VOL. XL, NO. 25 Biographical and Historical Sketcl by Dr. P. s. Dicks, Treating 01 local Persons and Scenes. To begin, it is supposed I was bora Aug/ 9th, 1835, in Edgecombe county N. C., four miles south of Tarboro at a place known as the Gregory place. My father and mother both died about a month's difference in the time, leaving three children, Seth, James and mv ielf, I being the youngest, then about three years of age. Willis Knight took Seth, B. Shelton took James, and grandfather Hicks took me. When I was about four years old I found-myself, living with my grand father, he then being married to hie second wife, and when 1 was about six jears old they both died. I was then ■ent to live with one of my aunts (my Bother's sister.) who lived near Rocky Mount, and was married to Theophilus Thomas. About weeks after my arrival my aunt died leaving a baby a week old, who is at this time living in Rocky- Mounts 1 then went to live with another aunt who married Aaron Thomas and lived there until I was thirteen jjears old when she and her husband* died. I then lived with Dred StaUlfigs one year and his wife died. After that I lived With Bennet Thomas one year and he died. I then lived with old Aunt Delliah Spicer and of course she is dead. I stayed there about a /ear and went to Tarboro and bound myself to Thomas o'Berry for five years to work at the carpenters trade, bat left a while before time was out and went to school a short while. I then served about one' year with W. ▲. Bassett at house painting.„ During that time I was practicing sleight of hand, ventriloquism, etc., and at the same time had commenced courting around a little. That was not very hard to. learn, and as I was suc cessful in my courtship I was pretty goon married; the first time to Miss Keturah Proctor of near Rocky Mount, and commenced to keep house in Tar- Mr. "O'Ber rah Proctor and myself were married Dec. 25th, 1856, and lived in Tarboro nearly a year, then moved near Rocky Mount, where our first child was born, a little girl, and a very little girl she was too, only weighing 3 pounds; at eight months she weighed 8 pounds and could walk and talk well. After one year's stay at that place we moved to Nash county, near the Falls of Tar River, at which place I made a big contract with W. S. Battle to paint nearly all the buildings on the Hill, the cotton mill, grist mill, stores etc. for the first time they were ever painted. After my contract of painting was finished the foreman of the mills liked my style of work so much hp hired me to go to Petersburg, Va., to paint some of his buildings, so of course that moved me to Petersburg. Occasionly during this time I would give a sleight of hand show. After tnishing Mr. Crowder's work I gave uf)\hou3e painting and .began teaching ornamental painting on glass etc. While in Petersburg I had advertised and pre pared to give a show in the Mechanic s Hall. The program consisted of sleight of hand, ventriiquism etc. The doors were open a.id everything looked en couraging for a large audience. Just at that time the fire bells began to ring. Was it fire? No, not in Petersburg, but at Harper's Ferry John Brown's raid or insurrection had A telegram had come ordering I think two companies from Petersburg, at one hour's notice to be at the depot and equipped for war, to take the train for Harper's Ferry. Of course that ended the show in double quick time. It seemed that everybody had fathers, husbands, brothers or sweethearts billed for the show but changed their route to Harper's Ferry in one hour. We all know that John Brown was soon captured, the rebellion stopped and John Brown hanged. Of course a great many people saw me that night, but they never saw me show. I made many friends in Petersburg and did very well at teaching R my paint ing. After living there about ten months I concluded to take a trip on foot through tne country to Richmond. I made a soon start one morning and just after I had crossed Appomattox River, on the side of the road a rough looking man hailed me, who turned out to be a second Bo'hickmon. Bo'hick mon was a man who lived several years ago on his wits and was never known to work, but in a good humored manner beat his way through the world and went tolerably genteel. I think what kome he ever had was in Warrenton, N C Well back to my Bo'hickmon the second. Ssys he to me "Good mining sir!" I told him good-morn- 9he 9leeku PUcunt PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY BY THE If'OCKY MOUNT PUBLISHING COMPANY. ing. "Where are you going?" he asked. "To Richmond," I answered "I am going there too, so we will go together," he replied. So he went right along with me and it was impossi ble to get rid of him. I might say get behind me Satan but that would do no good, he kept right along with me all the way until we got to Manchester, before I could ever get rid of him. After we had traveled on a little dis tance he me if I had