VOL. XI., NO. 31 "REMINISCENCES." Biographical and Historical Sketch by Dr. P. S. flicks, Treating of Local Persons and Scenes. "Then he was canscripted was he?" She told him yes. He then asked "Uncle Ben" a negro man who be longed there if it was true, he told him it-was. He told my wife to be quiet and not be troubled, that he would give her two guards at the gate and one at the door, nothing should trouble her. He was true to his word. Not another man was allowed to go inside the yard, and as strange as it may seem, it turned out that the very men who had no money to buy and that she gave some thing to eat a few days before when they were prisoners there, were the very two men who were now left as her guards to protect her. They still remembered and thanked her for past kindness to both of them. They also gave her some mixed sugar and coffee, all they had with them. Later on the very same Regiment or a part of it was assigned to come and remain at Tar boro for several months after the war for the purpose of controlling and re lieving the colored people after the war, and the very two soldiers spoken of above, came out to see me and talked over ihe coincident. They proved to be very nice gentlemen. They were from Oswego, N. Y. Now back to my company. After staying out the extent of my second furlough. L found Braswell occupying my tent where I left him, (that is what was left of him.) His eye-brows and hair singed off, his face skinned over and he under the care of the doctor. You see after I left him to go home he began to experiment with a loose cartridge of cannon powders testing its strength, etc. Its appearance is some thing like crumbled rotten wood with a dullish look. He had the cartridge or part of it in one hand and took out with The other hand some of the powder and while standing in the; tent threw it into the fire. The fire and ashes Hashed" all over him, caught the other powder in his hand, blew him over," burned his hair and hands and face, blew away the tent and its contents and alarmed the camp generally. But in a week or two he was himself again, and wiser as a soldier, for he had learned more of the power of the cannon powder. It was expected every day for the Spring Cam paign. of battling to open as usual. Capt. Latham had been elected sheriff of his respective county, and John R. Potts first Lieut., was elected Capt. His home was in Washington, N. C. at that time. His parents were refugees at Tarboro. One morning Capt. Potty sent for me to come to his tent. I went and he told me that I was due to have another 30 days furlough and if I said so he would apply for it for me. I readily consen ed, in a few days he had it ready for me and I was off for home again. He sent by me several of his little important things home to his father. He expressed to me a present ment that in a few days he would be in a battle and expected to be killed, and that I might never see him again. It was so. When I told him goodby I looked in his face, there was a calm solid look and a wistful expression. He said, "tell my father if I never meet him in this world again, I hope to meet him in a beLter world where there will be no more war." I did as he told me and delivered the articles and the mes sage to his father. His father was a very old man. I will never forget his look ween I told him. He nodded his head and said, "thank you," then looked down and could say no more, the tears ran freely down his cheeks. I shook hands with him, told him good-by and left him standing in the door. He died shortly after that and I never saw him any more. About three days after that I left my company the Spring Campaign of battling commenced, and will be long remembered. The terrible "Battle of the Wilderness" was fought, and sure enough Captain Potts' battery was placed in the center of the road on a hill and ordered to stay there at all hazard, live or die, and to throw canis ter and shell down the road with all the rapidity possible. He did it, he held in check regiment one after another of yankees charging up that wide road, known as the slaughter place of the wilderness, for nearly one hours time without any support from the infantry. ■ He knew the infantry was coming but a long way off. They came in double quick time. The Yankees were charg ing at full speed the entire breadth of the wide road as far as could be seen and in thirty steps of our cannons. We had four large field cannons side by side pointing down the road fixing with all rapidity possible, just in time, two or thrw*»nmtes- -been too late our support for the artillery was there. Our infantry had doubled quicked three miles probably, they passed right by our artillery in a charge. It was almost a hand to hand fight. The rebels had one important advantage, they were charging down the hill. It was soon over, the federals retreated in bad condition, but the battle was over and somebody was hurt. Yes Capt. Potts at the very last moment was struck with a piece of shell, his leg cut or broken and he bled to death before he could possibly get medical attention, though he lived long enough to