Lipht to gentle winds. ******* ******** THE HEATHER. * ? ... - ... Generally juir tonight * CIRCl L iTIOM VOL. XIU. FINAL EDITION. ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, WEDNESDAY EVENING, Jl'LY 11. 1923 2JGIIT PAGES NO. 139 Plans Now Taking Shape For The Big Fair This Fall Dticlvtxirlli Glover I* New Secretary-Manager?Prosperity and Good Koads Will Stimulate Interest This Yea'r?Directors Meet Again Tonight With high prices for truck crop;, with prospects bright for good money ft>r what Is expected to be the big gest cotton crop in the history of Pasquotank County, and with new highways continually bWng op.-ne.i to traffic. the .Albemarle District Fair This year is expected to bring crowds even exceeding those of last year to Kiizaheth City. Duckworth Glover Is the newly elected secretary-manager of the fair association. He was unani mously elected at a meeting of the directors held at the offices of the Carolina Potato Exchange Tuesday Light. Mr Glover for the last sev eral yoars. has done important work In connection with practically every Fair that has been held here and the directors feel that they are quite fortunate In securing the services of Mr. Glover In this capacity. The directors meet again tonight at tho offices of the Carolina Potato Exchange at 7.30. This meeting wi:i be held to elect :h< nniidnt tnd at her offices of th ? ' Fair Asso tion and to receive reports from committees on finance selected at Tuesday's night's meeting. All di rectors and stockholders are aske 1 to be present at this meeting. The Fair will be held some time during the month of October Though Mr. Glover is at a disad vantage In the late start on plans for this year's fair, certain handicaps I that prev^ed last year are out of i the way. For instance, last year an Immense amount of building had <lone nn ,l,e grounds and these. DUlldtn&s added considerably to the expense of putting on the Fair. This year no additional buildings are needed and a few minor repairs on the grand stand. It Is said, will put things In good shape at the grounds so far as exhibition buildings are concerned. Above all other aims of the direc tors. is the desire that the fair held here will prove of educational value to the farmers of this district While the issuing of the premium, list will be late, farmers of this section have probably felt that the Fair was a sure thing and have proceed ed to get crop and livestock exhibit! lined up for the occasion Another asket of this year's Fair Is the success of the Fair last fall. Farmers throughout the district be came Interested in the Fair and sub scribed to stock in the association and will naturally be boosters for this year's event. The array of ex hibits put on last year will be re membered by all who attended the Fair and prlie winners and near-win ners are no doubt planning to try their luck again this fall. HARDING LEAVES ALASKAN CAPITAL Carries Pleasant Memories of Day Spent at Juneaii and Gora on to Solve Problem* of Native*. (H?r Th# Annrlateil Pre**) Aboard the Henderson with Jhe President. July 11.?Carrying with him memories of a most pleasant day spent In the Alaskan capital, the President sailed from Juneau today In a further search of information re lating to Alaskan problems. Decis ion was reached Just before sailing to stop for a short time at Skagwav enroute to Seward instead or making a visit to this town on the return trip to the United States. I NTHItlsTII \<J FAITH OX N. C'.'H COTTON INDUSTRY (Br A**oriat?l Pr??o The cotton manufacturing Industry In North Carolina .used In 1912, 328.407.879 pounds of the raw product. In 1921-22 the amount used was 631,768,116 pounds. Figured In bales of 500 pounds each this Is 1,063,636 bales of cot ton. The percentage of Increase In the use of the raw product In this Industry is relatively greater than that of any other *tate engaged In the cotton good Industry. In 1 912. 