had my breakfast. I told him I had, "have you had yours," I asked, "no" says he, "but I have eaten a lot of pears." He said he had crawled up a tree in an old fellows garden over there and had been eating pears for the last three hours. There was a dog under the tree you know waiting for him to come down to make his acquaintance, and so he pre ferred to remain until the master called the dog to breakfast. My object for going to Richmond depot was to teach my painting along on the way whenever I could find a student, and then canvass Manchester and Richmond after I got there. As I said before I left Petersburg soon one morning or I might say "we" left Petersburg and reached Manchester next day late in the afternoon, a dis tance of about t2 miles. Well my suc cess on that route was a complete failure. I had become an associate of a notorious beggar snd tramp, and could see no way to get rid of him. And that was not all, you see I did not know him and I was afraid he might be a highway robber, but I had one conso lation, if he were to rob me it would be a failure on his part, for I did not have but one ten cents in my pocket I always mf.de it a rule not to carry much money with m» when I left home on a foraging,expedition as I might call it. And that was one of the times I was glad I did not have much with me Every place that I called at to show my samples of painting, before I get through with my talk he would put in with his "we" and what we could do as if he were my partner in teaching painting. At every place the people would become disgusted and say they jj»lnc T ' vre jto take lessonA would begin begging for something to eat, for milk, tobacco, eggs, apples and anything he could get. At one place a lady told him she did not have any bread done but she did have a little meat done, "that's all right we'll get the bread at the next place, just let us have the meat," he said. When night came on I could get nc place to stay, all on his account so we stayed in an old blacksmith shop on a lot of wheat straw. Well we made a soon start next morning and got to Manchester in the afternoon. After making two or three trials to dodge him I finally hid in a back room of a store. I told the store keeper not to tell him that I was there so he passed on, and I have never seen him from that day to this and I hope I never will. (To be continued.) MISSIONARY CONFERENCE. Mid-Winter Institute oi North Carolina Conference Board of Missions in Session In First Methodist Church. The mid-winter missionary institute of the North Carolina M. E. Conference convened in tha First Methodist church in this city Monday morning and con tinued its session until last night when it closed with a sermon by Rev. A. P. Tyre, of Washington. Rev. R. A Bumpass, of Raleigh, presided and Rev. R. H. Willis, of Wilson, was sec retary of the meeting. About 40 dele gates, lay and clerical were in attend ance and the important subject of mis sions, foreign and domestic, was ably discussed and ways and means to pro mote the cause was decided upon. Sermons were preached on mission texts by Rev. J. T. Gibbs, presiding elder of the Fayetteville district. Rev. E. McWhorter, of Maxton; Rev. M. Bradshaw, of Durham; Rev. T. A. Smoot, of Wilmington; Rev. A. P. Tyre, of Washington. Dr. Swindell, Rev. A McCullen, Rev. D. H. Tuttle, Rev. Constable, Rev. Rose and Messrs. Fly the and walker, and others took part in the discussion. I A safe investment, a good rate of in terest free from all taxes, an important factor in the development of any com munity is a well managed local building • and loan association. Our stock-holders and directors are among the progres ; sive and conservative business men of Rocky Mount. Call on R. L. Huffines, Secretary and Treasurer, for informa tion concerning the 12th series of stock open for subscription February Ist, 1908 ROCKY MOUNT, N. C.. THURSDAY, JANUARY 30, 1908 WILL SPEAK IN ROCKY MOUNT. President Pennington, fo tbe Frank lin Corresponded Diversity to Address tbe Citizens. , President Julian R. Pennington, an educator ar.d orator of repute, will ad dress the citizens of Rocky Mount in the near future on his famous educa tional lecture "Acres of Diamonds" or "One Day in School." The educator was the first to organize a correspondence school in the and has now been elected president of the Franklin Correspondence Univers ity, the largest institution of this kind in the Southern States, whose head office will be located in Wilson. Mr. Pennington, despite the fact he is but twenty two years of age, is an ex-professor of two female colleges. He was the youngest speaker ever in vited to address the educational mas ters of America, at Philadelphia last January. President Pennington does not care for publicity, and for this reason, more than any other, he is known so little in his native State, North Carolina. Thousands who are familiar with the fruits of his genius, know nothing of him. To