4-H Members Carry War - Time Projects Congratulations to the 100,000 membert of 4-H Clubs in North Car olina are extended by I? R. Harrill, State 4-H club leader of the N. C. State College Extension Service, in connection with the State and Na tional 4-H Achievement Weeks. The State celebration is being held this week, November 1-7, and the Na tional observance of 4-H Achieve ment Week is scheduled for Novem ber 7-14. Harrill and Mias Frances UacOre gor, assistant State club leader, made a sample survey of 4-H activities in 30 counties, and they found evidence that approximately $267,410 worth of War Savings Bonds and Stamps have been purchased, and $104,217 worth sold, by the 4-H clubs of the State. The 100,000 club members have collected approximately 6 1-2 mil lion pounds of scrap metal, more than one million pounds of scrap pa per and rags, and 858,632 pounds of scrap rubber through their coopera tion in the Salvage-for-Victory pro gram. About 10,504 members increased the farm family's fuel supply through 4-H forestry projects, 8,066 members participated in fire preven tion work, and 15,723 enlisted in the campaign to repair and care for farm machinery. A total of 14,100 members took first aid courses, 1,788 farm boys and girls are acting as air raid wardens, and 20,008 are cooperating with local defense agencies in other activities. Harrill says that practically every 4-H boys and girl, including the 40, 000 new members enrolled through the 4-H Mobilization for Victory Local Happenings In The Enterprise Forty Years Ago NOVEMBER 7, 1MZ. H. C. Green is tree delivery car rier tor the Williams ton route and James A. Daniel (or the Jameaville route. Mr. H. D. Gurganus, who resides near Robersonville was in town yes terday en route to Bertie tor a few days outing. A very valuable horse belonging to the Main Show died here. The animal had been Injured several weeks ago and had never recover ed from effects. Herbert Cowen and Adrian Mizell have purchased the stock of A. A. Coburn and will conduct a general mercantile business. Three rural delivery routes were put into operation on the first of November. These will prove of in estable value and convenience to the farmers along the routes. Wednesday was a record break er on the tobacco market. Vast quan tities were on the floor and prices were sky high. Farmers are bring ing their best grades now and the buyers are anxious for it. Mrs. Wheeler Martin and chil dren have returned from Raleigh. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Newell have returned from Franklin County. Mrs. James Robertson, of Rober sonville, is in town this week at the Roanoke. campaign last summer, has conduct ed a food production project, such as growing a vegetable garden, com, peanuts and soybeans, or raising poultry, swine, dairy calves and baby beeves. Men's and Boys' Clothes Due to Advance in South Washington, Nov. 3. ? Prices o 1 men's and boys' ready- made suits may go up in the South. The Office of Price Admlnistra tion announced u permit price inc up to 10 per cen in the South whei ings did not re coit to retailers. The permitted to suits, separat coats other than not include tropi The freexe in ret March level resul retailers in areas conditions norma ume of March sal merchants were suits last March, were selling sum For this reason MARGOLIS BROTHERS MAKE HEADLINES By retaining the old (tandards of telling quality Clothes at the Same LOW PRICES! Shop Here For All the Family prices of Southern retailers of reg ular weight suits generally were ba based on fall, 1941, costs. In other areas merchants had based their ksts of new mer 1 Increased about le fall, 1841, fie ri define in geo regions in which tula could apply, ?llers, in order to be located in a here, due to cli e customary vol se garments dur lber and Decem sman said this ice action would Tn states, South iny other region >attern was cus d. RETONGA BROUGHT THE RELIEF I LONGED FOR She Often Felt So Nervous And Trembly She Could Hardly Give Her Children The Attention They Need ed, States Mrs. Mabe. Well known men and women con tinue to come forward with happy and grateful praise* for Ketenga. Among the latest is Mrs. Essie Mabe, well known resident of 1019 Slate St, Winston-Salem, who happily states: 'Tor about two years it looked like almost everything I ate turn ed as sour as vinegar. Sometimes I felt so stuffy from gas in my stom ach that I could hardly get my breath, and headaches kept me mis erable for hours. I was forced to take strong laxatives and sometimes I felt like I had darting pains in every muscle in my body. It took every ounce of strength I could summon to give my children the attention they needed. "Retonga gave me