3,321,426 spindles were employed In the cotton mills of the State; in 1922 this number had Increased to 5, 605.102 J.ootns In use In 1912 were 5*.961; In 1922, 74, 710 The spindle increase In North Carolina mills has been for each successive year since 1912 greater than that In any otlier state in the Union. The rate of Increase since 1916 Is 4 4 per cent. In proportion the value of flne yarns manufactured in the State Is greater in Value than that mtfde In any other state. In the value of ticks and den ims the State leads the nation. Mouse Caused Three Deaths Marquette, Micli., July 11 ? A field mouse caused the death yesterday of three men and the sol-ions injury of two oth ers. The men were drowned when th" truck in which they were riding rolled down an embankment into a pond near Champion, when the rodent leaped on the shoulder of the man Hitting near the driver, causing him to lurch HirniiisY. the chauffeur, who lost control of the. truck. PORTfrRICO PLANS TO BUILD SCHOOLS Governor Towner ("nils At tention to Many I'nlilie Un dertaking* in His Mosap' to the Legislature. (Be Tin Preiil San Juan. Porto Rico, July 11.? With prospects of a large income from revenues than ever before for the next fiscal year. Governor Town er in his first message to the legls-' lature, delivered yesterday,, called at tention to many necessary public un dertakings, advocated the strictest economy, and explained that even with bond Issues for the larger un dertakings. "we shall still be com pelted t?? omit appropriations which all approve." The estimated income for the mm-! Ids year, tii?- governor declared.! would be between $11,000,000 and $12,000,000 and he said he did not deem It wise to make drastic changes in the present revenue laws for pro viding increased revenue. Before such Increases are proposed, he sug gested the appointment of a tax com mission and the employment of tax experts so that the revenue laws of the island might be co-ordinated r.nd revised in conformity with recent tax legislation in the various states. With an assessed property valua tion of more than IHOO-.OOO.OOO, the governor pointed out that the bond ed indebtedness of the island is lim ited to $30,000,000 and that the present Indebtednes is only $11, 000.000. He suggested the authorization of an additional issu?- of $5,000,000 In bonds, the refunding and Interest charges Tor which enn bo adequately eared for out of existing sinking funds. "Our crodlt Is as good a* that of any state In the I'nlon. and should bo kept so," said Governor Towner. "Even with the addition contemplat ed, our bonded debt will total but lit tle more than half of our limit of in debtedness. and it will be taken care of by a tax slightly over two mills. Among the projects proposed, and to bo paid for by the bond sale, are' the completion of the capital build ing; the building of a new insane asylum, a new penitentiary, and a school for the blind; the develop ment of community centers through the co-operation of the departments of education and agriculture by building In designated districts mod el consolidated rural schools near model farms, and the strengthening of the I'nlverslty of Porto Rico by means of more buildings, equipment and faculty. "That there are zuO.OOO children In the Island without school faclll-, ties," the governor said, "Is a condi tion that ought not long to exist I know how you have already strained your resources to better conditions, and this we must not only continue to do. but we must even do better." In order to obtain any grants or concessions from congress, the gov ernor pointed out. "we shall best serve our purpose by uniting to bring existing conditions Itw Porto Rico up I to the best possible standard. In the legislation which we pass. In tho prosperity which we Induce, In the security of life and property which wo insure, in the execution of our | laws and In the administration of Justice. In wiping out Illiteracy and |In the education of the people, in the aid we give the sick and afflicted. In 'the steps we take to elevate labor and lessen the burden of poverty. In fall that make* for a clean and effi cient administration of government, ?these are the thlnus that will bo | most effective In convlnglng a Just , and generous nation of the reason ableness of our claim for a larger monsnre of autonomy and for a place among the brojherhood of States. ' STATE FINANCES REPORT JULY 19 R?l?l*h. July 11?Th* LafMatlv* Committee has announced that the report on the State finances will b?? made pufbllc on July It. Funreal E. Kramer The fun# ml or Charles Edward Kniiii*'t' conducted W?