VOL 1. ELIZACrTII CITY, N011TII CAROLINA Fill DAY EVENING DECE! 1EER 13. :;o i : - UUvU no V elieyed Submission Was the Only ;vAltertive-.itb Staryation UM'SMM- London, Dec. - IB. Greece ' ha surrendered: to the AllleV ';, ultima tum, according; to new received froV Athens today. The terms are not fret " known. 'Th original term called for asurrender of arms, the control' of the telegraph and, postal swstem-amT a guarantee of neutral- It Is' pereumed- that , Greece ' fore saw' that she; Would bV starved Out by; the ,AIliesAblockade.7 There are Indications that during 'the i inter'n of the esUoItohment of i the' block" ade and 'today's .; : reported '..actlpn King ( Constantlne 7 communicated with Berlin Jn the hope' of 'throwing hi lot with the Teutonic .' powers CHUB; mum us STATEMENTS MADE j BY, i BEST INFORMED NEUTRALi DlPtO : MATS 1 M WASHINGTON! 7 i and. effecting ; ; a JuhcU on of' his the forces with tffe Oermans in the A CmnoWlllfl o Wedding ' Notfyf. Just f er ' "What- might have been? vare not always- the saddest Swords:'; to- be i poken or written. 'i'l-J. wanted i'tV-j, get $ marrled77 itfit Rhodes her name according" to the best information, to be hadr'Ksoj wa willing, and the two came from Columbia to'':.this'dtyi!nIrtd','.,t1.Mr,;f Raynor Elliot to take them'to lert ford .In Ihis carJ; (Clarence and ; Earl Jackson went '( alons, - probally to ee. eth! thing well done; In due time thfl iarty arrived in" ti) city of, Hertford,;1 the register ' of; was . sought, aid. there r the f Cupi stricken -couple , ere, met face Jt to face with the" terdict. 'You're, too young". from Hertford and darkness had settled , It- self 5ver the earth, a car ;w8H seen approaching $bibg at "a ispeed ?of"a bout Henty-flv'e miles '. 0 (Mri; El liot got as irt on the rl?;ht: hatidf as possible. s he car came on ..with ri0 slack in sieed and ' ran- right faceon' intoa Mr Elliot, car; J Both drivers : were ' injured but - not ; f eri-, ously,- both carsn .weri, Jbroken' " up adly ' Mr. Rhodes' w? s badly hurl; nd the lady sustained : slight in jury..)' The "other x members of, the I arty managed ; to . escape withouj much hurt, V After some llittle time another , car was secured and . ;;. the party brought back t5 town, irfif J - ' y CLACKWELtl MEMORIAL.'-v' ' ; ys-'-.y: baptist; church Rev.; I. N. Loftln will . preach " unlay morning from the subect:' "Crownlna the, Chrlstaia Life", w On SunfA- evening at '.7:30;' Mr. Loftln wi 8 pfeach from . subject "The $fv e'e of Je3u8 with. Hu man VrO-M:"r V V ' The pabllc is cordially invited to attend these gtrvloea. 'made , to two of a , v AfJS- (By'-United Pressi .' K iV 4 t. -v "W.. Washington.!;';,). Dec i ISjttedt . iion ; efforts, or ' suggestions, by ; the United States on behalf of -. peace conference would be 'immediately followed iy, similar' "action byall'Ew ropean - neutrals," ,'v "it r !-"f 0 'i'f ' :'The United States and European' neutrals should consider . any an? swer lof the , Entente Allies to the Germah peace proposal save a flat rejection as. fin invitation; to v :: offer, their. ; good senrlces",: in . arranging for apeace. conference", Thoee rtattments f were the , United - Press today' ' by the best; informed neutral diplomats tn aBhlngton, who ara known" to have dlscu8ed the question , of peace with - Secretary ..Lansing and presumably presented their ; -views tohira..?;.