f THE ADVANCE, SATURDAY EVENING, JUNE CO, 1S23. 'HE ADVANCE our a, .., . . contin 1 '..VA.K & Vl.l l tu mbliMtrr HERBERT fltlX Hitw reams, we lind the way ually strewn with ob stacles and disappointments. a., t tt. p..t.ti, .1 Em.."! cn. n. c, We know that this newspaper J?M not ahva'3 keP Pace with i r..,ub.,c.ti., of .... h I"' its own expectations and wp PUIU'I ". i - 4- ' ' I are afraid that in its growth 2 land development it has at M ; imps failed tn moof tViq ni- Kubscrlpllon Ilfites y Carrier , I ' u-ci.iuuu3 ui us menus. juui each PM an alM'U th. IK.I Ily Ma'l Etna Oni, II aianttii tint Tn II mcnlhi Mail ElMWt).r. '-SATntUAY, JINH 30, 192;:. Cotton blooms seem to have arrived about on time despite "Ihe late . spring season this year. ; If President Harding could speak with the conviction on some other matters that he does on prohibition, he might get somewhere in his campaign of winning th6 middle-west. Now here comes the News and Observer headliner put ting Washington, N. C, in Pas quotank County. It may be ethical, neighbor, but it ain't right. f v entitled to a refund of their tax from the State; but there seems to be little evidence that many of them are getting it. capita fire loss for 1922 was the second lowest in the State. Figures given Stale Insurance out WANT ADS by the, ,xsT- m('H OK KEYS HAS Department Shulman I'o. tag no 3968. Return disclose the interesting fact June 30, juiy 2e that the Elizabeth City per1 In Proper Proportion In view of the fact that the State is figuring on making mo tor car owners retire the State's $65,000,000 in road bonds, it is interesting to inquire what justice there, is in the State Highway Commission's policy of appropriating road funds on a oasis oi a wealth. The vailed at the county's taxable impression pre- good roads meet ing of the Chamber of Com merce Fridaylthat if this sec tion could getits money from the State on the basis of the number of automobiles in it year as the loyalty of these our oldest subscribers is made manifest vye. renew our faith. And we honestly bo lieve, folks, thatv.before time to call on you -for another re newal of your subscription we'll be giving jou-the biggest' and best four doHaraV'worth you've ever got from us. It would be interesting to get figures on what pleasure yacht and other motor boat dwners in this section are pay ing on gasoline tax-, into the road funds of the State. Mo tor boat owners are, of course, TIMELY TOPICS I'rosrrvliig Kettles In' Cray enamel 12 qt, kettle at $1.25; 20 qt. kettle at $1.75. Other necessities for can ning and preserving. I'. V. MKLICK (X. Tires and Tubes on which you can save money. Xot lowest priced, hut rheaiKwt for qual ity you Ret. Xot a single adjustment made nor asked for in 13 months. Tidewater Buick Co., Inc. You Say It Wilk Flowers Say It With Ours. TUB APOTHECARY SHOP PHOSK 400 ) OR SALE EIGHT ROOM RES1- ilcnce on North Martin street, good location. For further information address D. C. II. Post Office Box 287 or. Thone 5 ' "Mon, Wed. Sat tfnp ft ... in FEED For Stock and Poultry SEED "F1"' i 8"5- Electric Supplies, LIKhtiiiK Fixtures line, there would be no ques tion of getting a16 foot road to Currituck Courthouse and the Virginia Line. Keller Hum Dirt The Advance is no champion of a 9 foot road, but t hopes that its friends in Currituck will get away from Ihevidea that a good dirt road is better than a nine foot hard-surfaced road. During the trying days of last winter when automo biles wore getting stuck almost daily in the Knobbs Creek de tour, The Advance failed to hear of a single car or truck that got stalled in muck through having to get two wheels off the paving on the 9 foot paved road to Newland. In this section there is no such thing as a good dirt road all the year round if the road is one over which there is any considerable traffic. But the pavement of the I) foot road l, just as solid as the pavement of any sixteen foot road and the dirt shoulders stand up un der" intermittent two wheel traffic far better than any dirt road can stand under constant four wheel traffic. and House Wiring. lours to serve ' !S.White&Co. Phone 6 : 120-22 Poind? ttr St. REAL SILK Guaranteed Hosiery 1 pairs for $3.30 HAY QUIINN 9 ROM time im memorial, the dini tables. of people who care for the beautiful things of life have been set with' ster ling silver. &ihtrr in the Wil liam and Mary Style with its de sign of exquisite grace, will be a fresh delight each time it is used.