Via* in Smithfield Mrs. Bill Glover and children vis ited relatives in Smithfeld last week end. ? e Spends Week-end Here Ensgn Russell 'l. Roebuck, of the | U. S. Navy, spent the week-end here with his parents. Sheriff and Mrs. C. B. Roebuck. ? In Micro Last Week-end Mrs. Wheeler M. Manning spent last week-end with relatives in Mi cro. Returns to Rhode Island Bill Hollqman, of the U. S. Navy, returned last Saturday to Rhode i Island, where he is stationed, after a few days' visit here with his moth er. AT FIRST SIOMOFA OV? use 666 666 TABLETS. SALVE. NOSE DROPS Visit Relatives Here Dr .and Mrs. J. L. Spencer and lit tle daughter, Mary Morton, spent the holidays here with relatives. Is Visiting Here Mrs. E T. Forbes, of Greenville, is visiting Mr. and Mrs P. H. Brown here for a few days. Spends Week-end Here Mr. and Mrs Norwood Bailey, of Norfolk, visited relatives here last week-end. In Hamilton Sunday Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Critcher and Miss Cora Proctor attended the wed ding of Miss Ruby Johnson in Ham ilton Sunday. Were Here l.ast Week-end Mr. and Mrs Charles Herriott, of Elizabeth City, weer here last week end Visit in Washington Mrs. Davis Harrison and daughter, Sandra, visited relatives in Wash ington last?wk-end^ In Kinston Sunday Mrs. Roger Critcher, III, and Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Early, of Windsor, visited in Kinston Sunday. Visiting in Robersonviile Captain Carl Norman, who has been in overseas service, is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. Norman, in Robersonviile for a few days. Leaves for Atlanta J. B Taylor accompanied his son, Jimmy, Jr., to New Bern Monday. Young Taylor was enroute to Atlan ta, Ga., where he will take examina tions for the Naval Air Corps. In Rocky Mount Saturday Mesdames Theo Roberson, J. B. Barnhiil, Jr., C. T. Roberson and Miss Evelyn Lilley accompanied Staff Sergeant George Lee Rober son to Rocky Mount Saturday. Sgt. Roberson was enroute to Grenier Field, New Hampshire. Returns from Portsmouth Mrs. Dallas Roberson has return ed from Portsmouth after a few days visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Perkins. Will Make Their Home Here Mr. and Mrs. John Wier have re turned from Holly Ridge to make their home here. Spends Week-end Here Chief Petty Officer Russell Oak ley, of Long Island, N. Y., visited relatives here last week-end. In Norfolk Last Week-end Misses Gennette Myers and Ethel Taylor visited in Norfolk last week end. Confined to Her Home Miss Mary Benson is confined to her home in Benson, N. C., with in fluenza. ? ? Was Here Last Week-end Cpl. Jimmie Dickens, of Fort Bragg, visited Mr. and Mrs. Hal Dickens here last week-end Leaves for Kentucky Mr. W. B. Watts left Sunday for the tobacco markets in Kentucky. Visits Here Last Week-end ?Mum Edna Earl James, of Norfolk, visited relatives here last week end. * Shops Here Saturday Mrs. E G. Beard, of Jamesville, shopped here Saturday. Leave for Tennessee Messrs. J. B. Taylor, Sr., and Jack Hardison leave Thursday for the to bacco markets in Tennessee and Ken tucky, Mr. Taylor going to Bowling Green and Mr. Hardison to Mt. Pleasant. Direct Hits! ARE BEING SCORED DAILY By W oolardHd w.Co. In Hog Killing Equipment Butcher Knives Hog Serapert? Sausage Mills Lard Presses I^ard Stands Mill Repairs Wouilen Tub* Meat Saws WOOLARD Hardware Company WILUAMSTON, N. C. B53f ? ...nO u '??? Fwyto-tmi ORDf* Of. . l ? . i >? ? i *i |S | | n j '* I v ' r'\J:< w? j ii-jT.1- - - - - ? And Have Extra Money To Do ' Your Christmas Gift Buying . . It is in troubled times like these tliul the sentiment of Christmas Giving bwoMi't more prcrioun. Yon wouldn't for the world want to be unable to give to your dear ones ? so start saving NOW for next year. 1943 Christinas Savings Club Begins MONDAY, DECEMBER 7th Guaranty Bank & Trust Co, MANNING-BOBERSON Miss Sarah Roberson became the bride of John Edwin Manning at the home of her parents in Farm Life last Saturday morning at 9 o'clock. The Rev. Luther M. Ambrose, pas tor of the bride, officiated, using the double ring ceremony. The vows were spoken before an improvised altar in the living room which was artistically arranged with yellow and orchid chrysanthemums and burning tapers. Only members of the immediate families were in attendance. The bride and bridegroom enter ed together, the bride wearing a suit of blue crepe with black accessor ies and a shoulder corsage of sweet heart roses. Mrs. Manning is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. E. Roberson, of Wilhamston. She. was graduated with honors from the Farm Life School and attended Atlantic Christ ian College. For the past two years she has been employed in the of fices of the Williamston Package Manufacturing Company. