????????? * THE WEATHER. * * Partly cloudy tonight * * and ff ednesday. Light * * lo gentle variable winds * ?* * 1 ?*???? CIRCULATION * 1.600 Copies * Monday VOL. XIII. FINAL EDITION. ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, TUESDAY EVENING. JULY 10. 1923. FOUR PACES. NO. 158. Movement To Resurrect District Highway Bill Measure Considered Dead for Three Years May he Brought to Life as Means Toward Getting 16-Foot Highway from Edeiiton to Virginia Line A brand new plan to obtain" a 16-foot State highway from Edenton to the Virginia line was set on foot at the Chamber of ?Commerce rooms Monday night when former State Senator M. W. Ferebee, Attorney to the State Highway Commission W. L. Cohoon and the heads of the road governing bodies of the five counties traversed were asked by representative citizens of Eliza beth City at a meeting called by the Chamber of Commerce to constitute a committee to look into the feasibility of having the State build this road under the Ferebee District Highway act passed by the 1919 session of the General Assembly and amend ed by the special session of 1920. The proposal to investigate the feasibility of invoking the bill of which Senator Ferebee was author, and which W. L. ?Cohoon at one time fought tooth and claw, in an effort to insure .a 16-foot highway all the way from Edenton to the Virginia line was made by Mr. Cohoon: "himself. Mr. Cohoon told the meeting that! in his opinion the one way to get a 16-foot road was by the co-operation I of the counties with the State High way Commission. There are 5,300 miles of State highway, he declared, and that the State could not build* 5,300 miles of 16-foot paved roads with $65,000,000 was. he said, too. evident to need argument. The State ] Highway; Commission* M said, would j build a nine-foot roacTfrom Edenton ! to the Virginia line at State exi?ensf,' but no more. He argued that the only hope of a 16-foot road lay in county participation in the cost and with the Ferebee District Highway act providing for an equitable county participation in the cost of the pro ject he recommended that.. Senator j Ferebee be named as chairman of a ; .committee of the heads of the ron?l-l governing bodies of Currituck, Cam-! den. Pasquotank, Perquimans and! Chowan to investigate the feasibility ^of State construction under that act. President Gurn/y P. Hood of the Chamber of Commerce, who presided' ?over the meeting. added Mr. Cohoon' to the committee at the suggestion of J. C. B. Ehrlnghaus. Explaining his change of attitude toward the Ferebee District Highway . ;act, Mr. _C9hoon says that he op- [ " posed the act when 1t was passed he- j ?cause at that time the counties: would have had to bear the entire cost of the project, whereas. If the present scheme goes through, they! ? will be assessed only seven sixteenths of the actual cost of the paving, the State meeting the expense of grad-j ing and bridging. Rumrunning Is Bringing Wealth Newspaper 'Article Tell* of Big Bu*ine?* Along Flori da Coast lllv Thr AmutIiImI I'm*.) Chicago, July 10.?-Hum running along the South Atlantic seaboard ha? assumed such tffrmendous pro portions that the inhabitants of pov erty stricken little Islands have be come rich overnight and the section has become known as "Bootleggers Paradise." the Chicago Dally News said today In a copyrighted article ! describing conditions along the Flor ida coast. From Nassau alone, the article said, olTlcial clearings of liquor [ bound for the T'nited States in creased from 37.821 gallons in 1917) to 1,340,443 gallons in 1 f*22. EARTHQUAKE DOES VERY LITTLE DAMAGE (Br Th* A*?nrUt?1 Prm.) Biarritz. France, July 10.?An earthquake of some severi'y lasting about IB seconds was felt through out the Basque country today," but no loss of life is reported and the damage was- not Important. rOMCIC (Ol'RT Tt'KNlMY Morton M. Miller. Norfolk motor car dealer, was taxed with costs In police court Tuesday morning for demonstrating one of his cars with a Virginia dealer's license In Eliza beth City Monday. Mr. Miller had made no sab* and was let off with a llfclit penalty. Oscar Tempi** for operating a mo tor %'ehlole without proper lights, wa? taxed with costs. These two cases completed the po lice court proceedings Tuesday. HOOF FIMK Tt F*IMY The Are department wa* called to j the home of Joe SprulP. tolored, on Harney street at 1:15 Tuesday after noon, where the roof *ad caught from sparks from the