know he won the battle. CaDt. Potts was a good man and a brave soldier. I was not an eye wit ness to the battle spoken of above, but was told upon my arrival about it, by my brother soldiers. When trying to describe a battle we cannot describe the position of the entire army. I have only described the position of my com pany as told to me. The Battle of the Wilderness was May sth, 1864. After the death of Capt. J. R. Potts, Lieutenant H. G. Flanner of Wilming ton, N. C., was made captain and re mained until he surrendered at Appo mattox Court House. I returned to my company which was near Hamptons crossing. From then until the seige around Richmond and Peters burg we continued chasing the Yan kees and they chasing us, now and then one would flank to the right and the other to the left; now and then a battle and the picket firing continually. Oc casionally a raid was made by the Con federates. On one occasion we captured about 800 large fat oxen, the nicest I ever saw, from the Yankees. After a while we were ordered from the north side of James river, to Petersburg, in double quick time. When we got there we found the city in a critical condition, the Yankees were in beckoning distance and had already been throwing shell in the city. Our force there was very weak, and the city was depending on a very weak line of a few pickets, backed by the hand of Providence. These pickets had been without relief for uMC tiV&n X nin V t how the citizens of cheered as we passed through the city to the eastern side near the old Blanford church to take possession of the lines. As we passed the street were lined with both ladies and gentlemen and they were there for other purposes than to cheer, for they had ready large cans of hot, sweetened coffee, at every street corner, and we were invited to fill our tin cups and drink as we hastily passed. There were also numbers of baskets fillea with nicely cooked victuals put up in lunch form; these they hand ed to us. We were on a forced march and had no time to stop and cook. It was a grand donation to us, we poor hungry soldiers. I never will forget them, though there be few of them living now. God bless them all. We put our guns in position after dark, in two or three hundred yards of the enemy's breaskworks. There were but little breastworks thrown up on our lines at that time and they only heid by a few pickets, 15 or 20 steps apart and supported by no artillery at all. (To be continued.) little Licks at Liquor. (BY D. H. TUTTLE.) Brandy burns the brain. Whiskey widens the way of wicked ness. Beer makes bigger belly but less brains. Read Rom. 16:18, Philp. 3; 19 The place for all liquor is in the gut ter but don't run it through a man to get it there. Liquor gets liberty by licenses and enlarges hell for its libertines. Isaiah 5:11 to 14. Kill it! Kill it! Kill what? That ap petite for whiskey that is forming in you. See Prov. 23:32 right now. Why is the whis-key the worst of all keys? Because it unlocks more doors to sin than any other, and at last lands more souls in hell than any other. A Drama in Four Acts. Act I —Before the bar of the saloon. Act ll—Before the bar of the court. Act lll—Behind the bar of the jail. Act IV—Before the judgment bar of God. Let's all be ready to strike a ballot lick on May 26th that will forever lessen liquor's liberty in the "Old North State forever." Tarboro Boys Win. The Tarboro smaller f oya walloped a like aggregation of graded school boys of this city on the local diamond Friday «f ternoon by a score of 17 fco 12. A Newspaper For The Home. ROCKY MOUNT, N. C., IHURSDAY, APRIL 2, 1908. A GREAT TEMPERANCE LECTURE Rev. Geo. Stewart, the Noted Evange list and Lecturer, Speaks to Large Audience in Opera Hoose. Rev. George Stewart, the noted evangelist and temperance lecturer, spoke to an audience of 800 or 900 in the Masonic Opera House in this city Fri day night, and for nearly two hours held the closest attention of his hearers, whom he swayed with his great powei of word painting, apt illustration and | logic as the wind sways the trees, car rying them from uproarous laughter at\ his sallies of wit and sarcasm to tears, by a touching story of the blighting in fluence of strong drink. Again he would have them mentally digesting his wonderful logic as he swept away the planks on which stood the saloon advo cates, offering argument for argument and meeting every contention fearlessly and without equivocation, frequently bringing into play the power of invec tive. No one who heard him could help being entertained, whether agreeing with his utterances or not; for h9»is.a live wire. Among the things he said was that the nation was endangered by a dark cloud of anarchy hanging over it, and that anarchy was fostered by the sa loon, as is the mob spirit and all kindred evils. He took up the question of reve nue from the liquor business being an excuse by business men for opposing prohibition, and in a most convincing manner showed how the saloon takes from the pockets of the working men hundreds of thousands of dollars, in a community, and then gives a small part back in taxes