-f;f!y Action must be delayed-however on i the . part of : European neutrala until next Tuesday, when the speech of , Lloyd George, will give them cue to . act. ' r y--'?':: Thls is the scist of cablegrams re ceived from foreign , offices, Vneu- irai aipiomais loaay, r, ine, ymiea Stages an4: Spain, fjney say,; are the two countries who must lead if med ttation is offered, Switserlaii, Hol land and ' the" ; Scandinavian coun tries being too dependent on i the good will of bath sides to run any rissk, of offending; -either fcy .unwel ?ome action.v j). "'..'i 'r' ', " ;-Tor;; nearly :two ours his orn Ing ; SecreUry V Lansing, considered the ' question of , spplementJn$ "the German' peace proposals' with, tsomO suggestion from this ; government,, but 'if any ' decision ;. was . reached iieitheri, tho i President or Secretary would throw any on the. bud - FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH. . ' 1 ;. ' ' ;;:'-' -.; Ur. R. C, Honing , will preacU Tiiniky morning from the ' subject "An Imperative Business." Sunday evening ct 7:39 Dr. , Ilening will prpiuh from (he subject "God's Be- fnns" "f IMg Own Mercy." A J": -.'ill Invitation Is extended he ' ;;c to attend thee services. Ject. 5 ; -; V. ll ' '1-2 CITY ROAD, METHODIST CHURCH i - The first service of the tew Con- ference' year rWi!l be held - at v City Road Chuch Sunday Dec.; 17.. v ; The Pastor will preach both -morn ing and night. Thp subject for the moi-4lng.wlH .be:; "Christ's care for us".AThe subjbet for . the,, evening wiU (mi' "God's question1 and man's answer";, The pastor - wllf preach a aeries pf services ' on' Old ' Testa ment characters at the evening ser vice beginning to-morrow night. . . Hie- Sunday school will meet . at 9;3o;wlfh Mr. R" Pngh as super ntoiulenU ,; The Epworth' will meet at C:39 p,;m, The publlc'ls invited to. attend all these services. k - SCJED ITT fl!IT H f;Jr iui' liLilii WHILE ; MEDICAL, EXAMINERS DECIDE WHETHER OR NOT HE ISVFIT fOR FUTHER SER VICE f ! mt, t .3 i rrrrpTj!ff: .inn'y Ltl LuilJL .luL.il , j- . - ' - steel corporation 7 cele bratees its enormous , prosperity with bigger ; payroll -: ; V ' V ,.; (By United Press) .. - London, Dec. 15.-Qtto Silvester, an American, former rough-rider in Buffalo Bill's .stows, ' and British Army veteran of more than fifteen years service .wag : registered here today' s an alien 'despite his. heroic service In three wars. ' The iamo court that - ordered ' the ' American adventurer to register also held him to W re-examined for mllitsry aer vice 4 :'h , "Ar. Silvester suffered : three ; serious wounds, numerous ' minor injuries an4 v temporary blindness , while fighting on the Western, front, After being wounded In the - head at La Basse' he spent many weeks in 'a hospital but wag discharged in time to; go- into action at 'Neuve' CJiap- elle. In 1 battle there the, former cowboy' was hit in theY'right arm ana left shoulder-and blinded by an explosion, ' . . '; V: :': C... 7. 7- V Discharged t.nd sent back fO Eng- lend Silvester recovered his sight and gradually regained his strength sufficiently to work on munitions In . - t V."-- . v :. . .: one or me Dig ptanu some mstance from London, ' 'But a fellow work man,' bee. me suspicious of the . M soldier: .and askei ; 'the 4 authorities why : he . was not registered Bg an alien. 'Silvester; -was promptly sum- Silvester'4 ",darlng exploltsrecord i tea to, hia credit in the annals of the fVestern "' Front j scarcely exceed 'his achievement's during' the; South; Af rican War. " It ;waL" Sllvester7Who carried" the .dispatch that meant life pj; death, - from beleaguered Lady smitjiJjto General Buller at, Colenso. And, riding with the bead of the re lief column, thyaVme Tank wits one Of vthe first to je-nter J the town Durln's the same campaign "he was woundei In . the righting , at Nichol son's Neck, but he stllj had enough scrap n his make-tip' to go through a.' number of desperate batt!ea on the .Indian Frontier .?tt'' 1 The - medical examiners ;-WlU i de cide 'whether the, "alien is fit 'for further mllltary service. .7:' RUSS 0 