ehlfnney. The fire was extinguished with water and there was no damage. LEVIATHAN AT FRENCH t*ORT Cherbourg, France, July 10. The giant liner, Levlathau, arrived here today on her first trana-Atlantic voyage as a pas senger ship under the Ameri can Hag. landed eight hundred or her passengers and contin ued on to Southampton. Crashing Ice To Greet President Spectacle Planned at Greeting When Party Approaches Alaskan Capital . Il?v Th- AMu-l.trd |.r,M t Aboard the Henderson with Har ki / 10?apuctacle of w ?.C? Waa ?',annp those who have already seen it. When (ioldwyn decided to make the film version of sir Hall s treat novel, the production executives cast ahout for the hest man In the busi ness to direct It. Choice Anally set tled on Maurice Tourneur who has won International fame for his pro ductions of "The Blue Bird." "Treas ure Island." "The Last of the Mohi cans." "I,orna Doon" and other lit erary classics. The task of select ing tne two leading players was then entered upon. Choice did not settle upon Ftichard nix for tile part of John Storm and Mae riusch for the **lory Quayle until many famous film players had heen considered, tested and discarded as not absolutely suit ed to the roles. SOLDIERS ASSAULT CHARGE D'AFFAIRS 111 Th. Aaocl.Mi J.U"' ,0 ?The O'Ttnnn charge d affairs was assaulted in ih< street here last night. Two former Helglnn soldiers were arrested and later released under hall. ATMXTIf < X>AHT 1,1 nk MAKK IMPROVKMRXTH New York. July 10?The Vtlantlcl Coast I.lne today authorized expen ditures of S26.000.000 for cars ,o comotlves and other Improvements. | ENDORSE WORK OF NECKO INSTITUTE l-ake Junaluska. July 10. The social service commission of the Methodist Episcopal Church. South, tserday adopted a resolution ? ri Horsing the Negro Institute nt Tus ..Tr-t-' AU,'?n'? and declaring In terference with ? to he . disgrace. \NTl-M WKlWi" him, TO l>IH< t XmM) HV (JKOIWil \ In.* Km'J?. TAn ,n"-??sk Ing bill and a hill to remove the state capital are scheduled to come up In the Georgia legislature at an early date. THOMAS A. DAY. On* of th? Am*ric*n? cap tured by the Chinee* bandit* and r?lea**d to **cura t*rma lor oth?r captive*. Photo taken : In Swttl* on hi* armal from th* Orie.it on Prerident Mc Kinl*y. Jun* tl. MINISTER'S KISS CAUSED TROUBLE' He Claimed That It Was On ly Fatherly Affection But Husband Knocked Him Through Gla*a Panel. Boston. July 10. ? Lieutenant Wesley McLauren Hague of the Unlt ?9 States Navy, today admitted that he engaged In a scuffle with Rev. George Lyman Paine yesterday in the course of which he-knocked the clergyman through the gla?s pan,el of iia door in the offices of tho Greater Boston Federation of Churches. ! He said that his anger had been aroused when the clergyman, after Isdmlttiti,! 'hat he ki&sed (he Lleu tL'ttHnt's bride of two months. Insist ed thai it was merely a display of fn'herly .-.ffeciion. While the 'offJeer was on duly at Baltimore, Paine took Mrs. Hague tor an .1.1 <>mobile4 ride. He admi^y I that while they w?re through a meadow hp kiss?d her the cheek. i The minister is married and the father of two students at Harvard. WOMAN FIKST CLIMBS HAWAIIAN MOUNTAIN Hillo. Island of Hawaii, July 10? jThe lofty, snow-tipped summit of iiMauna Kea, highest spot in the Ha waiian Islands, has heen surmounted, for the first time in history, by a ; party of women, which included Miss Katherine MacGrcgor oj New York, a noted-hiker, mountain-climb er and writer. Mauna Kea, upon whose lower slopes is the ever-active volcano of Kiktuea. rises to a height of 13.825 feet above sea-level. The country on the slopes Is of the roughest na ture and the ascent is made from the semi-tropical temperature of sea-lev el to the bitter cold temperature of the peak. None of the party of eight suffered severe hardships, ex cept sunburn, windburn and blisters, they sa'.d upon their return. Four days were consumed in malt ing the ascent over the lava and the Mimmlt was reached so late in the afternoon that it was necessary for the parly to spend the night at the top. which was swept by heavy winds. Only two days were neces sary to make the descent. I'KIWOX U.H Mrs. Nathan Leahman of Suffolk has returned home after visiting her daughter. Mrs. Frank Selig on West Main street. Mr and Mrs. Miles Hark and Mr. and Mrs. Graham Bell have returned after spending the week end at Nag? Head. Miss Mary Lee and Ruth Edncy, of Norfolk have returned home after spending their vacation with their grand parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Edney on North Road street. Josiah Larrabwe. who is in the government employ on the James j River spent the week end as th-* guest of ("apt. and Mrs. R. T. Craw ley on S?'lden street. CMr. and Mrs. 8. W. Parker of Charleston. S. are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Wilcox on W^st Main street. Misses Laura Rodney and Ida Warrington of Laurel, Del. are visit ing Miss Rodney's slstci, Mrs. Harold j Foreman on West Main street. Mr. and Mrs. I. N. Thomas of Dur ham are visiting Mr. and Mrs. L. E 1 Thorpe on Cherry street. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fisher of Brie, Pa., are visiting Mr. Fisher's sister, Mrs. Maud Hall on Fearing street. Miss Isabel Meekins and Iter.guest. Miss Mildred Newberry of Columbia; spent Sunday at Nags Head. Mrs. T. C. Blanchard and Miss Kate lllanch.ird of Hertford were the guests of I>r. and Mrs. N. II. I). Wil son Sunday. G W. Brothers. Sr.. returned Sun day from Virginia llea< h 'Where he has been attending the Itaptlst ttta'e Encampment for several days. ?Mrs. Charles Hronson and children of Durham have returned home after visiting Mrs. Bronson'r, father. O. W. Brothers on North Road street. CIIAINKI) SON TO COT IN TIIE BAKN Sioux City. Iowa. July 10.--? Fouml guilty of chaining his four-voar-old son to a rot in the barn. Carl GrlnxflBSe w.i? today sentenced to 30 days In Jail, the lirat and la*t Ave days of which he will receive only bremd and water. Council Modifies New Crossing Law Stop* Required Only At Main Line Crossing* and Railroad Ordered Erect Signs The Norfolk Southern railroad Is i not required to put up a stop notice! and no motor vehicle is required toj stop at any branch or spur line of the Norfolk Southern's tracks crossing the streets of Elisabeth City, under1 an ordinance adopted by the Cltyi Council in special session Monday at 5 o'clock. The Norfolk Southern, however. Is called upon in the same ordinance to] erect proper signs "on the right side of Its track at each street crossing! its main line, not less than 50 feet nor more than 70 feet from each of the aald crossings, reading 'N. C. Law?Stop* and said notice shall be printed in red letters not leBS than six Inches high upon white boards 40 by 50 inches upon posts not less than 10 feet from the ground." A formal ordinance was also passed at the same session forbld jdlng the railroad from "parking" iany coach, car. gondola, tender or jengine within 50 feet of North Itoad j street where the railroad cross this ? street, providing a penalty of $20 for fTTolation of the ordinance. At the regular session of the Council last Monday night the railroad was asked ito discontinue leaving cars at this jcrossing In such position as to ob struct the view from the road of ap [preaching trains. BROKER IS EXPELLED FROM STOCK EXCHANGE N'.w July 10.?||*rv?*y wil iliv, head of the brokerage firm hir ing his name, was today ex pel I ?d from the Consolidated Stock Vjt jchange for nullifying the "effect of a 'client's order 'by taking the trans action to his own account." Wll.I, MRKT WKDXKSP.W Members of the new section of the Hollywood Cemetery Society will j meet with Mrs. K. T. llurgess on jRoad street Wednesday afternoon at 4 o'clock. The old section of the Hollywood Cemetery Society will meet Wednes day afternoon at four o'clock with with Mrs. O. M. Scott on North lload street. TWO NEGROES DROWN IN BRIDGE ACCIDENT ' Washington. July 10.?Two ne groes. Matthew Randall and John Williams, were drowned and two others narrowly escaped drowning t.Mond'iv morning at about o'clock when a truck, carrying 1H negro la borer* from Hayslde to the Hitrrell {Lumber Company's mill in Hyde ( ounty. broke through the railing on Hark Cr?*ek bridge near (lath, thrown ing five negroes into the stream be low. Three of the five were r<-s irued after they had with difficulty reached the piling umler the bridge. Trouble with the steering g?