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs; A. E. Man ning, of Jamesville. He attended Farm Life School and is now a suc cessful farmer in that community. Immediately after the ceremony, the couple left for a short wedding trip to unannounced points. Upon their return they will be at home in Williamston. ? VICTOR* TEA A Victory Tea, sponsored by both ClniiUn.,0r.u Snd Senior Woman's Clubs at the home of Mrs. Betty success.WaS " SOC'al and v^tonou= Th<! beaut,ful home of Mrs. Eason was tastefully decorated with fall chrysanthemums, roses and tall white candles. I Mrs. Eason greeted the guests and introduced them to Mrs. Cortez to the ,n fUrn. introduced them to the receiving line composed of Mesdames George Harrison, H. O feele, W. R. Burrell, B T Hurlev I." Hardy and z T Piephoff Mrs. Joel Muse and Mrs. A R Dunning had charge of the guest reg ister that was placed in the den. | Guests were then shown to the din ing room by Mrs. Charlie Bowers where they were served dainty sand wiches tea, nuts and mints by Mrs. T- ^-Cunningham, Anne Lindsley Jane Goff, Catherine Turner, Fran ces Jarman and Mrs. Pat Crawford, who poured tea. The centerpiece on the dining room table was a large silver bowl of white chrysanthe mums flanked on either end by ev ergreens and tall white burning ta pcrs in silver candelabra. 7-Gue*tS-4hon-^?jdJBOodhyo in M-. kason at the door caMePd'Timat?!y 8 hundred and t?n tailed during the afternoon Around thirty-six dollars in sil ver was contributed to the victory cause. This will be used by both ' to *a,P carry out their obli Katlon t0 'he "All Out for Victory." Spend Holidays Here Mr and Mrs. Beryl Newby and childien, of Greenville, spent the M an w ' t" rM,,"diays wi,h Mr and | Mrs. J T. AUen "nd Mr and I ? Visits Here Last Week J. D. Mallory Chief Petty Officer, ,N.avy- wt,? just recently re visited r i'T tht Hawaiian Islands, visited relatives here last week Mal lory was transferred from the Pa triot C?aSt l? ,hC F'f,h N"val D,s" shop Here Vesterday o"citavd ""a E L G1?Ver' ot Oak City, were here yesterday shop ? Spend Week-end Here Visit in Plymouth Sunday sn^fi ahnd Mrs Leslie J Griffin and ouih Sunday VIS',ed 'r'ends 'n Plyra In Washington Monday Mrs. Leslie J. Griffin visited in ashington Monday afternoon. Spend Week-end Here Mr. and Mrr Horace Ray, of New '-caves for Kentucky morning "r'paducah.^tut^to w^d,Sr' Mr! Kck W<i)d Cow. Causing Milk Shortage in Forsyth ro.Tif ?* "liUt cow" OUt-of age of milk6?8 f pr?ducin? ? short Forsyth consumption In rsyth County, says R. w Pou farm agent of the N. C. State Col lege Extension Service. THE LETTER-BOX APPRECIATION The following letter was address ed publicly last week to the county rationing and draft boards: Gentlemen: Thanksgiving day is here, and I cannot let this opportunity slip by without expressing to you, of the above boards, as a citizen of Martin County, my appreciation of your loy al service in performing the duties you are intrusted with, there are oth er people along with you who are doing Defense work, without any compensation whatever who deserve praise, etc., in taking time out of their regular work to do something to help the cause along. It is say thought that ao often citi zens of various communities are neglectful of praising those people who take these Jobs, who are sub ject to abuse and unkindly remarks 537 Eggs in This Package Savona King ia shown holding the equivalent of 537 eggs, made by the new compressed, dehydrated process by the Auto Ordnance Corp., of Greenwich, Conn. The new product occupies forty to eighty percent k* s space than other dehydrated foods, thus freeing precious cargo si ace for vital items being shipped to U. S. and Allied forces. (Cevtr { Prrrr.) !Attest Additions To Tho Enterprise Mailing List Listed among the recent additions to the Enterprise mailing list are the following: J. L. Rodgerson, Williamston; Staff j Sgt. J. R. Daniel, Camp Pickett, Va.;j S. D. Perry, Williamston; Harmon Roberson, Williamston; M. H. Ayers,! Hassell; Jasper Cowan, Roberson ville; Ira F. Griffin, Williamston; Dr 1 E. T