-v ONLY ,. 8 IJOPvE ; SHOPPING DAYS BEFORE CHRISTMAS! News Without i Bias V- Views Without Prejudice n qj r on ' lit LJLJ 1 Vu luu The Only Democratic Newspaper Published in Elizabeth City VOL 1 ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA THURSDAY EVENING DECEMBER 14. 19H v. NO 164 Says Peace Proposals Due To Food Panic in Germany Past Few Weeks Characterized as "Reign of Terror" wifh Internal Dissensions and Strained Rela- lions Between Various States By LORD NORTHCLIFFE (Copywright 1916 by United Press) London, Dec. 14. Germany's peace proposals are due to ttae fact, which neutral correspondents hire not been allowed to Indicate, that during the last tew weeks grave In ternal slssensions have arisen in Germany ow ting to food shortage. This situation has been termed the "reign of terror". Relations are strained between the various states and also with Turkey. The proposals have been eceived With contemp by France, Russia, Italy, and Belgium, these nations standing as firm as Plymouth Rock in their positions. ? TO REJECT OFFER V-' "(By United FreaaV . London, Dec, 14. Sentiment here increases in favor of includ ing In England's answer to Ger many'a peace note a definition ot -the basic terms. It is centain that : the answer will be a rejection this '. time but ig felt that the Allies will meet the German stategy by a J move which will put the Allies In a position to make known their tie ' mands and concessions. , Y I Assumed Command Averted Panic (By United Press) J P Morgan Is Secret Visitor (By United Press) Washinton. Dec. 14. J. P. Mor gan. financial representative of the Entente Allies in America, is a se cret visitor at the British embassy, supposedly to gather information ol the attitude of the Entente Allies tewtird Germany's peace proposals It is also assumed that his visit may have a 1 road effect upon fu ture defelopements of interna-tlon-rl financing. WILLIAMS-LAWYER A marriage of considerable local interest took place at the Lome ot J. W. Munden, register of deeds. t-teeay at noon, when- Miss Pearl A. Sawyer became the bride of Mr; Trevar J. Williams; The groom is a promising young farmer of "New lands and Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. iViriams ofthe same place. The bride is the daughter ot Mrs. Susan Sawyer, of Camden county. The marriage was performed ira meadlitely after the couple arrived from the bride's home. Only a few close friends witnessed the cere mony. They were: Miss Beulah Williams, sister or the groom; Mr. W. G. Sawyer, brother of the bride Mr. J. J. Brothers, Miss Dela Wil liams and Miss Annie Bright, ot Newlands; and Mrs. Newton P. Spence o.f this cfty. f Norfolk, Dec. 14 How I. D. " yrvine of the . battleship Nevada, a passenger, assumed command when the steamer, Powhatan was struck i -"last night and averted a panic is -(told by passengers landing by the ". cutter to-day. S CHRISTMAS ALREADY ARRIVED -f AT MITCHELL'S DEPT. STORE i ( A visitor at Mitchells Depart ment Store this week gin need about her and exclaimed: "Why I never flaw such a wonderfu! variety. Christmas has surely come al ready." And both of these statements sre true. The variety Is there and o is Christmas. The variety ranges from the handsome em broideried kimonas which came all the way ffom Japan just the other day, bringing wonderful cherry bloHSorr!, NVhrysanthemunis. wis taria i jis to delight the femlnlutfi ;iu:aT! heart; an In exhaustible assortment of dainty Japanese" handkerchiefs; to the "ftozlngly big character dollB that ' 'have caught the eye of every kid r die in town . These. Indeed, are 'scarcely a beginning In the Cita "Of Christmas suggestions to be found at Mitchell's. You have to ,j( W the store itself with Its attract Vive holiday decorations und its .great, display of useful and beauti ful, gilts, ndv . . I , r(, The blggeBt, lest dolls in old f Santas', whole pack. Just, see them J at ' MITCHELL'S , Tept. STORE1. Mission is One of mercy (By Unlied Press) Denver. Colo., Pec. 14 They look like ioldiciH coming