-d?ie?- | da\ HfT? ryoon :if j o'clock at !???? Fir>! M.yjio.lisf Church by the pa*, tor. I?r. .Vh xJlWilson. Int? fluent wa? mad* in HoTfrlrHoil. . . *!*!:?? active pnllh'ear<>rs \v? re: \V. J Sr.. M. IMuh Sheep. J 11. l.'iUi. II. r. Fearing. I,. K. Fore man. J f?. Fearing. S. II. Parker and l{. IS. Taylor. . The honorary i>alltioairi>rK were: Superintendent of the Sunday Srhoo; J. A. Hooper. Kay Loader W.'c. Saw yer. the trustees of the church and the members of Its hoard of stew ards. The Odd Fellows attended tin services In a body. Anions the out- of town relatives here for the funeral were Mr. and Mrs. J. IL Itarrett and Mrs. Jam.* Crandy of Norfolk. Mr. and Mr;. C W. Edwards of Durham. Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Kramer. Miss Gladys Kramer, S. L Kramer, Jr.. Mrs. IJ H. nachman. and Mr. and Mrs. s!' I.. Kramer of Edenton. Mrs T (V Walton of Great H/dg?'. Mrs. Chas Early and Mrs. Robert Tavlor of Oatesvllle Charles Edward Kramer came to Elizabeth City from Watsontown.i Pennsylvania. In 1X71. when hi father, the_ljite D. S. Kramer, iiiovom to this cltv, and when.lie himself j was a boy of 13. In early manhood i he became affiliated with his father In the lumber flrm of D. S. Kramer & Son. He was president of the lum ber firm of Kramer Itrothers & Company from the time of-its origin untlj Its affairs were liquidated in 1917. In 1018 the Kramer-Moss Company, wholosale-'lumher concpin. was organized with Mr. Kramer as secretary-treasurer, and this place in the firm he held up to the time of Ills death. Mr. Kramer had other btisim ss Interests as well. When the Swings Hank &? Trust Company was oruan-, Iz*mI in 1903 lie was a member ? f its, board of directors and he continued on its hoard until 1021. when he re-] signed to be succeeded hv his so. In-law. Dr. H. D. Walker. In 1012 he was one of the promoters of. the Elizabeth City Oil & Fertilizer Com pany *?nd when it was organized in June of that year lie was chosen Its; president. He continued to h? the directing head of this concern until its consolidation with the Kastern Oil Company of Hertford in 1016. and since that time he has been a large stockholder In the consolidated company. Although taking an active and successful part In the business life of the town, those who knew C. E. j Kramer hest declare that his first Interest was fflwa.vs in the work of his church. For fil years he was a member of the First Methodist Sun day School and for 40 years a mem ber of that church. He was a mem ber of the board of stewards for about 20 years, was chairman of the' board for three terms, and held this office at the the time of his death. When the present beautiful house of worship was being erected by his church, lie held the important place of financial secretary of the building committee and was tireless In his zeal for his task. He also served as superintendent of the Sunday school for two terms and had been a mem ber of the Wesley. Hlble class from its beginning. He was also chairman of the missionary committee of the church. He attended the annual dis trict conference regularly and was well known throiieliout the district and In Methodist circles throughout the State. Mr. Kramer died suddenly Mon dav afternoon at 20 minutes to 1 o'clock at his home on East Main street. He was standing In the hall when his daughter. Mrs Henjamln I,. Hanky, heard him fall to the floor Hastening to his side she found him still conscious, apparently, but un able to speak. He was still breath ing when the first of a number of physicians, hastily summoned, reached him. but lie never rallied, and died, probably, within three min utes from the beginning of the heart attack to which he succumbed. He whs known to have heart trouble hut there was no warning that the end was so near at hand. Indeed, the family was planning and preparing to go to Nags Head for the summer when the attack came on. The death, of course, came as a great shock not only to the Immediate family but to the entire community and section. Mr. Kramer is survived by his wife, who before her marrlag" was Miss Sal lie Holmes, and by two daughters, Mrs. Benjamin I.. Ilanks and Mrs. H. D. Walker. There Is al-, so a surviving brother. J. P. Kra