VOL. XI., NO. 28 "REMINISCENCES." Biographical and Historical Sketch by Dr. r. S. flicks, Treating ol Local Persons and Scenes. After they crossed the yankee cavalry cut loose the pontoon boats and the bridge floated down the river, at the samu time the river was rising consid erably and it put things in a bad shape for them to get back. But when our bridge was finished the army was there crossing in good order. Of course our army was chased by the yankee pickets to the river bat when our army was all across we cut the bridge and that ended the chase. That retreat will never be forgotten by the Confederates who were in it, especially those who were wounded. Isa sv men with one leg cut of hopping along using heavy muskets as crutches, had already come from Gettysburg, a distance of probably 25 or 30 miles and how much further they had to travel that way without relief they only found out. The ambulance transportation being limited it was im possible to carry only the worst of the wounded soldiers. Readers excuse me please, I did not mean to write out a history of the war, but it is impossible to write a history of jour travels with out bringing in some certain localities, scenes, etc. The electric thoughts of that old time carries me still further back to my boy-hood days when 1 lived in Tarboro with Mr. O'berry, when I was a member of the blessed Sunday School, also a member of the Cadets of Temperance. How grand it made me feel with my regalia on to be in a parade and to be a brother mingled in with the boys that stood at the head of class in society, such as I might mention, few of them are living now. I know on'y of two or three, Mr. Charlie Austin of Tarboro, Luchuse Landing and M. J. Battle near Whi takers, who was my nearest neighbor lor the last ten years, a good christian friend of mine. In connection with all these thoughts 1 think of poor old "Uncle" Joe Sessoms w- f .*' * .»**» e* esWm unuor General Washington. Yes I saw him in person, and I can see him now in my imagination with his walking stick, a spear on the tr-d of it. The people called him often by nick name such as "sixspear" or "seventy six." I was but a mere boy then but it was greatly interesting to me to sit down by him and hear him tell about the war. I have wondered since if he got Dension, I reckon not, very iittle if any I think, in fact none. His home was at the poorhouse about two miles of Tarboro, he was one very last to die of the revolutionary soldiers. It was no disgrace to him to die at the poor house, but alas, I do feel it was a disgrace or an oversight on our part, we the citi zens of Edgecombe Go. If we can,t locate his grave we ought to do so as near as possible and erect a monument to his memory, and the Mexican war soldiers should be cared for especially if in need of more than the pension amounts to. And along the same line our present veterans of North Carolina should be most tenderly cared and pro vided for if in need. They are most worthy and deserving. It is true that there is something being done in the way of a Soldiers Home, but not near enough to fill the demand to my knowl edge. There are many poor veterans that have or wotlld apply to be an in mate of the Soldiers Home, but the echo is "no more room." I do hope and pray that the next legislature will appropriate more special funds for that purpose, let there be whatever political party there may be in power, be sure to look after the poor Confederate soldiers. Well I will go back to my company. my command crossed the river I joined in with them. I had been absent all the winter, now the company was opened for another sea son. I had disposed of my forge, so was then given a place as water carrier, that was to keep water in readiness to swab the cannons with in time of bat tle. I pretty £oon became an expert at that, I endeavored at all times to keep a supply of filled buckets with water changing on hooks swinging to the guns. In that way it afforded me much chance to shelter myself during the battle or going in and out of a bat tle. I think it will be sufficient to say that I got along very well during that /campaign. We went to and fro, up and down over the mountains and through the valleys of Va., forded the rivers several times xluring the cam paign. There were lots of incidents that happened that would be interest ing but too numerous to mention with the amount of time and space we have to spare. I nearly omitted two very important battles. One I was an eye witness to, the other I was near by | if he sieeku Mount i^ieeog^ PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY BY THE ROCKY MOUNT PUBLISHING COMPANY. when it was fought. I will try to give a description of them* When I say try, I mean try, for it is an impossibility for one man to describe a terrific bat tle, A man with all the eloquent language and utterance unsurpassed, elavated abova the field and had the eye of an eagle he would hardly be able to describe a mere shadow of the scene of a battle. jThe first battle I will mention was known as a Bristo Station. I will be as brief as possible in trying to de scribe it. Our main army was in two sections. Longstreet was chasing the Federal forces