> * urday. ,\?? rlmiijn in . * Thursday * ? ^? * * \>i * * ? ? * * * ? ? ? "i ?" '# * VOL. XIII. FINAL EDITION. ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY EVENING, Jl'LY 6. 1923. ' EIGHT PAGES. NO. 155. WONT HESTIT ATE ] TO USEVIOLENCE New Federal?'<1 Furmer-Lal>or Parly Would Wrest .Control j of Government by Fair Means or l>v Foul It Seems | Chicago, July *?.?Any may used in o ~ J control " of the Government by the m; Federated Farmer-Labor party, cr. aled - here laRt niuhl. lt is "Indlcat ? d today in the tabling of a resolu-| tlon bv the convention which would have excluded any croup frnm its platform which advocated force or - violence -ftr- which in any _&-ay affil iated with an organization that sought iK)littcid?sttlisfaetjon ? e*e~H~ through the ballot. The platform of the n?w party is described as "too r?'d. communistic, bolshevik, and radical for even the radical state of Wisconsin" to ac cept. Chicago, July 6.?The Federated Tarmer-I^abor i?arty with a platform under the leadership of the Workers Party of America, was born yestec= , day, the Farmej--Labor party refus ing to participate. Gary Sees End Of Twelve Hour Dav tn> The AuarUlrti" l'rr*?.l New York, July 6.?Entrance in to the lrnlted States of a labor sup ply from Mexico, the Phllliplneg. Canada, and a few European coun tries soon will make possible the abolishment of the 12-hour day in 'the steel Industry. Elbert Gary, chairman of the board of the t'nlted States 'Sfeel Corporation announced today. One of the most important % factors In the increase of labor in the steei industry seen by Gary was the migration of negroes from the South to manufacturing centers of the North. AUTO VOCABULARY STRANGE ARltOAI) Lansing. 'Michigan, July 6.? Driving on the wrong aide of the road, instead .of the right, isn't the , only difficulty the American driver will encounter if he goes motoring abroad. After he has taken a few ,wda > to become accustomed to th? ?^ft-hand side of the highway, with the perplexities of interesctlona, - crossing* and -Uirn.s he will be ready to undertake the study of the Euro pean automobile -vocabulary, says "H. S. Ix>rcf, Rales Director of the Velie Motors Corporation at Molina, Illinois. "Flrlt he -will look about for a filling station and the familiar ga*r oline sign," says Mr. Lord. "But Instead of 'gasoline' he'll buy 'petro'.' in small cans of one and two gallon capacity. He'll learn that tires are spelled 'tyres' and that a casing Is referred to as a 'cover.' Rear-seat passengers are called 'back passen gers' and a small touring car la known as a 'Ave neater.' A truck is a 'lory' and a windshield wiper, a 'screen cleaner.' A tonneau ahlel.l la a 'rear wind screen.' Spark plugs are 'sparking plugs' and a fender is a 'wing.' The riding qualities of a car are referred to as the 'springing' and the starting crank is the 'han dle. To "wind the handle' Is the English manner of describing start ing by hand. "Just imagine an American ga range mechanic, with his llnes?f me chanical slang endeavoring to explain *D automobile .ailment to one of his British cousins." SUSANNE LENGLEN IS STILL CHAMPION cparl nient of Agriculture. Haleiuh. Julv 6?"The cotton crop i of North Carolina is unusually prom ising considering the planting seas-I ons and is the largest In its history." I according to a statement issued here : today by Frank I'arker. statistician! of the co-operative crop report ser-j vice of the 1'. S. and N. C. Depart-] ments of Agriculture. The report is based on information received from; 26 counties of the State^ -With the acreage at 103 perecnt." | says the report "North Carolina shows the least increase of any state, ft is reported that the in crease Would have been more had the April report not been given pub licity^ That re#ort showed the same acrea'ge per cent according to the planting intentions of several thou sand cotton farmers. It is further recognized that It was the specula tor who suffered most by that 'In tentions' report, _ which indicated prospective planting. "The present condition of 80 per cent of a normal per full crop pros pect for 256 pounds per acre, if ap plied to the 1.7030460 pound acres means that the crop might be ovri* 910.000 (bales if the state conditions remain fiavorable. The boll weevil and adverse weather conditions mu>*t Ibe reckoned with before the early frost gets its share. These figure.* are based on conditions now and do not include any but favorable In fluences to follow. The last crop made 250 pounds per acre and 851, I 000 bains. "There are estimated to have been planted in the United States the greatest acreage of any year. 38.287. 