li.F ME HB 7 7 By United pressi , New York. Dec. 15. What Vpcr haps the biggest wage increase lo the history ef the United States be comes effective today when the pay of 250,000 workers of ; the ; United States ' Steel Corporation is increas ed ten per; cent-i-the gross 7 annual Increase ' approximating J20)00.000 The increase was made by the com panjr due to its enormous prosper ityits 'net earnings, are now . esti mated at $1,000,000 .'dayrA.v"': v The', increase is iut one ofxmany recently made , by large employing ( oncerns throughout , f the v country. - Ten 4er ,cent increase-to -.35.000 employees of the. American Woolen Company,:; Boston. 77 i v'. 1 Ten percent-increase tp the 33-' 000 employees, of he 'Cotton' Menu factureri'; Association of New Bedford.'- '.7 -v -4; ' i -V7- . 7 Thirty-five , to, forty ' per cent In crease to the. 32,0Ofp persbns5 em (ployed by the American Clothing Manufactures' ;; , Association, New York - JfEffectiveV Decemher ; MJ';: ' Tc-n per cent increa se to the COO employees of ;. the ! National In dia; Bubber .Company', .Bristol, R." L .' Ten per Cent Increase tw the 'j.- 000" , men ' employe by Independent steel : mlUs at ' and' near ' Sharon, Psi. 'Indreasspnot 'Iess thr "25 cents a day, to 10,090 Aemployee i of ' the Byonne, Elizabeth ind Claremont reHnerles of the Standard Oil Com pany (Action i;faen -aftertistrlke tofl higher wages ? t7 Bayonne' "; in which several persons were shot to feath.:. ; The City of New Tork 'contem platet a wage increase of ; l,147,1 180- tc 18,488 municipal employees. This h3l not been' determined An ally. ' )fj A 7 In each . case, in announcing , the increases, the concerns . said 7 they were mada W enable their mploy ees to meet the advancing cost of living. E. H, GarjrChairman ot the Steel 1 corporation said; 7'Ordinar, lly the question of wages -would not come jj for. consideration or deci sion at (his time of the year; but in tionsequence "otTth abnormal condi tlone ; now existing' ft has .been de- cideduo increase the wane rates ol our iron and steelfcompanles ;bou ten per' cent, 7 effective , December 15; 7 As to the other departments, increases ; will f be : equitably proper- BUZUA CAPTURED BY , GERMAN -,- i7-.f tv;'' ? '--i,777);- i''-.i.:r Vf6rces7 and' retreating ENEMY, NOT'ALtOWED : TO '. : ' J y v; ':;:!; ,7.,s fi UST.-7 7,' '"77'" H'l m- ' ? :v' !77 h ' V r: -. You w'N havs na ' trouble . In .se lecting nhe g 'ft .for : tfe srnn on your list, if you will visit Wseks A best dothes Sawyers, where the frOnv v i 7i ' , 1 111, LVV W . uuHwy forces retreated in Rumania i left burning villages ' throughout" ; Great Wallachia. Buxua has beencaptnred . by the Germans and the, retreating army is not' allowed to rest. They offered reslrtance in their ; fortified positions on ' the 7 mounts Ins " but their lines were 'soon; pierced. , .,-. . . .- ... ' 1 : ( ' Give? Him u hlf dozen . hole-proof (socks and yu will be sur t please h"m. : Trey are packed In beautiful Chr'stma's boxes and '" al-s sold "at the 0i Price, a. Weeks A'Sawye'rp adv. BOY ,COUTf 1EET TONIGHT . An Important meeting of tbe Boy Scouts will be held tonight . at eight o'clock. . Important - business matters will come up and Scoutmaster Ford desires' all scouts to be present. 1 - tloned.' 7 ''7TC 7 The i increase is the third-7 the company hat made during the yeah Its .'payroll for 1916 was 8176.800,-. 