Industrial Edition Rocky Mount Machinists' Union. The cause of Union Labor-Organized Labor-is the cause of humanity, emphatically. The cause of every man, woman and child who earn their bread by the sweat of their brow. Let us combine all workers into iacal union and all local unions into State Federations, and all State Federations into National Federations, and liberty, equality, fraternity in their essential essence and substance will prevail because universal industrial peace, founded In Humane conditions will be triumphant. SAMUEL GOMPERS. President American Federation of Labor. ROCKY MOUNT MACHINISTS' UNION, Lodge No. 270 meets every Monday in Red Mens' Hall at 7:30 o'clock. Officers: —Paul Bradley, President; B. W. King, Vice-President; J. W. Weisi ger, Past-President; C. N. Blankenship, Recording Secretary; B. Moore, Finan cial Secretary; H. B. Goodknight, Treasurer. EDITORIAL DIRECTORY. Business Firms of Rocky Mount Who Cater to The Working Men. These firms are public spirited, are friendly to organized labor, nave helped make this issue a success, and are worthy of our patronage and the sup port of the general public. The Bank of Rocky Mount. Rocky Mount Savings and Trust Co. The First National Bank. The Palace Pharmacy. Gay & Arrington. Gaston G. Levy & Bros. Rocky Mount Furniture Co. Geo. L. Parker. Smith & Baker. R. W. Rawls & Co. W. T. Williford. Bailey, Draughan & Co. Pearl Steam Laundry. Queen City Pressing Club. V . E. Mcbemore. Griffin's Drug Store. E. Epstein. X. T. Keel Dry Goods Company. T. A. Davenport. Calhoun & Calhoun. Hub Clothing Company. May & Gorbam. Bulluck, Phillips & Co. Joyner & Rowland. B. F. Proctor. A. J. Jenkins. Standard Hardware Co. E. P. Hicks & Co. F. D. Woodruff. Geo. F. Harrell. The Kyser Drug Co. The Rocky Mount Shoe Co. W. D. Cochran. H. E. Brewer & Co. The «*bove firms are endorsed by the Rocky Mount Machinists' Union. C. N. Blankenship, Sec. Rocky Mt. Machinists' Union. Rocky Mount Savings and Trust Co. There has been considerable comment on all sides during the past several weeks concerning unsettled business conditions. Exaggerated reports in the newspapers have led many unthinking persons to believe that the country is on the verge of an industrial panic. Never has a more erroneous impression gained credence amonft- intelligent people- Panics are caused by over-production, drought, and other unavoidable circum stances that occasionally visit the coun try as a whole; but with conditions more favorable than ever before in the his tory of the country, the farmers abun dantly prosperous, and factories, mines and work-shops unable to meet the de mand for their products, _an industrial disturbance of long duration is a posi tive^-surdity. It has reported that many misguided persons in various parts of the country have withdrawn their deposits Irom sound and substan tial banking institutions. Considering industrial conditions as they exist at the present time, such a course is radically wrong. We are pleased to note that the people of Rocky have shown the part of wisdom and continued to re pose in our strong banks that meaitare of confidence that is due to the public as well as themselves. In this connec tion we take pleasure in calling especial attention to a banking institution in our midst that is,as solid as the Rock of Gilbralter, namely, The Rocky Mount Savings & Trust Company. This bank has stood the test of time and today stands out in the limelight as one or the most substantial pillars of finance in the entire south. The names of mea be hind it alone constitute sufficient proof, of Its stable and substantial character. We wish to state, however, that from a careful investigation of its affairs*- 4 at the present time, no bank in - the State shows up to better ad vantage. 1 his bank has always been known as a friend to labor as well as to the public of Rocky Mount generally. Labor has every reason to continue to extend to this splendid banking institution its heartiest support and confidence, we trust there will never be any evidence of doubt on the part of our people as to the strength andstability of The Rocky Mount Savings & Trust Co. We are pleased at this to wish this bank, during the coming year, an era of unprece dented success. Calboun & Calhoui. At 124 Tarboro street is located the firm of Calhoun & Calhoun, one of the most prominent stores which is identi fied-with the commercial interests ot the city. Calhoun & Calhoun, who have been established in business for quite a while, bear a reputation of the very highest, and they are strictly re liable in all their business transactions. They are doing a general dry goods, clothing, ladies' and gents furnishing goods and have the best at all times* We wish for the above concern a con tinued success. The above store is where you can buy anything you want in the above line for men, women and children at reasonable