The Enterprise Published Every Tuesday and Friday by the ENTERPRISE PUBLISHING CO. wn.i iaustyim NORTH CAROLINA. C. MANNING | Editor ? IM-lIM SUBSCRIPTION RATES (Strictly Cash in Advance) IN MAN TIN COUNTY One year Six montha OUTSIDE MARTIN COUNTY One year I Six montha No Subscription Received Under 6 Montha Advertising Rate Card Furnished Upon Request Entered at the pott office In Williamaton, N. C, aa second -class matter under the act of Con gress of March 3. 1378. Address all communications to 17>e Enterprise and not individual members of the firm Tuetday, December 22, 1942. Serious ? The gasoline shortage is coming into its own and in a big .way. Instead of being something to cheat, the rationing program is to be recog nized as something serious, the value of which cannot be estimated until it breaks down. The virtual "freezing" of gasoline sales last week makes the past abuses stand out in bold relief. Those who have nursed every whim and travel desire, those who have knowingly cheated the program and those who have burdened the sys tem in the eyes of others owe it to themselves and their country to set the good example at this late date and limit their driving below the lawful rations. Washington recognized its employees flout ing the gas regulations, and they are being call ed to task before the public. The commercial user is still favored under the program, and it should not be necessary to warn him that un fair and illegal practices are punishable by prison sentences and fines. Many have watched the abuses of the ration ing system pile up and up and continue to abide by the regulations themselves. It is difficult to do that, but regardless of what the "neighbor" does, one muskcontinue to do his part, to con tribute every/ounce of his energy. Those who questioned tlie need for rationing and greased their conscienchvon that basis should be con vinced now that thus.situation i.s far more ser ious than they realized and act accordingly. Boomerang Back yonder when the drive was launched for the repeal of prohibition, the wets piointed out that the industry would offer work for hun dreds of thousands of the unemployed. As far as employment was concerned the argument was valid. Now, when there is an even great er emergency, the industry claims hundreds of thousands of workers, and the chance of trans ferring workers from the breweries and the vast distribution system, wholesale and retail, is far removed. " When millions are asked to surrender their gas rations, to forego visits to loved ones and to handle those tasks necessary to be done to meet daily living expenses and the ever-mount ing taxes, the beverage industry rides on and on. One hardly knows whether he is helping the war program or the liquor barons when he stays home in a chilly atmosphere. It would appear that the liquor barons have a big hand when it comes to formulating poli cies, rules and regulations. When agriculture and war plants go begging for workers, hun dreds of thousands are carrying on the bever age business. When fighting men of our own and those of our Allies cry for food and weap ons of war across the way, someone is load ing 20,000 cases of beer for shipment to far away Australia. A commentator, speaking from the country down under, said it was unadulter ated stupidity to take up valuable cargo space with beer. If the fighting forces on the battlefronts and on the home front, too, have got to drag along every questionable business, this war is going to be a long time ending. Aggravating The Shortages Back yonder when they were arguing over ways and methods for making synthetic rub ber, the big oil men pushed the farmer's grain alcohol out of the picture and scored another promotion for basic oil products. Possibly the oil base can furnish the foundation for a bounc ing new industry. But in moving to relieve the rubber shortage, it is fairly apparent now that the "oilers" have created a shortage in high teat gasolines. Instead of relieving the rubber shortage, the big boys are threatening both the rubber and high test gasoline supplies. Leave it up to the big ones to look after the big ones. And leave it up to the big ones to mis lead or otherwise fool the people. The Secret Of Happiness Bg latk Tarter. lCaoy centuries ago, Pericles, the great Athen ian, said, "The secret of happiness is freedom; and the secret of freedom is a brave heart" We realize this truth anew today as we face the changes wrought by total war. We know that every threat to freedom is a threat to our personal and national happiness, and because of this we gladly lay aside for the moment our liberties and place restrictions on our freedom for the sake of a strong defense and preserva tion of those liberties and of that freedom. Happiness is the result of free choice; of the ability to give freely and not upon the demand and according to the will or whim of some self imposed overlord. Happiness is found in the freedom to live according to the laws of right and justice; to work in a spirit of friendly inter course with our fellow men, unhampered and unhindered by prejudice against anyone be cause of race or creed or color or class. Happi ness rests in freedom to worship as our con science dictates; to pray to God as a free man, at peace with one's own soul, and to see to it that our neighbor has the same privilege. There could be no happiness for a free born and free