from east, westward, along a road running in that direction. These two roads crossed in a few miles of the station. I think it was Hill or Jackson, or probably both, coming from the interior in double quick time so as to cut the Federals off before they reach ed the cross roads. I was in the,rear of that section and we double quicked it for tfiree or four hours, it seemed at the rate of ten or fifteen miles an hour, but we lost the race, about one hour late. The yankees got to the cross roads first and took the right hand leading to the station. Between there they ambushed, formed a line ot battle and before it would take time to tell it Longstreet's advanced colums fell in the trap, and the result was a terrific battle or at least a slaughter of our men. It was soon over. The yankees thin fell back or were forced on to the railroad. Night came on and the battle was ended. Next day I was at the field hospital, and will never forget the sight, the amcunt of limbs, legs and arms that had been and were being cut off. There was a pile of them as large as a small size dairy, and a greater part of the wounded seemed to be from Rocky Mount. (To be continued.) NO REDUCTION IN WAGES ON A. C. L. Contemplated Cot oft After Confer ence Between Officials end Repre sentatives of Employes. It will be cause for keen pleasure in iJLiS ci~> wile« if is learned* chat alter a conference lastii.g two weeks between the Atlantic Coast line officials and re presentatives of the employes it was decided that the matter of reduction in wages, on account of the depression in business, was ..ailed off Saturday and things will remain as they are. At present, however, the shop men at South Rocky Mount, are working only eight hours a day, but there is a per sistent rumor_that this will be changed soon and the ten hour system resumed. Business has already begun to im prove and the number of trains moving is increasing. Sunday morning three extra freights were run out from South Rocky Mount and Monday morning the local freight business was mucn better than for some time. This gives a feel ing of confidence among the employes that very early traffic will reach a nearly normal state and this will in turn bring a return to full time in working hours and a reinstatement of men laid off. The Company is "mobil izing" refrigerator cars at South Rocky Mount for the movement of straw berries and early truck, the which also inspires confidence. It is said Mr. Harry Walters, the largest stockholder in the road, was the prime factor in calling off the pro posed reduction of wages, and that he gave as his reason that when all other systems were tied up with strikes or other troubles his men remained at their posts and were loyal throughout. He further said that the Coast Line had never had any trouble on its system and did not propose to have any row. Young School Teacher. Mr. C. H. Finch, of Carthage, a con stant reade. of the Times was in our office this morning to renew for the Times, and informed us that his son, Green R. Finch, a lad of 13 years of age, holds a grade certificate and is o teacher in a school in the Prest Hill district, near Carthage. Green is a bright boy, a constant reader ot the Times and a contributor to Aunt Polly's columns in the semi weekly. The Man Who Succeeds in getting things to come his way generally makes sure by going out to meet and invite them in. He has a checking account at the bank because of its real value in limiting wasteful expenses, its conveniences, its safety and he knows it is an invita tion to success to meet him half way, an invitation she is in the habit of accept ing. Why don't you have a bank ac count? fcOCKY K. C., IKIESL k 4Y, IMKCH 12, 1908. NEW TELEPHONE SERVICE INSTALLED. Local Exchange Now Equipped With Central Energy Phone Service Equal of Any CUy. An exacting public who use tele-j phones have no conception of the ex pense and work necessary to install a modern system such as the Home Tele phone and Telegraph Co. has just comr pleted in the local exchange. A num ber or" the best skilled workmen have been laboring for several months sa£~« stituting a most modern central energy system for the old magneto style phones and now Rocky Mount can boast as good telephone service as any cit# i fr North Carolina, or anywhere for that matter. A new switchboard to accom modate 1600 telephones has been put and the v/ork of "cutting over" the old to the new for tie past wegjc has necessarily caused some inconven ience to the patrons, but now the work is completed the better service wiii more than repay for the temporal worry. Mr. F. C. Topleman, general superin tendent of the Home Telephone and Telegraph Company, has been here sisting the local superintendent, Mr. Mark Williams, in tXe work of installing the new system, a**j\ they have done their work well. How ever rapidly our progressive city irtrt* grow the new plant is ample to takfe care of subscribers for some years 'come. A visit by the editor to the '.