864. the 1918 total wilt be above $2o.QOd,d00 and ', If nigh 'wages; con. tinuej the, '1917 roll,:: will approach 8250.000,000. ; -; V?j 7"; i TKe Eastman Kodak company of Rochester,, N.Y.",7the Okwe Manu facturers' Association ;, of Glovers vlUe, N.,f.,; ind the Arlington Mills Of iLawre'nce, 'Mass., are ;other cdn eerna 4htch have' made substantial wage lncreaees7'y j7;;.v,. v.77'f-:! j.Tht lesser concerns have. 4aken similar action Is Indfcated by; Cni. Cago . figures, 7where, according ' , to John W., O'Leary, president of . the Chicago' Association of Commerce, twenty-five J. concerns V have, made $10,000,090 Increases to 100,000 em- ployees, during the yea.r, .7WANTED AT ONCK: Four Sales ladies to work frow ; now ; until Chrinmas. . MTCHELL'8 DEPART MENT STORE, flee 15 16 See our . Solitaire. Hoors and rrlnre? Rings. -. A' II. C. BRIGHT CO. c ''' V ' Hlnton Bldg. i U llLLii MARGARET MASON SAYS THE TOUCH OF MIDAS HAS EEN ADOPTED BY DAME FASHION - By MARGARET MASON Written for the Unltetf Prtsa.' AH that glitters is not gold - . - Oft tls silver ,too ; ,'! 7"? And each . maid is metallzed '. Kat and gown and jhoe. V ' New York. . Dec. IS.Clouds are n't the only things 'fhat have sliver lining 1 test diys. No indeedy not if you have noticed the vshlny ;" new lingerie, -Made of cloth of gold and silver it is and if you own . an nr dec bodice or a combination" ot this precious sheen you can feel posi tively that you are up to the last hcratcht'of Fashion.:, And you prob- atly do, too. " Petticoats : of these sl.tmmerlng fabrics are' dreams of moonbeams and! sunbeam elabor- ately Incrusted with gold' and silver lice as well. In the days H ojt 7, old Kings thought i they ; were 'going some when . they, donned . suits . of gold 'and silver ' armour'', but - fash ions queens have certainly gone a few steps further ' today ' when; they affect lingerie d'orand d'argefet2 1, Entire gowns for evening wear of these precious metft'.Ized fabrics 'are as beautiful as they" are popular and Mary Nash in-"The MaiWbo Caine Back" is showing ''. stunning 'exam ple 'of a Bilver cloth- one inset . with eilverlace.!'-7',.;7--'! j Clpth of gold and; cloth of silver slippers have 6f v course become al most , too cjomm.9nJdr..Fpr.dajn4jirel j bound soon to be pnly worn by the j poor;atid pasao," considering?; the 1 constantljHRarlng price of all skin. HatsJ. large 'and xartwheellohV k 1 gold and silver' lace,5 ere ' much in . t -i -. : ... .. evidence on heads thet show also a suspiciously ; copper glint. ; Fof you really have' to , 0 7 on I inetal these days and have the metal On you even if it means 'resorting to the; help of henna.;., 7'-;: !':'J- 77'' Boudoir caps of gold and silver lace:; and gold .and divert hue 7 a!; so prove that : not only ' plumbing, radiators,', munitions vnd , machines may4 boast m'etal 'cape.' '.W :;? ' Aias nowever, tney don i aci quue the same way and , a tired temper- mental lady may never hopo to let off steam slmpty by offinj her bou dour cap of gold. '. i AU gold and silver cloth 'evening wraps with; cape collars and7cuf(s of fur are gorgeous, enough to make Ilenry ,the El.?ht and hi" famous Field of the Cloth bf,;Gold look like Fairy, fans oT gold, and silver gause and gold, and , Bllver col" web lace flutter, and twinkle under the artificial lights like so many Bil very dew drops' or; golden- fire.fiys -,.,,, fT"-'.' .Is One particularly ; bright, ; shining and novel fan I descovered in an artistic ; new shop the ; other flay, ft is ' Of humble paper origin but all beutlfuliy covered with gold laf, stick, and alL A Chinese bierogly pfiic d,one in a bright blue, ; green and purple breaks the golden mono tony of one Of Us folds and dangi llnar from JU stlckg' is a. silken cord of matching color; gay ,wlthi beads and finished with a festive Chin ese tassel or A handy finger ring of Jade wherewith to 'anchor Its flut tering beauty ready to Its fair own ers hand.'