prices. This nrm has always treated our people with courtesy and consideration and is es pecially worthy of support. The Planters Bank. It has always been one of the cardi nal principals of unionism to support to the fullest extent every institution that is known to be absolutely sound and worthy of confidence. With this object in view, we have made a most careful and thorough investigation of conditions as they exist at the present time, and we submit herewith our recommenda- tions of the institutions that particular- j ly merit the continued support of the J thousands of wage earners of Rocky Mount and the surrounding section. The Planters Bank is a thoroughly reliable concern, whose attitude toward labor has always been most friendly and con siderate, consequently it is entitled to the hearty support of the thousands of working men of the city and surround ing section. Owing to its broad minded and public spirited manner of dealing, this bank has built up a large and sub stantial business, and we take pleasure in placing it foremost among the promi nent public spirited concerns deserving of the combined support and encourage ment of the thousands of wage earners throughout the coming year. Bailey, Draughn & Co. A concern such as Baily, Draughn & Co. dealers in dry goo. s, clothing, boots and shoes, is certainly worthy of a foremost position among the leading institutions of Rocky Mount. This€on cern deals in superior goods at their well equipped place at 127,i»outh Main street. This wpll-k iovn rm has al ways been conducted in the most con servative manner, and thev have built up prestige and patronage that extends far and wide throughout the city of Rocky Mount. The forces of labor ate specially pleased to call attention to broad minded and public. spirited men that command the admiration and res pect of all classes of people. Rocky Mount Furniture Co. One of the most exceptionally popu lar furniture stores of this city is that of the Rocky Mount Furniture Co. This concern is deserving of unlimited pacro. age. The gentlemen at the head of this firm are gentlemen in every sense of the word and enjoy the patronage of a host of friends who are always sure to be treated in the most fair and c mrteous manner. We point with pride to this popular estab lishment and predict for it continued success on a large scale. We hereby recommend the enterprise to wage earners as well a? to the public in gen eral. The above firm is one of our leading furniture stores and is located at 127 Main street. Queen City Pressing Club. Prominent among the business estab lishments of Rocky Mount which com bine to give it its metropolitan charac ter, we destre to place the name of Queen City Pressing Club. We are pleased to note that they are held in the highest esteem. It is a pleasure to know that an entcrpriao of tnw clynr«»o* ter takes such kindly interest in labor. The constantly growing of the Queen City Pressing Ciub is due to the fact that they do business in a strictly busi ness way, giving careful attention to all wcrk on hand and satisfying their many patrons. Their service is always prompt and Dainstaking. E. W. Wil- • liams is the experienced proprietor and he is located at 122 Railroad St. Griffin's Drug Store. The Drug Store conducted by Mr. Griffin, corner of Main and Tarboro streets, fully justifies its . proprietor in claiming to conduct a strictly first-class and up-to-date establishment. A bet ter or more complete"" Jitfe of: drugs could not be found. Particular atten tion is here paid to the carrying of a fine assortment of toilet t articles and druggist, sundries.. -The-goods pur chased from this firm,ca*talways be de pended upon as stantial, lasting and the beat fo* the price paid. We therefore find pleasure in recommending Griffin's \Drug (-Store to our union men, 3'nee, in • .addition to conducting their busineiW souild principles, they have ever been frienqh Fy to our cause. L Epstein.. . ?v- . The immense and of E. Epstein goes to prove Jits ever ir creasing popularity, and the sair deal ing of this firm. The ckwn*«fi»Rodtjr ; Mount should most heartily- patronize this firm, and aid it in becoming a still better success, and we trust that the business of this firm will continue to prosper and increase. He handles thte best grade of hats and men's furnish ings and the latest styles to be fouid in the city. The firm has maintained a most favorable attitude towards la bor and the cause of labor, and we take pleasure in placing their name among the leading concerns of the city who may be depended upon as a staunch, substantial and considerate friend of organized labor. Spend your money with him and get value received every time. He is located in Masonic tem ple building. Pearl Steam Laundry. The working people are deeply inter ested in knowing the firms that can be depended upon for a certainty to deal within a fair