*ar is [said to have caused the accident. ONE DEPUTY DESERTS HIS MATE IN FIGHT Washington. July 10.? Deputy Sheriff J. J. IfodgeH is indignant at what he thinks was a common trick played on him by Deputy Sheriff llaynes Sunday night eight miles from town near Cherry's run. Hodge* alleges that to arrest a negro fugi tive from justice took flight In hiij ?automobile when the negro offered resistance, not only leaving Hodg'>* to scuffle alone with the husky ne gro but making it necessary for him to Walk the eight miles bark to town. Deputy Hodges says he let his pris oner go and tru 'ged the eight mile* alone. Deputy Haynes side of the story has not been heard. INTERESTING FACTS ON NORTH CAROLINA (By Ttie A??v>iatr4 Prm.) Italelgh, July 10. North Carolina ranks second in the manufacture of cotton uoods in the states of the t'n ion and leads all Southern states in this industry. The cotton manufacturing indus try ranks first among state Indus tries In the amount paid In wave*, the number of wane earners and In value of products. In 1012 the amount realized from product#..of North Carolina cotton manufactories was $52.ft6ft,f>R9; In 1 922, It bad increased to $229,670, 601. Capital Invested and utilized In the cotton manufacturing Industry In 1 ft 1 2 was $52.1 OK.250; In 1922, $147,493,072. The number of employe* of this industry had grown from 54,7fo In 1912 lo 79,972 In 1922. Three Banks Give Better Babies Prizes Co-operate With Welfare Offi cer in Health Work for Little People The three bunks of Elizabeth City, the First ami Citizen* National Hank, the Savings Hank & Trust Company, and the Carolina Hanking & Trim Company, have volunteered to give $-6 each for prizes In the Hetter Ba bies Contest which is to begin Wed nesday afternoon at 3:30 at tli? Community Building on Fleetwood street. The prizes are for the greatest Im provement in babies from one to six months old. from six months to one year, and from one year to two years. Mothers are asked to be present with their (babies Wednesday after noon at 3:30. PLAN MEMORIAL PRES. GRAHAM Building for Student Activi I tie* at Chapel Hill Will Hon | or the Memory of Edward Kidder Graham. [ Chapel Hill, July 10.?According |to an announcement made today by the Graham Memorial Committee of the rnlvenitty of North Carolina, plana have been perfected for the completion of the campaign for funds for the building during the summer, and 20 reproNentativeR of the .student body and alumni are (now at work throughout the State in the Interest of the movement. The purpose of the building is to 'provide a student activities; center ? for the line of the student body and at the same time do honor to the memory of Kdward Kidder Jirahatn, I President of the ('Diversity from '1914 to 19 IK. Subscriptions are be ing nought lor in recognition 'of 11*:* faet that if men are to be trained for effective participation-4n modern community life, they must have the i proper setting for it?in this in" stance an adequate, well planned, istudent activities building. !) Tlu?-nee'd of such a building "end not be overstated. Thci present v built in 1904 when the student body .nuiiifee-ted 500, is hopelessly Inade quate for the 2.250 studenta_to be enrolled next September. It Is bad ly outgrown as the dormitories or the dining facilities were in 1920. when students slept in three deck beds and ate in shifts. Furthermore i the student organizations have in creased more rapidly than the stu dent body, and have no place In which tl?e\ can be carried on sys tematically and satisfactorily. I The building, which will be of the late Georgian style of architecture, brirk with limestone trimmings, will be located on the Old Inn site. It will face across-the campus towards II he nattle-Vance-pettlgrew dormi tories. with north and south exten sions facing Franklin street and the ,walkway between the Inn and Alum ni building. The main entrance from the campus will be through a spa cious portico, into a large social room, to hv 80 feet, on the first floor, cai?able of being used for a va riety of purposes such as class and alumni banquets, meetings of the larger clubs, group singing, and oth er general get-together activities. It will also give direct, access to stair way leading up and down, coat rooms, administrative ofTlce. serving room, and ladies' reception room. The basement will Contain toilets, n barber shop, storage space, a large, cafeteria, and n well-equipped kitch en connected with the first and sec ond floors with a system of dumb waiters. The floor above the srwlal room will be divided Into fifteen rooms of varying sir.es. which can be connected with folding doors, and will provide for the musical clubs, the athletic association, and similar organizations. In 191*. when the building was flrst proponed, the student body numbered 1,000. building prices were lower, and the present building reorganization