PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wiss pasted through this city Saturday enroute from Nixonton to their home in Wash ington, D. C. after visiting Mrs. Wlss' mother, Mrs Leila Brothers. They were accompanied by her sisters, Misses Helen and Esther Brothers. Mr. ami .Mrs. T. H. Thurston, MLss Claudnie Kuontz and Latiner Com mander Mt Sunday on a motor trip to Richmond. Baltimore, Philadel phia. Washington. Atlantic City and o'le r Hurt hern points. .Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Taft and little daughter, Katharine, and .Mr and Mrs James Tatum and two children left T ne-day to spend some time ot Ocean View. While there they will stop at the Monroe Cottage. Mr. and Mrs. It. A. Sunnier of Bal timore are visiting Mr-. Sumner's parents. Mr. and Mrs. 0. II. Scott, on Church street. Miss Florence Iln man who has been the guest of Miss Klizabeth Har rell on Ehringhaus street left Sun- nond. Miss Verna Fen-bee returned Sat urday from a time week's trip to Baltimore. S,ili-!un and Ocean City, Md ar.d Norfolk Rev. C. H Maishburn of Ellen town. S. ('. w.i- n the city Monday on his way tn c. njuck to assist Rev. 1). N. DeSliie!-: ;n ;i revival. .Millioidrink it. Hit real tiling ldi- :i hot day s tliirst De-alcoholized Not a grape juice but a full nia turetl wine. Order it today. Women Made Young Bright eye9, a clear skin and a body nil r ifin fK On1 KanUK --, ail Via iuu wuva en tvi alia j yours if you will keep your system ' in order by regularly taking j COLD MEDAL i IK Th world's standard remedy fof kidney, liver, bladder and uric acid troubles, the enemies of lile and looks. In use Bince 1696. All druggists, three sizes. Look for the name Gold Modal on ovory bos tnd accept no Imitation Ton hove used Iot3 rf RiMiynairstraititpncra and nono havodone you cuy ood. Now try the rotl hair grower QUEEN and pet n bountiful hood of Una V'c-y Straight Hair. QUEEN baa improved thousands of other girls brif and it will improve- yemra, SnJ today 20c la otamps for a bos to rtawttf-o Ml9.Co.,rlMii,Gt. Aepnftfftrt WrtUlwtama avaaa, viajuv EM TTl JL a Money bock without queaOoa wil HUNT'S Salve Mb is tke rmunl of I l Ui, ECZEMA. RINGWORM. TETTER m tker Itching ekta dl Try a ?l etui boa at our rtok. LEONARD PHARMACY BASKETS Every sort of basket you need t very reasonable price. W. TVtTDDV, GROCER THE IDEAL PORTRAIT. Beauty, simplicity and ' Inxll- viluallty. Your friends would appreciate an Ideal photograph of yourself. Zoeller's Studio, over First and Cltliens National Bank. v ff Ml " tw iAi.i iLiiL.ivn W mm n fern 5J A FOOD M1LKJELLY FOR Qi LDREN CfLATt Children suffc rine from nimitir r J complaint will secure nourishment m from Millt Jelly when other foods m cannot be retained. Dissolve H box CHALMERS' GRAN- ULATED GELATINE in 1 qt. milk; add 1 cup sugar and boil 10 min. I Afld I tcupoona ranilia, strata and harden, g L. J'purity':. .a Miss Pearl Berry has returned home from a visit to Norfolk and Washington. She was accompanied home ly Miss Ruth Haite of Norfolk who will visit lieiv Mrs. Claudia Lamb has returned from Newport News, where she spent several weeks. Miss Anna Belle Kubanks accompanied her home. J. E. Coppersmith of Salem town ship was in the city Saturday and re ported that t lu crops in his section were in line shape. Leary Couch r, formerly of this city, but now of Norfolk, has re turned to that city after spending his vacation here. Wesley Wnodley, note teller at the Savings Bunk and Trust Company, has returned Nags Head where he pent his v. nation. Miss I!eri!..i i'alnier has returned tn her h 1 1 in i ' ,i: W'eeksville after vis itiliK M:ss Kii.'