to help run the govern ment. If this amount, said the speaker, were spent for shoes, clothing, dry goods and groceries etc, these business men could well afford to pay this amount of tax out of their increased profits, and not feel it. He illustrated his argument with a most amusing story, which threw the audience inte a convulsion of laughter. He charged the saloon keeper with being worse thant> nig., way voted to license him to sell liquor was worse than the man who soid it. In making out this charge he said that any father had rather find nothing in his son's pocket than a bottle of whis key, hence whiskey was worse than nothing; then if whiskey was worse than nothing the saloon keeper who sold it was worse than the robber who took the money and left nothing. And, »aid the speaker, the man who votes to license whiskey selling adds to the guilt of being a party to it the cowardly act of having some one else do a thing he would not do himself. The speaker excoriated the business men who oppose prohibition because they are afraid it would hurt business, and said they were a party to the crime and bribe taker?. The address was full of anecdotes used in illustration of points by the speaker and the applica tion was made with great effect. Added to his remarkable talent of mimicry and unique character and an easy flow of language a great knowl edge and wide experience Mr. Stewart is well qualified to deliver a temperance lecture with great power and in a way to hold the interested attention of an audience through it all. His audience Fri day night were moved at times to great demonstrations of enthusiasm and ap plauded without stint his blows against the liquor traffic. Mr. J. I. Barnbill, of Tarboro, Dead. Mr. James I. Barnhill, one of the leading business men of Tarboro, died there last Thursday, aged sixty-one years. He had been ill for two years with a complication of disease. Mr. Barnhill came to Tarboro fifteen years ago from Pitt county, and amassed quite a little fortune in the lumber bus iness. Surviving are his mother, Mrs. A. S. Barnhill, two brothers, Sidney and Gray, two sisters, Mrs. Roebuck and Mrs. Everett, of Pitt county, and one sister, Mrs. Lon Harris, of this place. Ry. Mt. Shuts Raleigh Out. The Rocky Mount High School team outplayed the Raleigh High School team at every point in a pretty game of ball in this city Saturday, shutting out the visitors, 4to 0. The game was well played, few errors being recorded against either team—honors being even, 4 and 4. The locals had the best of it in the batting, getting 9 hits 'off Stafford, while Edge only allowed 4. The batteries were: Raleigh, Stafford and Faucette; Rocky Mount, Edge and Jordan. Umpire, Mr Hsgfc - Wttliford. Published Every Thursday Morning. STATE ITEMS OE INTEREST. A Panorama of Passing Events Called From Our North Carolina Ex- changes. iJiss Lollie Smith, 17 years old, was burned to death in her home in Winston- Salem Sunday night as a result of an explosion of a lamp. Fire Sunday night at Charlotte prac tically ruined the Southern Pants Co's. ititlcry and did other damage to a total arsount of $70,000. When attempting to arrest James fiurch, a negro, Chief of Police Bell, of City, was shot through the leg by Burch, Saturday. The Southern Railway has let the contract to J. C Morris, of Greensboro, fo? *40,000 worth of improvements to round-house at Spencer. Three stores of John Hanff and two Greek restaurants on Middle street, in New Bern, were burned Monday morn ing, causing a loss of $3,000. Because the New Bern Iron Works, at New Bern, cut their employes' wages 25 per cent, 20 of them quit, leaving only four or five at work. James C. Craft, of Wilmington, Class of 1909 at Harvard University, won the Price Greenleaf scholarship, one of the most important scholarships at Harvard. Sam Murchison, the negro who killed Chief of Police Benton, of Fayetteville, Feb. 23, was convicted Thursday of Murder in the first degree and will be hanged April 16th. Hon. W. M. Bond of Eden ton, who an nounced some weeks ago his candidacy for congress in the first district, against Congressman Jno. H. Small, has with drawn from the race. fedwin H. White, of Burlington, a young man of 25 years of age and un married, committed suicide by shooting himself In the heart Friday night. No '• -.use is ascribed for his rash act. Q. >U. Campbell, a former superin riJrnr- N. C., around whom there grew a great scandal a few years ago, com mitted suicide in New York last week. John Triplett, a 17-year-old yonth of Hickory, committed suicide by shoot ing himself to death with a shot gun, Thursday, because his elder brother reproved him for something he had done. native African boys in charge of Rev. Frank Arthur, a mission worker on the coast of Africa, arrived in Salis bury last week to take a special course in Livingston College, a negro institu tion. At Raeford, Cumberland county. Sat urday night, Whit Monroe, colored, shot fatally Frank Walker, a negro youth, at the home of Bert Nicholson, a woman over whom the shooting took place. Chief of Police Monaghan, of Fay etteville, was