from the trenches where gas bombs have been falling in numbers. Mask, gog gles and curious tanks on their bscks add t0 the impression. But thefrg Ik a mission of peace their motto is safety first. They are students at the State School of Mines, Golden Colq. members of the school's new de partment of "Safety and efflcency engineering," the first school de partment oft Its kind to be estab fished In the United States. The squad Is under the tutelage of J. C. Roberts Who was for many years In charge of the governments mine rescue car and he knows the horror of the mine accident as well perhaps as any m:in In the country. At the school of mines he is turn ing out men eiiulped to orgalse the miners of the world into safty-flrst eo,uad9 that will decrease the annu al list of victims of mine accldehtB. Any afternoon In Go'dtn, in the foothills, the safely class may be seen diving into the darkness of a Kas filled hole, on a mission of res cue while the efflcency squad wait tt the mouth with bandages . , and liulmotors and knowledge of ' first aid methods. All doing practical work of rescuing.; ; , ' , A ElieiMID ADDS Hill LIEU MAKIOQ TOTAL FOR TWELVE MONTHS ENDING MARCH 31 "1917, OF FIVE MILLIONS London, Dec. 14. The war office supplimentary estimate provides for an additional million men of all ranks In the British army for the yesr ending March list 1917, mak ing a total of' flye million for that twelve month perrtoA : .PRICES FOR LIVE HOGS The following quotations from Kingan and Company, Pork Pack ers, of Richmond will be ot Interest here at this time: ' "We are paying to-day for prime quality Live Hogs following pricos: 205-226 lbs. avg. from 10.25 to 19.50 175-200 11, s. lvr. from 9.90 to 10.25 155-170 lbs. avg. from 9.50 to 9.75 125 -150 lbs. avg. from 9.00 to 9.75 100 120 lbs. avg. from 8.50 to 9.00 Pigs from 8.50 to 9.00 Sowg from 8.50 to 9.00. Soft or Oily Hogs, lc o 1 Vif less above prices." Hogs priced at market Rvalue day they are received. I REACH PRESIDENT OFFICIAL NOTE PRATICALLY IDENTICAL WITH PRESS 4 DIS PATCHES RECEIVED EARLIER Washington, Ijae. 14i Gerraany.s peace proposals reached the State Department overnight. Secretary Grew of the Berlin Embassy trans' mltted with the note a confidental memorandum for the President and Secretary Lansing, to be used by them in dealing with the peace sub ject. The text Is to all intents lden leal with the press dispatches re ceived eirlier. Amerlc's first step to carry out the wisheB of Germany and the Cenlr.il Powers as their diplomatic representatives in the Entente Cap l;als was taken today. Within a ftw hours afterthe receipt of the of ficial tf.xt of the Teuton poice pro posal Secretary Lansing at the Presidt nt's order dispatched it to London. I'-i'is, I'etroprad. Tokio and lo the provisional capital of Ru mania. Seibia and Belgium. GrniPii-'s communication to her enlmies was sent without sugges tions or comment by the President ,This action completely fulfilled the request of the Central' Empire made of the United States. It la stated upon the highest au thority that the President's mind still entirely open. He is still undetermined and will reach no de. clslon until he his confidental ad vices from American representa tlves at the Entnto cnpltols. One point, however, became clear x-.. This i3 how careful the Prefl Idcnt and his advisers are that no move be made by them which might be received unfavorably by the Al lied government?. It has been sug gested to him that perhaps a state ment, full, concise end clear, dejiv ered to the American people and the world mipht l: the entering wedgo adopted. .UOLIdVy SUITS FOR MEN. Ask to sVihem at MITCHELL'S DEPT STORE. , TO ESTABLISH MAII CORPS UNDER NATIONAL DEFENSE ACT A. 4 M. COLLEGE WILL HAVE NEW MILITARY FEA TURE. .. ; ' UiA'iY ACTED DOPIIIG UTTIE WeBt Raleigh, N, C. Dec. 14 A Reserve Officers' Training Corps, no wer provlsin of the National Defense Act. will be eUb!ished at North Carrolins College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts beginning with the next college year. All students who are citltens of the United States, 14 years old or over, and whose bodily condition in dicates that they are physically fit to perform military duty are el ligftle for the corps. Members of the National Guard are not eligible but authority to obtain their dis charge has been secured rfom the War Department. Three hours weekly of theoreti cal ahd pratical military t rating, prescribed by the War Department, are required during the last two years. Members are also required to attend two cmps of four weeks each during the four academic years. In raturn the student com plying with these requirements will be furnished commutation of rat ions (about eighty dollors per year) uniform, etc. Any graduate of the Reserve Of fleers' Training Corps may be au- umcere' corps by tne President of the United States, providing the graduate has completed the camp training and agreed In writing, up on reaching the age of 21. to serve the United States in the capacity ot reserve officer for the period of ten years. The President may ap point any member of the Officers Reserve Corps a temporary second ' eutenant In the Regular Army (in time of peace) for a period not tc aix months at a salary of $1.00 a month and allowances. Uuoi ap plication the- six months' training may be had following graduation, in which qas the tralnfng camp at the end of the senior year will not be required. In time of war the Pre ident ntay ordfcr reserve offlcflrs, appointed aB above, to active duty with any of the forces of the Unit ed States In any grade not below that of second lieutenant. AND FIELD MARSHAL'S DECLA RATION OF "NO REST THIS WINTER" STILL ,TANDS Berlin, .Dec.. 14. Despite Ger man, peace proposals, Von Hln denbilrg's declaration "No rest this winter" still stands. Military au thoritiei repeated thlg quotation of the Field Marshal's remark In com menting today on the fact that Germany , weighted carefully the le:C3 question before her announce ment was made, knowing that Eng land did not desire peace because the Allies Intend to launch an enor mous spring oflensive. in r irnnm inr n ur n r r lills; iibiiwi Ullllk BETWEEN NEW YORK AND CHI CAGO IF. PRESENT PLANS CAM BE CARRIED OUT A THE SQUIRE KEEPS BU8Y The home of Mr. J. W. Mun den, Register of Deeds, was the sc?ne of three marriages Tuesday, tw0 in the morning and one at night. The participating psrtier were from Norfolk and other points outside of the city and remained In the city only a short while. The first to take plaece was that of Mr. William A. Wlnslow of Norfolk, and Miss Mabel Virginia Trout, of Troutville. They were accompanied by Mrs. J. M. De Long and Mrs. M. C. Robinson, of Norfolk, sisters ot the groom. Mr. Frank Francis Rolssner and Miss Elsie Elizabeth Goeti, of ftantp4teir"wre' also lUajIWt ,,Jll,,. Wt. morning. Coming from way- up in Whitestone, Mr. Alvin Kirk Lewis met his bride elect, Miss Susie Jane Powell of Norfolk, and they continued on to the city to be married. The ceremony was performed Tuesday night. Washington. Dec. 14 ..A regalaf aeroplane tlx to fourteen hour mail aerrlce between Chicago 4 and "few York la to be established by the Post Office Department If the planf now under consideration go through ine department announced today. Let the Wife Read This St. Paul Mlnn.,4)ec. 14. When husband and wife meet in that thrilling 3 a. m. encounter at the top ot the stairs, Hubby may now truthfully state he never had t a drop, no matter how badly pickled he may be. If friend wife is,aatud ent of dentistry, he may get by . with his yarn. Dr. H. D. Alrich, member of the fit.; Paul district dental School said today. Defective -teeth improperly cared for, may develope Alcohol In the system which Jnay cause their owner to reel and (talk'' foolishly, he said. f THIS WOULD SEEM WORTH INVESTIGATING FEREBEE-DOXEY SHgo. Tc. 13. Mr. Bryan Kere lee and Miss Minnie Doxey. were quietly married last Sunday night by Jsstlce of the peace A. 1). Saw yer at Tulls. Mr. and Mrs. Ferebee