of the I'nlverslty was three years In the future. One hundred fifty thousand dollars was the objective set. of which $1211.000 was subscribed, and $80,000 has been collected. To meet tpresent re quirements $ 400.000 will be re quired and subscriptions are being tasked for on that basis, construction jof the central unit to l?e begun as soon as subscriptions and collections justlfv letting the contract. In the more distance future. It will be possible to extend the building to the east. Ample space remains on the plot for the purpose and archi tects have drawn the plans so that extensions can be made In complete >harmony with the plans of the build ing Itself and the general scheme of campus, development. So Cool in H?**t Oily Have Fir?- in July KIKatn-th Clly, II *|i|>iiir?. m?v be | gin to advertise itself as a summer resort, for It l? reported that several homes had fires Sunday and Monday evenings, the members of the family j , finding the weather too cool for com fort, otherwise. Others pulled blan kets out of the cedar chests and wert to bed early. The rest tried to be ree trip* to . i. ground carrying passengers free. The bus will leave the Bee Hire on Its first trip at 4:SO; on Ita second at 5:00. and on Ita third at 5:30 o'clock. The new %us la carrying passeu gers free as an advertisement pend ing tile securing of Its llcenae and other technicalities that muat be got Iout of the way before It may operate as a pay bus. As soon as these tech nicalitltes are disponed of operation of the new bus on a regular schedule and a low fare charge will begin. !>ll. COOK INDICTED Cleveland. ()., July 1*.?Twenty (nix Texan Oil promoters, including i Dr. Frederick Cook, former Arctic explorer, were indicted today >':y the Federal grand Jury here on charge of using the mails to defraud and conspiracy to make fraudulent imo of the mails. AWAIT REPORT OF "" STATE FINANCES l'? lie Delivered Today In S|>eeial Iive Commit tee I?v Auditor* After Five Month,. SlrennntiH Lalxtr. Raleigh, July 10. .Official an well as civilian North Carolina awaits to dav with interest for fh<* report of jthe condition of the State finances which will be delivered here to the special legislative committee'by th?? auditor" who have b?*eii engaged for about five months In an extennlve survey Of the subject. The Investigation of the State's finances followed charges made dur ing the last session of the legislature hy Corporation (Commissioner A. J. Maxwell that a large deficit existed In the treasury Instead of the wur plus which Covernor Morrison had asserted there was. The Governor. Insisting that his analysis of the Stute treasurer's report was correct and that Mr. Maxwell had erred In his Interpretation of the figures, called on the legislature to go thor oughly Into the matter and the board of auditors to make the Investigation was the result, after u special com mittee of legislators had been ap pointed to handle the matter. A special meeting of the legisla tive committee has been called for today at Ualeigh. the auditors hav Ing Indicated that they at that time Will be prepared to make a report of their investigation. Mr. Ma>welf, In his statement Is sued. during the winter, asserted that an analysis of the figures of th*? treasurer's report led him to believe that a deficit of approximately $5, 000.000 existed in the State finances. Governor Morrison's vehement speech to the General Assembly In which he declared bis doubt of the correctness of Mr. Maxwell's deduc tions followed Immediately, the Gov ernor concluding with a request for an Immediate and thorough Investi gation. Senator W. L. Long of Fto anoke Rapids heads the Joint Senate and House committee which will re ceive the auditors' report. Funeral of Mr. Kramer W ?liif?ilav Afternoon The funeral of Charles Edward Kramer, who died suddenly at to minutes In t o'clock Monday after noon al Ills home on Main street, will he conducted from I he Klrst Meth odist Chtircl. Wednesday afternoon at 4 o'clock by the pastor. Dr. N It. D Wilson Interment will he made III Hollywood The Odd Kellowa are requested to attend In a hotly,-? COTTON M.IIIKKT .Vew York. July 10.?Spot cotton. Closed <|ulef. Middling S7.CS, a 10 point adranc* i?er the opening. Fu tures. closing lid July 2? ?o, Oct 23.77. Dec. 2.1.4j. j?n I2.?7. March 22. 91. 1 New York. July 10.?Spot cotton, opened today at the following ley. Jn'X ?????. Oct. 23.?l. Dec. 12.00. Jan. 22.*0. March 22.If.