attacked by a crazy man when he entered the letter's room in the hospital, and badly hurt. The chief overpowered the maniac and locked him in a cell in jail. Farrar Turner, a negro oysterman at Elizabeth City, committed suicide by drowning Sunday. Turner lost his week's earnings in a crap game Satur day night and, it is said, this was the cause of his suicide. Engineer W. W. Rippey and Conduc tor C. M. Oakey, of the Southern Rail way, who were tried last week in Ral eigh, for manslaughter because of the wreck at Auburn last summer, were acquitted by the jury. J. S. Brock, a former employe of the Waccamaw Lumber Co., at Wilming ton, has brought suit for SIO,OOO dam ages against the company for the loss of an eye by accident which occurred while he was at work. Upon President Venable's return from a two month's visit to Italy the students of the A. &M. College Satur day gave him a great reception, ring ing bells, having a torchlight procession headed by a band etc. The T. A. Gillespie Co., contractors, have filed a mechanics lien for $730,000 ou the property of the Whitney Reduc tion Co., in Stanley county. The Whit ney is a $10,000,000 corporation and is now in the hands of a receiver. When C. H. Russell, a prosperous farmer, of near Charlotte, opened hi» front door one morning last week a coffin, that had been leaning against the door fell inside. Nailed to the coffin was a note signed "Black Hand," de manding money. Russel's young wife was thrown into hysterics, and a phy sician had to be called. Two young men are under surveiliance and their arrest is expected. Turner Bailey and Sam Roberts, two youug farmers of Old Field township in Wilson county were killed last week by a freight train on the Norfolk & South ern railroad, about 10 miles from Wil son. It is said both were intoxicated. Alsey Perkins, of Reidsville, was ac cidentally shot and instantly killed by his cousin. Charles Gauldin, Saturday night- Gauldin had just bought a pis tol and shot at an outhouse to try it, and Perkins was, unknown to Gouldin, standing in the door of the house and received the bullet. The Washington Messenger tells of an extraordinary surgical operation per formed in the hospital in that city, on Miss Annie May Woodard, a lady who lives 10 miles from Washington. The young lady became choked while eating her supper and all efforts to relieve her failed until six days had passed, when resorting to a desperate remedy Drs. Joshua and D. T. Tayloe removed her stomach, made an incision in it, passed a hand in and dislodged the obstruction. The lady was soon able to drink water and take nourishment, which she had not done for six days. It is believed she will recover. Rocky Mount Tobacco, Market. With this month virtually closed the sales on the Rocky Mount tobacco mar ket for the present season, though the warehouses are open and ready to take care of and sell to advantage !all that may be brought, but there is little or no tobacco left on farmers hands, and some of the largest buyers have quit the market, not being able to get enough to justify their following sales any longer. "We publish herewith a comparative report of sales of leaf tobacco this year and last year. It will be seen that the sales fall short 117,000 lbs., while the average price per pound is about the same. It is well known that the acre age was slightly increased the past year and but for the exceedingly poor yield per acre, the crop would have weighed out from 9, to 10 millions of pcunds. The price has been very satisfactory V.W Wl.uk; J Jdk, k+xs.i l n 1 .. ■ rior quality of the tobacco offered the farmers have not been nard to please and in most cases have been agreeably surprised that they got so good a price for such inferior tobacco. Had the quality been good and the yield better, the farmers in our section would have realized fine prices for the product and .made good money on the tobacco crop. With the low prices prevailing for cotton, and the better labor conditions lit is thought the crop will be slightly increased in this section the coming sea son, though much will depend upon con ditions from now on, both in regard to seasons and the supply of labor; while necessarily the price of cotton will cut some figure. The world can take the present supply of tobacco at good prices and the trade seems willing to do so. The only fear is over cropping, which would be bad in any farm product, though we think our farmers are too wise to fall into that error. Sales for March 1908, 240,648 lbs. Average $9.25. Sales for March 1907, 196,652 lbs. Average $8.84. Increase for this March 44,006 lbs. Sales to date 1908, 6,928,131 lbs. Average $10.46. Sales to date 1907, 7,045,148 lbs. AVerage $10.55. Decrease 117,017. Roanoke Union at Enfield. Dr. I. M. Mercer returned Sunday night from Enfield, where he attended the Roanoke Union of the Tar River Association, Friday to Sunday. The union was largely attended, the 100 churches of the association being rep resented, and in addition to an interest ing program much important business was transacted. Prof. C. W. Wilson, of Scotland Neck, was