000 acres with a prospective yield of ,11.412.000 bales or 17 percent in crease over the 19^2 production. The presfirTTondltlon pfospeets are 1.3% ^below last year's report and s^x per .cent below the ten yc^r average. "The weather conditions ih North (Carolina have ibeen unusually favor 'able for cotton during June. The re cent rains have helped to relieve the (drought that might soon have be icome serious, even on cotton. The ! bool weevil has not become notice ably bad but Its prpence and activi ties are now cl&iitflng the attention iof the southern cotton counties of the state. The sands are pporest on the stiff eastern soils and In the northern Piedmont or clay belt. The crop has grown and recuperated won derfully during June." DEMPSEY NEXT WILL FIGHT HARRY WILIS I Br Th?! AMhrlllrd PffM.) Great Falls. Montana. July #?. ?, Harry Wills, negro, probably will be Jack Dempsey's next opponent. Jack iKesrns. manager of the champion, said today. Kearns will leave to morrow for New York to clone nego tiation* for the match probably on TOabor Day. THKY IIONT THINK MICH OF VIRGINIA'S ROADS Mrs. George J. Pitman of Delanro. N. J. haa returned to her home after a visit to Rev. and Mrs. Frank H. Scattergood. Mra. Pitman went an far aa Norfolk by automobile accom panied by Mr. and Mm. Acattergood. Mrs. C. W Melick. and Mrs. E. W. Price, who returned Thuraday night declaring that the worse road they | had ever encountered was the |stretch In Virginia from the Carolina (line to Norfolk. "Virginia does great boasting." they said, "about her roads, but there Is no road In the stste of Vir ginia that Is as good ss those we've got in North Carolina. Kven the I roads they boast of are so bad that they shake a car literally to piece*, and their tbad ones are awful. A* {for their boasts of roads soon to ex- 1 1st. we'll probably have passed on ,before they have them, at the pres-1 I ent rate. lt'a about time the pub 'lie realised how much talk there ;? to Virginia's good roads and how Uttle reality. We were rather proud i of being North Carolinians when we got home." PLAN TO TRANSFER EXTENSION WORK1 Raleigh, July %. - Recommenda tions of the joint bosrd of State Col-1 lege and the State Department of Agriculture for the transfer of the extension work to the supervision of' the college was approved yesterday at a meeting of the State Board of 'Agriculture. ? Dr. B. W. Kllgore, director of the, work, and his Immediate staff will be transferred soon. It was announced.' and he will become dean of the I School of Agriculture. Hawaii's Tennis Star William N. Eklund, single* ten nis champion of Hawaii. wlio litis won I he title seven limes and has sixteen Hawaiian crowns In tennis to his credit, lie la the United 1 States possession's best het for th? Davis cup mutches. THINK SOUTH IS NOT INTERESTED Negroes Leave Because They _Bclieve White People Are Not Concerned With Their Welfare Says Dr. Alexander Lake Junaluska, July ft.?Speak Ins: before the Social Service Confer ence of* the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, in session here. Dr. Will L Alexander of Atlanta, secre tary of the Commission on Inter-ra cial Co-operation discussed the "Ne gro Migration." Declaring that hark of th? present ejj^dua aLlhe negroes Ilea a dcfinitc^tffu widespread migra tion phvschology, Dr. Alexander gave what are in his opinion some of the principal causes of the unrest among negroes in the South. He states that his facts were for the most part gath ered in Georgia hut that similar con ditionii existed in other Southern states. North Carolina, Virginia. Kentucky, and Tennessee, the states Vhiclt^Jiavc done the most for the rural education of the negro have suffered less than the others from the migration. Dr. Alexander assert ed. Commentlhg on the fact that In the past^sj^e^-nmnths. approximately 500,00tf"' people have left the farms of the South, the majority of whom were negcocs. the speaker declared that tlilft exodus was a continuation of a movement which had been un der way to some extent since the war between the states. The last census, lie said, showed a marked change In negro population between 191o and 1920 a great drift away from the rural-districts of the South. The cen ter of negro population, he said has drifted ID mttes north. -This drift. accentuated during the period of in dustrial expansion resulting from the World War. ceased almost en tirely during the post war period of depression but with the revival of business It has again set In and Is now going forward with increasing volume. In the past. said Dr. Alexander, I the movement has been from the ru-1 ral to the urban South and from Southern to Northern cities, but the present move In from Southern farms to Northern Industrial centers. Deny-j Ing that the preaent migratory move-, ment In due for the moat part to la bor recruiters. Dr. Alexander'attrlb-j uted much of the unrest to a wide spread discouragement among South ern negroes. They can see little Im provement In their present situation, and they do not feel that Southern people are Interested Irt them, he de clared. And this state of mind Is sc-j centuated by the present