W the most healthful fcy of fruits, comes the »£3fHiQ ® chief ingredient of M The only bakin*powder made from Royal /v'J - Crecm Jw |1 LA 11 Costs a litik more than the injurious alum |M|||V r-Sv I S3 ° r p ,;xos P^ ate °* l' me powders, but with £ a! you are s ire of pure, healthful foo PURELY PERSONAL. Mr. Wilkinson, of Tarboro, spent a few days in the city with his son, Mr. W. S. Wilkinson, last week.. Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Vause have re turned home from a visit to relatives Kinston. Mr. F. J. Garring returned Monday night from a business trip to Chicag S Mr. R. S. Burnette went to Oak City Tuesday on business. Miss Donie Abrams, of Greenville, after a visit to her sister, Mrs. H. W. Renfrew, in the city, returned home Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Timberlake, of Greenville, were visitors in the city this week. Misses Beulah Harper and Belle Yarborough went to Richmond, Va., Saturday, to visit friends. Miss Nina Cooper went to Wilson Friday to visit. Miss Mary Phillips has returned from a visit at Wilson, Miss Lizzie Tomlinson after a visit to Mrs. W. L. Banks in Wilson, has re turned home. Miss Margaret Newell was home Sunday from wilson, where she is at tending the Atlantic Christian College. Miss Mary Brown spent Sunday in Tarboro, the guest of her aunt, Mrs. N. V. Turrell. . SPECIAL NTICES. Dressmaking done at 107 Beale Ave aoe by Mrs. H. W. ReDfrew. Older "No-License Songster" from Rev. D. H. Tuttle, Rocky Mount, N. CL Get your Sunday School and all offcer friends of prohibition to singing wide-awake soul stirring temperance flaaslc. 50 songs, 5 cents each or 30 cents per dozen post-paid. —tf. For Kent —Furnished room on second floor bath convenient. Apply to Capt. Bobt. Hill. Boarders wanted—Apply to Mrs. Elizabeth Vick, corner E. Thomas street and Atlantic avenue, tf. Wanted to rent— 6 or 8 room.;house. Address "'A" care of this office, tf. Offices for rent in the Planters Bank Building, with electric lights, steam heat and all other conveniences. Good location. Apply at the Planters Bank. tf. Wanted —Curtains and fancy work to laundry; prices reasonable. Satisfaction guaranteed. 297 corner ot Tarboro and Arlington streets. Mrs. Clyde Dickson. March 5. I have decided to remain at home and resume my music class. Having studied under the best teachers in the South, I am prepared to give a thorough course m Music. My last course of study was *nder Mr. Wade R. Brown of Baptist University, Raleigh. Pupils entering for spring term will receive a thorough course in music. Best piano method tanght. Time for lessons arranged to sutt the convenience of school children. Terms $2.50 per month. Can go to borne of pupils when necessary. Bonnie J. Nunn. 216 South church St. For Sale? One bay horse, eight years old, wil weigh about 1100 to 1159 lbs, guaran teed to work anywhere, gentle and Fairly good roadster. Suitable Ar* surrey. Edgar W. Smith. The City Livery NEW ARD UP-TO-DATE RIG 5 f Prices Reasonable ! We can serve you promptly on short notice. • The City Livery LYNN ADAMS, Mgr. Sunset Aaenue ROCKY MOUNT, N. C. J I ms 5 ® W ® P- 5» M S m * >v w T m I | o [> 2 I *" B £ I 8 o 9Jr I f s£• of I 3 I X no m I I 3 i lip M*. fl| I M P - rt u S «*» £ *1 (§> a s»«: O * f ® £5 w M* S • Z rt p* > • !g § j H I H -» P ' O Ml* W S e- -i IL, m, 3 S f 5r S -4 « g O 8 3 a* g G "* f § §•§ ® 5* 1 1 *-f 2- » I S=o 3 1 si-r 9O - o I p o t 3 «P G 3 • I 3•8 & V 8 W M © . 5' P # 2 *) Vj § r • ~ • 1. > P) i * -■ s H i 1 §• a i 2 ■ o"? S is « ° I I■ * c X e. -go 2 rt> sr a » K > * /S£\ Q tt N 8 • P . 0Q K J .a.