..:.ieih Rault's on Mc- 1 I'lii i -ini .-; i .lr-. ('. 1 i S imlerlin and t wn i hild-n-n, l-Mna a:, I Rut h, rei unied Sun day nil-lit lli'i.l VM'i-k's islt Wi' ll I el - a ' i v -- .a Null. ' n I M-s .1 P ! ,n- ,iud -mi-. Ilaib-t: and .1. ei Nm 1 1 1 1 R are nn.-- : nl .i i M . . .MurriM'i ;e on Nort li Ruad SI fee! V. II. .1"- '! siieiit Friday at Nag, II. a. I lie w as accoin pa n .nl hy hi- children who have been speinl:i)K -onie i.inn a! Nig- Head I In V l I'errv of I'lKladeliihia arrived in ihi- city Monday to -pond -onie ; hue w.i It li is nun her. A I r -. I,. I'errv mi Nort h Road si n et . & Airs C W Bell and daughter ' Inr .1 u Cau l each church m j I'a n.ila Ruth, iiave reiuimd Irmn a,' 1 a leie.-i, i n a i ;n n pii-pare an n.v.i ; v.i- I- i it tn fiteiidr- in New land. j l'l hi no ' It !!:) can't tin . li I i 1 Tile inta in sun nl AI r and A 1 1 - .1 ' I ' ( ) i i ma n i- i in pi nv ing a I tim ! i . ' 1 1 1 1 ii I 'i-r- - e -; i ei i . I Ai ,-- Kugeiiia S'uiie of N w in hi. ( . i i v . i in g ii- r -r . AI r- W T I I. n Sr .1:1 i ill r aglia u ; ' i I. ill. I W'i.-e . I I ' ' ! . Week' d Cum N' ck ;i a: (' Ah-. ; F Ii- in k-mi who1 I Mi ,:, ,. h. I-:,' Ii Ii it .ag- III .i.l :m I !i- p a- e returned linnn- T P N.i ii Jr. of New York i ' i : !i ' -a n n Is AI r. and AI r N.i .. Sr mi Alatlhew- -ire. a. .- VI I P Air mid Airs. II, Selig of Norfolk ar- guest- of Air and Air- Frank Se lig on Church street. Mr and Airs, f .1 .lain'-- and chldren are -pending the week end at Nag- Head. Air and .Mrs. W. AI (Jodlrey of Shilnh are vi-itiiiK Airs. W. It Pritcli ard mi North Road street All- R F Owens and caildren have reUirned from a visit at Colum bia 'Mi-ses .Minnie Toxey and Nettie Whi'e are spending some time at Virginia Reach. ..Mi-s Ida Butler of Norfolk i- vis iting .Mis- .Mildred Nixon on Norili Road street AIi--e- Alary Ward and Nellie are -pending -ome time at; Virginia Reach. T. T. Turner returned Saturdav! i from a buying trip to N'i w York audi Baltimore. Mr and Airs. Frank Weeks have returned from a visit to Ocean View and VirgitPa Beach. Mis- Alva Waters of Washington P. C. is visiting her sister. Mrs. R. T Venters on North Road street. Miss Virginia Toxey nf New York City is vslting her parents on East Cypress si n et Mrs T C. .McCoy returned to h'r home nt Wallacetow n. Va. after vis iting relative here Mrs. J. B. Ferebee and children have returned from a visit to King Creek, Md. Miss Alice Richardson of Norfolk Is In this city, the guest of relative JC. B. Ehringhaug went to Nor folk Saturday on butlnesi MIfs Lida Tillett spent Sunday in Norfolk with her parents, Mr. a d Mrs. G. A. Tillett. Norman "Trueblood left Saturday on a tour of northern cities. James Russell of Pasquotank was in the cty Saturday. Dr. Julian Selig Is spending some time in New York City. Miss Almeda Carr and Mrs Klon Carr are in New York City this week Mrs. John Kramer left Sunday for Penmar. Pa. A WORD TO THE CHURCHES ON LOVE ( By a Baptist) I write not to the church but ; all churches who are not showing any brotherly love for their member.-.. Jesii:- tells us in the 15th chapter and 12th verse of John: "Kor this is tit v commandment, as I have loved y ;;i, j so sli.,11 you love one another." Now1 how aas He loved us? So much as' to lay down bis own life for us. Ami i how much love does a church -driw I that .Vill make a member welcome as long as he is able to pay in to the) churc i, hut as soon as he ! afllict (I or too old to labor for a liv-1 ing tin' church cares, so little for Inni as to allow bini to go to a county j home for the public to take care of I him'.' There can't be any love i,, ii.i And '.let) i lie world sees such lll'le' care . auivn hy tin churches, how i.:. we e v pftet to win t he world for dir.