Castalla Items. 1 Mrs. R. W. Lancaster, just over the line in Franklin, is a fine manager and j farmer. Recently he killed a hog 16 months old that tipped the! beam at 650 pounds. That's what this writer calls «'hog and hominy." The air ship which was seen passing Bometime ago, was going in an easterly direction and male and female voices were distinctly heard singing, "We are up with the angels now." Capt. Tom. S. Lancaster, of Florence, g. C„ who is a popular conductor of the A. C. L., is here this week visiting his parents Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Lancaster- Sill ißatchelor, George Boone, Jim Delbridge and Cromwill Braswell are some of our farmers who raise their home supplies and would have never heard of the panic only by reading the papers. They acted wisely and are on the only true road to plenty and in dipendence. I am pleased to state the Castalia High School under the management of j Rev. G. W., is meeting the expecta tions of all, and the two large and hand some domitories are full of boarding pupils from the counties of Warren, Vance, Franklin, Halifax and Edge combe. No school in the State can boast of more natural advantages than ourtlj FrXsly one hundred families are ask ing for the establishment of another R. F. D. roste from this office, and from the way tii-s patrons are moving it will be put in service at no distant date. Plain Tom. A tickling cough, from any cause, is 2uickly stopped by Dr. Shoop's Cough lure. And it is so thoroughly harmless and safe, that Dr. Shoop tells mothers everywhere to give it without hesita tion even to very young babes. The wholesome green leaves and tender stems of a lung-healing mountainous shrub, furnish the curative properties to Dr. Shoop's Cough Cure. It calms the cough, and heals the sore and sensi tive bronchial membranes. No opium, no chloroform, nothing harsh used to injure or suppress. Simply a resinous plant extract, that help to heal aching lungs. The Spaniards call this shrubs which the Doctor uses, "The Sacred Herb." Always demand Dr. Shoop's Cough Cure. Griffin's Drug Store. i > - '' : '*** ''' ~ .. —.. ~" - Underwriters Fire Insurance ——— ■■ MM——— J. Company of Rocky Mount __________ AGENTS AT ROCKY MOUNT Represented by the Leading Agents of all A Home Company, Operated by W>l A^ompany 11^ Towns and Cities in and for People Living in North . ' North Carolina Carolina Only. : : : : ¥ ¥ . . . J. L. Arlington Jaeob Battle, Jr. Wilkinson,; Biilluck & Co., T?«CKI1 Agents Trial Catarrh treatments are being 5 mailed out free, on request, by Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis. These tests are proving to the people without a penny's cost the great value of this scientific prescription known to druggists every where as Dr. Shoop's Catarrh Remedy. Sold by Griffin's Drug Store. For injuries his son suntained from the explosion of a cannon cracker on the streets of Greensboro Christmas, Mr. W. H. Rawlings is suing that city for SIO,OOO damages. Hlj contention is that the ordinance against firing off fireworks was illegally suspended anf the city is therefore liable. mmmmmmmmmmmmmMamKrnammmmmmmmmmmmmmmammmmmmmmmmmmmmm It Does Tbe Business. Mr. E. E. Chamberlain, of Clinton, Maine, says of Bucklen's Arnica Salve. "It does the business; I have used it for piles and it cured them. Used it for chapped hands and it cured them. Ap plied it to an old sere and it healed it without leaving a scar behind." 25c. at Griffin's drug store. Senator Ormond, of Lenoir county, has introduced and had to pass the senate a bill similar to the Cleveland county law in regard to liquor. The bill makes the having of a gallon of liquor in one's posession prima tacie evidence of retailing, and is equally as stringent 1 in other respects. Kinston now has a 1 dispensary. KODOL For Dyspepsia and Indiges tion is the result of a scientific combi nation of natural digestants with veg etable acids and contains the same juiees found in a healthy stomach. It is the best remedy known today fo» djrs pepsia indigestion and all troubles aris ing from a disordered stomach. Take KODOL today. It is pleasant, prompt and thorough. Sold by May & Gorham. The six months old child of Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Gordon, of Marion, Va., was found dead in the bed with them Sunday morning at the hotel Phoenix, in Winston, where they were stopping. When they retired for the night the infant was in good health, and it is believed it choked to death with croup during the night. It depends upon the pill you take. DeWitts Little Early Risers are the best pills known for constipation and headache.