-- i ''"',-i:y'):'-! -A 7." " V Because of these present 'precious fabrics, ( those P . many metallsed modes, ' divers are the lor. s wains who go questing the Rolden girls " la " Richard Le Galfennn ' who' are bound to be, stunR. They will And" seemingly gdklen girls - on ' every hand end silver queens ; as well. But let them beware and remember that a gold wash and silver plate has a time limit of wear. In tbe ma Jorlty of esses the twenty, two car- i. -m ."1, r t f f mm fm ili1 Hit .11) It ? - I t M cut it i it m i i m - k . 1 J THE PICTURE CITY OF THE PAS QUOTANK WILL ALSO EE THS MODERN CITY BEAUTIFUL 7 A great white way for. EllzateliN City. That sounds good.' and accord Ing to the beat Information tbaa can , be had, dtvelopements are . ti pldly being made toward the tnstal-.' la(lon of large modern ornamental 'Jgbt posts, on Main and Pondextef streets.' The proposition ; was put before' the board of aldermen at their last meeting, 'and they consld-' ered, Jt favorably pn the condition ihf It,., ntawhonta tti. tuu.uuiB v.ijr vcai a portion of he expense of installa tion ind upkeep. , It - is 'said1 now . that the merchants have agreed to do their part and that the Gas Com pany and . the Electric LUht Com pany have been .asked t0 submit , bids for the wok. ; : -' r ! Only that portion of Main street running from Miartln 0' Water is to be considered first and that por tlon of Polndexter . running from Main to the 7, bridge, ! north. The lighting apparatus is. to consist of modern Uiht post, about nine or ten feet high, at a distance of -fifty feet apart on esch side 'of the street, di agonally across from each other. The' light ;ia, to be about 800 candle V K' . 7--!N.7-v- : 7 f ,jmo exact 1 information , could , had as- to the: time the bids will bo submitted and the work begun, but it4 is though; that hasty action will be taken - so that the city can see iUCIrT.r'htant-' f n11ief e"ry near Yu . ure.77ntere; 's'; keenly manifest f W this great attraction to' te city', beuty and convenience, and he clti- lens are looking, forward jWith pride to the beginning of the work. - s ' Earl Frank IMakes JEiscape Earl Frank' the J.7 tew' old boy, who sometime ago escaped from tat . state reformatory and : made ' . his, way to this city, later; was convict-u ed of' stealing eggs from one o( the boats at the. dock, and -confined in the county Jail here ,'to , await 7 time, when he could be sent back to ' the reformatory, made . hlg (escape . from, the , Jail, Just little while at- ter djnner today A.and had not been ; caught up to the time of this writ- f (ing. . i . ; '.I- :;"',. .S'i-'., .'iff al tit .o Earl since hls' confinment ceDtms- iu, imDnssonmeni in ine right sort of; spirit. . Today tho jafl. i ai : wnnt nnr . rnF' , n nnrirni ,nr rdbi .1. and left the ' keys near the grata of lTarV pTI '" ; Thfl lad manaeed . .--.to tttlnir 't- ram.h tthnm an4 anon had . Vnlocked the' ; door of - his cell and '' lL. t m ' tin ,nsil en a.. erA of his chances that before bis es cape was known be, had gotten 1M inmvhri. ' Mr A HhoreB . ana - kl. klnJhAnn. mrcnt innn' baa MP. UL. UIVUVUVHUUI rw v. , www.. - ' ' j . ... .... , ed s&d - started on ine . irau. u ; is 1 probable that the chap will not get far before, he' will be. caught. i''77J , JUST AS WE ARE GOING TO THE 'PRE88 IT WAS LEARNED THAT ' FRANK HAD .. BEEN RE CAPTUREO, THE BLOODHOUND8 ,, HAVING TRAILED ,HIM TO MR, , ntf ie rPFprvft BARK. ' LOFT.. WHERE HE HAD Hio. r, ., 7V" ..,J . . . ." - ,.-'.- '. V 'i i i K at finish ' Is . only igown ' pr . lingerie t deep! the goldf of copper , tresses I... L kannt 4r nornwlilft liAHe and limm m w. j.w-... . base deceit it i Let the " wary wooer b"e not' daszled by, the outer shell but let hlnr first test twa pre clous pet in the crucible t love'and find it her heart be Of gold as well and If she has sterling character.