-' I believe every (leineni., i j t inn .- . 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 have a place for h ir .a alid no, ir a nd let t hem go t her .-. ; t lo- i .inch. - care for them. Ti i ai; e. i it. as well as the (;u. I- low - .an But it takes love to in it , a I I -he hind of love thai .e wan;- u- In have. To nli i- liel ' i-i I hail -ai r.lii e. There! oi . We shoul I h ' -ai r.lh e too in i' i in iiu i!d ii ii. h n nil red I lion-a il l ii il la r c 1 1 u 1 1 -! 1 1 - -, moving college ., ; . I goin:', 'mi lai' iii oilier nialtei- and I leavi- iln p-eir invalid church un a I her to go mi the puhl.c for hi- Ir. ! ing. I kioiw ol a church I hat ha a I nous an nn-i rs anil it naco nn - i b.-r w m!d give ju-t a half .' week i wdi -uppnrt one invalid un ai j her Know three invalids i.: i ,- , l n ii li . I l-i -a a I'a -.iii,l a n k 1 1 ; i ! in- II . ;il ;-l !; i,-l Aleuio l i-t Iju- .-ii and t Primitive church. 11' lime jo wake up and tesl our love ;' "i ! " 1 no ll) 111 a private 1 a 1 1 1 i : n ! .-.He, I t . i r 1 1 v tie- 1 mult a t nugh' li do a ' . Kill w ail I I.l- I i I e V IIU" III i 'i il liny i I I'e I'M and - how I -. v f --' her ( 'mile ll'. , I : v i - ii . I :; ll I - I. I .1 I II ! I Mien I 1 1 ! v. ill t.iw aril h1- i II ! I In- w i II'! d 'I In - II j , i a I ll V Will 'ie d :- ' I 1 1 1 I 1 - i I -1 1 a a I . 1 ii,'. ...I i-. e. - I. I o I ' .'II . -'. . I I'd gnu-! ' i 'ainui;' .!,- all I :. i ii a ;. and : .. wi;l i a n I li rung limn 111 I and, id we w i 1 he aide In win tin I w in id i - a C ii n-: h y prov i n g to - in la i s 1 1 1 i ' we a re not alter t heir an in v nn l nl'i-i I '! -oujs l.e' your ir iii - m - ii ie in lore men i hai hy seeing your gnnd works they may he con-i rHiin-d in glorify our Father who art in Heaven What kind ol Iglil should we h i -hill"' ll is the light of the love of Cud shining in to inn own hearts thai will illumi na'e 'he pathway oi the -inner so 1;.- can -ee whet ller '' I- ill I he right paili nr the wrong pa'h and be con--: r iiiid to turn tioin the wrong way and come over to our way which we should prove hy our love one for anolli. r to In- ihe way in which God l- leading us. Hu' brother, remem ber we can't do tins goml, while we care -o Utile for our brother or sis ter as to allow them to go to the County Home for a living when Un church or h s deiionnuanoii can take care of him or her and no: miss it. ' ( ..MIK- I ItKI TI lv I' MUX MKKTS AT RlllillOll.Vni The I 'a inden Cu i nl ir k I'liion meet mg will be held ai R :n iioua! h i'.apti.-l Church on Aimu,' -7 and -.V Following is liie . i i; r . 1 1 1 1 for ' In- two day mieting. Friday Augu-' L'T "(hi p. in. Int rodm ini'. S'linon: Rev. Air. f I i lies. Kni'oilnii-nt of delegates and organization S;(M) p. in. Devotional services. S:l." p. in Sounding tin- Kvange-li-tic Note Dr. ti. W. Chirk-. Open d iscussion. Saturday August lis DC Oil a. m. Devotional Sei vices. in: l.'i a. in. How to Dim iop Per sonal Worker? Rev V. R Duncan. Open Discussion. ' 11 ill" a. tn. The Sunday School Teacher's Place In Kva ngelosm --Rev ('.. P. Harrill. Open d ism --inn. 11.4.") a. in. The ( lir.-nan Parent's I'lace In Kvangeii-m Rev. R. H Hall. Open discuHsiuti. 