economic' condition. Crop and market condi tions ?lnce the World War have brought a severe test to the South ern farmers and the negro farmers have, along with the others, fallen * Into hard times. I,ate In 1922, said the speaker. Northern Industries be gan a program of expansion and by early 1923 prosperity was announced as at hand. The Southern negro was. the only available supply of un-| skilled labor necessary to Industrial expansion and with the present stated of negro psychology the migration was Inevitable. The desire smone negroes for ed ucatlon for their children, according to Dr. Alexander, has had a stronger pull -than the lure of high wages and f negroes who are going from the ruf-I al South to the North are seeking' better educational facilities and op-' port unities for their chlfdrerf. Nor do tbe negroes of the South desire to aaaoclate socially with the white people, asserted Dr. Alexander. ' Thfy d.0, boweyer. feel that the aeg ragatlon laws often work an In/iks-' tlce upon them In the matter of street car seats and the like. As *i matter-of (act. he said, the masses, of the negroes In the North are as far removed from the whites as they J are ip the South. There are fewer restriction* In travel, but negroes live In negro neighborhoods, attend negro churches and move In a negro world. There la no evidence In the North that the wiping out of color lines Is even considered on the part! of either the white or the negro If negroes really feel that white people hare lost Interest In them, CURIOUS NOTIONS ON BOI L WEEVIL Some Folks Think They're Eating 'Em Willi Their Snap Beans and Their Blackber ries Bhl They Aren't Bealiy ? Hjli'lkll. Jlllli1 6 fipM-i.i) iimuhiiM n'Pt'lvpil by the State Board of Health from widely separated sec tions of ll><- StiiI?? indicate a fear of the boll-weevil that is entirely tin founded. Tin- SiiU'1 Hoard <*f HeaTtfi |i a~d vising dial iKTiT pent the cotton 4>laiXL_ia_ without danger other than the damage which it does to one of the State's leading farm product*. It does not infest fruits or berries, ft or any of ihe .garden VrgrTaWr-s." such as corn, beans, cabbage, let ' tuce. okra. tomatoes, or the like. The only food that satisfies the ap petite of this insect is the cQttoti boll, and it eats this perfectly when j young and tender, when the squares ; are Just forming. Popular superstition has _en J larged the field of activity of this i it - [ sect which is causing a revolution sin the agricultural - habits of the~ I entire South. In sopie sections the i weevil is reported In ?the black ! berries. From another comes the ? report of having found It in the Liiura. A far eastern "county attr ibuted a serious illness to the weevil ,having been cooked along with some snap beans. A Piedmont county Uhought it was Infesting the cabbage. In all instances a consuming fear seems to huve taken* posession of .some of the people leat the jboll weevil t??e'their-lives. In answering such inquiries the State Board -of?Health, has en ? deavored to reassure those unduly fearful with the definite -statement that there Is nothing to fear from the boll weevil except the partial destruction of the cotton crop. The insect Is not poisonous and Infests only the cotton plant. Central States Note Increase In Travel Chicago. July 6.?There hax been approximately 14 per cent more travel l?y touring automobiles through the Central States, both east and west hound, during the first five months of this year than during the correspond in u months of Ipat year, according tq statistics compiled l?y the Chicago...AilUunohlle Cluh. During the-first five months in 1923_, 17,443 motorists registered at the Chicago club, as compared with 15.J5.1 during the first five months of 1923. The answers to the call of the road l?e>;an in January, when 1.960 tourists registered. This was 50 per cent more than In 1922 when 1.308 tourists stopped at the cluh during January. The travel continued hegVJ during February, when 1.276 regis tered as compared with 1.009 during February. 1922. The March figures were: 2,023 in 1923 and 1.594 In 1922. In April 3,916 registered as compared with 3,862 In April, 1922. The Increase Juni|ied again In May when 8,268 tourists registered as compared with 7.380 In May. 1922. VETERANS WELCOME HENRY FORD'S OFFER ; Detroit. July 6. ? Disabled world war veterans of (Michigan have wel comed the offer recently made by the Henry Ford Hospital and already more than fifty are undergoing treatment at the big Institution. All of thf veterans are admitted In the same manner as private pa tients and are treated on exactly the same basis. They are entitled to and receive the tame quality of ser vice and are distributed to the var ious units In the hospital, according to the availability of rooms. The first thought was to open a special unit for these men. but the hospital officials on consideration felt th*? men would 