* « mM Thelßocky Mount Record, Thursday, February 27, 1908 j Phifer's Drug Store' | Solicits Your Patronage I 1 For Wants In The Drug I | Line | Next Door To Post Office. I MAKE UP YOUR MIND To Use Only 75he Best Groceries • •. • "" .. • •;r•. - • • * And to let tig furnish you. In that way your health will be benefitted and your peace of mind assured. We pay personal attention to all orders entrusted to our care M. BOBBITT ©.SON. 144 Washington St. Phone 331 I Your Credit is Good I I With Us I We will sell you anything you need I -ISf.f * y . * ISif' in the way of Household Furnishings l ■III-' ■ «-1 * I for Cash or Credit as you please. I I I Rocky Mount Furniture I I Company I I JAS. P. BULLUCK, Proprietor I I You Can Draw Money | H From this Bank any time you need it. But you'll think |j| p| twice before you decide that you do need it. Every dol- m| H lar you deposit is earning money for you at H || THE SAVINGS BANK * H |S //A'A The money in your pocket ||| W 4 XfJ)" ' f 7:. . ... earns nothing. Most like- HI |K ly is burning a hole gi gi 4 i. there. Put it in the bank B |K •jf i; ( j.- rrrhn' and make it earn its keep. 9 if Vr r' • • c £ i"ifc7 There is no reason why ffl j|| ucj[: ..&s£! r;ir rr l n / your dollars should be ||j H idle. Make them work ffl ffl the same as you have to. Bj |g \ / 4% compounded quarterly H I Rocky Mount Sayings & Trust Co. 1 President V.Presldent Cashier M THOS. B. BATTLE, J. C. BRASWELL, F. P. SPRUILL. if Ward-Morgan Co. THE NEW MARKET Always keep on hand the Freshest and Choicest Meats, Beef, Pork and Sausage. Prompt Attention to all Orders, given in person or by phone Our New Accountant Register Keeps Perfect Account of Your Purchases Ward-Morgan Co. Phone No. 17 City Market Rocky Mount, N. C. IWe Matrimonial Attempts^ We have in our show window a very & nice parlor lamp, price 15.00, which we m intend to give to any party on the list 9 who will send us an invitation to their ■ marriage, and afterward we will give 9 for the next three months a nice nickle B lamp for each invitation. n Bullock, Philips Co. I Undertakers I 150 Washington St. « Rocky Mount, N. C YOUR CHOICE IS HERK §1 am still in business at the same old stand and you will find my market always supplied with the choicest Meat, Beef Fish, Oysters, Etc. My special make of All Pork Sausage is fine. I have two phones in my market Nos. 51 and 395 to facilitate business Prompt delivery and correct keeping of accounts guaran teed. |z. B. BulluciT^.r^ Good Resolutions! RESOLVED, That beginning with the New Year, you will pay all bills by check. Cancelled checks are the best receipts. THE PLANTERS BANK of Rocky Mount, N. C., will be glad to have your checking account. Call to see us, get a checkbook and begin NOW! Deposits by mail will receive the same careful atten tion. J. C. BRASWELL, J. W. AYCOCK, C. V. BROWN, President. Cashier. Ass't Cashier. i It Will Save You Trouble I To Let Us Send For Your Laundry 1 And return it. And besides our service is ! the best that can be had with the most modern machinery with which our place is equipped Phone No. 7 And our wagon will respond promptly and get your laundry. Respectfully The Pearl Steam Landry —e— roresgat P^Ts^l 11 A full line of Garden Seeds both || |S Robert Buists' and T. W. Wood If ||j & Sons'. . • ll | Griffins Drug Store j FIRST NATIONAL BANK of Rocky Mount. - Wm. H. S. BURGWYN. President. S. P. HILLIARD. Vice-Pres. PAUL L. CAPELLE, Cashier. E. L. DAUGHTRIDGE. Viee-Pres. JOS. B. RAMSEY. Attorney. N DIRECTORS: Wm. H. S. G. G. Levy, F. Y. Ramsey. W. S. Parker, R. D." Bulluck, J. B.lßamsey. S. P Billiard, E. L. Daughtridge. apital Stock, $25,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits, 2,500.00 Deposits, 65,000.00 This Bank Stays open on Railroad Pay Days lintil 9p. m.

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