WEATHER Increasing cloudiness and warmer tonight. Fri- day rain, winds becoming fresh southerly. ' 7w uo;i CIRCULATION Wednesday 1,6 IS Copies NO. 281 EIGHT PAGES VOL.0.I. FINAL EDITION ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 1, 1921 T7H r j;M!6 Will Reach Agreement Within Another Week "V Governor Small .RRANCF WANTS m m - 1 T lviaKes statement Quotes lx'tlcr - From Director Public Welfare Purporting To lie Expose Of Political Forces Armament Conference Is Really Proceeding With Surprising Rapidity And Now That Japanese Hand Has Been Disclosed Experts See Light Ahead RECEIVERSHIP Will Likely Make Such Pro posal As Alternative For Great Britain's Moratorium On Reparations (Copyright 1921 by The Advance) Springfield, 111., Dec. 1 (By The Associated Press) Governor Small made a public statement today quot ing a letter from O. H. Jenkins, dt- rector of public welfare, dealing with paia Dec . The A8s0(.,ated alleged grand jury corruption and Press)A recelvershlp for Germany purporting to be an exposeof no- ag bank t with an autonomolls litieal forces seeking to destroy , ,, . . , , . 41 Small and his colleagues. . niiraHnn. win ,iiv i,p ,. Jones Address Was Leading Feature of Morning Program Industrial Agent Of Railroad Tells Hearers That He Milked His Way Through College Eastern North Carolina Needs More Dairies 1 By DAVID LAWRENCE J The correspondence grows out of France ag an uUe,.nalive to IT i Attend a positive prediction that an agreement will be reached within another week on the program for a reduction of naval arma ment and a naval shipbuilding holiday. No longer is there worry about the outcome, prolonged as the debate may be. For the truth is the Japanese hand has been disclosed. It is the hand of old world diplomacy which rarely accepts anything right off the bat but considers it care fully, asks for more, appears to be deeply insistent on more concessions and finally with a gesture of. generosity recedes in the interest of common ag reement. DELICATE BUT ' NOT HOPELESS Is American Officials' Descrip tion Of Situation Involved In Japan's Proposal For Higher Naval Ratio bezzlement, TO SEND ADVISER TO BANKERS CONFERENCE may be suggested by Great liritain. it was said here today in official circles. No Trace Of Poison Found In Well Water! Thursday morning the State Live stock Association turned over the day to discussions and demonstrations of dairy and poultry. The feature ad dress of the morning session was made by 'Jesse M. Jones, Industrial Agent of the Seaboard Air Line, who told the livestock men that he had milked his way through college, had i a oi-ooniprv nnd fitted dairy Kvervone in this section, uruan, i,, .hPre thev captured suburban and rural, is urged to at- M expenses of tend the official annual meeting or Big Annual Meeting Official Meet Of State' Poultry Asso elation At Y. M. ('. A. Tliurs day Xijsht Washington, Dec. 1 (By The Asso ciated Press) A decision was reach- ,i k p0,0i to. n,,, ,., on nQn i m T.n tend the omciai annual imes "l-,An trins day to send an adviser to theconfer- Associated Press) No trace of poi- 1110 olalc , ' ,., ,n Mr. Jones toia oi a ie.,en ence of foreign Bankers called by the son was found in the water from the Chamber of Commerce Quarters in , N()rth al)(, Wegt Reparations Commission to discuss well of the Lee family at Beldoc. the Y. M, Q A. bulldinK -Th ursaay hjjw hjj foun(, thg dary cow nad exchange stabilization, it was said says the report to the State Board of "Kut- 1,Iinlns at hal Paa.9; !'cn,e t0 the rescue f farme"n officially at the Treasury today. Health from Dr. P. L. Parker of This meeting was Previou8ly California. Oregon and the middle lia v.rt rtfttipt honflp nnd will D0 .... ,- -..