the relief that I longed for. My food now seems to agree with me and give me lots of strenatl^TTi^jjain^in^m^^ii^d^ MRS. ESSIE MABE nervous, trembly feeling have been relieved, and I don't have to take harsh laxatives. I have not felt so good in years. I can hardly say en ough for Re tonga." Retonga is intended to relieve such distress when due to loss of appe tite, insufficient flow of gastric juices in the stomach, sluggish elim ination, and Vitamin B-l deficiency. Accept no substitute. Retonga may be obtained at Clark's Pharmacy.? adv. Grape Company Buys Large Farm To Increase Production New Owner* Plan To Start Large Vineyard on Wash ington County Farm One of the largest real estate deals in recent years in this section of the state was concluded last week when the Westovdr farm, located four miles east of Plymouth, was sold by J. G. Staton to Garrett and Com pany, wine-growers of Brooklyn, N. Y. The property, also known as the Coburn farm, contains 497 acres, about 325 of which are cleared, and with its modern barns, dwellings and other buildings it is generally re garded as one of the finest farms in this section of the state. According to Bill Forrest, local rperesentative of the Brooklyn or ganization, Garrett and Company propose to set out this entire farm in Scuppernong grapes for use in the production of their wines. For the past few years their business has been increasing so rapidly they find it necessary to grow grapes since they are unable to buy their require ments. Within a year it is expected to have 100 or more acres of vines set out, and it is also planned to con tinue the plantings until the entire 497 acres are utilized for this pur pose. The farm was formerly owned by T. Gray Co bum, but was sold to J. G. Staton about 15 years ago. The new owners are .to take possession about January 2nd. Garrett and Company originated in North Carolina in 1835 at Medoc where they had extensive vine yards. Later these vineyards were abandoned, and now that it is neces sary for the company to grow grapes in addition to those they buy. West over Farm was selected as being of more suitable soil for the growing of scuppernongs than the original vineyards at Medoc. In addition to Westover, Garrett and Company now own vineyards in New York and California. They al so have a plant at Aberdeen, N. C., in addition to a plant in California and the main plant in Brooklyn. Garrett and Company expect to maintain Westover in fine condition, as it has been in the past, making it one of the finest show places of this section. For the past few years the com pany has bought large quantities of grapes raised in this section, and it is said they will continue to provide a market for them even after they go into the production of grapes on a large scale themselves. . Reports Scrapped From The Nation Albuquerque, N. M.?Boy Scouts here collected 900,000 pounds of scrap in a one-day collection cam paign. Concord, Mass.?While still in the midst of one scrap drive, the lead ers of the salvage committee of this city began planning another, insist ing that tons of scrap remain un touched even after the most thor ough housecleaning. Duluth, Minn.?The householders of this city contributed 1,000 tons of scrap material to the national drive. Miss Mittie Harrell and Master James Edwin Harrell went to Tar boro on Tuesday. Mr. R. B. Shelton left for Rocky Mount Tuesday. Mr. W. T. Meadows went to Dur ham Sunday. Mr. Justice Everett, of Palmyra, was in town Monday. Mr. J. K. Carstarphen left on Monday for the west to purchase stock. Mr. John L. Hassell, of Edenton, attended the Hassell-Bennett mar riage on Wednesday evening. Col. Herndon is representing the Imperial Tobacco Company, on the market here. "Lieut. Chase left on Friday last via the A.C.L., for Norfolk to Join his ship, the Texas. This World Of Ours.. By DALLAS MALL1S0N (Editor's Note: Presented here is the fourth of a series of stories on the present world conflagration, its causes, conditions determining its outcome, the course it is taking and the effects it will have on our gen erations and those to come.) ECONOMIC EFFECTS OF THE WAR This story and the one that fol lows will concern themselves with the economic effects of the present world conflict with this installment dealing with these effects upon the United States and the following story with the effects upon the world at large. Control and Rationing Here to Stay From the standpoint of our own country as well as the whole globe perhaps the most far-reaching and revolutionary economic effect of the World War we are now fighting is that it is crystallizing and perpet uating a controlled system of eco nomics upon us and the entire world. -Gone