moderator. Dr. Mercer conducted an evangelistic 'ser vice for children Sunday, and Rev. Braxton Craig preached two able ser mons, also, on that day. Plans were formulated for the for mation of an association of 45 churches , in the Tar River Association, east of the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad and a few on the border in Nashville and Red Oak sections. Mr. T. M. Arrington, of Rocky Mount, was elected chairman of a committee to draft a constitution and by laws for the new association to be submitted to a meeting to be held in the First Baptist church in this city Oct.. 13, at which time the new associa tion will be permanently organized. The Roanoke Union will hold its next meeting on the fifth Sunday in May, with the Arlington Street church of this city, when the church will be dedi cated. Rev. Livingstone Johnson, sec retary of the State mission board, will deliver the dedicatary sermon. PRICE 5 CENTS HAPPENINGS IN POLICE COURT. Comedy and Tragedy of a Week as Enacted in Calamity Hall Before Mayor Thorp. The accumulation of a several days' business caused a pretty long docket to be for trial in the recorder's court Monday morning, but none of very great importance. Randall Battle was fined $7.50 for disorderly conduct; Lilla Hart, for taking part in an affray, $7.50, while Annie Rowell who was in dicted with her was discharged; W. W. Biggs, riding a bicycle on the sidewalk, was fined $2.00. Quite a number were fined $2.00 each for failure to use lime on their premises, and Mayor Thorp announced that the most rigid inspec tion of lots would be made by the po lice and every person in Rocky Mount who failed to use:lime would be fined. For their own protection it looks like people would observe this sanitary law; but some will not, and these will have to pay for such failure. Rocky Mount Misrepresented. In a communication to the Raleigh News and Observer the Wilson corre spondent of that paper says he was in formed that the Recorder's court! in Rocky Mount had for trial Monday morning 30 cases, and adds that Rocky Mount has barrooms, thus implying that this is a city of disorder because of the fact. This is far from the truth, and while it does not undertake to de fend the saloons, which cause enough trouble, the Lord knows. The Record would correct the wrong impression caused by the misrepresentation. As a matter of fact only 13 cases were dis posed of in the Recorder's court Mon day morning and seven of them were for violation of the sanitary ordinance relative to using lime. The others were, 1 f. and a.; 1 affray; two for riding bicycle on the sidewalk, and 2 for dis orderly, one of the last named develop ing the fact that the parties concerned had been drinking. Inasmuch as Mon day's docket was the accumulation of three days' business, no court being that this is a very gocfl recora for a live city of 10,000 inhabitants. In matters reflecting on a person or community writers for newspapers should get their facts on straight, and this rule The Record recommends to the bright young man who serves a number of State papers from the Wilson section. Republican Ex. Committee Meets Here. The Republican executive committee met in the banquet hall of the Masonic Temple Tuesday afternoon and called the convention to name delegates to the national convention and nominate a candidate for congress. Postmaster Robbins, who is the Edgecombe memr bero£the committee, made a hard fight for Rocky Mount for the place to hold the convention but the majority voted for Kinston, and the convention will be held there may 14th. Those in attendance were Chairman J. E. Cameron, of Lenoir; Secretary J. D. Meares, of Wilson; R. H. Norfleet, of Bertie; Mc. N. Ferguson, of Halifax; G. W. Robbins, of Edgecombe. War ren, Greene and Northampton were represented by proxy. Assaulted in tbe Dark. When Charlie Carr, a colored boy who works for Mr. Wiley Walston, was re turning from South Rocky Mount Thurs day evening, where he had been to de liver a package, two negroes attacked him, the boy alleges, and knocked him off his bicycle. .One of the men shot at him and the other struck him in the back with a stick. He sustained inju ries which later caused him to be come unconscious,. Who the men were or why they attacked the boy is not known. R. L. Davis. Sunday. Rev. R. L. Davis, State organizer of the Anti-Saloon League will deliver a prohibition address in the First Metho dist church Sunday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock. Everybody is cordially invited to hear him, and may feel assured that he will entertain them on this live sub ject. As State organizer Mr. Davis probably knows as much or more than any other man of the progress of the campaign for State prohibition, and he is brim full of the subject. A special musical program will be arranged for the occasion. Anti-Saloon League to Meet. The Anti-Saloon League will meet at the First M. E. Church Friday night, 3rd., at eight o'clock. All friends of the cause of prohibition are welcome. All committees will be expected to make reports of the work done. , J. H. W estbrook, Chairman.