'be better satis fied If they were distributed through out the hospital with the other ps tients and accordingly this plan was carried out. I I Arrangements for opening the hospital services free of any charge to all disabled veterans of Michigan needing treatment were made a few weeks ago at a meeting between Al- ! vln M. Owsley. National Comman der of the American Legion. Henry Ford. Bvtsel H. Ford, President of the Ford Motoi* Car. and Df. Hark ness. State Commander of the Amer- 1 lean Legion. Another arrangement alao has been effected between the Legion and the Henry Ford Hoapltal where by In extreme caaea of destitute fam ilies of former service men thair chlldrqp needing hoapltallxatlon will He treated when designated by 4he Legion offlrft STTKMI < It % wroili) ( Ol Sl ll, Ourney P. Hood. B. A. Sawyer. J. ? Corbet} and J. H. Hcarboro are at tending the meeting of Crawford Cotyfl, Junior Order^at ?*Mapl^. said Dr. Alexander, only concrete ef forts to Improve their condition will restore their confidence and make them believe that the Htiihtrn white man Ir their boat friend. ^TWO KILLED IN t PRESIDENT'S PARTY I'OXALD t'ltAM. Summer Curtis, representative of the Republican Rational Committee with the Presiden tial touring party, and Thomas French of Denver were killed and Donald Craig, correspond ent of the New York Heral*l( and Thomas Dawson. Colorado State historian and veteran newspaper man, critically in jured when an automobile leaped an embankment near, Denver. The victims were mak ing a mountain tour and their car plunged from the road into Hoar Creek Canyon. _____ A Second Shutout Handed ToFdenton Another Game Today At Five Woodhouse And Ballentine To Battle On Mound Hl/y.abeib City administered :i second shutout to Kdenton Tliurs Uav wtili .1 l to ?? aeora ' Cal Duvih tossed tlte hall most effortively for Eli&aheth City. pur mining only two hlu during tl??? nl?K' liming* of the game Hollow.!i di'liverod the pill for Kdi'titon in good style, allowing only thi - ?? hit . The two runa wen* made in tb?i las' half or the ninth Inuiug. Sltfpp kim< ken a iwo bagger after twodnen wer?> out. Ciialkny fallowed li.in with a krotiuiler too hot for Ilarrcli on short ami Sliipp scored; !!???*** made (hi inliflil hit and advanced Ch.ilkey to second. Trueliloy Two American Destroyers as Body (.aurds tlti?Ttn1 H^?r tut t-tl fmtti) Ship July ??.? Hitriliut was beyond the American lnuimlaries today '?njoyini: Iif? ? at sim in comfortable cabins ami on 11 of PlIi- marine transport IfoTnt'Tunnv? I'Ih- I'n-sldent Iff! Tacotua. Wash iTTulon. > ? ? sf ? niay. accompanied by Mrs Hardin-.: jtml members of his Xlaskan pally timid (In1 salutes of naval crat'l. *?Knar lb** Henderson are two officers who recently tna?l** charts of tin* I'aciflc shore water depths. The 'attendance of the destroyers is due merely to extraordinary precautions .of the naval authorities to surround the President with every possible 'safety during his voyaue. ,'Flames Wiping Out Town bf Goldsfield ?j. The '*:? rin: n gov ernment Is expected to issue a state nient soon depreciating sabotage and nil form of active re*lMtnnce In L occupied areaa. ? MAY USE HOSPITAL FOR WHITE VETERANS -Tuakeegee, July fi. The posslbll Jity of -the Government hospital for negro soldier* here being turned Into a Hanitarluin for white veterans wan expressed here yeaterday by Direc tor Hlnes of the Veteran*' Bureau. |) Manufacturer* Would AlM?li?h' 12-Hour Day Tacoma. Washington. July 6. ? Harding yesterday made public here correspondence which shows that the large majority of steel manufactur ers of America are undertaking to abolish the 12-hour day In the Am erican steel Industry. ( I.KAItK.n TIDY HI M FOR TMK i'O.MMlNITY HOIHK The Ktwanis-Kotary baseball game It wan announced Friday after care ful checking of all receipts and dis bursements. after paying all expens es netted the tidy sum of $128.68 for the Community House. NO HF.TTLKMK.VT M\I)K OF M. L PAVIH'H CLAIM No settlement of the Miles Lowry Davis claim against the Pasquotank Highway Commission for the damage done his farm and front lawn 6y the Knobbs Creek detour was made at the July meeting of the County Highway Commission this week. One member of the Commission was absent and Mr. Davis was not present and settlement was. there fore, deferred. It In hoi?ed. howewr. that all the members can meet with Mr. Davis one day In the near future . aod effect a settlement. "TfJffrlTON MARKKT New *YArk. July Spot cotton closed steady today, middling 28.05. Futures, closing bid: July 24.71. Oc tober 23.AS, December J8.44,* Janu ary 23.18, March 23.18. New York. July 8.?At two o'clock today cotton future* stood at tta* fal lowing lavels: July 28.50, Oct*. 11.75, Iw 23 28. Jan 22.97. March 22.81. New York 8 ?Cotton futures op ened this morning at the following lavels: July 28.32; October 23.77; December 23.30; January tl.lt; March 22.82. '