- Sold by May & Gorham. The Rocky Mount Record, Thursday, January 30, 1908 The finest Coffee Substitute ei«j made, has recently been produced HI Dr. Shoop of Racine Wis. Tom 4oM have to boil it twenty or thirty minutMi "Made in a minute" says the doctf. "Health Coffee" is really the elosftt Coffee Imitation ever ytt produced. Not a grain of real Coffee in it either. ( Health Coffee Imitation is made from pure toasted cereals or grains, witf malt, nuts, etc. Really it would fool an expert were he to unknowingly drink it for Coffee. G. F. Jones. * The British Breed. British bred animals, whether they be horses, cattle, sheep or even pigs, are superior to all others in quality and stamina. There is some rtranfe and admirable power in our soil which mits a stronger fiber and a more enduring stamp of excellence into the live stock bred in our islands than are found in the same breed or species In any other part of the world. —London Times. A City of Happy Hemee. Dublavln took a walk in the ceme tery, where he noticed on the tomb stones, "Good Husband," "Good "Wile," "Good Son." "It is evidently here that the hap- | piest homes are found," he Nos Loisirs. . JKF An Admieeien. * Alice I rather like that young Thompson. He has such a good, firn mouth and chin. Hazel —Goodness Has he been kissing y«i tool—KansaJ City Independent. —* i Atwtyi Strong. Church —They say the human volte Is stronger in the morning than it is at night Gotham—l can't see any dif ference In baby's. Yonkers Sales man. i t A slip of the tongue is worse than . that of the foot.—Spanish ProverJi ■ Remarkable Rescue. ' That truth is stranger than fisfcion, >as once more been demonstrated in » he little town of Fedora, 'Tenn., the . esidence of C. V. Pepper. He writes: e 'I was in bed, entirely disabled with lemorrha es of the lungs and thjoat, vw o rs failed to help me, and all lope P had fled when I began taking Dr. King's New Discovery. Then instant - relief came. The coughing soon ceased; the bleeding diminished rapidly, ard in three weeks I was able to goto work." j Guaranteed for coughs and colds 50c. 3 a..d $1 00, at May & Gorhams drug store. Trial bottle free. First Come, Fir«t Served, p A minister who sets his face against' bazaars once related an incident em phasizing his feelings on the matter. "Once upon a time," he said, "a man was going along a dark street when a footpad suddenly appeared and, point ing his pistol, began to relieve his vic tim of his money. "The thief, however, apparently suf fered some pangs of remorse. 'lff pretty rough to be gone through like this, ain't It, sir?' he inquired. "'Oh, that's all right, my man,' tho 'held up' one answered cheerfully. 'I was on my way to a bazaar. You're first, and there's an end of It!' Lo ndon Telegraph. Modern Plays and Players. We no longer demand that a man or woman play a part. We insist that the part fit the man or woman. This con dition no doubt is largely the fault of managers, who instead of requiring impersonation pick performers for their likeness to the characters to be assumed. "Have you a father?*' one can imagine them inquiring of a can didate. "Yes." "Then you won't do. rffhis man's father died 4 twenty years before the beginning of the play."— Argonaut. On Yawning. I have come to the conclusion that If a man yawns and you don't want to yawn, too, the only way to prevent it Is to blow your nose. A man of my acquaintance boasts that he can set a whole railway carriage full of people yawning by merely taking time over it himself, and I believe he can.—Fry's Magazine. The Ruins. First Visitor—Most interesting coun try round about here. Have you seen the ruins? Second Visitor (who has |ust paid his bill)— Yes; I suppose you mean the guests leaving this hotel.— London Answers. A Higher Health Level. "I have reached a higher health level since I began using Dr. King's New Life Pills," writes Jacob Springer, of West Franklin, Maine. "They keep my stomach, liver and bowels working just right." If these pills disappoint vou on trial, money will be refunded at Griffin's drug store. 