2:00 p. in. Devotional Services, 2:15 P. .M. Essent'ial Factors in Preparation for Kvang di-tic Cam paign. Hev. Joel S. Blown. Open Discussion. 3:00, p. in. How to Conserve the Fruits of an EvangclWtic Campaign E. F. Aydlett. Open D!scu8lon. 3:45 p. m. Miicellaneous Dusineis and Adjournment. NATIONWIDE FIGHT AGAINST DISEASE American Red Cross Will Have Health Centers in All Parts of United States. The American Red Cross 1ms launch ed upon a nution wide campaign of fighting dlsense and physical defect among the American people. A new and unique health institution has come Into beiiiy us the result of several months' study by the Red Cross Health Service Departuieut at National Head qunrters. Officials In charge of the department predict that before Ions 'bis new health activity wi'l be In actual operation all over the country, and that the sign "American Bed Cross Health Center" will become ns familiar to the peo ple everywhere as are now the signs of the telegraph companies. Busy Long Before War. The Interest of the American Red Cross In the flht against disease Is not, however, of recent origin. Long before the war the organization began this health service through Its medical units In disaster relief work and Its department of Town and County Nurs ing. During the war and following the arilstlce thousands of American Bed Cross odlclals have been fighting disease in the war-stricken countries. At the same time tens of thousands of local Bed Cross ol'.i -hils have been en gaged nt home lighting dlsense. nota bly during the Influenza epidemics. The American Ped Cross hns de termined that all tnis valuable experi ence in health service abroad and at home sh.'ill not to to wa'-te. So long as there are a half a million people dying yearly In tins ootintry from pre ventable causes, an 1 so long as more than one-third of the American chil dren nnd yoini' people nre victims of physical defects, the Red ("loss recog nizes the urgent need for continued Bed Cross health service at home. How Organization Works. The Bed Cross Health Center is governed by business principles, ap businevs me thuds, nnd. In Its mure simple form, can be established and conducted b lay people. It proceeds upon the demonstrated fact that health Is a "ntnmodity that can be bought and sold like brooms and so:i;. Thcrtfere, It establishes It self In a storeroom in the principal business section of the community. It dl-plays Its goods In the form of at tractive l.eallh exhibits In Its show windows. It iidvcrfses constantly and ei"is - e!.v And n uses e ery busi ness and -oi al ile, h e to attract cus tomers. The Bed I'rn Health Center Is of servi'e lu ihe sai l, :n i tint It irnes out reliable and c ;!ele liit'urniatlon about existing clinics, hospitals, sana toria and oll:i- liisltullotis for the sick Binl the ilel'eeilve; about available nurse's, hii'h trained and practical; fii-oiit when to coiisi.u a physician and why to shun the ipiack and his nos- J trains. , Teaching Disease Prevention. j The lied Cross Health Center Is, however, of even greater service to Ihe well. It teaches people how to pre vent sickness and disease. Tills Is done ID many Interesting nnd attractive ways llrst of all, by the distribution of popular health literature and through health lectures Illustrated with lantern slides or with health motion picture films. Then special exhibits are given, one after flip other, on various health subjects. Ptactlcal demnnst ra tions are made; also health playlets by chlfdren to Interest and