meet Mr. Pennington on the street, one would judge him to be a very plain ordinary man. He does not care for the so called society, nor for stylish dress. He is slow, deliberate and con servative in his manner, and has no trait of a college professor. You wonder at first sight why he was chosen the chief-executive of the University, but as he warms up to his argument in his speeches, or in business dealings, you plainly see he is a genius, and that the Franklin company made no mistake in their choice. Mr. Pennington never recognizes that he should carry dignity with his office and feels as much at home with the peasant in his mountain cabin, as the guest in tbe palace. The worth of a m*n£ :05ney, makes a very little dif- him. "So long as a person's char, cle^T^gJ^^gentleman.'' The edlbcator's mother has been an invalid f|r the past eight years, and hi> spare njoments are spent at home. He said the other day in declining an invitation to speak in Wilmington "No Mr. Chairman, I can not be present. I appreciate the honor you good people have bestowed upop me, but my mother is not so well to day, and my first duties are to her." Mr. Pennington is a descendant of the Battles of the State, who have won such distinction in the judiciary line, and a great grand son of the venerable and late Amos Johnston Battle. He was a son of the late Dr. Pennington, and a descendant of the Governor Pen nington, of Dakota. The president has never yet turned down a young man or woman who wanted an education, and invites the. persons who are interested in education to write him personally stating their desire and consolation. If your son or daughter wants a chance in life, r»o better friend can be had than Mr. Pen nington. Boy Accidentally Shot. Master Frank Weaver, eight-year-old son of Mr. S. B. Weaver, of Eason burg, was seriously shot, Friday, in a peculiar accident, at his home. The lad had found an old timey muzzle loading rifle barrel, and to better get the tube off stuck that end in the fire place and was holding the muzzle end in his lap. The heat caused the charge, which had probably been in the gun for more than a quarter of a century, to explode and two bullets took effect in the boy's body. The balls were located and re moved, but the lad's condition is still dangerous. The Tobacco Market. Receipts of tobacco were fairly large last week amounting to abont two hun dred thousand pounds. Offerings some better both in color and character. The bidding is spirited and the market very active, prices fair on all grades, and especial lugs or medium tobaccos from 9 to 15 cents. It is estimated about 1 million pounds more to be sold. The best investment ever desfc«e4-f&r small savings is a well managed Local Building and Loan Association. The Rocky Mount Homestead and Loan As sociation has stool the test of time. Six years of successful operation with out the loss of one dollar is our record. Call on R. L. Huffines, (Secretary and Treasurer for full information. HAPPENINGS IN POLICE COURT. Coasedy and Tragedy of a Week as -Cnacted in Calamity Hall Before Bis Honor, Mayor Thorp. Th! Rocky Mount Tobacco Market. police court was small, onty two drunks dnd a vagrancy case beLig disposed of. Friday there was no i.ourt. Saturday morning the city hall looked department store on a bargain ajPph goods and wares of all kinds diffitayed, including shoes, guns, dry good clothing, fancy goods and all sorts of merchandise, new, which the police officers had captured in raids on sus picious houses of colored men. In the lot there was, also a half firkin of but k'i%nu lot of corned meat. The meat vas found at the homes of Cicero Ses soms and Mose Sneed, and was identi by Mr. P. C. Shore as some stolen iroro his smoke house Tuesday night. full investigation Sessoms and Sneed were bound over to Nash court to answer to the charge of lar ceny of the meat. The other merchan- found at the home of Cleve land Williams, colored, and it amounted to considerable, as if a systematic rob bing'of stores had been going on for sofiftT time and his house being made the depository. Williams pleaded for a continuance until Monday morning and it was granted. Just as the mayor Wio fixing to go into the trial of the laiceny cases Chief Davis entered, at a respectful distance from the prisoner, . with a's onery a specimen of the genus ho»p as ever landed in this neck of the wcpds. He was a white tramp and his approach was a signal for all in the court rooApjproiect their olfactory organs they could, and simultaneously all hands involuntarily sought noses. Leu than 30 seconds was taken in dis posing of this case and even then relief wai necessary and sought by raising thti windows. A quick colloquy be tjfft* the mayor and prisoner as to the leaving town if given the in Jiis owTwastaken up in the tramp's exit fi!