mer; and three sisters. Mrs. Alex. T. Davis, Mrs Annie Hanks and Mrs. p. H. Williams. Two brothers. John A. Kramer and Allen K Kramer, have died within comparatively recent years. I ? I OI'llIM IS SMUGGLED INTO TIIE PHILIPPINES Manila. July 11. ~ SmuttKllns of Chlneae and opium into the Philip pine Inland* from port* in llrltinh North Horwo continue on an exten *lr# *cale. according to Vlcenta At: dam*". Jnwiilar collector of cu*tom?, who ha* Just returned from a vl*lt to half a do*en port* in the *outhern part of the Philippine archipelago. Collector Aldanea* declared that the immigration lawn of the Philip pine* need to he changed to provide a penalty for tho*e who are found to hare entered the l*1and through . Illicit mean* H* My* lack of tliin Ik In d of a provision In tha present law I* being taken advantax* of by the Chlneae Immigrant* i A NEW PROBLEM IN PROHIBITION California \?k? Su preme ' ( ourT V hetlirr ill#' Stale Cun IVoliiliit Mini from Killing Prescription. Washington. July 11.?An entire iy now feature of I ho prohibition question reached the Supreme Court toil ay from California. This new phase of the problem in volves the question of whether slat"* ran prohibit druggists from filling physicians' prescriptions which call' for the quantity of medical liquor al lowed by the Federal law. Merlin llixson. a druggist of Los' Angeles. has asked the Court to re view his conviction for violating ail ordinance limiting the quantity of liquor which a druggist may dispense | upon any prescription to eight liquid ounces, or half the amount allowed 1 under the.Federal law. WHEAT SELLS AT LESS THAN DOLLAR rhlcn/o, July 11. Although opened at ?* dollar or ??Love a hush f*I -today, the price soon dropped to below the dollar mark for the !ir*t (Into this seasntr and a rare event since before the World War. Twenty-Seven I. W. W. Members Convicted I.os Angeles, July 11.?Twenty peven alleged Industrial Workers of the World were convicted In Superi or Court here today on two counts of an Indictment charging criminal syndicalism. TWO MILLION FOR COTTON GROWERS Checks Mailed Out and Drive Started for New Members in Every Lotton Growing Coiintv of State. Raleigh, July 11.?Cheeks abro gating a total of $ went out to the 30 odd thousand members of the North Carolina Cotton Grow ers' Co-operative Association the pant week, according to General Manager 1'. TV Ilia lock. This was a fourth distribution on the 136.000 bales of cotton received i durintr the oast season and brought, the total advance up to 22e per pound, basis middling, Mr. Tllalork Ftates. Approximately $ 1 r?.000.000 , has now been paid out to the mem-1 hers. Practically all of the short staple cotton has been sold, thoueh there is quite a quant It v of It yet to be delivered during the months of July nnd August. Kvor.v effort Is being put forth by I the association to make a final set-J tlement with its members before the i new crop comes In. It i? very like Iv, however, that they will be Unable. to make a Anal settlement on staple cotfon at the same time that the fin al distribution Is made on the short staple. The managers of the Raleigh; ofTlee do not think It wise to force their stock of staple cotton on the' present low market and do not be lieve they would be serving the best t Interests of the members who have staple cotton in the association. It is very Ilk??!>* that a fifth ad vance will l?p mmif to the members before the final distribution checks are mailed. The warehousing, grading. selling and delivering of 13f?.0OO bales of cotton has been a big tank. Mr. Ilia lock declares, but the wisdom of sell ing a year's crop of cotton over a Period of 12 months. Instead of dumping It on the market in ft0 davaj has been abundantly proved, he br lleves. On July 4th a South-wide cam paign for new members was launrhwl In the 12 cotton growing states com posing the American Cotton Grow ers' Exchange. "Every member get a jnembcr" Is the slogan adopted for the membership campaign, which started the past week and will con-, tlnue throughout the summer. This1 drive will be conducted largely by ( the members of the association, The entire membership Is now beginning to realize that cotton wild on the outside of the association