-.I. Charleston who analyzed the atom-,l,Beu lul l"c States during tne preseni ,,Um, i. , . , :i ,v.. one of the most important eveu . a(lvocated the build- . AVashington, Dec. 1 (By The Asso- Iciated Press) The situation result ing from Japan's formal proposal that her naval ration under the Am erican plan be Increased to seventy . . u- f ner cent is regarded by American of- rotni7-AlaSLi delicatebut not hopeless. Baron Kato minister ot ari"' have Representative8 ot rfiina and Japan been put out in one form or another., P w)th. giving the taPlo; r a blghe itary Hughes and Arthur Balfour to adamant in her des " " a day t0 lay a basis for negotiations on ratio than the so called 5-5-3. Now; j a.' n.o Tnv,irnwn the head otil"c ou"" vUuu. COIUca x i the delegation, and in a talk with newspaper men lays stress on the fact that Baron Kato was expressing his personal views. This, however, isn't the only basis for the idea that Japan is prepared to make good her original acceptance of the Hughes program. There are other signs be neath the surface which lead to the conclusion, that Japan has decided she can not be responsible for the breaking up of a naval agreement which the whole world hailed so aus piciously after the opening session. Tn tnnwH in other wofds, mat This Service Man In Desperate Need Wolf Is At -Door Of Former Soldier Who Is Searching For Work Savs D. W. Woodhouse niHiii it fin v m. t . r rr Will Be wext onerirr weeks ago. Ann nf Ira who w th ihrpe nthpr u"v- v"v ' . - aeDrerin)n, no huyvh.oicu members of the family died several luring the State Livestock and ou -, Jng up of . (lary in(lustry ,n Ea8tern in, TUootitifr wnicn ciuseo riiunj Currituckian Makes PonIUvo With Ear To (irouna Sj jy j Ag ,iv Prwllcllon Poplar , jtry Meeting, nleht. Offlci i business ot State wide importance to 'night. Officers will be elected, ana Branch Man Will Hun And Win Result Of Wreck' Politics are warming up over in Currituck and highly interesting de velopments are to be looked for be tween now and the next campaign ac cording to Currituckians in the city today who are in a position to know the facts , ,' Destroyer Sent To One of the most Interesting bits of r L M. political gossip afloat is a report that; Bring BaCK ; lVlOrse D. W Woodhouse, postmaster and morrhntit nnrt farmer at Man Said "To Have Ift Poplar Branch, will be in the race for In The Face Of Invcs- sheriff in the next campaign. Un-j tigation doubtedly friends of his are urging nnnltrv raisers will be taken up So large was the attendance of, ladies at the butter making contest Portland, Ore., Dec. 1 (By The As- held at the Chamber of Commerce, oclated Press) Six were killed and, rooms Thursday morning at ten, twentv-two injured In a collision be-! o'clock that both adjoining lounge tween two limited trains near Celilo rooms were thrown open to receive ;tne crowa. rtinrloB Kiynn nf Washington. N. iinra tVion t the Htnrv nf an ex service man of this city who Is abso-'ful consideration and will in all prob lutely "up against it": This man was a farmer before the war. He supported a w'dowed moth er, and was called into the army in Japan knows, m otner wru.. mg atter ne had planted his Great Britain is ready to accept and y, . tii An n and that even France will not quibble over the submarine ton nn fia-ures. but will at the psycho logical moment withdraw her request crop for the year. He had about five hundred dollars tied up in his year's investment for seed, fertilizer anci aunnlies for a two-horee crop. This hdraw her request pnmnnlIpri to ,fiaVfi wIthout for modification in - belng abie to get anyone to taka European and American entente, Ja-1 h(m Re lot hig en pan cannot afford to stand alone. She I lnvegtment and returned trom now knows the dangers that migh t ensue from too great Insistence onl ,n debt reason Qf her own viewpoint. She knows, for il.i cinn.p uuo-noa im . instance, inai owitwij not in a bargaining mood and that if Japan means to alter the existing strength of the American and Japa nese navy there will be no naval hol iday and no reduction of armament. The American delegation reels mat him to throw his hat into the ring wasmngion, uec. i iuy m -- -, -..