*x change acquainted him to some extent with the intricacy of a modern tele phone system and the necessarily per fectly adjusted parts that go to make up the successful operation of it. the entrance of the wires into the build*- ing to the switchboard ther ? is a nicety" of adjustment of the parts which. U well nigh perfection, and has to be. The central energy symtexn is a;, superior to the magneto as the modern Pullman car is to a box-car, anrt its vantages are tnjoyed both by pa tron and the operators in the central office, where the work is v Ly Juuuoiii sfty'ie Imone? You litt the receiver from the hook and immediately a small light glows at your number in central offi e and re mains staling the operaror in the until your wants are attended to. No ringing of bell, only at the other end where the call is extended. At the switchboard duplicates of all the mem bers are so arranged that one operator can make the connection for any num ber on the list, without the aid of another operator, or getting up from, her seat. In the storage room where the latent current waits to be loosed to do man's bidding every possible safeguard for the protection of the operators from lightning is found, and it is impossible for foreign current of electricity to reach them. Besides the batteries ordinarily found in small exchanges for the current for transmission the new system just installed in the local ex change includes a large amount of cur rent from the city's light plant, and this is transformed into a direct current by.apparatus in the storage room. All In all Ihe new plant represents the very latest improvements in modern telephony and is up to the exacting de mands of patrons of chis great modern convenience. Homicide Surrenders to Police. Hezekiah Jones, colored, who shot Doc Little, a negro hobo, Nov, 26th, as a result of which the latter died a few days later from blood poisoning, came in and voluntarily surrendered to the po lice Friday. Jones since the homicide had been in West Virginia, and has the appearance of having been badly used by the world. He was given a preliminary hearing Saturday morniug before Judge Thorp and all the evi dence from eye witnesses to the shoot ing went to show it was in self de fense, and he was discharged. Little started the trouble and then went off and returned with a gnn, with which he threatened Jones' life, when the lat ter picked up a shot gun lying across the bed and shot him in the leg. Jones then went in the country and stayed a few days and upon hearing of Little's death left the State. The Bank of Rocky Mount is incorporated under the North Carolina banking laws, and is regularly examined by The State Bank Examiner. It confines itself to a straight, legiti mate and conservative banking busi ness, no speculation, no "high-finance" It respectfully solicits the account of the people of this community who ap preciate safety for their money and as liberal treatment as is consistent with absolute safety. . 170 CHILu'itEN BURNED TO DEATH. i Awful Catastrophe In North Collln ' j wood, 0., School When School Building Burns Down. i 'j One of the most awful catastrphes in •. modern history occurred at North Col i linv.ood, a suburb of Cleveland, 0., • Wednesday, when between 160 and 170 school children were buxned to death or grour d under the feet of the panic ' stncKea crowd who were attempting to 4 escape from the burning school building ; where C 25 were attending school. i The schoolhouse was of brick, two »j stories and an attic in height. The f- number of pupils was more than nor f-'m'J'v ' itvro, an( j the smaller children • hud b , placed in the upper part of the building. There was but one fire t escape and that was in the rear of the : building There were two stairways, - one leading to a door in front, and the t other to a door in the rear. Both of i >. -a opened inward, and it is . -;ar door was locked as I k.., •.! When .hejflames were discovered the i j ac*«who throughout seem to have *: i /'i bh courage and self-possession , (ana o bave struggled heroically for the :>f«* pupils, marshaled the Ijiiiiii* 'in , , column "fire drill," ■ j-wnich \ had often practiced. ) F at? y :he line of marchJn this f j exercise had always led to the front -.i.-tlo .r an .-i children had not been -/ir«i it-n l- se •' any other exit. The ij'nreCHm a furnace situated di • Jreeti> u i.i i v liU pjtrt of the building. ■ i.When tne c ndren reached the foot of i-Lthe stairs th. y found the flames close i j upon them a id so swift a rush was t| made for the djor that in an instant a t 1 t'ight Ly packed mass of children was trailed up against it. second ;none of iho.-.e who were upon, a any por , | tion of the fi.-st flight of stairs had a i jfhance for their lives. The children at • }he foot of the stairs attempted to fight ii their way to the floor above, while [ • those who were coming down shoved hmercilessly bac»c into the flames xik' an -i/]scaiic ihere was 'a i frightful panic with two hundred of t the pupils fighting for feheir lives, - Most of those who were killed died r here. The greater part of those who » escaped managed to turn back and I reached the fire escape and the win i dows in the rear. Various and unconfirmed statements • are made as to the ca use of the fire and ■ also that the doors of the building had : been locked at the front entrance, while i but one door of the rear entry was un fastened. The janitor, himself be reaved of three children, says the doors were open, according, to custom. At any rate the congestion of fleeing chil i dren, in the hallway below, effectively s barred the way, and the little ones > went to their death totally [unable to > evade the flames. Within three hours after the start of • the fire it had burned itself out, and the - work of recovering bodies proceeded. ■ The village fire department had only 1 two engines and neither, upon arrival ; after the alarm was given, were at all effective in stemming the flames. 