Ihristnius. Watch Tuesday's Paper For Items That We Stock Martin Supply Co.

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