went to Elizabeth City first to Becure a 11 cense, hut the youthful appearance of the bride caused Mr. Munden to hesitate and finally refuse to Issue the license. Returning the couple secured a license ut Currituck and reached the home of the justice of peace at (0:15 Sunday night. Wit nessing the marriage were Misses Chloe Doxey, Chloe Caton, Messrs. Haywood Doxey. Willie Caton and Ed Toxey, relatives of the bride The bride, in spite of her youthful appearance is really nineteen yern of age. M.r Feiebee is a prosperous mor chant of Sligo where the couple will make their home. Mrs. Fere bee In the daughter of Mr. Colum bus Doxey of Currituck, and has a large numbfr of friends in the coun ty. BAZAAR AT WOOOVILLE. The Woman's Betterment Society of Woodville will give a bazaar at the , school house on Dceember 5l for the.teneflt.ot the school., &r mission la free and the public la cordially invited. , s, F. Lee Sheppy, 8th Floor 243 W. 17th street. New York City, Gener al Sales Manager of the hrgest concern of its kind In the World, want three or four men in Pas quotank . County and several men In adjoining counties to work for him spare t'me or all the time. He can use only those who nave a rig or auto. Work la "very" pleasant and no previous aeltlng experience Is necessary. Work consists of leaving a wonderful new household necessity in the homes on free trial TestB at more than thirty of the leading Universities and the Gov ernment Bureau of Standards show this new article to be four times as efficient as the article In general use in this section. Articlo Is needed In every rural home and benefits every member of th house hold, bringing cheer, comfort and happiness Into the home. Not necessary to be away from home nights. Pay. from $6. 00 to $15.00 per day according to ability and number of homes visited. In writ ing Mr. Sheppy. mention what townships will be most convenient for you t0 work In; what your reg ular, occupation is: your age; mar ried or single; how long you have lived in the community; what kind of rig or auto you have; whether you wlsn to work spare time or steady; bow much time you will have to devote to your work; when you can start; and about how many homes are within .six mllea of you In each direction. This Is a splendid opportunity for several men In Pasquotnnk County and counties adjoining to make Rood money worklnr steady or dpure tlire only. No Investment or bond necessary. adv dec. 12 1". 14 15 DIRECT FROM JAPAN, some thing new In Christmas gifts. Em broideried kimonas. ' handkerchiefs, and alike. MITCHELL'S DEPT. STORE.. , t- y Favor Prohibition , ittLEondProJb Waslffnetnn no.. 11 . wl . , House Judiaclary Committee , today favorably reported the bills for nation-wide prohibition and also ! fof the food probe. reported without the bill for wtt- The committee reccommendation man's suffrage. Live Little Locals ; Many Minor Matters -Merely Mentioned Mr. and Mrs. Geo. H. Wood, of Woodville, have returned to their home after spending some days with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Munden on Selden Street., Mr. and Mrs. J. W'ilmlngton, N. C. Mrs. c, E. Overman Hoiid Street, W. Edney, of are visiting on North '"Mrs. J. c. Gregory, who has been visiting hot mother Mrs. (3. W. Stegur, on Southern Avenue, returned to her home In Norfolk today. Mrs. 11 . W. Godsey of chese, Is visiting her sister, J. D, Johnson. Wan-Mrs. Mr Fred Rogers of Norfolk, pass ed through the city Wednesday en route to Wnachese. Mr. E. P. Scarborough passed through the city Thursday, enroute to Ms home at Avon where he will spend the holidays with his family. Mr. Scarborough is employed by the Du Point Powder Co. at Car ney's Point, N. J. . '' ; Messrs.,-1 Farrow Meeklns and Ethan Wipe brought a load of Oys ters from Stumpy Point this week Mr. Wise continued on to Haiti i irore cn business. V Mrs. Zenovah Etheridge, of Man teo, U visiting Mrs. Lola Seymonr on West Burgess St. - . -JlOUlMY SUITS FOR t -MEM, Ask to" tee them ' at Mlf CHELL'S DEPT. STORE. "