Peanut Deliveries Near Record Peak On Market Monday (Continued from page one) veated but not marketed. Even mar keting operations were slightly off today as compared with the near record deliveries yesterday. No official estimates could be had immediately, but some buyers were quoted as saying this morning that between 40 and 50 per cent of the crop in this section has already mov ed to market, that marketing is fair ly well up with the harvesting sched ule. While near-record deliveries are being reported on the open market, deliveries to the government ware houses continue unusually light. It , is fairly apparent that actual produc- | tion will not substantiate the acre Court Grants Eight Div orces In County Yesterday Morning (Continued from page one) der less the costs of the action and $51.25 costs incurred in carrying the case to the State Supreme Court. In the case of Farmers Supply Company of Robersonville against W. M. Highsmith, the court ruled that the plaintiff was the owner of certain personal property valued at $108.37 with interest from January I 1, 1940. This morning the court called the case of Standard Fertilizer Company against J. F. Hopkins, and it is be- j mg followed by the Rogers will case. age claims advanced by many far-1 mers in the county last spring. WELL-DRESSED MEN ARE GOING* "BACK TO THE INDIANS" IN THE SMART NEW "Hflac-San SHOES FOR MEN The popularity of Jarman's handsome moccasin-type designs indicates that, according to style-wise men everywhere, the Indians really "had something there". Authentically styled, comfortable "Moc-Sans" have a definite place in every man's wardrobe. Try on a pair today let the shoe horn be the judge! $^85 to *?88 Margolis Brothers W ar As It Relates To Home Front Is Reviewed for Week (Continued from page one) of severity, is found in every occu pied country. Yet the spirit of the people in most of these lands re mains unbroken, and their under ground resistance, which has serious ly hampered the Nazis war plans, will be an increasing menace to the invaders as Allied advances prom ise future victory. On the Home Front our morale is put to the test by discomforts and restrictions we must undergo for the sake of our single war aim?the de struction of those forces that threat en the very foundations of civiliza tion, our homes and schools. Nation wide gasoline rationing to save our precious rubber supply is one of these minor inconveniences. Stand ing in crowded vehicles may be an ojher. By cutting down all forms of travel?by auto, bus, railway?we will not do away with over-crowd ing, but we lessen a far greater dan ger to our nation's security, of which the Baruch committee warned a breakdown of our transportation system. Our combined freight and passenger transportation has thous ands of teriacles, each a part of the system. Delivery trucks of all kinds from fuel oil to flowers, from laun dry to ice, make up the web of serv ices to which we have been accus tomed We'll get these services only once a day from the same source, and we'll have to do a great deal more bundle carrying, especially of Christmas parcels. Fuel Oil Situation Worsens With fuel oil going overseas in larger quantities, the Eastern fuel oil situation .continues to worsen. New restrictions have been placed on consumption of fuel oil and kero sene by space heaters other than furnaces. Those who use oil or kero sene stoves must apply for fuel ra tions on a basis of not more than 550 square feet of floor area per heater unless "it can be proved that the equipment must actually heat a larg er total area. And all those persons, except private homeowners, who ap ply for fuel oil rations for heating apartments, office buildings, institu tions and the like, must prove that the furnaces cannot be converted to coal burning before they receive fur ther fuel oil More and more, the country's wholesalers and retailers are becom ing a vital part of the war program of price control and commodity dis tribution und< i?tjnvi riinient?regu lations. The fundamentals of coffee rationing will be simply and graphi cally explained in words and pic tures in hundreds of thousands of food stores throughout the country. Store keepers will be expected to see that their customers adhere to the rationing program, and count all coffee on hand November 28 as part of their ration. Restaurants, hotels, and institutions will be entitled to as much coffee, less stocks on hand, from November 22 through January ?11. as they used in September and October. Coffee inventories of re tailers and wholesalers at the start of rationing may be obtained from supplies through "purchase war rnnts issued by the purchasers, in alii tickets 9a tuu~i/up %tceUaky? Bus linn today aro crowded be bond capacity. Many passengers aro war workers and members