In In direct competition with co-operative mar ketlng. Alreadv plans are under way look ing to the handling of the coming crop and with the experience gained from the past year. General Manag er Hlalock expects the service ren dered to the members to he greatly Improved. A totally Inadequate ware house system last year was a great handicap In the past year's opera tions. Much larger and better ware houses are now being constructed* at logical points throughout the Stat*-. , A competent crop of clSssers have alreadv been engaged and It Is the aim and purpose of the association to keep up the grading of its cotton l as fast as It Is received In the wafc , houses. All members are being re numbered by counties, and with the co-Dpejatlon of Ita members In ship ping their cotton under their correct .name and contract number. It Is hoped to eliminate about 90 per cent | of the past year'a office troubles. BISHOP OF SYRACUSE. Mgr. Daniel J. Curley, for twenty years pastor of the Church of Our lady of Solace, New York city, was consecrated Bishop of Syracuse. He suc ceeds , the late Bishop John Grimtfs. TWELVE KILLED i IN POWDER PLANT III ventilation Started to As certain (!an?r of M\W-rious Tragedy in (iurlriilp' 4loin pany'* Plant. tnv Tin* A>?IT||Im| Prc??. I Alton. 111. July/11.?Twelve oin ployes. seven of them women, were killed and 23 injured in an explosion late yesterday at the pktut of the Western cartridge Company at Kasl Alton. Though the company's ofti cials declined to offer any explana tion of the explosion, it is general ly Ifeiieved that the terrific blast which rocked all ?buildings within a radius of five miles may have had its origin in ioT>se powder being jammed in the pockets of the machine used for decapping army shells which had been purchased by the firm for sal vage purposes. An investigation was started to day. ("ollepe of Surgeon* to Meet at Chicago Chicago, July 11.?Hospital stan-, dardizntion. scientific research, ap plication of recently developed for-' mulaa In the control of disease, sur-l gical and"niedlcal clinics and a series of technical discussions In the ad vancement of science, are among the features of the program of the Am erican College of Surgeons, which will hold its annual meeting .. here October 22-20. The surgical and clinical program: will be carried out in 10 Chicago' hospitals, medical schools and labor atories. according to announcement by A. D. 11aHon. general manager of the congress. Membership In the college extends to every state id the 1'iyon. Alaska, the Philippines, every province in Canada. Central and South America, Kngland and the con tinent. China and other countries, Mr. Hallou said, all of which coun-j tries are expected to be represented by delegates. HANK DEPOSITORS AllE MARKING TIME Shelby. Montana, July 11. ? Re-; ports of bank examiners working on ; thfl books of the Pint State Hank of Shelby, whrtrti closed yesterday. ar* expected to lie available tomorrow.! Meanwhile depositors of the Instltu-! tlon, of which Mayor James Johnson , of Shelby, treasurer for the protnot-f ers of the IJenipsey-Cribbons flu lit, I was president, mark time. The closing of this bank was the immediate result of the suspension i of the Stanton Trust & Savings Hank of (Jreat Kails of which Oeo/ge Stan ton. who aided In the fight financing.I was president. FI.OHK BREAKS TO A NEW I.OW MARK! Minneapolis, July 11. ? Flour] broke today to a new low mark In | about eight years when one of the I largest mills here set the price at $6 | a barrel for family and patents, MUSI I oi \\ \1.KH \I?I?S TO FAMK OP KlXfJ ( AR1T.\<TH Hirmlnghnm, Kngland, July 11, ? Perched on the arm of a chair and smoking a big cigar. the Prince of Wales recently Joined vigorously with the nishop of Illrmlngham, the .lord mayor, and many young men In ,singing the chorus of "Caractacus" which ends thus: "The stick that tanned the trousers of the boy who shouted 'Heaver' to the man who put ,the powder on th** faces of the bar en- of Hie King Caractacus." This occurred at an Informal gath ering In the lounge of a club pre sented to ex-?crvlcemen, which the 'prince had juat formally opened. HOPEWELL BANK CLOSES ITS DOORS l ollowirii; \rr?v?t of (lasliier Tuc*<luy Niplil \\ ho Kmliez zled SI l(MMM) of ili?