and honorable manner, and it is, therefore, a pleasure*- to cite the above firm as a conspicuous exam ple of the kind of laundry that main tains at all times a policy of the strict est integrity towards the public. {Pearl Steam Laundry located on the corner of Western Avenue and Howard street, make it a fixed policy to turn out noth ing but the/ highest class of laundry work. They have by this means estab lished a most favorable reputation among all classes of people. jkf ir plant is well equipped to meet the in creasing demands of the public for the first class work in a manner that fails to please. They are worthy of the patronage of thousands of wage earners of Rocky Mount and the Rocky Mount district. • The Rocky Mount Record, Thursday, February 27, 1908. I R.W. Rawls & Company "Dead to Foot Outfitters tor Men and Boys." The immense and increasing business of R. W. Rawls & Co. goes to prove their wide popularity for fair dealing with the public. They conduct a man's and boys' store. They deal in Hats, Shoes, Clothing and Furnishing. Their place is the headquarters in Rocky Mount for everything coming under this important nead of business. R. W. Rawls & Co. have always maintained a favorable attitude towards labor and we take pleasure in placing their name among the leading concerns of the city, who may be depended upon as staunch, substantial and considerate friends of organized labor. They are located on Main St. Call on them and you will never regret the patronage you give them. F. D. Woodruff. Among the prominent jewelers of this section is F. D. Woodruff, Washington St. We are pleased to note that this place is held in high esteem, not only by the best business men of this city, among whom are so many of his custom ers, but by the thousands of members of organized labor in this district. Mr. Woodruff has a complete stock of watches, jewelry, etc. He is well de serving the support and patronage of the wage-earners. The Kyser Drug Company. The Kyser Drug Co. is a concern that believes and practices earnestly the doctrine that is worth doing at all is worth doing well. Certainly too much care cannot be exercised in the com pounding of prescriptions containing as rhey do such drugs as would be injuri ous were an error permitted to occur in the mixing. Our working people can be satisfied lhat at The Kyser Drug Co., 103 Main St., the personal atten tion given by the proprietor insures ac curacy in any prescription they wish filled. Their sympathy with the labor movement stamps The Kyser Drug Co. as a firm of the proper calibre, and we earnestly desire that their well merited success may continue. B. F. Proctor. The successful dry goods establish ment conducted by Mr. Pvoctor proves the progressive character of the pro prietor. The well-stocked shelves con tain dry goods, shoes and hats in all the best grades, so that any customer may be satisfied. B. F. Proctor gives personal attention to the business and is an affable man with whom it is a pleasure to deal. He is among our most Influential citizens, and is ready to lend a helping hand to the betterment of labor or labor conditions. We extend *o B. F. Proctor our best wishes and trust the concern will con tinue to succeed and prosper. 8 Joyner & Rowlond. .i The success attained by the above company is proof positive that careful attention to details and handling of goods must eventually lead to success. No better goods are handled anywhere than those handled by this firm and the excellent methods of business pursued by them has spread their business to vast proportions. They do all immense business? as wholesale and. retail mer chants and their trade territory covers a considerable sectiou of the country. Their establishment ij at 203-205 South Main street. We take pleasure in placing them on the list worthy of the patronage of our union people. Gay t Arrington It has been our aim in this issue to make an accurate list of those progres iSVTjSiand public-spirited firms that have ~fe£r. iair and honorable business methods and able and efficient service t wp.n the e4sQem and confident of ail classes of : people. In presenting this list, we nave no hesitancy in placing the name of Gay & Arrington foremost on the list, prominent amonar the hardware dealers of our city and recognized as .gentlemen of experience and integrity, ;.?hift firm has made a host of friends and patrons among the citizens of Rocky Mount and the surrounding sec tion- Their headquarters for hard ware, building material and farming implements are located on Main street. Standard Hardware Company Among the industrial enterprises associated with the growth and make up of the city of Rocky Mount, there are none which occupy a more promi nent position in relation to the general welfare than the well-established and successful hardware merchants, Stan dard Hardware Co. This business has been in successful