-....... and some who are very close to him sociated Press) The Justice Depart- of pupils from the City Graded and some who are very close to nim understood to have asked Schools went to the Poultry Show say that he is giving the matter care- wen Is under too. . to nave asKea . . . Bxhtblt. tne wavy ueparinieni 10 enu a u-,' -- . . . .. , nfftnini- nf ilia Statu T.tvostnrk and ahiiitv hp in the rare . stroyer to intercept tne rrencn uner i w,..v-,.o . .! fyD w Woodhouse does run "Paris" and bring back Charles W.Poultry Meeting state that they have said a MomineS Morse, of New York, who is said to been greatly encouraged by the wbere Ze Zl thHeek "he lil" have left the country in face of a large crowds who have attended the was here one day tnis ween, ne win . Ui first two davs of the Meeting, and be the next sheriff of Currituck grana jury inveuB.i.Uu Ul u -u.y He then moved to Elizaueth City, where he obtained a joh. In a few months he was married. His wife also went to work, and tor a time they managed to get along fairly well. Then, due to general busines" con- s lllall jifi h loot hlo trh TPnr sit the naval experts who have worked! ' without regular out the ratios of existing strengtn loymentt Peking odd jobs wher between the Japanese and American H wjfe ,navy know what they are talking about and that if the truth were ac knowledged the ration of 5-5-3 is much more generous than a strict interpretation at existing strength Teally calls for. Feeling that way, it is not surprising that the Americans will nnt countenance a 10-10-7 ratio. "he conference Is having its ups and downs, Its exasperating delays and discouragements but relatively speaking they are infinitesimal com pared to the multiplicity of , differ ences which developedat the Paris conference. And the progress being made here, slow as it may seem to those anxious for quick results, is rapidity Itself compared to the Paris procedure. The most surprising thing about the whole conference thus far is the fact that Far Eastern questions 'are being disposed ot more quickly than most Far Eastern experts ever dreamed. Perhaps this is because the conference started out with def inite principles snd is simply trying to apply them to specific cases. Per haps it Is because Japan herself Is not so much of an obstacle to agree ment as some people thought she would be. After all. it is much more to the Interest of Japan that an agreement should be reached on Far Eastern questions than It Is to any other power here except possibly China For It is evident to the Jap anese that they can accomplish little by direct negotiations with the Chl w.,...a nf the latter's inter minable distrust of everything Jap- o-0 whatever Is settled there. therefore, is so much gained in the cause of Far Eastern peace. Msny f (, n,iottnn nn the program will of course not he disposed of In Wash- in.tnn win be left to some trio nnl m rtarlda. Yet a start "will be mad a on .11 nf them ginning the attitude of Japan has fcren the key to the words "success" has kept on working, though now in a few days she will bo compelled to give up her work, since her condi tion is delicate. This young couple, struggling along on the barest necessities of life, now face a desperate situation. In a little while there will be a third mouth to feed; and in a still shorter time the entire family revenue will cease. If there is, any business man or farmer in this city or section who can give employment to this former ser vice man who needs work so desper ately, he Is asked to notify Jerome B. Flora, post commander of Seth Edward Perry Post, American Le gion, Elizabeth City, who will in turn notify the man. OF THOUSANDS IN GOLD County. No man in Currituck County contract. i .u . !...! T An and I am willing to venture this very ARGONAUT MINE ROBBED positive prediction. And D. w. Woodhouse deserves to win. He has been a worker and a generous sup porter of every jnovement for prog ress and betterment in his com munity and ir Currituck County for the last thirty years, and has done it without reward or thought of re ward. He is entirely competent and would make one of the most effici ent and conscientious public officials Currituck County has ever had. Jackson. Cal.. Dec. 1 (By The As- niA'E BEARD NENTKN'CEp ,'sociated Press)-Gold amalgam valu-j. ULiM.UTi.iri ed at $60,000 was taken from the Argonaut mine her this morning, by eight bandits, who escaped. I North Carolina not only to help offset the losses anticipated through the boll weevil but as an economic and social measure to insure prosperity and health, especially for the chil dren. He Instanced the fact that the railroads were hauling milk and milk products from Pennsylvania to