THE ADVANCE nXLC * PEKLB. PnblUhcn H Bj Mail ?'!???? piiiw"' *m n m? mm m? * ?w?<'w"'ii f ?miwl ii ?t mw~ ???" H nil III ?*> ??? VI l?I?|M"V ?*) jo jaqnNK TUESDAY, Jl'LY 10, 1923. j Have You a Better Plan? The Advance has never be lieved anything other than that the most important highway to Elizabeth City in Northeastern North Carolina is that from Edenton to the Virginia line. There are three or perhaps four State highways more important to the State as a whole, but none more vital to any North Caro lina community of 10,000'souls than that connecting Elizabeth City with Chowan and Perqui mans on the south and with Lower Camden and Currituck on the north. Close any road in North Caro lina, generally speaking, and a J detour is a matter of only com-| parative inconvenience. Butl close the Pasquotank River| State Bridge road and the effect J on Lower Camden and on Curri-j tuck would not be more pro nounced if those counties were moved a dozen miles farther from Elizabeth City and a dozen miles nearer to Norfolk. In fact one could drive 20 miles by auto without breaking any speed laws while making one trip by ' barge ferry from Elizabeth City to Lambs Ferry landing in Cam-! den County. Close the State Bridge road today and, The Ad vance is fully persuaded, the number who would thereby lie prevented from coming to Eliz abeth City would be twice as great as would be the number who .would be kept from town by the closing of any two roads in the County. The j Advance is gratified, therefore, at the awakened in-i terest in making what was once called the District Highway a 16-foot road throughout its length,. The proposition to have the State construct this road un der former Senator Ferebee's District Highway act strikes this newspaper as the most feas ible and practicable suggestion yet brought forward. Until it has been shown impracticable or until somebody can come for-, ward with a better one. The Ad vance expects to espouse it. TIMELY TOPICS OIL ftTOVKS of many klndw. Just to suit your convpnlonco and pocket book. With or without oven. Ho >nre to look thrso ovor. Tl??\v liter ally nave your life In hot wpather. P. W. MRMCK CO. Your Idle Money If you carry with you Or hide in the house A large gum of money You run a risk that it Will be lost or stolen. Put your lurplus money Into this strong bank Where it will be safe From fire and theft. Carolina Banking & Trust Co. STORAGE BATTERIES FOR tUi MARKS OF CAR*? RK< HAfUiKll AND RKI'AIHKI) Auto 4k Gas Engine Work* PERSONALS Mr*. K. M. 8. Rollinson left Friday to make her home with her son. John , Rollinson of Savannah. Ga. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Sellg are vis iting friend* at Norfolk. Mrs. H. C. Wood and daughter, SOTICB?VVK Wll.l. OPEN A IIATH house beginning Wednesday night. July 11 at the Bay Shore Park Just below the Community Hospital. Mu sic will be furnished by the Big Foui String Band. Bathing suits for hire. Refreshments will be served. Every body Is cordially invited. W. A. Powell. JylO-pd Nice Tomatoes HonM Grown COUNTRY CABBAGE NICE CORN CUCUMBERS SQUASH Call 697?698 R. L. GAKRETT (Around the Corner) HOPSACK PALM BEACH and Kool-Kloth Suits laundered to look like nevr ALBEMARLE LAUNDRY PHONE 123 Mr*. P. F. Waist on of Roote Five, hare returned after' visiting Mrs. John Styron at Beaufort. Mr. and Mrs. Earl 8awyer of The Advance Shop and the M. Leigh Sheep Woman's Wear Store, reapec The Royal Cafe Club Sandwiches a Specialty Orders Promptly Delivered J. F. DEMPSEY Proprietor 516 S. KojuI 8t. Phone K*4 Fresh Vegetables Call us for fresh vege tables of all kinds ? if you don*t know what you want?ask us. MAIN ST. GROCERY A WOMAN'S BACK The Advice Of Thin Elizabeth City Woman Is Of Great Vain? Many a woman's back has many acKes and pains. Ofttimes 'tis the kidneys' fault. That's why Doan's Kidney Pills are so effective. Many EBi^abeth City women know this. Read what one has to say about It. Ask your neighbor. Mrs. O. F. Seymore, 6 Glade 8t., says: "It has been a number of! years since I last used a kidney medicine. At that time I had an at tack that surely had me feeling ter-| rible. Most of the time my back was achy and even at ni#ht, the pains bothered me and I could not get my proper rest. My kidneys were out of order and my limbs swelled and caused all sorts of trouble. I read of Doan's Kidney Pills and bought several boxes at the Apothecary Shop. They are all that is claimed for they helped me and I know- they , are a good kidney medicine." 