- Loin's Selig Your Jeweler Since 1882 WAXTfcl) GIIU.S TO WORK & Iooners experienced or unex perienced. Pood pay while learn ing. .JdeaAIosiery Mfll. 28 j! 4 FOR " SALE 71 ACRES QF VAL uable property, located on -the new brick road near Berea. Can be bought cheap. Farm adjoining this property valued, three times as much as this property call be bought for. LAU high land and easily.drained, An- ply to P. E. Dozlers . . Ju ZJtfnpd IK YOU WANT SOMETHING GOOD to eat go to the Coney Inland Hot Dog Cafe aX 3fu Matthews street, regular dinners each day. Deviled crabs and HanAurger a specialty June 26-Ju.;2. pd. FOR RENT UrSTAIRS APART- ment furnished or unfurnished. Ap ply Mrs. A. K. Kramer. 304 W. Main street or phone 285-W. Je.25-30-np CAN TAKE A FEW HOARDERS during the months of . July, August and September at my cottage on Oc eanside at Nags Head. Mrs. C. W. Grice. Je.l2-Jy2-np THE ALBEMARLE COTTAGE AT Nags Head now open for guests. Good bathing, fishing and excel lent sea fdd with reasonable prices Mrs. W. W. Casey June 25-30npd. WANTED KODAK FINISHING BY Zoeller's Studio. Wrork finished ev ery day. Over First & Citizens Nat'l Bank. Je.25-30-np H, C. Bright Co. Diamonds, Jewelry, Watches Hint on Bldg. Main St. .X..XH-::K"K:--MKK"K'-WW Spend your vacation on the higheit crest of the Blue UkIki just at the N'nrtli Carolina line, t-levatlon l.lMtu Ici't hishiT than Ashi'villc. Wonderfully ronl climate matchless scenery, fcuperahunrttince of fruits, finest cuisine, cheap hotel rates, telephone an.! telegraph service, l'our daily mail trains. Write tor Illustrated folder. ROAN MOUNTAIN INN. ROAN MOUNTAIN, TENN. T. I. TRAWICU, PROPRIETOR. Brassieres- SURE IT DOES GOOD t i Thedford'i Black-Draught Liver Medicine (Vegetable) Praised by the Head of a Louisiana Family. Lake Charles, La. "I don't know what we would have done had we not had Black-Draught. It sure is one of the best medicines made, and am sure the best liver medicine," said Mr. Henry Garrett, of this city. "Mv whole familv uses it." continuM Mr. Garrett. "My wife savs she believes she kept off the 'flu' by takine doses of Old Friends are Best July 1st always seems like: the beginning of a new year to The Advance. The first issue of this news paper appeared on May 19, 1911, but all subscriptions that came into the paper from that time until the first of July dat ed as beginning July 1- So on the first of every July since the subscriptions of those who took the paper in its early days and have kept on our lists ever since come due. And the number of the faithful is still large enough to make July 1st inscription collections the largest of any month of the cal endar. So to these old friends, tried and true, who took the paper 12 years ago on faith and who have stuck to it since, regard less of whether they were al ways in full accord with its policy or not, The . Advance feels like extending some sort of greeting today. The years are short and though we travel hopefully to ward the ever receding land of A fptcial lot of brassieres made ly one of the bent manu facturers in the business as suring a correct Jit. Trued at-r- 3 for $1.00 M.Leigh Sheep Co. My wife says she believes Black-Draught regularly, ' "I, myself, use Black-Draught for indigestion, and it is fine. "We used pills and tablets and other laxatives, but they never seemed to do us good, but the Black-Draught sure has, ana it has come to our house to stay. We give it to our daughter for headache and torpid liver. ill ' A - - . . i am giaa io recommend anything that has been the help to my family that 4 uiacK-uraught has. "My present health is good. Have two boxes of Black-Draught inlhe house now." If your liver gets out of fix, take Black-Draught, ft will help to drive the bile poisons and other unhealthful b. ters out of your system. Sold everywhere, NC-148 Pays To Pay Cash At ? ' ' - 'V, ; -, 'V , - -. ' SOUTHERN HOTEL BARBER SHOP Four Old Line Barbers Strictly first class. - No long wait;. Special attention paid to 'chil dren. Henry Pool rrop. Open from 7 A. M. to 8 P. M. H JW often do you li-;s r tioine one mtv: "If I on ly knew jiiHt what to do to Improve my health, I'd take advantage of it." The com munity is full of Much peot .