spirited American under totalitarian rule. Freedom is the absence of fear?of that cor roding dread of impending evil, that cancerous mistrust of one's closest comrades which is the deadliest weapon of the dictators. Freedorfr is the security given by peace of mind in a world in which men are motivated by respect for the rights of others and by a sense of their own ob ligations to society. Freedom is the knowledge that success or failure depends upon one's own self and the way in which one's talents and abil ities are utilized. Freedom is the way of life for men who are not afraid of living. A brave heart is one that has courage and faith. It h; is courage to go ahead; to believe in the integij ty of others; to combat evil wherev er it exist:; to fight loyally and wholehearted ly to the bitter end; to face the unknown be cause of the guiding light of purpose, the hope of a finer goal. It has faith?faith in one's self, in one's fellow men, in the God of one's belief ?and in the future whether it be a future in this world or beyond our earthly ken. "The secret of happiness is freedom; and the secret of freedom is a brave heart." Necessity Mothers Effort Christian Science Monitor. When Bill Summers can't find a fourth for bridge because Ken Purdy is out on air-raid du ty, Bill may think he is having a taste of the war. Mrs. Purdy begins to feel the war when she can't find a maid to take the place of the one who took a job in an airplane factory. Ex cept where family circles have been broken,, war's hardships have fallen rather lightly on American life. Mrs. Roosevelt's radio address from Phila delphia on Sunday must have helped many Am ericans to regard themselves with that sense of proportion which is akin to the sense of hu mor. Mrs. Roosevelt recounted that she had been surprised at the almost total absence of social life in Britain, whereat Dowager Queen Mary observed that there is no one in Britain today with whom to lead a social life. Everybody is busy at something more important. Women in volunteer posts are working ten to twelve hours a day, Mrs. Roosevelt reported. And the effect of her comparison between British and Ameri can life at this moment is that the United States is lagging behind in the war effort. This may come as something of a surprise to those Americans who recently have been ques tioning Britain's contribution, and to whose charges Mr. Herbert Morrison, just elevated to the British War Cabinet, has recently felt call ed upon to make public replies. It is well that someone of Mrs. Roosevelt's un questioned devotion to the United States should make clear the actual situation. Americans have everything that it takes to win through to vic tory, and they have it in as great a measure as their British cousins. But, as Mrs. Roosevelt pointed out, they have not been faced with a crisis comparable to that faced by Britain after the fall of France. For both countries necessity is the mother of the ability to rise to the occa sion. Britain has been closer to the necessity. Americans today not only can do more but are on the way to doing it. Mrs. Roosevelt's talk should prove timely in counteracting any no tion that they risk doing more than their share. Out Of Same Spoon News and Observer. When gas rationing went into effect the peo ple, who took the reduction in riding without complaint, were indignant because many pub lic officials whose duties did not require them to go half a mile from their offices, had an un limited supply and some of them used it for joy-riding. The indignation brought reform. In Potter County, Texas, the rationing board refused additional gasoline rations to all state and Federal agencies save those engaged in law enforcement. Tax-eaters are entitled to no consideration that does not also reach tax-payers. His Guidance and Protection e May from the bottom of every heart every day go forth a fervent prayer to Almighty God that these soldier champions of ours shall have His help, comfort, guidance, and high protec tion, that they may do those things which they have set out to do. We shall be resolved that they shall not come home cynical, disillusioned, and brittled by war but shall come home clean and strong, and with a consciousness of duty well done and that quality of American citizenship that they may ' bind up the Nation's wounds and hold intact our country's great ideals.?French Quinn of Decatur, 111., as quoted in the Fort Wayne (Ind.) Journal-Gazette. IF IN DOUBT WHAT TO GIVE HIM FOR CHRISTMAS-! y it r/ m News From The Soil Conservation Front The farmers of Martin County are to be congratulated for the success they have had in getting in winter cover crops this year. These crops not only make a more prosperous looking country in the winter but are actually contributing to better soil, by adding organic mat ter and preventing soil erosion. There is perhaps an improvement that could be made in our winter cov er crops by the use of more winter legumes such as vetch, Austrian win ter peas and crimson clover, espec ially during the period of war when nitrogen fertilizers are not as plen tiful as they have been in the past. Mr. Van Taylor who operates a farm in the Spring Green commun ity has a large acreage of cover crops. These crops consist of a mix ture of mall grain and legumes that furnish a good cose cover for the soil as well as good grazing for his herd of dairy cattle. Specialiit Litis Number Of JUndetirable Shade Treet A partial list of undesirable shade trees, as prepared by John H. Har ris, extension landscape specialist of N. C. State College, is as follows: Sil ver Maple, Boxelder, Silktree (also called Mimosa), Texas Umbrella tree, Chinaberry, Lombardy Poplar, Whtie Poplar, Carolina Poplar, Chi nese Elm and American Chestnut. He emphasized, however, that some of these trees serve well for purposes other than shade. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as Administrator of the estate of Rufus Burnett, de ceased, late of Martin County, North Carolina, this is to notify all per sons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Williamston, N. C., on or before the 11th day of De cember, 1943. or this notice will be pleaded in bar of any recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 11th day of December, 1942. B A. CRITCHER, Administrator of Rufus Burnett. dl5-6t ADMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE Having this day qualified as ad ministratrix of the estate of the late John L. Rodgerson, deceased of Mar tin County, this is to notify all per sons holding claims against the said estate to present them to the under signed in Robersonville, N. C., for payment on or before December 7, 1943, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment This December 7, 1942. MRS. CLINTON HOUSE, Administratrix. Robersonville, N. C. d8-6t NOTICE North Carolina. Martin County. In The Superior Court. Estella Standi vs. Bennett Standi. The defendant above named will take notice that an action entitled as above lias been commenced in the Superior Court of Martin County, North Carolina, for the purpose of obtaining from the defendant an ab solute divorce on the grounds of sep aration; that the said defendant will further take notice that he is re quired to appear before L. B. Wynne, Clerk of the Superior Court of Mar tin County, within 30 days after this notice by publication is finished, and answer or demur to the complaint of the plaintiff in this action, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in in said plaint. This the 30th day of Nov., 1942. MARY E. KEEL, Deputy Clerk Superior Court. dl-4t PRELIMINARY CERTIFICATE OF DISSOLUTION State of North Carolina Department of State To all to whom these present* may come?Greeting: Whereas, it appears to my satis faction, by duly authenticated record of the proceedings for the voluntary dissolution thereof by the unanimous consent of all the stockholders, de posited in my office, that the Wool ard Furniture Company, Incorporat ed, a corporation of this State, whose principal office is situated on Main Street, in the Town of Williamston, County of Martin, State of North Carolina (G. G. Woolard being the agent therein and in charge there of, upon whom process may be serv ed), has complied with the require ments of Chapter 22, Consolidated Statutes, entitled "Corporations," preliminary to the issuing of this Certificate of Dissolution: Now, therefore, I, Thad Eure, Sec retary of the State of North Caro lina, do hereby certify that the said corporation did, on the 24th day of November, 1942, file in my office a duly executed and attested consent in writing to the dissolution of said corporation, executed by all the stockholders thereof, which said con sent and the record of the proceed ings aforesaid are now on file in my said office as provided by law. In testimony whereof, I have hereto set my hand and affixed my official seal at Raleigh, this 24th day of November, A. D.. 1942. THAD EURE. dl-4t Secretary of State. NOTICE: SALE OF REAL ESTATE FOR TAXES I, James A. Rawls, tax collector for the Town of Oak City, N. C., have this day levied on the following real estate and will sell same at public auction, for cash, in front of the post office in the Town of Oak City, N. C., on Monday, December 28, 1942, at 12 o'clock, M., for taxes due and unpaid for the year 1941, unless taxes, penalty and costs are paid on or before that date. The amounts listed below represent actual taxes due, the penalty and cost to be add ed to each account. This the 30th day of Nov., 1942. JAMES A. RAWLS, Tax Collector of Oak City, N. C. dl-4t White N. E. Davenport $11.69 C. L. Etheridge JS5 Mrs. S. C. Hines 5.50 Charles W. Priddy 1.10 Colored Bertha Brown and Gordon Williams .69 John Brown 3.85 Lethi Clark 2.20 Charley Gay .41 N. B. Green 4.88 A. W. Grimes 6.96 Columbus Jenkins 1 1.65 Eliza Ruff 1.10 H. P. Parker XJJ PENNIES WANTED! There is an acute shortage of pennies throughout the country. If you have a surplus en hand, kindly bring them to us. We give you credit or cash for them?or if you prefer we'll gladly is sue a Bond for them. BRING US YOUR PENNIES Guaranty Bank & Trust Co. M amber Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation WILLIAMSTON, N. C. BELK-TYLER'S PICTURES Beautiful Scene* 50c -$1.98 LINGERIE GOWNS ? SUPS ? BEDJACKETS ? ROBES $1.98 ? $9.95 BEDSPREADS Good Quality in Many Color*! $1.59 $5.95 HOSE In Latest Fashions and Colors . . 48c to $1.35 HASSOCKS $1.48-$1.98-$2.98 CARD TABLE COVERS Suede Tope ? Aseorted Colon $1.00 COSMETICS Old Spice and Evening in Paris I GIFT LINENS 29c?$5.95 Wastebaskets $1.00 GIFT HANDKERCHIEFS .. 5c-50c Novelty POTTERY 29c-$1.29 PUNCH BOWLS 1.29-4.98 MIRRORS $1?$2.98 GIFT BAGS $l-$2.98 B elk-Tyler Company yiKMRT/*V?AT STOftCS J DCPWTT/AE71T WIIXIAMSTON, N. C