operation for a num ber of years. It has ever grown with increased importance year by year. To-day it ranks among the leading and most prosperous enterprises of its kind in this section. It is strictly in accord ance with the broad, underlying princi ples of unionism to foster to the fullest extent a commendable enterprise of this kind. Their establishment is loca ted at 108 Main St. W. E. McLemore W. E. McLemore, located at 122 Main St. In the transaction of its vast vol ume of business, we are pleased to note that this concern is held in the highest esteem, not only by their own force of employees, to wljich is afforded the fairest and most courteous treat ment, but also by conservative organ ized labor throughout ,the,city. W> ,E. has always shown himself to be a broad-tnfnded and public-spirited citizen, ~ and has always co-oper ated cheerfully to further the cause of labor ana the labor movement. X. T. Keel Dry Goods Compary. "Ladies and Gents Furnishers." The immense and increasing business of this establishment goes to prove their increasing popularity for fair dealing with the public. The citizens of Rocky Mount should most heartily patronize and aid X. T. Keel Dry Gocds Co., and help this business in becoming a still greater success, and we trust their business will continue to prosper and increase. They handle the best grades of dry goods, clothing, hat.«, gents' furnishings and the latest to be found in the city. X. T. Keel Dry Goods Co. has maintained a most favor able attitude towards labor and the cause of labor, and we take pleasure in placing their name among the lead ing concerns of the city who ma| be depended upon as a staunch, substan tial and considerate friend of organized labor. Spend your money at X. T. Keel Dry Good Co. and get value re ceived every time. -The Rocky Mount Shoe Co. This concern is a credit to our city and its success is well merited. We take pleasure in naming this commend able concern as one representative of our city and commend it to our friends, as it can be depended upon to assist in upholding and promoting our success and our best wishes are for its un bounded prosperity. The Rocky Mount Shoe Co. will aid materially in making our edition the complete success we hope for. They carry a large and vari ed stock of shoes for men and women. The Rocky Mount Shoe Co. is located on Main St. We do not hesitate to com mend them to the patronage and good will of the wage earners throughout the coming year. - A. B. Jeokins. When patronizing the dry goods deal ers of our city, it is well to stop and consider which are the most compe tent and worthy of patronage. They will make no mistake in fiplacing their orders with Mr. A. B. Jenkins. He is careful and considerate, and carries the bvst grade of dry goods, notions, shoes, and hats with a full line of five and ten and the greatest precau tion is thrown around his establish meif; to so transact business courteous ly aid promptly that no proper com plaint can be made. His establish menj is located on Tarboro street, and is tfcjroughly modern and up-to-date. The Palace Pharmacy. The management of The Palace Phar macy is of liberal ideas, and is well disptped toward organized labor. By stricj attention to business, they have builtup a large patronage at their store at tht corner Main and Tarboro Streets, where they carry a complete line of drugs, toilet articles and druggist sun dries, and where they are ever ready to give expert services as prescription pharmacists. We wish The Palace Phar rcacysuccess. Our people will make no mistake in extending to The Palace Pharmacy their hearty support and patrdnage throughout'the coming year. There is no class of business in which the public should exercise greater care in selecting reliable (frag store* than in any other line of business. 1 Gaston 6. Levy t Bro. "feTerything for everybody to eat." Considering that the larger part of our month's wages is expended for grocerfes and that such widespread fraud and deception has been practiced in the sale of food products, it certainly behooves our thousands of wage-earners and their families to patronize only such grocers as are known by their past con duct to be absolutely reliable and trust worthy. There is no grocer in Rocky Mount whom we are more pleased to commend to our people for unlimited support and patronage than Gaston G. Levy & Bro., located on Main street. His motto: "Good Things to Eat," as applied to the varied stock and superior quality of the goods handled by this enterprisinj merchant, is literally true. Levy & Bro. have ever shown a most commendable disposition to treat the broad underlying principles of unionism with courtesy and consideration. They number among our members a host of friends and patrons and well merit the continued support and confidence of our people. X Smith & Baker. Our list of fair concerns would hot be