NKRBKRT Milt t**tm ifcHfc City. ft. _ _i?j ?*ti K ?=:g zx ^ Mail IliwHuri L . Well, everybody we've seen seems to have had a Rood time here on the Fourth, even if it was safe and sane. Looks as though w^'re really getting saf er and sAner year bv year, may -bfc? news on its hands and only four pages, ine Advance is-c-row?le? 0 ? ? ? ? ? YOUR MARKET Quality Groceries This in your grocery market. Our products are unexcelled In quality, and our service prompt and ever ready. Our prices you will find low er than anywhere In this com munity. ii; Morgan & Parker rilONK 2M E. F. Aydlett Is attending the an nual convention of the North Caro lina Bar Association at Blowing Rock. Mr. Aydlett Is chairman of the membership committee of the as sociation. Miss Lillie Grandy has returned after spt-ndiug iuibm iliim at?Wash jington. D. C. I , Miss Huth White returned Mon day from a delightful visit to her Ifriend Miss Helen Donnelly at Tr?n Iton. N. J. Mrs. I. M. Meekins left Thursday for Asheville where she will visit her sister. Mrs. W. O. Rid dick I Miss_^Jary Meekins left Tuesday | for Nv York City where ahe will spend some time with her father. Col. I. 31. Meekins. Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Plckard of Nor 'folk spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Bray on North Road street. Miss !M1ldred Newberry of Colum bia is the guest of Miss Isabel M ee k - ins op WeaLuMala-aireci. Mrs. J. M. Bell and Mrs. Jennie Morrisette of Camden were the quests af Mrs. John-Sawyer on Bur \gvnn mim Saturday. I Mrs. Tom Whalev of spcTTT Wednesday visiting her par ents Mr. and Mrs. A. I). Bray on Martip street. Miss Helen Leigh of Martin street is visiting relatives at Columbia. Claybourn and Carl Quinn of Wil son are the guests of Mr. and 'Mts. J. H. Wilkins on North Road street. Mrs. Celus Ferebee and daughter. MIsh Marguerite FereW^ oT "fore head City are visiting relatives In the city. Attorney T. J. Markham of the firm of Cohoon add Markham is in Asheville this week on legal business for the State Highway Commission. Rev. and Mrs. R. F. .Hall and daughter. Edith, returned Tuesday from a two weeks', vialt to. relatives in Kerr. Sampson County, and Row land, Robeson County.? Mr. and Mrs.-Everett Harrison and little daughter, Naomi, and 'Mt. and Mrs. Brantly McCoy spent "Wednesr day at Ocean View, Va. Air. and Mrs. A. B. Walston on Pearl streit had as their guests Wed nesday. Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Bray and ? wo drtM*hl?*r*. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. ''?'u-rldgt Jlr?. Robert- 1'nser i'ri.I son of Norfolk and Russc!l Bray ?i-; ;> ?n.. n;t : ? ? , i?nd Air*. ?. T oy?? I Horry .ind ??: Nor ai- spending s.uno 1 ?.:i? ;. !?;?? guests of Mr. am! Mn. A. i>. >> ? st?>i iii. I' -.til ;reet. Mr. ..;nd Mrs. J. ('. B. Ehr'nghutis itnd childrt n left Wednesday to spend some tirnC at Nags Head. Carl Walston has returned to Nags | WE do not sell youa Goodyear Tilt and forget you. If we did, we'd lose the right to serve z.a the authorized Goodyear Dealer. We are pledged to see that you get out of the Goodyear Tires you buy from 114 every mile of the thousands built into them at the factory. A? 6?4tymmr Smr?ic? Stmt ion . in ??// mnd 1 urerrt mmnd thm n? i? Goody ma r Cord* *?lth thm 4// Waafftcr Trood mnd hack thorn up %0ith itmndmrd Goody our Smriicm ATIO SITPLV ? VIM'. CO Water A .Mattliewa St. ?OOBj^fEAR gC \ W*av?r of Atlanta and Miss Mary Loretta Joyner of Nor folk were married by Rev. N. H. P. Wilson at his home on East Church street Tuesday afternoon. See the advertisement of the M. G. Morrisette Co. on page three, adv. i ? S**?4 ir*mt rMattM m tfc? ?r??t ml tk? Um I Ridr*. *i?t at ib? North c*r*t>M 1L*?. ?***?! toa 1.0?? I fart hi#ier tkto AjMrtlU. Woodrrfully roo) clHMlf. ' wtacrr. tupcrabuadaMT* of fruit*. Sn??t nMm. chMp Soul r*tr?. t?Jrphno? tod irlnnpti ! arrvu-*. roux Mil tralma. Writ* for lUu?trat?4 folder. We Carry Spring* and Bearing? for All Cars Auto Supply & Vulc. Co. infos 497 Winekream Ideal for Sunday? Dessert, as economical as you can eat and as'delicious as you want. THE WINEKREAM CO. Phone 578 1/ You Say It With Flowers ' Say It With Ours. THK APOTHECARY SHOP PHONE 4OO ? ? - I prrwcn; ?!? Watches. Diamonds X * ^.v ?tr .J. Mini.mi Mils. . Main St. JI It Pays To Pay Cash . ?At? ^(cUuttCsk, &?lcie14 1 rr>n wxrr 71 \< ki s or \ w uahle property, located on the new brick road near Berea, Can b? bought cheap. Farm adjoining this property valued three times as much an this properly can be'bought for All high land and easily drsfaed. An ply to P. K. Doiler. Ju 27tfnpd if you want mmmmna cjooo to eat go to the Coney Island Hot Dog Cafe at 310 Matthews, straat. regular dinners each day. Deviled crabs and Hamburger a specialty REMEMBER the Old Time Summer CLEARANCE j SALE WV hare been greatly pleased with the patron age shown us during this annual event and we are rettttndtng you of junt a few o/ the feature prices. ?I?K t aniUMIe y Silk Vests silk liloomera n.T/'oV'^od B?S: na";,,y and, ser- *??d '*??- \ _2_ i_. ..... \ irnah ??? r n 1 n r ? ?.7-n0 row RAIJ4?LA1UJK RKFKHJRRA tor. aultable for grocery More, hot*! or boarding house, or would consider an PxchanR<> for Vlctrola. J. W. Ran dolph, 413 8. Road street. Phone 216 lst-np