* Insti tution* I'iiihI*. |V|??ntliuru. Virginia. July It. ? Th?* National Hank of Hopewell, th?? canhw-r of which, Louis Shelby, wus arrested here last nljrht on.thu charge of ombezztlnK Iho institution's funds. failed to open its doors this morning. Henry Watkins. president of the 'sink, said today that tho shortage in Shelby'* accounts would total $1111.000. hut that $".0,000 hid linen recovered and that the ha lane* will he made up.-by stockholders. The depositors, the president said, will lose nothing. SAYS JUGOSLAVIA NEAR DISSOLUTION Hriti-li Writer Bflirvfs Con dition of Tlial Country May Muvc Vi idcHprcml Infliicnri' on llniitalili' IVaoe. London, July 11.?Jugoslavia is perilously near dissolution, says a correspondent of the Sunday Observ er. He believes its condition may have widespread influence upon the unstable architecture of Kuropean peace. If Jugoslavia is to be saved, lie says. It can be done only by an immediate and extensive application of the principles of non-coercion and federalism. After giving a history of the fotlft-. datIon of the new kingdom of the Serbs, Croats and Slovenes in 1918, - which "promised to be one of the most stable and promising compo nents of post-war Kurst)!'," the cor respondent describes" the act of un ion signed by the Serbs. Croats and Slovenes at Zagreb in 19L8.. assuring the principal racial elements local parliaments. "It was," says he. "a constitution In deference to the cul- * tural and political differences which would naturally exist between a na tion whose whole history was Inter lucked with that of Turkey, and one which had been educated, however unwillingly, in the Austrian school. * But it wan never even tiled." The Helgrade government, the writer adds, has abolished the local parliaments, luiposed a constitution "that Is virtually a Serbian empire, and has repeatedly Imprisoned Ste phen Hadltch, the Croat national leader. This policy Is the work of the coalition of radicals and demo crats. of "the aged and incalculable I'asltcli, a habitual Serbian prime * minister now nearly 80. and Preblpo vjtch. a man of science and violent mind. who. believing centralization*^, the best government for the new state, is ready to go to any length except the use of tact In attaining It." The^.correspondent refers -to- the impossibility of getting, reliable news from the Ilalkan countries and se cession states, and says they are as Isolated from one another as if they were separate Islands In the Pacific. "Budapest." he declares, "does not know what Is happening in Vienna; Trieste has the most fantastic UWas of what is going on a few miles away over the Jugoslav 'border. The trav eler soon finds that each and every state regards Itself as the one sur vival of civilization in a world of sav age anarchies The new state* are important constitutional entities, ca pable of reacting seriously upon the history of Kurope. and are not mere numents of the creative imagination of a comic peace conference." WOMAN ATTEMPTS SUICIDE IN CELL Chicago, July 11.?'Mr*. Sa belle N'ittl Crudele, sentenced to hang, at tempted to commit suicide In her cell here today. She heat her head against the bars and tried to choke herself, hut the matrons prevented her from doing herself any serious Injury. XO %<TIOX ox KMKTIOX OK WKI.KMIK OWH'Kft Monday was the regular tlmo throughout the State for the election of county welfare officers, but Pat quotank Commissioners, immersed in problems of equalization of taxes, let the day pass without mention of the matter. DKXY KKPoitl MrilDKKKIt or PKXIH.KTOX is IX J.tlli persistent reports that a prisoner in Jail on a charge of housebreaking had confessed to the murder of Ne hcmlah Pendleton were denied at the office of Sheriff Chas. Reid and at that of Police Chief Charles Greg ory Wednesday. COTTON MAHKKT New York. July 11.?Spot cotton closed quiet, middling 27.70. s IS (point advance over the opening. Fu tures, closing bid, July H.94. Octo ber 23.71, Dece-miber 23.22, January 22 *2, Msrch 22.87 New York, July 11?Cotton fu tures opened this mornlug At tan o'clock at the following levels: July 27.20; October, 24.00; DecenvVr 23.S2; January 22.11: Mardh

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