>m the room and he as hastily**made his way to the tall timbers. Monday morning Cleveland Williams, at whose home the police found £ large quantity of new merchandise Triday night, was tried on a charge of con cealed weapon and being adjudged guilty was fined S4O. Ownership of the goods'iias not yet been established and the case of larceny has not been taken up. It is believed some of the goods were stolen from the cars at South Rocky Mount, and the police are trying to find out about it. Frank Kelly, a negro from Elm City, was fined $7.50 for Committing a nuisance; S. G. Joy ner, for disorderly, Brown and wife, colored, disorderly, were dis missed after the evidence was heard. .A young man by the name of Vick was fined S4O for cruelty to animals. The evidence was to the effect that Vick was given a horse by a man in the city, the horse being disabled. Vick started to take him home and see if he c ould not bring the animal around, but on his way home the horse got so he could not go and was left. He later died from want of sustenance and a warrant against Vick followed, the trial result ing as above noted. Tuesday morning Henry Battle, colored, for drunk and down, was let off with $5 fine with the further obli gation to withdraw himself from the city 30 days and "dry out." Willis James and wife were /the only other derelicts before his honor, the charge against them, disorderly and fighting. After their trouble had been aired suf ficiently for the mayor to get at the facts he fined James $7.50 and dis missed the woman. WMTAKERS ITEMS. Mrs. Dr. J. C. Bras well has returned from Durham where she has been vis iting her sister, Mrs. Newsom. Misses Bertie and Indy Taylor have returned from a visit to Nashville and Wilson. Mr. Jno. Leach, of Littleton, is in our town today. Messrs. W. H. McDonald and Percy Rawlings were in our town Saturday. Mr. Henry Cutchin who is represent warcjs, of Rocky Mount, is in town. Mi J. L. Dickens is improving very rapify and will soon be out to see his man# friends who have been very ftnfifcjg about him for so long. W* learned to hate "Puritan" fanat icisnland the black Abolition party at tbt mtbxeafc of the civil war for the reason they were so hateful and odious to the south. If the country should ever be so unfortunate as for them to get in full control of the government, it will be a dark day in American his tory. There was a terrific wind and hail storm last night but no damage done by it. As the legislature was courageous enough not to pass a "State prohibition law," but submit it to the people of the State, we hope it will be equally as gallant and stand pat on the railroad rate bill, and let the supreme court de cide the matter. "Rolyat." To Postoffice Patrons. The postmaster of Rocky Mount de sires to call attention to the practice of some patrons of rural delivery of plac ing loose coins in their boxes each time they desire to dispatch letters instead of supplying themselves with postage in advance of their needs. This practice imposes undue hardship on rural carriers in removing loose coins from boxes and delays them on the service of their routes. The postmaster, therefore, urgently requests that patrons of rural delivery provide themselves and keep on hand a supply of stamps consistent with and in advance of their needs. It is also very desirable that rural patrons place in their mail boxes small detachable cups of wood or tin in which to place coins, when necessary, in purchasing supplies of stamps. And to city folk, please have your houses numbered. It is an advantage in case of important mail. HOD. DOO Gilliam Stricken. Hon. Don Gilliam, of Tarboro, ex senator from Edgecombe and one/Of the most widely known North Carolina, was stricken hat is thought to be apoplexy the street in Raleigh last Friday, and the pavement, inj'iring himself JjjflMall. trations of physicians aija nurses he re gained consciousness and, it is believed now, will have permanent recovery. Mr. Gilliam was in Raleigh to attend the special session of the legislature. His brother, Mr. Henry Gilliam, who had been in the capital city, had left ! that morning for his home and was I caught by wire at Wilson. He returned to Raleigh to be with his brother. Are you a stockholder in a home build ing and loan association? If you are not, come and let me convince you that stock in Rocky Mount Homestead and Loan Association will pay you a better rate of interest on your small savings than any investment you can make. The 12th series of stock will be open for subscription February Ist, 1908. R. L. Huffines, Secretary and Treasurer FOR SIOO,OOO PUBLIC BUILDING. Senator Simmons Introduces Bill in 11. S. Senate to give Rocky Mount federal .Building. Senator F. M. Simmons has intro duced a bill in the U. S. senate for an appropriation for a SIOO,OOO public building for Rocky Mount. By virtue of its importance as a growing city of large volume of business done here annually, its large and rapidly increas ing postoffice receipts and for many other reasons Rocky Mount is entitled