Florida and that Eastern North Caro lina was a great importer of butter and canned milk which could be pro duced here. O. F. McCrary, who presided, heartily seconded Mr. Jones in advo cacy of more dairy cows nnd prom ised his co-opt;ration as District Dem onstration Agent in dairy activities, i Following Mr. Jones, the Hon. It. IT. jchichester, of Fredericksburg, Va., gave his experiences in building up , a purebred Guernsey herd which now t contains some high record cows and I from which he sells animals at rec ord prices. He gave the farmers some valuable advice on the care and handling of dairy cattle. The butter making demonstration and the Judging of dairy products was held In the Y. M. C. A. building Thursday morning before an interest ed group of about 60 women, of whom 28 entered butter in the con test. Thursday morning the school boys began judging six classes of live stock for prizes offered by the as--nrlutlnna nnrl the winners will be ' 'announced tonight. Members of J., a poultry judge of national repu tation, who is annually employed at The Madison Square Garden Poultry Show at New York City, the largest Country in the United States, was busy here Thursxlay morning judging the lowis on exhibition at the official State Poultry Show, now being held here. declare that they are deeply gratified by the evidences of interest In the big annual event which have been shown by the folks of this section. elated Press) Henri Landru, who has been on trial here for three weeks charged with murder of ten women - -,L t and a boy, was last night sentenced Vienna, Dec. 1 (By The Associated ' ...niotine - PressJ Violent rioting followed a 8EDATH-FOXW EIX George Harry Sedath, of New York City, and Miss Effie Foxwell, of Nor folk, were married here Tuesday af ternoon. demonstration today before Parliament Building, in which red flag was raised. the the BREWERY FILES SUIT ABOUT ANTI-BEER LAW KILLED 11Y AUTOMOBILE' St. Augustine, Dec. 1 (By The As- Homicides Fewer In Year Of 1920 New York, Dec. 1 (By The Asso ciated Press) Homicides in 1920 were approximately 9,519, according to computation toy Frederick L. Hoff man, third vice president and sta tistician of the Prudential Life In surance Company f America. , The figures published . in the Spectator showed that the Southern Ststes with their large negro populations had the highest rate. St. Louis, Dec. 1. A suit attacking sociated press) Walter K. Coontz, the constitutionality of .he anti-beer sixty-nine, of Fredericksburg, Va., was niu m re..e,. .-...i, u, i... died Tuesday night as the result of Falstaff Corporation, a locar brewery, Injuries sustained when an .autorno- today. bile struck him, a coroner's Jury de- termlned. SAVINGS BANK HAS BRAND NEW IDEA ROTARY CLUB TO I BE FORMED HERE ' During the next few weeks a Uo- The "Original Christmas Savings tary Club will be organized at this Club" bank has started another new city. The club will have oetween plan to encourage everybody to save forty and fifty members, chosen by money invitation from the various business i This hank is the Savings Bank & and professional men of the city. '.Trust Company, and the plan In- Under the Rotary Club plan, but one eludes the organization of two teams, member ot each business, proieasion, "Coutin Kate" Makes An the Eagles and the Owls, to solicit trade or industry is eligible for mem- members in the Christmas Savings Dersnip; anu in an pans oi uib cuu.i- Unusual Film Production Club for 1922. try Rotary clubs are taking an active unusual ram rrou v enthusiastic part in the forward I:.!'" !J:TarZ the EaVe. with W. Roy Simmons and progress of their respective cities, - .tin i hi ucaii vwuovs 4 j w m-.-.-..!-- . ... Tr . .,.., xmnia no nff 'mini. 1 (By The Assoc!-i .. nnrt a her fiance. She W. R. Stowe as tier aides. ru. """ ".