✓ ' . ; \ DO NOT FAIL TO ■ OF WINTER AND Greatest Bargain Comc Cnrinn HnnHc Oftertnn AND AT ONCE. 11IU Of The Season. in —— • = $20,000.-00 STOCK OF MOST DESIRABLE GOODS To G© M Prices Lower Than Ever Before Offered fo The Public of Rocky Mounf and Surrounding Country. - l . 111 I 111 1111 l I i.i ■■ ■■ i J. H. DANIEL'S ENTIRE STOCK BEING SOLD AT COST This Sale Is Made Necessary To Convert Merchandise Into Cash to Pay Bills. Necessity Knows No Law. The Bills Must Be Paid and We Must Have The Cash, So We Have Decided To Sell Everything In Our Stock A! A Sacrifice. It Is Well Known That We Have One Ot The Best and Largest Stocks of Goods in The City of Roticy Mount and The Public Now Have The Greatest Opportunity To Buy The Very Most Desirable Goods Ever Offered By Any Merchant In Nash or Edgecombe Counties at Prices That Defy Competition. Sale Started Feb. ljth And Ends Feb. 29th. This is not a sale inaugurated to run on old shop worn goods, but positively the stock of fered consists of Winter and new >Sprittg Goods, that have not been in the house 30 days. Pay our store a visit and be convinced^» Our stock consists of everything worn by Men, Women, Boys and Girls. It will pay you to come many miles to attend this sale for a few dollars will do at this sale the work of many ordinarily. Below we give you a few prices. DRESS GOODS. Percales. White Domestic. Llnonette Mens Pants Prices That Have Never Been 15c Percales are now 10c. 36 in Androscoggins Bleaching 1000 yards of linen finished 3.00 and 3.50 Pants, all wool, Known iseiore 12 i-2c Percales are now 7 l-2c a t 121-2 and 15c is considered a waist and skirt goods. Every- now sold at 1.39 All Wool 25, 35 aud 40c dress The very best American and bargain, but is now 9 3-4 body knows it |o be a good value 3.50 and 4.00 Pants, all wool, goods to be sold for 19c, gemmae Calicos 7 and 8c values Mfa Domegtic was 10c but is at 121-2 and 15c, 36 in. wide, is ■^ ( j^| t 6^?p ants now srilH All Woolsoand7scdress goods are now 5 3-4 c. i j and 6.00 Pants, nov, sold qo, , now b M AIIW Flanelettes and Out-* at 3.48 iVg , i AH Wool 1.00 and 1.25 dress White Goods 10 1 ®* St , Ble^ hed £**s* ,ngs wa f loand 12 IS* 7. goods to be sold for 79c, wiuie a 3scis 24cf ; - JmrlB , Our Best 1.25, 1.50 and 1.75 18 and 20c White Lawn 40 in. i Unbleae*ed_23 13&5 ' ' g Boys Shoes All of our Boys Bft! Shirts 29c Black Voils are to be sold at this wide, now sold at 12 l-2c Sjgi fmi fiw |j an s j Mens 50 and 75c Shirts 38c jkbskb : *"""■ ffifofEsfc aatsaaar-* siiks. j^mjfcwwy^ «*■ noy»aidi» Our Best 1.00 Taffeta known to , 45c White Lawn 46 fti. wide, ; Best -2c ji rtkiki Boys Suits in light Spring col be exceptionally good value is n °w sold at33c, «..■ .. Best 10c pearl buttons 6 l-2c « Meas Clothing ors, 1.40 values 79c. now 79c, White Waist Goods m all the Best 15c peari buttons 9c ~ f. .. 2.00 and 2.50 Boys Suits in Best 1.25 value 89c. newest Cross Bars and Checks, 1.50 Bed Spreads 98c L ■^j ll its, well made fancy design sand worsteads 1.39 Best 1.50 and 1.75 values to be 25 and 35c values at 19c. x75 and 200 Bed Spre ads 1.19 8 * 9.00 values now 4.89 3 . 0 0 and 3.50 values now 2.48 sold at 112 1-2. Ladies Hose 12 1-2 and 15c val- anc ? values now 7,48 • 5.00 and 6.00 values now 3.89 — Mens Shoes uesisnowBc 20.00 and 20.00 val. now 10.79 —— SPECIAL VALUE Boys Hose 121-2 value is 8c _ _ Blankets We have just received our r^ 1 w" Button Boys Pants 1.00 Blankets 11-4 J.. H. D. beautiful line shoes are now going at 3.39 lines'and Childrens tTnder- will wear like at 59c 118 'are S" atSe prices 5-00 and 3.50 shoes 1.98 wear best and 35c value, is Ind "a iues 38c 6OO Dallas All Wool — I ali»« Chn#« 1.25 and 1.50 values 98c Blaekets 2.79. 7.50 Quality 4.98 GINGHAMS. Ladies Shoes 60c values rfSc. 7sc now 1.50 and 2.00 values 1.19. Now is the time to get bargains Our new line of Spring Dress Our best brand well known as sold at 38. Ladles Cloaks Tine-hams iust received. 121-2 the Silk Kid Shoes 3.50 and 1.00 and 1.25 Best Royall wor- f'tiilriron and 15cTuility to be sold at 10c. 4.00 value is now 2.89 cester Corset, known by all the Ladies 5.00 Cloaks 2.48 IMlflren Shoes 8 and 10c ginghams will be sold 2.50 and 3.00 Shoes 1.98 ladies to be good value, now 89c 7.50 Cloaks 3. 98 Going at the same low prices, at this sale at 6 3-4 c 1,75 and 2.00 Shoes 1.39 2.50 and 3.00 eorsets 1.98 10.00 Cloaks 498 . 60 and7sc kind 39c. SAFE TR ADING, everyone protected during this sale. " We stand back of every statement made in this advertisement Absolute Satisfaction is Guaranteed Everyone. Goods marked plainly. One price to all. It will repay every "One to visit our store during this sale wherever they reside • 1 .» ■» . , - ~ / Everything I T Ff DANIFT .S T ar w° ro No Article Sold Strictly 9 oc y ount » Charged At For FOR THE LARGE WHITE These Prices -/ ■ - w - -vyv- wv; w .« - v t c .J . . ... . . . .. . .. v The Rocky Mount Record, Thursday, February 27, 1908