Instruct them selves nnd their elders. Classes are organized In personal hygiene, home enro of the sick, first aid and In food selection and preparation. Health clubs, both for younger and older peo ple, are formed ; also Little Mothers' leagues. Nutrition and growth clinics are conducted for children. Already more than a hundred of thesp Bed Cross Health Centers are In actual operation throughout the coun try. Many of them also conduct med ical clinics, but the one chief, out standing feature of the American Bed Cross Health Center Is Its health edu cation service which teaches well peo- ' pie how to keep well. FRENCH PRAfSE FOR OUR RED CROSS WORK Lnudlng the work accomplished hy American philanthropy for war strb ken France. Andre Tnrdleu, form er IiIkIi commissioner from that nn tlon to the I.'nlted States, In a recent nrtlcle widely commented on through out the French press, says: "The American Red Crnsi hsa hc complished a work which calls for thn hcnrtfelt grnrl'iule of every trup Frenchman. In 1018 thli great relief organization spent In hehalf of Francp nearly 87(KH10O0 frnm-s, nnd In 1010 Its expenditures nn charitable projects In our country nttnlned the tremen dous mini of 171.islfi.fKi0 It bus re cently turned over to the French relief organbnllons huge stocks of sup plies whose value must be counted In the hundreds of thousands of francs. "Fifteen million American hoys and girl, blinded together In the Junior Bed Cross of America, ar hack of a movement to establish the closest ties between themselves and France's younger generntlon through the clmr Ruble works they have financed and are now carrying out among our little war sufferers. "The annds of friendship hrtween Pro nee and America la cemented with mutual admiration, refpuet and fratV tud." FOUNDED IX 1808 TRINITY COLLEGE Trinity College offers the general student the choice of a wide variety of courses leading to the bachelor's degree. For mature students It provides also special groups of studies in Business Ad minirtration. Religious Training, Engineering, I're-med-ical and General Science Work. ..Teaching, Graduate instruction in all Departments. School of Law. Fall term begins September 15 1920. For catalogue and illus SeciTtary to the Corporation, trated booklet: 1!. L. I I.OWERS, Try Advance Shop For Job Printing Exceeding The Speed Limit isn't practiced by us when cleaning, pressing and re pairing your clothes. "Quality" is our by-word. We serve to serve again. To serve you would be a pleasure. Fancy dry-cleaning of ladies garments given special attention. Palm beach suits cleaned and returned on short notice. We call and deliver. We are not responsible for articles left in pockets. j Cooper Cleaning Works CM: Mili WON IHil.l, ami I. K AVION SKI. I -KISI MJ I I.OUi Ilolh of these Hours are strictly high grade. Quality guar-ani- ml in i . ; ;ie. A. F. TOXEY & COMPANY DISTRIBUTORS Wholesale Grocers Dstrtnflr p Ll II II HI" LA I 1 ft - Wife' TIMI m To some friends house -for lunch uut believe me Id rather sfdv ttnd play with (.SFter.S'"'.I,K,tyati W. S. WHiTE & CO. Dealers In feed for stock and poultry, Beed for farm and gar den, electric supplies. 120-122 Poindexter Street, Phone 64, Klizabeth City, N. C. Gallop's Good Groceries are eaten in many homes. ARE THEY IN YOURS? M. P. GALLOP CO. Phones 3 and 57. Cor. Main and Water Streets. Prompt Service And the best foods well cooked is the secret of our popu larity. BUSY BEE CAFE H. G. PAUJ.OS, Prop. CHARTERED 1830 a ffii-nff By MUS - H dill aileY my own bunch; r