Walker, Williamston; Mrs. Er- j win Moore, Newport News; Rowena Riddick, Williamston; Pvt. H. D. Harrison, Jr., Fort Bragg; Jack Ed mondson, Williamston; Central Cafe, Williamston; R B. Fagan, Kershaw, S. C.; L. T. Harden, Williamston; B. S. Cowin, Williamston; H F. Wil liams, Williamston; W. A Mobley, Williamston; W. L. Lee, Williamston; E. P. Cunningham, Williamston; Mrs. A. Claude Woolard, Washington; Em ma Jackson, Jamesville: Edwin Hold ing, Williamston; G. M. Anderson, Jamesville; G. W. Hodges, Washing ton; Ephraim Woolard, Williamston; Pvt. Jno. Coltrain, Camp Tyson, Tenn.; S. J, Lilley, Williamston; Hewitt Edwards, Williamston; J. D. Worsley, San Francisco, Calif.; Clyde Roberson, Williamston; Mrs. Lela Chapman, Chesterfield, S. C.; W. L. Rogerson, Robersonville; J. L. Beach, Williamston; Warren Jones, William ston; Elmer Harrison, Williamston; Mack James. Everetta. by unthoughtful people, it is a man's size job, and if the people of the county would from time to time ex press their appreciation it would partly compensate those who neglect their jobs for public duty. Again thanking you, and others who are doing a wonderful job in the performance of whatever task is allotted them, I remain, an appre ciative citizen. Don G. Matthews. Hamilton, N. C. Nov. 26, 1942. Spends Week-end Here Miss Addie Lee Meador, of White ville, visited here last week-end. Shops Here Monday Mrs. Arnold Hoberson, of Farm Life, shopped here Monday. Spend Holidays Here Mrs. A. W. Barber and Miss Louise Cullipher spent the Thanksgiving holidays with Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Cullipher and family. ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Edmoadaan announce the engagement of their daughter, Martha Louiae, to Private Robert G. Rove, of Keesler field. Miss., the son of Mr. and Mrs Har old E. Rowe, of Portsmouth, Va. * Visiting in County Pvt. Edison Moore, on a furlough from Camp Livingston, La., is visit ing his sister, Miss Lucy Moore, and other friends and relatives in this county this week. NOTICE North Carolina. Martin County. In The Superior Court. Estella Standi vs. Bennett Standi. The defendant above named will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Martin County, North Carolina, for the purpose of obtaining from the defendant an ab solute divorce on the grounds of sep aration; that the said defendant will further take notice that he is re quired to appear before L. B. Wynne, Clerk of tlie Superior Court of Mar tin County, within 30 days after thia notice by publication is finished, and answer or demur to the complaint of the plaintiff in this action, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said com plaint. This the 30th day of Nov., 1042. MARY E. KEEL, Deputy Clerk Superior Court dl-4t HERE'S QUICK TryS (l)shtlnks swollen membranes, (2) soothes irrita tion, (3) relieves transient nasal con gestion . . And brings peat- aa er breathing comfort, tnewe ' a You'll like It! Follow jjirectfons^jn^Jojd^JttflBJrJJ^ no YOUR... EARLIER THAN EVER We Have Thousands of Gifts To Select From?All Practical, Too! Our utore is completely stock ed Kith the finest, the most useful and the most practical K'f?" you ever saw. Come in and make your selections Now. Ixirge stock of Christmas Cards and Stationery. Clark's Pharmacy What We Have Must Do The Job Bus Schedule Chauges Effective December 1 Under the eteadily increasing de mands of America's war program, travel as usual has become im possible. New schedule changes are being made to effect still greater conservation of precious rubber in order that what we have may do the job. Buses to and from nearly all points served by Carolina Trailways will be operated on new war time schedules, starting December 1. Operating speeds will be reduced still further and many peace-time features will have to be discon tinued until the war clouds roll by. G?t c?ipItU hlMMlUi about new departure and arrival times iron your nearest Trailways sta tion. Please make plans ior your necessary trips as iar In advance as possible. Take only vital trips and carry a minimum of luggage. We hope these war time changes will not cause you inconvenience or great delay. If they should, please remember we have a war to win and what we have must do the job. This can't be done unless we conserve rubber for use by oar armed forces. , . ipmiEHai CAROLINA Til AIL WAYS

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