60c at all dealers. Foster-Mil-; burn Co , Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y. adv | i JllU.I tiTely, ire spending their vacation I with relatives in Camden Counts and I the Nevland section of Pasquotank County. AW ORDINANCE B* ? wibiaxl Ukti as raiirood. tkru #!?? or I ? wi4o?e? .tall !'?*? or Mr* ??*> *-onrb. f??. aun I dulo. wiuVr or itiUk wit kin fifty iS?i fer< of 1 either tufa of North KwJ tfireet tti?rr .aid Nor folk Koutttrrn Kailroad fi??< aid areet. ud a at | lew or employe erf aid railroad l^nni or park ina aa> xid rmr. roach |f?d?U imd-r or raiiir within lb* i*u<iitMi*d ilMaaT, ahaU be ia*liridualb i aullty at a iui>dri^tB?r Amy urtoa. firm or rorpnraixm rtolatma ui i-m > UMI of till* ndioaarr. Jvall UPUO MOMMtMn be fined Twenty Dollar* liMOOl ? **U >r4iMar* Ulall ?o kfato effect Irtl H?| dart after ratlfkraiHm. tfi-d thi. ib? inh day of Jui?. |?S3 1 J. H HNOWDKN "??Hit IWrfc. AN ORDINANCE RC6ULATIMS RAILROAD CROSSIHSS IN ELIZABETH CITY. Where**. b* an act of the General Awabli of Nonh Carolina, at Ifa ~?aton in IKR. Muni and ratified on M?n-h <?h. IWV an art. rrnlaiUu motor >?bW-U. riowlai railroad', at public road croatlna*. ? ii'l where*. m -aid Jfi aa. thr following I'roriao: Ttil* act shall not interf-ie with the regulation* I r??nhrU br citlea and town.;" Now. therefore. b it rdainrd. that no railroad shall br required to put ui> any ??l>v <>n ant hran>-h or tiair line. rroa*ln? jut arret, of Kliubnh ?'it>. but .aid railroad ahall i>ut up not ire* on the riaht .ide of It. track, at cam rroMiiu on it. mam lin?. not le*. than flftr iff rnor- than ?fWt fli? fret fr"tn rarfa of aald rr?'..iD*?. readlna ".V law Stop" and Mid no tic* .hall b. prlntrd in red lett#r?. not lea* than ?i? inrhe* blah. ut?>u whit# board, forty by flftr IH"'he?. upon |m?t? n>>t Iru than ten frrt from the c round. | II- M further ordained. that earh drlrrr nf a mo tor trhlcle rrtta>lnc any main line nt a hi railroad rm?m any rtrwt of Kllaabrih t'lty. .hall brinit hi. or her trdilclr to a rompletc ?ifl|>, not fuithcr than fifty fret of kn> if .aid cro?.lns-. Amt per?in. firm or mri?>ratlna tiolatin* any l?ro vi.inct of thu ordinance: dull upon nattrilon b ilned Ten Hollar* tflA.nui. Tlii. ordinance ?h?ll an Into tffrct three Hi dat? after ratifiratton Hat if led tbl? the &th day of Jult. in). > J. II. M.V0WDKN. JrlA.ll.1S. ?' ? Clerk. WAS AFRAID SHE COULD NOT LAST Declares She Was Soon Re lieved of All Her Misery by Taking Stella Vitae Treatment "I suffered so much before I start ed taking Stella Vitae that I feared my days were numbered," aald Mrs. 1 Hattie Mundy of Kitchings Mills, S. C. "For a long time my health had been on the decline. The main trou-, ble was with my back, which hurt me so I couldn't stoop over and Straight en up again without its nearly kill-; ing me. "Then my side would hurt like Homebody had stuck "a knife In mc. | I lost hope and was ready to give up w!i? n I heard so much in praise of; Stella Vitae that"! began taking it.! When I had taken two bottles my , aide and back stopped hurting and 1 am now feeling as fine as silk." Stella Vitae may be obtained from any druggist and the purchase price will be refunded if it fails to bring relief. ? *d*. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF Savings Bank & Trust Company AT ELIZABETH CITY in the Stale of North Carolina, at the close of btniness June 30, 1923. RESOURCES: r -? Loans and Discounts $1,245,931.72 Overdrafts, secured and unsecured __ 96.75 United States Bonds and Liberty Bonds 67,850.00 North Carolina State Bonds 30,000.00 All other Stocks, Bonds and Mortgages 30,500.00 Banking Houses, $75,000; Furniture and Fixtures, $20,237.18 95,237.18 Cash in vault and net amounts due from Banks, Bankers and Trust Companies 168,226.86 Cash Items held over 24 hours, including County Orders 38,975.73 Checks for clearing _ .. 25,117.02 Total _ $1,701,935.26 LIABILITIES: Capital Stock paid in $ 100,1)00.00 Surplus Fund 160,000.00 Undivided Profits, less current expenses and taxes paid 4,275.00 Unearned Discount 3,750.00 Dividends Unpaid 6,030.00 Notes and Bills rediscounted 20,000.00 Bills Payable ? 110,000.00 Deposits Due Banks, Bankers and Trust Companies - 12,190.75 Deposits subject to check, Individual 524,487.29 Deposits Due State of N. C. or any Official thereof 123,464.85 Time Certificates of Deposit, Due in Less Than 30 Days 20,050.00 Cashier's Checks outstanding - 595.39 Savings Deposits ? - 617,002.05 Trust Deposits (net) ? 89.93 Total - $1,701,035.26 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA?COUNTY OF PASQUOTANK. I, H. G. KRAMKR, Cashier of the above named Bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. H. G. KRAMF.R, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 10th day of July, 1923. (SEAL) M. R. GRIFFIN, Notary Public. Correct?Attest: P. H. WILLIAMS, J. T. McCABE, M. L. CLARK, Directors. HOLM ES i EDWARDS 1 Super Plate Inlaid Solid Silver where it wears > S. Z/a The Highest Development in Silverplate Blocks of Solid Silver are inlaid at the two points of wear before plating. All Holmes & Edwards Super Plate Inlaid tea, des sert, soup and table spoons, breakfast and dinner forks are Solid Silver where it wears. This quality is available here in the Century pat terns. H. C. Bright Company Largest Jewelers in Northeastern North Carolina Filled With Value! SHOE SALE 1 This is the greatest offer we have made in years. Shoes that wear well, have lots of style and are made right are offered to you in this sale at a most unusual price. At a glance the values will appeal to you! 200 Pairs High Grade Pumps and Oxfords sold | up to S9.00 pair. If your size is here, you are a lucky huyer. We have most all sizes and widths. Colors white, grey, tan, Mack, choice? $4.85 pair Mitchell's Dept. Store Owens Shoe Co. FOOTWEAR OF MERIT Main St., Hinton Building J we CiriftlklFBS ?ici-irS'.;, SKINNERS w ? wpumii SELL kJlVHl? ^ . SPAOMBTTI t PURK IOO NOODLtU Famo and Lebanon Belle Flour tfeaolnUly flour* of ?n*lltr sold br tk? UtOlni iroMn ?Dlitrlbotod Bt? A. F. TOXEY & COMPANY W?t*r Btr?*t WANT ADS FOR HA1JC?ONK (JORDON BRAN ! Picker, practically n*w; will Mil 1 cheap for eaah. Addr^aa P. O. Box ,315. Elizabeth City. N. C. |JylO-tf-np l/>ST ?OXR PAIR TORTOIHK ahell rimmed apectaclea. Finder J pleaac return to E. R. Spence at the i Poat Office. JylO-np ItOWVlOAT KOR HU.K?LKNtiTII |lfi ft.; breadth 3 x 4'4; newly | painted; three aeata. waahboarda; anchor, painter, oara and rowlocka, {Exceptionally aeaworthy. a good car trier, and will do 7 to ft mllea per hour, with Johnaon atern motor. Ap ply to D. V. Meeklna, Independent iOfflce. JylO,ll-pd IIKMIIAni K HCMlMH for RENT? in Hotel Roanoke. Manteo, N. C. for light house keeping. R. C. Erana Jult-12 R. riTV Ill's UXR?IH'H I,EAVF<? Norfolk 7:30 mornlnfra for E. City. Ilus leave* Norfolk 3 o'clock evening" for E. City. Edgar William*. JyS.10.11.12 pd E.ARy ?an.oo wkkki.v BMRB time at home, addreaalng, mailing, mualc circular*. Send 10c tar mualc, Information. American Mualc Co. l(5t Broadway. Dept. 81 X N. Y. Jul t-lOpd. INK Mrl'HKH.HOV KltOM. JT. C. BVR L.lne between Elizabeth Cltjr and Norfolk, lwea 10:S0 a. m. South ern Hotel Call 577-Jr Fare $3 00. Jy.S-Aug.ll-pd.

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