oi our armed forces. But many more aro civilian travelers whose trips aro not always necessary. Because of this crowded condi tion, many people whose travel is vital to our war effort are often delayed. Our equipment has a definite capacity. We can handle so many passengers and no more. Our service men and war work ers must travel, so we ask you to take only trips that are neces sary?travel in the middle of the week-^get information and tick ets in advance, and carry a mini mum of baggage. v We know you will gladly curb your tripe in order that vital bus travel may be undisturbed. With your help, we can continue to handle the traffic that ie urgent for winning the war. CAROLINA TRAILWAYS THE RECORD SPEAKS . . . Motorists on Martin County highways chalked up another safety record when they travel ed through last week without an accident. The safety record is reflecting much improvement, motorists on county highways having traveled during three weeks out of the past four with out mishap. However, in making a perfect record last week, the motorists showed little improve ment over the record of a year ago when only one minor acci dent was reported. For the year to date, the mo torists have a far better record than in 1941, but even then the record is not as good as one would expect when compared with the reported decrease in traffic volume. The following tabulations of fer a comparison of the accident trend: first, by corresponding weeks in this year and last and for each year to the present time. 47th Week Comparison Accidents Inj'd Killed Dam'ge 1942 0 0 0 $ 000 1941 100 10 Comparison To Date 1942 59 36 4 $ 7,308 1941 91 54 6 21,735 New Regulations To Require Motorists to Sign Gas Coupons (Continued from page one) tions after that date. On and after November 26, 1942, and not later than November 30, 1942, each dealer and distributor must surrender to his board all cou pons in his possession which do not bear the required notations. In the case of a dealer, the board shall is sue inventory coupons in exchange. In the case of a distributor, the board shall issue an Exchange Certificate. Both the dealer and distributor should summarize on Form OPA K-541, all coupons submitted to the board. The board must not accept cou pons without the required notations after November 30, 1942, and these coupons will have no value for any purpose after that date. Through a system, the details of which have not been disclosed, ra tioning authorities will be able to" check up on excessive consumption, and in those cases investigations will be ordered. 1 William F. Hasilip Gives His Life In Service of Country ^Continued from page one) of serving his country. ~ Young Haislip, a machine gunner h,Hha C?rporal and wa* f line for further promotion when, by the ?rony of fate, his hfe was snuffs out and at such a tender age. He was a Churclr "h n"' Hassel1 Christian mshlhri i , rellK|<,us principles ni-tilkd in his mind and soul there years" "n h"3." h?m? ,hr"u8h the ? no doubt, were foremost :7h,! e'hi,^ in his mind and 'ami ght when the rnd came. I the Besides his mother, who, despite Ck |lCthMnt SH,C 0ff'rS' Ca"'t low he w " ?f Briof and Mrs' a b r,,rV,VOd by tW? sisUrs Mim 1 V"1'"*' of Sleigh, and Miss Louise Haislip, and two broth I ITfanmbal Jackson and Marvin '- "aislip, all of the home. issued ?bvU| ssuid by local boards as was done under sugar rationing. Retailers to push w>r Drlves ,i a a u,ns retai' Industry has pledged 'ts promotion facilities to cooperation in a basic Government program of war campaigns start?' n January. This program will hf vertM Wi,h ae,a" Prnmotion and ad vertising, and will stress the import ance of salvasc ti-? import ??. rationing, ' s "vmg^ToSoTd h2memeaids ""a C??kin' Bas ?^r stamps. a" War bond" and of the Smaller aB^-s^ingbwar0"on?acta^ho"dj "recaZllt0hWafhingt0n Unless ,heY arc called there for conference. They WPB Slw k6r sorvice through WPB field representatives and helD relieve transportation congestion sfls and'l " Sadgcts' coking uten sils and housewares of all kinds are ???g off the market except ei^M 'tems wire strainers, can opened m"ls' fo?d cho7 P?rs and grinders and commercial t>Po cake turners and basting^ "''?Milt tl' u^ 'ndUStry Ssn0r,uond8 and' ,rd ,aso1''1" dispetudng ^umpg | and Storage tanks, but this second hand equipment must be us?3 Jor operating the individual farm ' wire products are ban te?tion of f S#Ved wi" ?? tor P"> ection of farm property. Prices wil standard' '?r knit,ed "nderlear s andard grocers and vareity bags oU meal and oil cake for farm TTiere will be fewer umbrellas made next year, and they'll be generally AnUamntrm *7' "hape '"d w"?ht 5srsi?ot ar,enicai ^ti ?TOwe4.7r,,n1 next y"r ,or ~tton growers, fruti farmers and others. Bond Pledg es Point To Record Sales In