forever both for ourselves and others is the old historic economic order of laissez fairre individualism in which everyone was left to do pretty much as he pleased with raw materials and the means of produc tion and distribution pretty much in private hands, uncontrolled by the state. It would be incorrect to say that this change toward a controlled or socialistic economy began with the present armed struggle for it began in earnest several decades ago in this country and has received much impetus during the era of the Roose velt administration. It is correct to say that World War II is crystalliz ing and perpetuating this system, growing out of the necessity to con jtrol the wTidle economic order if we are to obtain the maximum product ive capacity and the highest econom ic efficiency which is an Imperative prerequisitive to the winning of this war. Relative Scarcity a Main Cause The march away from the old free and uncontrolled economy began with the anti-trust laws of the last decade of the nineteenth century which has given great impetus by the first Roosevelt in his fights against trusts and monopolies "in restraint of trade" with Wilson con tinuing the general trend; but it was the present Roosevelt in his N.R.A. and A.A.A., which really started the economic pendulum moving preci pately away from historic laissez faire individualism or an uncon trolled economy. So-called or relative over-produc tion or over-abundance of both farm and industrial products and of man power were the causes of the con trol of the last ten years; now it is the relative and actual scarcity of all of these brought about as a re sult of the demands of the war ef fort that is producing the present rationing which is just another kind of legal control. If the war continues for several years, and it is almost certain to do this, America will be presented at the termination of this conflict with a spectacle and situation wholly un foreseen and hitherto unplanned for ?a scarcity, either relative or act ual or both, of raw materials, finish ed products and the means of pro duction. The demands of the war ef fort are becoming so prodigious and voluminous that several years of such production and consumption will so use up many of our raw ma terials or make others unavailable in pre-war volume for years to come that America can no longer as in the old sense be called a land of un ending plenty. (And, this, being true of its whole world, will also effect our internal economic policies with the same results, namely, continued PEANUT BUYERS Office atBiggs&StallsWarehouse Don't Sell Your Peanut Crop Until You See Us For Quotations. We Have Large Orders pnd Represent Several Cleaners. WE ALWAYS PAY HIGHEST MARKET PRICES. Roy Qprganns and Urbin Rogers The 46th Week Of The War Price Administrator Henderson ordered nationwide rationing of cof fee, effective at midnight on Novem ber 28th, on the basis of one pound each five weeks?about a cup a day ?for all persons who were 15 years of age or older when they register ed for sugar supplies on May 4-5. All retail sales of coffee will be froz en at midnight, November 21, for the week before rationing begins in order to permit merchants to stock their shelves. Consumers will not have to register to obtain coffee. They will use their sugar rationing book. To get the first coffee ration, the consumer will be required to surrender the last stamp?no. 28? in the sugar book. Subsequent ra tions of coffee will be on coupons taken in sequence toward the cen ter of the book. Rubber Director Jeffers reported chemists would deevlop "within five or six months" a 100 per cent syn thetic tire good for all but military and heavy truck duty, but such tires will be allotted for essential civilian driving only. "Sometime after mid 1943, we ought to have enough syn thetic tires to make an appreciable difference in the situation regard ing essential driving. Sometime in 1944 we ought to have enough to begin to furnish tires to civilians for family use. he said. Special gasoline allowances will be made for motorists who must move their cars "in the event of a bona fide change of residence," but not for moves from summer to winter homes. Secretary of Agriculture Wickard said meat* consumption of 2 1-2 pounds a week per person would mean considerably less meat for persons "who have always had control and rationing.) Thus in order to guarantee every one his share of the goods we have it will be necessary to continue our system of rationing or control. Until recently we would be terribly alarm ed at this, calling it the rankest sort of "socialism." Probably in the fu ture we will take it in our stride as a matter of course. Unemployment and Other -1- Eeaidnes of War Some of the other most important effects or economic consequences of the present conflict are as follows with a more detailed discussion be ing given in later articles: (1). It will be impossible for our government?and it will try hard to do so ? to prevent widespread mass unemployment following this war. (2) Great as has been and is the disorganization, confusion and waste caused by the change from a peace to a war economy, the return to a peace economy, or more accurately, the further change to a genuinely styled world economic order with us as the leading nation in it, is going to produce an even greater degree of disorganization, waste and con fusion. (3) The general tax burden of the people while not as heavy as during the present war will continue to be heavy and will never return to any thing like the pre-war level. (4) The first ten years following the present war, as were the twen ties following the first World War, are going to see a tremendous boom in certain industries and in gener al business, following a temporary sloughing off immediately after the war, and this side by side with mass unemployment, bankruptcy and de cay of many businesses and general economic confusion. (5) Despite efforts to prevent it, we are inflated and the degree of inflation will continue to grow just so long as the war lasts which means a consequent greater deflation at the end of the war with all of its attend ant evils. comfortable income*" and more meat "for people whoie purchasing pow er haa incraesed only recently." State administrators are reclassi fying workers on WPA rolls with a ViPw tn ?Ks? nw\?eo>n a# the relief demanded in the com plaint. This the 19th day of October, 1943. L. B. WYNNI. Clerk Superior Court ol6-4t Martin County. putting qualified workers into war industry and farm jobs. The order will apply also to all those waiting assignment to WPA. 4,000 experienc ed miners of copper and other vital ly needed metals are receiving army furloughs to relieve a labor short age in that category. The men. who are being furloughed to the mines as civilians and who leave the army on a volunteer basis, will be called back to active duty if they leave their jobs at the mines or if the need for them is eliminated, he said. War Secretary Stimson said the Army is studying a plan to return older soldiers to civilian life. The current scrap drive has achiev ed "amazing results," and has rais ed steel production to 100 per cent, WPB Chairman Nelson reported. An order was issued by the WPB re-1 quiring more than 400 municipali ties to use their regular trash col lection equipment to collect and seg regate scrap cans as part of a cam paign to recover 1,000,000 tons of steel and 10,000 tons of pure tin from tin cans. The Board announced "hos iery that can be repaired or mend ed for further use is not being ask ed for by the government. Only af ter hosiery is discarded as being completely unusable should it be placed aside for salvage purposes." NOTICE North Carolina. Martin County. In The Superior Court. Ell Lenwood Williams vs. Hollon Ay ers Williams. Tlie defendant above named will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Martin County, North Carolina, to secure an abso lute divorce based upon two years separation; and the defendant will further take notice that she is requir ed to appear before the Clerk of the Superior Court of Martin County in Williamston, N. C., within thirty days after the completion of this no tice, and answer or demur to the | complaint in said action, or the! plamUffwill apply to the Court for New Peanut Pickers FOR SALE ? Subject to approval of the County U. S. D. A. War Board. We have been named special agents by the CFA Peanut Association for the sale of new peanut pickers in this territory. Contuet us for further in formation. F armers Supply Co. ttilliarnaton, /V. C. "stands for VICTORY and VITAMINS! During times of great physical and mental strain such as we all face in the present war. Vitamin B,, ac cepted as the nerve-soothing and morale-building vitamin, is needed in larger amounts. ENRICHED WITH B-VITAMINS AND IRON FOR YOU &vueJtutA look fon OFFICIAL WORD BAM BY ZwudwC WHITE BREAD ONTAINS VITAMIN B,, NIACIN AND IRON "The Balanced Blend" The "balance" of Carstairs White Seal is made possible by careful selection and skillful blending from one of the world's largest re serves of choice blending stocks. QUARTS *2'85 PINTS $1-50 CARSTAIRS White Seal CARSTAIRS While Seal IUNDBD whisk** *??> ?UNDID WHISKEY. U.I Prwl. 71% Oral* N?wtrfcl SpiriH. <- ??-?- ?? r\i..im /* i_. t-Li uj VQfw^wi P*Wi i/ihihih^ wwpo>>|rf int., noiiimvfv,

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