complete were the naipe of Smith & Baker not to appear. This concern has established for itself'an enviable repu tation for the liberality, of its methods and the broad-minded character of its members. Ever ready to assist in the furtherance of labors projects, the] have proved themselves our staunch friends, and we are pleased to see the great increase of their business and hope the improvement will be steady and continued. Smith & Baker are extensive deal ers in dry goods, notions, shoes, mil linery and furniture of the best grades are kept constantly on hand and the careful attention given by the majaager to all patrons insure prompt and accu rate service. fheir establishment is on Main street. We heartily recom mend them to the patronage of all our friends. H. E. Brewer & Co. Rocky Mount is fortunate in being the possessor of such an up-to-date clothing and dry goods store as that conducted by H. E. Brewer & Co. Their enterprise and progressiveness is shown by the reputation and appear ance of the establishment * Their shelves are filkd with a splendid assort ment of clothing, dry goods, shoes and hats. H. E. Brewer & Co. also carries one of the finest lines of suit cases in the city and we recommend this com pany to the patronage of our people and the general public. This concern has been Iriendly in its attitude towards organized labor and we therefore hope that their remarkable success will con tinue. Geo. L. Parker. Our people should always patronize establishments of character. Geo. L. Parker located on Main street, is just such an establishment that meets all these conditions and requirements; known to be thoroughly trustworthy in regard to any transaction he may have, give every satisfaction in regard to fill ing orders for anything fo>.nd in an up to-date store. He handles high grade jewlery, watches, silverware, cut glass and optical goods and makes a specialty of repairing. He has always treated labor and its representatives with cour tesy ami consideration, and we are p eased to note that his record has al ways been clean and upiight. Geo. L. Parker does an extensive business throughout this section of the country and are well worthy of the patronage of our union members. Bufluck, Philips & Co. \ 0 The fitting of the house is what makes the home. Pleasant surround ings afforded by a tasty selection of L i 1 ii l i'» -j* - «. furniture give a feeling? of content mant in the home. In the selection of furniture taste is required and the as sistance of an experienced dealer will be appreciated. Bulluck, Philips & Co. carry a most comprehensive line of fur niture, and general housefumishings. In all their dealings with the public, and especially the working public, they have proved themsevelf most fair and con siderate. All goods are marked at most reasonable of the best material and workmanship and are up to-date in every detail. We urge our many readers to pation ize this company whenever the oppor tunity affords and to thus become ac- v quainted with its many advantages. Store located at 115 Washington St. T. A. Davenport A substantial establishment, such as T. A. Davenport, which 132' Washrng 'ton St., at shows !a fair arid friend ly attitude towards labor, is worthy of the hearty support and co-operation of the thousands of working men of Rocky Mount and throughout this section of the country. His dealings with labor and the public have always been uni formly considerate and honorable. In extending to this enterprise our hearty co-operation we feel that we are but showing that spirit of reciprocity which is due those concerns which treat labor with the utmost fairness and con sideration. He conducts an up-to-date furniture store. W.T. Willlford. The above firm is a thorougly relia ble concern whose attitude towards la bor has always been most friendly and considerate. Consequently it is entitled to the hearty support and confidence of the thousands of workingmen of the city and surrounding section. We are pleased to state editorially that it has always co-operated cheer fully to further the conservative labor movement and has never failed to set the seal of its approval upon the broad underlying principles of unionism. Owing to its broad-minded and pub lic spirited manner of dealing, this firm has built up a large and substantial business, and we take pleasure in place ing it foremost among the prominent and public-spirited concerns deserving of the combined support and encourg ; ment of the thousands of wage-earners i throughout the coming year. He deal* i in general merchandise. Located oi ■ - Washington street. May & Gorham, The Five Pc!a:s Crag Store. This prosperous concern i • one of those that have made ra;.H striles since its establishment and '"as served to fill a much needed want i i the homes of the worKmen. It is now rrgarded as one of the most useful concerns in our city, is doing more than