5 Getting on in The World is a matter of vast personal interest to each and every one of us. There is a wholesome joy in making headway in the world of dollars; in feeling one's t horizon of poverty being pushed back, 3 pushed iather and farther away. Get -7 ting on in the world means growth, 5 material growth; a broader grasp of af " fairs and a larger confidence in one's 3 ability to do the things which count; 5 the things which make for the upbuild -7 ing of our community certainly is a mat -1 ter of personal interest to every prop ? erty owner, every tax payer, every young man and every young woman in • our town and the surrounding country. Do you wish to join the ranks of those • who are getting on in the world? Its not so hard as you may imagine; just a I little practical application of the virtue ■ of thrift, a cutting out of your unnec -5 essary expenses, the saving of your » expenses, the saving of your money I I and the starting of an account with 5 The Bank of Rocky mount. % Sharpsbnrg Items. 1 The opening spring weather "is mak a general stir among the farmers of the community in preparing for their crops. Our Supply Company is making a specialty of fertilizer just now and a large quanity is being delivered to the : farmers who express themselves as be - ing hopeful of a good crop and fruit 1 year. We are pleased to hear such > hopeful words, as they are encouraging to tbe producer and consumer, and an j incentive to greater effort. Improvements are in progress, and a new store and dwelling are nearly com pleted; then we wll have a first class hotel and boarding house for the acco modation of the traveling public and whoever wants to board in a nice, pleasant country town. Ever alert to improvements of value and convenience, our Supply Company has a telephone introduced, and we are now connected with Rocky Mount and Wilson by phone. Our young people are active in things of profit and pleasure, and a large num ber of our older people are interested in their success. Recenlty the teacher of our graded school held a nice box social to raise money for school improvements. On Feb. 28th, our school gave a very nice musical and literary entertainment. The scholars were well drilled, the vo cal music was very sweet, and the reci tations, dialogues and tableaux were ■ humrous, patriotic and realistie. Both the social and the concert were largely attended and the concert was instruc tive as well as amusing and entertain ing, and great credit is due our teacher Miss Rosa B. Westry for the complete success attending both. Mr. W. C. Pridgen and Miss Jennie Pridgen were married in the Baptist church by the pastor on Feb. 26th. On Sunday afternoon March 22nd, at 3 p. m. the Baptist church will hold a welcome service for their new pastor, Rev. E. B. Walts. Revs. I. M. Mercer and W. G. Hall will be the speakers. All are invited to this service and to the preaching service every second Sun day morning and night. EASTERN CAROLINA LEAGUE FORMED. Six Clubs Composed of Rocky Moont, Wilson, Goldsboro, Hinston, Raleigh and Wilmington to Play Bail. The Eastern Carolina Baseball Lea pnie was or»ar.i?ed in TYiI. r c.r Tuesday with six clubs and privilege for the advisory board to take in two more towns, makirig an eight club league. The cities comprising the league as formed at Wilson are Rocky Mount, Wilson, Kinston of the old league, and Wilmington, Raleigh and Goldsboro. New Bern, Fayetteville and Greenville had representatives at the meeting and two of these cities may later join the league. Officers of the Eastern Carolina Lea gue were elected as follows: T. M. Washington, of Wilson, president; Horace E. King, of Goldsboro, viae president; C. H. Gattis, of Raleigh, secretary and treasurer. An advisory board was elected composed of one re presentatives of each city in the league as follows* Raleigh, Albert Ccx; Wil mington, R. H. Gwaltney; Wilson, T. A. Fulghum; Kinston, W. B. Coleman; Goldsboro, Horace E. King; Rocky Mount, N. L. Alcocke. This board will meet in Goldsboro April 6th, at 4 p. m. The schedule committee are T. A. Fulg hum, of Wilson; W. B. Coleman, Kin ston, and N. L. Alcocke, Rocky Mount. The league will be under National Association protection and not on aft outlaw league as it was last season. The salary limit is $1,200 and each home team secretary and treasurer and man ager will have to file a sworn statement with the secretary and treasurer of the league that they nor any agent of theirs have exceeded this limit. Each club must submit a contract in duplicate signed by the secretary and treasurer and manager of the team and each player