to such an appropriatian much more than some other towns and cities which get them. No effort on the part of the citizens of the city should be lacking to help the will through congress. Other town 3 included in Senator Sim mons' bill for appropriations are Tar boro, Wilson, Greenville, Monroe and Henderson. R. F. D. Carriers to Meet in Wilson. Nashville, N. C., Jan. 22. —The next regular meeting of the Rural Letter Carriers' Association of Nash, Wilson, Edgecombe and Halifax counties will be held in the town of Wilson, N. C., on February 22, beginning at 11 a. m. Every carrier that possibly can is urged to attend, whether a member or not; but if you are not a member we hope jo»in us promptly—do not put it off longer^—and thereby show your ap preciation for what the Association has done for you. Brother A. W. Parker of Wilson, re quests that each carrier who intends coming to drop him a card at once. Do this and a good time awaits you. Come! Fraternally, .. O. H. Baines, Sec. PRICE 5 CENTS STATE PROHIBITION BILL. 4 Measure Passes Both Branches of Legislature and Will be Submitted to Vote ol People This Year. A State prohibition bill has been passed by the general assembly and will be submitted to the people for ratifica tion April ard August. If ratified by a majority vote at the polls the law will be effective Jan. 1, 1909 „.The sen ate bill was introduced by Long, of Iredell, and in the house Dosed, of Mecklenburg, fathers the meawre. In substance the 10 sections of tfe bill contain the following provisions,, which are largely modeled after the Watts and Ward laws: *"•' The bill for state prohibition provides in the first section that liquors shrll obtainable only cm prescriptions from a physician from medical depositary or drug store, the physician specifying the amount required, but that wines aM ciders may be made from grapes, ber ries or fruits raised on tne land- of the makers or other persons and sold at ■ the place of manufacture only in quanti | ties ot not less than five gallons, t.hf*- package not to be opened on the pre mises or any of it drunk there. Section 2 defines spirituous, vinous and malt liquors. Section 3 prescribes.fine or imprison ment for violation of provisions of lie act. Section 4 makes place of delivery place of sale. Section 5 makes it possible to procure wine for "religious or sacramental pur poses." Section 6 allows commissioners or town aldermen to prohibit drug£ sts from selling liquors. Section 7 repeals all laves in conflict, that none of the local and special 'its for prohibition now in force sha! be repealed whatever the result of ;rie election. Section 8 makes violation of ;?.ny * feature of the act a misuemea or. Section 9 makes the law eilkctive Jan_ 1, pro v th^ Section 10 provides that election shall be held on the first Thursday in August next and details the machinery for the election. U.The house amended the senate bill as to time of holding the election, naming the last Tuesday in April. ■■ » Mr. Thorne'S Dates Mixed. (Raleigh News and Observer.) During the discussion cf the prohibi tion measure in the Senate yesterday on Mr. Bruton's amendment to permit the sale of homemade wine without re striction Mr. Mason and others argued that if wine were to be included, the full ear of corn, the wine sap apple and the sacharine potato as well as the barley, malt and rye that are grown, within the State should not be discrim inated against. Into the riscussion entered Mr. Thome, of Rocky Mount, to declare that he had heard that Nash county was a great place fci*the making of corn whiskey and that a "wine drunk was the meanest drunk in the world.' * Senator Thome's negative reply to a query whether he spoke from experi ence, was not needed in view of the fact that he placed Nash in the corrt whiskey category—when everybody who ever smelt a cork knows that its fame rests of its cider-brandy. C. C. Moore Re-olecM Charlotte, N. C., Following a two day's session the annual session of North Carolina Cotton Growers' Asso ciation at Charlotte came to an end Wednesday. President C. C. Moore was unanimously re-elected. The association put itself on record against unrestricted immigration and bucket-shops and in pursuance of a plan fcr a stronger' organization elected a state organizer. Resolutions were adopted endorsing the warehouse sys tem as a factor in holding cotton for 15 cents. The convention was addressed by a number of prominent southern planters and business men. Bev. D. H. Tuttle Breaks Becorfl.. (Raleigh Christian Advocate.) On last Sunday Rev. D. H. Tuttle secured eighteen new subscribers te the "Old Raleigh" in ten , minutes. If this record has ever been surpassed in our conference, we have not heard of it. Brother Tuttle has set the pace. Now let the brethren exert themselves to keep »p with him. It will keep them busy, for Tuttle is one of the princes of hustlers.

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