25c NOTICE! FIRST: —Under the power contained in a deed of trust, given by C. F. Smith son and wife, and others, to B. H. Bunn, Trustee, which is recorded in Book 139, at page 15, Nash Registry, and Book 114, at page 377, Edgecombe Registry, the undersigned will offer for sale, to the highest bidder, for cash, all property, which lies in Nash County, and embraced in the following descrip tion, at the Court House door in Nash ville, on Monday, February, 17th, 1908, between the hours of ten o'clock A. M. and three o'clock P. M. and will offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash, all the property, which liss in Edge combe County, and embraced in the following description, before the Court House door in Tarboro, on Tuesday, February, 18th, 1908, between the hours of ten o'clock A. M. and three o'clock P. M. the entire tract being described as follows: Beginning at a rock, on Tar River, the boundary of the A. C. L. Railroad Co., thence runs with their line, N. 21 degrees E. 104.75 chains to the public County Road, and Lewis' Crossing: Thence in a westerly direction to and across said A. C. L. Railroad to the center of said road, on its eastern boundary: Thence continuing with the County road N. 85 degrees 13' E. 11.80 chains: Thence N. 76 degrees 30' E. three chains to the center of the bridge, across Little Creek, 25.50 chains to a maple, the old Trevathan corner, on said Creek. Thence N. 44 degrees E. 16 chains to a stake on the A. C. L. Railroad Company border: Thence continuing the same direction, across the A. C. L. Railroad to a stake on its western boundary: Thence N. 86 de grees 30' W. 61.58 chains to a Red Oak: Thence S. 78 degrees 43' W. 22.93 chains to a stake, corner of lot degree 1: Thence with the dividing line be tween lots degree 1 and 2 S. 5 degrees 40' W. 59.33 chains to an iron stake, on the road, the corner of the old Thorpe line, in a Southerly direction, and almost parallel with the A. C. L. Railroad Company to Tar River: Thence down the various courses of Tar River, to the beginning, containing 339.21 acres, the same being lots 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 in the division of the Lewis place, among the heirs of W. M. Daugh tridge, excepting however, from this description lot degree 5, which has heretofore been sold off. SECOND: —Under the power con tained in a deed of trust, given by Geo. W. Smithson, and wife to B. H. Bunn, Trustee, which is recorded in Book 119, at page 447, tfye undersigned will offer bidder, fof cash, on Wednesday, Feb ruary 19th, 1908, between the hours of ten o'clock A. M. and three o'clock P. M. the following real estate: Lying on the western side of Frank lin Street, in the town of Rocky Mount, beginning at Rebeccah B. Sills' North eastern corner 202 feet, 2 inches, north of western Avenue: Thence N. 86 de grees 40' W. 208 2-3 feet to the said Rebeccah B. Sills Northwestern cor ner: Thence N. 21 degrees 21' W. 71 feet, 11 inches to the first station, and being the identical lot or parcel of land, conveyed to the said C. F. Smithson, from G. W. and Mary E. Smithson. THIRD: —Under the power con tained in a deed of trust, given by C. F. Smithson and his wife to B. H. Bunn, Trustee, the undersigned will offer for sale to the highest bidder, for cash on Monday, February, 17th, 1908, between the hours of ten o'clock A. M. and three o'clock, P. M. before the Court House door in Nashville, the following real estate to wit: Adjoining the lands of C. F. Smith son, and others, and bounded as fol lows: Beginning at an iron, stake, in the River Road, C. F. Smithson's present, S. W. corner: Thence N. 5 degrees 40' E. 59.33 chains: Thence S. 78 degrees 43' W. 11.75 chairs to a pine: Thence S. 5 degrees 40' W. 52.68 chains to a pine, stake, in the River road: Thence S. 57 degrees E. 4 chains to a station: Thence S. 73 degrees 45* E. 8.03 chains to the beginning, con taining sixty-three acres more or less, which said tract of land was conveved to C. F. Smithbon, by Ernest L. Daugtridge, by deed dated, July 16th, 1907. » January 14th, 1908. J. P. Bunn, Exr. B. H. Bunn, Trustee. Executor's Notice. Having qualified as Executer of the last will and testiment of James K. Hoivell, deceased, late of Nash county, this is to notify all persons holding claims against said estate to present the same to me, duly verified on or be fore the 19 day of December 1908, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery, and all persons indebted to said estate will make immediate pay ment to me. This December 7th, 1907. E. V. Howell Executor. Executor's Notice. Having qualified as Executor of the last will and testament of Henry Tur ner, deceased, late of Nash county, this is to notify all perßons holding claims against said estate to present the same to me, duly verified on or be fore the 19th day of November 1908 or this notice willbe pleaded in bar of their recovery and all persons to said estate will pleafee make immediate payment to me. A I This Nov. 19th, 1907. I W. T. Turner, Executor of Henry Turner, deed. T. T. Thome. Atty. il-19-6t. i A WORD TO LOVERS OF 9 1 Perfume I * USE W. H. Brown & Bros. I New Odor fl 1 POCAHONTAS: 1 It Pleases the Most Fastidious P GRIFFIN'S STORE 400 Busliels of King's Improved Cotton Seed For Sale 50c Bushel Apply to / W. E. FENNER.

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