ordinary work in catering to the demand* of those who appreciate pure drug-? and first-class prescription service. This company handles the best quality of drugs, toilet articles and druggist sun dries. We trust that they may enjoy a more extended share of union men's patronage, as well as that of the gen eral public. We are pleased to state there is no firm in Rocky Mount that numbers more friends or patrons among the well paid wage earners of the city. May & (iorham well merits thft continu ed support and patronage of labor throughout the coming year. Ceo. F. Harrell. We take pleasure in placing o-i the list of firms known to be friendly in their attitude towards organized labor, the name of Geo. F. Harrell, who con ducts one of our leading stores at 209 South Main street. We ate espf j f*ially proud to promote the business of the thrifty and industrious merchant of our city, to know those who hold a kindly interest in the welfare of organized labor, whose industrial career should be protected by our patronage. Geo. F Harrell carries a complete line of Edison Phonographs and records, Vic tor talking Machines, bicycles, guns, sporting goods and razors. Hub Clothing Company "The llp-to- Date Clothing Store" In giving the names of a few care fully selected concerns in the city we wish to draw particular attention to Hub Clothing Co.. located at 107 Tar boro street, which is a credit to the commercial make-up of Rocky Mount. This business is well established and is on a firm basis and we are pleased to note that it has always exhibited a fair and reasonable attitude towards ques tions pertaining to l*bor. There is every reason why the v oods of this firm should be popular workir gmen. jlub Clothing Co., cairies a full si: e of clothing, shoes and men's furnishing goods. See their go«ds before buying anything in this line. E. P. Hicks 8 Co.j Located on Washington sweet is the popular dry goods and clothing .store of Rocky Mount. They carry a mngnifi cent line of clothing, gents' furnishing, dry goods, shoes and millinery with prices to suit the purses of all They are capable business men, having mas tered the minutest detail connected with their business. They are honor able and upright, treating all custom ers most cordially. Their aim is to please and they do please. It union men in return to co-operate in making the business of E. P. Hicks & Co. a greater and even more substan tial success. E. P. Hicks & Co. has shown by all their dealings in the past that it is their purpose to deal at all times in a strictly reliable manner such as tq merit the constant patronage and support of the public. The First National Dank of Rocky Mount, N. C. In discussing ~ the present condition of business affairs from the standpoint of battks and banking, we Wisfrto im press it as firmly at .out set, that no city in this' section/oft he country, can justly boast'a more form idable-list ot strdhg and substantHal banking institutions than the six tpem bers of the Carolina Clearing Houseu We wish to cite in particular, the First National Bank of RockyMMountt t whose condition has been thoroughly investi gated and not found wanting in any thing that contributes towara making a sound, substantial and conservative ly managed banking institution: Banks of this character are little affected by temporary flurries in business. The First National Bank of Rocky Mount is regarded by all who are at all in formed as to banking conditions in this part of the country, as one of the safe est depositors in the South. All well informed people from President Roos velt to the plainest merchant has called attention to the mistake that is made by persons who withdraw their accounts from sound and solvent banks. The only effect it can have at the present time is to retard business because of the lack of necessary amount of cur rency in circulation* The present lull in business is only temporary, but all our people should see the importance of co-operating to the fullest extent in dispelling any foolhardy notions t the effect that cur country is about to experience a commercial and industrial panic. Such a condition of affairs a r . the present time, when the country is in the flood tide of its greatest pros perity, is a positive imppossibility. We should, however, in order to accelerate business and restore all business to its normal condition,do everything possible to foster and encourage such sound in stitutions as the First National Bank of i Rocky Mount. This concern has air . ways been found most fair and reason ' able in its attitude toward labor and ' has never failed to set the seal of its ■ approval upon underlying principles of j unionism. We earnestly trust the First National Bank of Rocky Mount will continue to-receive the combing 1 support and confidence of U bor through out the coming year:

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