County During Week (Continued from page one) Joel Muse from local merchants. Jimmy Brown will raffle the special packages. Elbert Peel will serve as master of ceremonies and Hugh Hor ton will speak briefly. If a person bids $18.75 and his bid is high, he gets a $25 bond and the package auc tioned. Nora Cherry is heading the drive in the colored schools and among the colored citizens of the town. While many colored people just like many white people enjoying increas ed incomes are throwing away or living up their income to the last penny, reports indicate that the col ored school children are leading in the purchase of savings stamps and that many colored citizens are in vesting every spare dollar in bonds. Much is expected of everyone, and it is believed the colored population will measure up to all expectations. Bulk Of Christmas Mail Must Be Sent By Deeember First (Continued from page one) Railroads are cooperating by con verting some hundreds of steel box cars and similar equipment for mail transportation, and Joseph B. East man, Director of Defense Transpor tation, has ordered that unnecessary travel be curtailed to the limit dur ing the holiday season. But these measures cannot assure deliveries of gifts on time unless the public coop erates by mailing early and thus spreading the transportation load ov er a longer period than usual. Mr. Purdum called attention to the task of the Post Office Depart ment in moving millions of pieces of mail every day to and from sol diers, sailors and marines through out the world. This extraordinary job must be kept current, even while the holiday rush of mailings is handl ed. Also he pointed out, the postal establishment is operating with many thousands of inexperienced person nel, employed to take the place of men called to the armed services. The new employees naturally can not handle the holiday mail jam with the smoothness and speed of the postal veterans whom they re place. In view i>f all these hanrtieaps fr> the service, Mr. Purdum added, post al patrons should mail their gifts by December 1, if they wish to insure that their friends will not be disap pointed at Christinas. All ies Score Gains On Both Diplomatic* And Battle Fronts (Continued from page one) possible. The Germans, undergoing heavy air attacks in Tunis and Bizerte, are now admitting to their people that the situation in Russia is bad. Wants FOR SALE ? WINTER RYE, AB bruzzi Rye. Lindsley Ice Com pany. n!3-5t GATE CITY LIFE INSURANCE Company has moved office from Guaranty Bank building to office be side Good and Bad Furniture store in front of City Hall. n20-4t FOR SALE ? FRESH EGGS AND frying-size chickens. Available at all tiroes. V. G. Taylor's farm, Wil liamston RFD 3. n3-tf FOR QUICK, QUALITY D R T cleaning service, bring your clothes to Pittman's. One day service on any garment. Suits, coats and dresMt, 58 cents, cash and carry. 85c delivered Pittman's Cleaners. O-tf MODERN SERVICE STATION FOR rent: Apply to Leman Barnhill or E. P. Rhodes, Gulf Distributor at Washington, N. C. nl3-4t PIANO WANTED ?USED PIANO wanted. If you have one in good condition that you will sell reason able, call Williamston High School. n20-2t CLEARANCE SALE ? AUSTRIAN winter peas, per 100 lb. bag, $8.90; Crimson clover, per 100 lb. bag, $12. Innoculation for above. Lindsley Ice Company. nl3-8t FOR RENT ? 4-ROOM APABT ment and bath. Newly painted. II interested, see Mrs. R. J. Peele, 300 Haughton St., or phone 180-W- 027-tf WANTED ? PEANUT HAT. ANT amount. Ray Wynn, box 482. Wash ington, N. C. nl3-4t SMITH BROS. NURSERT CO. ? Growers of fruit trees. Ornament al trees. Vines, plants, trees, shrub bery. Anything in nursery. Pres ton E. Cay ton, Agent. Eden ton, N. C. nl0-et-m30 FOUND: PAIR OF GOLD FRAME glasses in Elizabeth City optome trist's case near Baptist Church on Saturday, November 21. Finder may get same from Lugene Bell at Al pha Cleaners. vf/h r* We Have Them Never huh it more essential or more im portant to give useful or praeticul gifts tliuu lliis year. Even Santa Claun should make u special effort to leave the kiddies items of praetieal value. mind, He ran supply your needs with the finest and the most pruetical gifts. We even huve special gifts for the boys in the service. ff'e To Announce The WINNERS OF DEFENSE STAMP DRAWING OF LAST WEEK . . First Prize, Mrs. Thos. Manning Second Prize, Sanford Roberson Martin Supply Co. W1LLIAMSTON, N. C. 1942 TAXES Now Due and Payable at Par Most people don't make it a practice but the best time to pay your taxes is when you have the money. A majority of the people, and particularly the farmers, are in a position to pay their 1912 Taxes now. Don't wait?Pen alty will soon go into effect. M. L. PEEL TAX COLLECTOR FOR MARTIN COUNTY

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