-! . Chiropra is Right r The Science of Chiropractic 1 practiced on the premise that sick folks want health In tli quickest jKWMible way with the leaM iHwwIble ' cost at the least possible InconvenlMice. (Tilro- i piactic does meet thete demands, AllSOMTKMT. 5 COISSULTATION IS WITHOUT COST Telephone 793 for an appointment and let vie explain WHY Chiropractic is a safe,, san& and sure way to health c DR. A. L. PEARCE CHIROPRACTOR ; OVER WOOLWOKTH S 6 & 10c STOUE . 211-14 kaamer Building. : Elizabeth City, X. C. NORTH CAROLINA STATE COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE AND ENGINEERING STATE COLLEGE STATION BALE1GII, N. C. Tci'liiilhil Kdiirutlin At Klate College prepares li r.iduiile Jor poimual nuccesi Unci for k-jiin s!iil In tiiUuHtrlal viurt. The culkge ulluj FOUR YEAR COURSES IN: Agriculture Inrliiillnjt Crueral AKrirulture and Kict:ilizc(l CoiirMi tn Firm Crnpa, Aarloultural Eiijiiiefrlng, Aiiimnl Hunlmiidry and Dairying. Biology, Horticulture, Poultry Science, Soils, VtUrm.uy Aliidiiiiie, Vocational Euun.tou. Chemistry, ArUultuiul t hemlstry, Ttxtlle Cliciuistry and Dyeing. .Civil Engineering, Architecture and Highway Engineering. Electrical tngincerinj. Mechpnil r-ierfnj. ToxtMe T"i;; l.'.'.'InocrlnR. Textile Jfiirnifnrlurlnp. Tcxilie Chemistry and Dyefiig. Agriculture. tconon.ici. Busioe.e Adminibtralibn, Ruial Lite. General Science, l'hsics, lhohv. TWO YEAH CG'JR'Xi IN: 4 AfTic.iitnro. Vertoni" Arti, TcTti'j 'tuni'niturtng. " One Year Couru In Auto h.etamniM. -Winter Course In Agriculture for Farmer. Pummrr &-t.isi i. r Te.ii-: . t'oilege Mi.iim ana for College Credit. Em'llenf c ,.ti,:!.t.M In h,'. o iii;.i.on:. Session I!i2'i-lft24 hculne Kentenilicr 4. - -Entrance retitilremenU for Fn-phmun Class, 1" until Enjllafc, f; Iflfnrj-, 2; Mathematka, 2Vj ; , iin.:e. 1 ; Khftlw, Va. For catalog, i!histrak"3 clictil.i'S, and e"trarue M.irlts, wr!( E. B. 0Vr'(, Rf''r. ALICRAMA THE ATER Tuesday & Wednesday wHOMESPUN STORYMaDE OF Smiles and happiness STORAGE BATTERIES FOR A Mi M AKES OP OAUS lUXIIAHGED AND REPAIRED Auto & Gat Engine Works fC Where Society Brand Clothe Are Sold X D. Walter; Harris $ The Cltj TaUor and Clothier -k-xwx-::-:kx:-x-::-:-K":'' EARL & WILSOM Shirts Tlifre nr? none octtcr for tlie irice. McCABE & GRICE HOMES WIRED $1.00 Per Week Pelig J. Midgett H H H L- H S 0 a a s 0 0 0 :0 0 0 0 il BASEBALL ELIZABETH CITY w!? djy lKtv i & Wllto Fay ! mil, -in nnri n r, i 'Hail 1 IT WILL LEAVE vs ERTFOEiD 241 V. Fwirinn St. l'houe 803-W MONDAY, 3 P. M. GENERAL ADMISSION 23c; GRAND STAND 10c Ladies Admitted to Giandstand Free ELIZABETH CITY AT EDENTON, THURSDAY EDENTON AT ELIZAET1I CITY, WEDNESDAY 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ; 0 0 Is 0 XX"X"XXX We Carry Springs and Bearings for All Cars . Auto Supply & Vulc. Co. rilOXK 407 Where Every Man Finds what He Wants To Wear Spencer- Walker Co. INCORPORATED Iltiitoii Ruildliifj. Opposite Y. M. C..A. I ) 1 KUIl L MarVCapji and her greatest supporting cast Stow ey Tlortntt VingkMKLivirysZori. Dirbctec by. Herbert.. Brbnom ADMISSION 1J If) & ?5 v5 & 35 '4 HAPPY MEMORIES . "THE CUSTARD CUP" just fizzes and LubWes over with sunshine, smiles and happiness. The many thousands who have, read this qun: t and hu man story will be overjoyed at its re! :! on the 9reen. It will leave lasting and pleasant memor ies for all who see it, and everybody mother, father, son and daughter, the young and the old will be the better for having met "Penzie," the great-hearted and smiling heroine of the story. Mary Carr has breathed life inlo "Penzie"' with the magic of her power and tulent as an actress. In vestments of gingham and calico, she is the min istering angel of the little community known as "The Custard Cup.'.' She mothers the homeless, consoles the sick, cheers-ije troubled and advises the lovelorn. Her smile and her stout heart arc her only wea pons against gloom and trouble. Widowed and burdened with a great grief herself, she smothers it all and dispenses sunshine wherever it is needed. Like rare wine, a good cigar or a fine meal, it leaves that lingering and pleasing recollection that establishes permanent patronage.