for promulgation by the presi dent. Within 10 days from March 10 a certificate of deposit of $350 in some local bank must be filed with the league secretary and treasurer, by each club entering the leaguo, this to be a for feit to the league should the club drop 'out before the season closes. Should it be proven that any club exceeds the salary limit of $1,200 a fine of $lOO for the first offense will be imposed and $5O for each offense thereafter; besides the club guilty shall forfeit all games play ed while the sa:ary limit is exceeded. The season is to open June Bth and 60 games are to be played, 30 at home and 30 abroad. The visiting team shall hate option of $4O or 40 per cent of the gate receipts for each game and a rain guarantee of $25 a day. Players are to pay their own board while at their home towns, and pay days shall be the first and fifteenth of each month. Messrs. N. L. Alcockel, J. B. Ram sey, W. E. Fenner. Lewis Levy and J. B. Barnes represented Rocky Mouut in the meeting. PRICE 5 CENTS HAPPENINGS IN POLICE COURT. Comedy and Tragedy of a Week as Enacted In Calamity Hall Before Mayor Thorp. Thursday morning Duncan Braswell was fined $5 for being drunk, to be paid the next time he comes to town, the purpose of Judge Thorp being to keep Braswell away from temptation* and thereby keep him sober. Will ' Lockhart, colored, was also fined $5 for being drunk. A case of much interest was tried be fore Recorder Thorp Friday morning, in which Mr. C. G. Proctor and his clerk, Mr. R. H. Howell, were charged with selling liquor to Sam Freeman, a minor who works at the Rocky Mount Mills. Messrs. Bunn and Spruill ap peared for the defendant and Mr. T. T. Thorne for the prosecution and the case was hotly contested. The prose cuting witness testified to having bought whiskey from Mr. Howell at Mr. Proctor's place on several occasions and that no questions were asked about his age until on either Saturday, Feb. Bor 15 when Mr. Howell asked him how old he was, after he had bought whiskey once or twice before. Witness said Howell told him that he didn't care how old he was, that he was going to sell him liquor anyhow, but that he wanted to know. Witness then told Howell he would be 17 this year. Wit ness said then Howell asked him to come to his room next day, he (If?) well) wanted to talk to him, and that he went to Howell's room Sunday after noon and Howe'l went into the saloon and took a half pint of whiskey up in the room, they took a drink and Howell gave him what was left in the bottle. The prosecution put on witnesses who testified that Freeman was seen to be drunk and that he had made such state ments to them, about the transactions with Howell. The defendants, Mr. Proctor and Mr. Howell, admitted sell ing whiskey to Freeman on one oc casion and testified that the circum stances were, Freeman into the saloon and asked for a half pint of whiskey; Mr. Proctor, attracted by his youthful appearance, asked him if he was 21 years old, and Freeman respond ed that he would be 22 this year; upon this Mr. Proctor told his clerk to let him have it. The defense attacked the credibility of the prosecuting witness, bringing out that though only 16 years old he had been drinking for several years, and had been moving from place to place during that time. The defendant Howell denied having the Sunday meeting with Freeman. After hearing the testimony and able argu ment pro and con Judge Thorp dis charged the defendants. Mr. Thorne, causel for the prosecution, thereupon took a nol pros as to other similar cases based upon Freeman's evidenced. Lawrence Crawford, colored, was be fore Recorder Thorp Saturday on the charge of stealing turkeys, and proba ble cause being shown he was bound over to Nash court under $lOO bond. For lack of evidence to sustain a charge of vagrancy against Andy Watson he was discharged. Will Proctor was fined $5 and John Proctor $lO for a small affns with two men named Jones. John Lane, colored, was as sessed $lO for fighting. Monday morning Frank Battle, col ored, pleaded guilty to larceny of two hats from a store and was bound over to Edgecombe court under $75 bond. Willie Beddingfield, for entering a saloon, he being a minor, which is a violation to the city ordinance, was let off with the payment of $3, it being shown that he went in the saloon to de- I liver a message. __ The Personal Interest you take in building up and caring for it will have much to do with your individual success and success of any enterprise with which you identify yourself. It is all under your own con trol —come in and let us tell you how easy it is to start an account with The Bank of Rocky Mount. Piano Toner Coming. Our piano tuner, Mr. A. C. Johnson, will be with us for a few days next week, and any one needing first class tuning or repairing can call on or phone us their order and we will have it attended to. Mr. Johnson is a practical tuner, de voting his entire time and attention to this work. * Dowdy & Lancaster. Wanted —Curtains and fancy work to laundry; prices reasonable. Satisfaction guaranteed. 297 corner ot Tarboro and Arlington streets. Mrs. Clyde Dickson.

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