- . . r,.,o Pnono ' aon a n nr nosH iiifn nore nave iwtn iiuh-u-u ... it. ..ilM M,t.M .. finla Ihn M IHH jrrilC v " 1 " ' ' " " the r 1 ves this year during tne the Extension anrl Experiment sta tion staffs are conducting demon strations in Judging animals In front of the court house this afternoon, while Mr. Nixon, of New Jersey, has a full day's work In placing the rib bons on the winners at the State Poultry Show. Besides the moving pictures at the court house tonight, Dr. B. F. Kaupp is to tell the audience of pres ent conditions In Europe especially in reference to agriculture, he hav ing but recently re :u Tied' from an extended trip through Uie principal countries of Europe. This is a free attraction and 111 e last night is ex pected to crowd the court house. TAKES NEW POSITION Victor K. Overman, who has been in partnership with his brother, Harold S. Overman, Manager of the City Drug Store, for the last three years left Tuesday night for Beaufort wherg he becomes manager of tho Beaufort Drug Company. METHODIST BISHOPS AT PHILADELPHIA TEN HUNTERS LOSE LIVES Detroit. Oec. ated .-ress) len nunters nave re-reU the action when she finds the , ,,." ,.. ..i, .,ia .ha ,,r. hunting -et-.tamng rather flippantly of h s s n XVclS Wood- a visit on Monday by C. Fred Don.d" ancour-K-ii u, i... - applications for ney and W. E. Hermance, comprising e ?rl " f o r " htm se If A my se nd s " H e a t h m.mb I. Prepar- committee from the Norfolk Ro- glrl for himself, Amy sends, Heath hp,p ;vPrybo(ly ,0 be thrifty In tary Club,-which has more than 160 awfly- '.i,- . isoi members. Later, when the prelim- Tl, t. i u Uff nn no Af a rim- ' 1 la L lie i,rftiiiiii.n .Philadelphia. Dec. 1. Bishops of the .Methodist Episcopal Church from all sections of the United States are gathered for the annual meeting ot oard of Home Missions here to- twenty days of the deer son. nr "failure" at this conference but the Japanese- have given evidence in , mere ways than one that they will ftot take the responsibility before the i world of breaking up the washing ton conference and placing them selves in a position of moral Isolation matlc situation In "Cousin Kate," ( Charles Frohman play by Hubert piJLLS "WATERMILLION" Henrv Jlavles. which has been visu alized 'by Vltagraph as an Alire Joyce j Inarles of organization have been gone through with, and a charter has been Issued the local club, a special Points Of Interest During The Show which would be permanently Injur!- -..,,- Al ,,, Vr. oi.inev ous to Japanese plans for expansion. Drpw w(U be ghown at the Al-( . Jordan Warren, colored, who lives All agreements reacneu are a com-; krama Theater today, nromlsn and the American govern-; ment thought It would save time by putting out a compromise at the first nession. The Hughes nnval program Is not nationalistic but 's worked nn;T DY nFCFMBFR carr w111 brlng tt d,,,pKa,,on ot Nor-i FIKbl UAI JtC.Ivin.-i. notarlans here for the final' formation of the club at this city. nn Rnon.l utrpet milled H BfVrn DOlUld , watermelon on the first day of lie- CLARKE CASE EXPECTED !.-.,crht it iirrinnft fn the rriiHjvi Hint I'l'"1",. . ...,...,. BEGIN ARGUMENTS Buxton White Seed Company, where IN ARBUCKLE CASE he had bought tha "Florida Flavor- To CiO TO Jl UV TODAY Oil! " """ Atf Whlt nn,t fr on a basis that Is felt to be fair for fl hR trPHBIirp, Tf,e watermelon all nations. That's why there will San Francisco, Dec. 1 (By The As- ,nnU,M big. but It was be no recessions. The Japanese and sociated Press) The arguments ere healthy looking snd War- ... nritlnh r fullv expected to sn- mheduled to begin in me mo s start win oe - - - na irhnrkln ren nanniea n "'" '- ' . nnnn-a tha r inmn n Brrentunra at nnehter trial of Roscoe ArDUCRie , i. ru.w.'. nffl- I. a .. From the Tw" I. "V-. ..-k .m. limited la convinw m-s .i wu,u , " , pectea to go w i" jur i " Orlando, Fla.. Dec, 1 (By The As joclated Press) The case of Lin a Clarke, postmistress at West Palm Ileach. and Barter Patterson, chauf feur, jointly charged with the mur der of Fred A. Miltimore. former plenary session the latter part of today, esch side being next week. four hours. good. too. At the Court Houho: Morn- Ing nnd Afternoon Hpcoclies, lec- tn n't mill )IIhciihnIoiih, along willit vitrioti'lal and free moving pletttrr emit night at Ti.'IO oVIiM'k. Nutrition booth a!l ilny iiirU ilay. At the Ellnlx'th City Motor fur (ompnny gHrge, wcond fliKir of Kramer Bros, former tttaiul on North Martin street: The Poultry S1mw. At Kramer llron. Mill Yanl, North Martin utreet: Thi" Live-stm-k Show, and the various jmlglng contents.