?t tk? piUimw ?( C im tot* Clt>. M. C.. U MMM MtM BltlK. Bj Mau ?M T?.11 ?mtkt D M ** ^l^TptW R?l?. By Carrler* " ? ?Hi CM 1ww? - I 'm ? ???Oil (la II.it ???tin (la >iwm) __ P N WEDNESDAY. Jl'LY 11. 192:1. ho Heady With Dr. Saliba's oiler to as sume the outstanding obliga tions of the Pasquotank Munici pal Hospital definitely with drawn, with the doctor's rent on his property underwritten for a period of two years, and with those who h|ive underwritten the rent: The Advance under sjUnds, meeting the obligation that the.v._have voluntarily as sumed cheerfully and promptly, there wotfld seem to be no reas on for -further doubt about the continued operation of the hos pital as a community institution. / TheAdvnnra hnn?no trtficttti i?intlffiation of it, but it occurs to ) this newspaper that one of the first steps in order, after the amending of the hospital's char ter so as to insure the institu tion's remaining always under a management in sympathy with - the community hospital idea, will be to call on subscribers who have not paid in stock pledged when the Community Hospital was opened, to make good their pledges. This news paper sees no reason why, with continued community operation assured, there should be any further hesitation about meeting this obligation. And so this sug gestion is ventured in the hope that those who have subscribed to stock but have not paid their pledges may lie prepared to do so promptly at the next call. The Old Gold Brick To us the most amazing thing in American political history is| the manner that the Republican party has been able to sell the tariff gold brick to the farmers. TM? "(toe matter of the wheat cro^ -.fhis year's crop is ex pected jto exceed eight hundred million-bushels. 'TtYe estimated; cftlrry-over from last year is a hundred and thirty million bu-j shels, making available next fall around one billion bushels which is two hundred million bushels more than the probable homei and export demand. Yet the great Republican party solemnly enacted a tariff on wheat as an emergency meas ure to help the fanners and then followed up with ? full tar iff schedule in the McCumber bill. This is nil, except the fact that Western farmers go right on voting the ticket. The American Farm Federa tion Bureau now proposes that the Government foster a holding company to take the surplus off the market and hold it over next year in order to raise the pricG from the present and prospec tive figure to a dollar and a half a bushel. If the farmers could ever learn that the whole tariff busi ness so far as they are con cerned is pure bunk it would be the most prosperous day's work in their history for it would re ault in taking the restrictions off of the commerce of this coun try and opening the world to us ?a trade field that would never go dry.?Goldsboro .News. China observes "Humiliation Day," which seems the strang est tort of thing in the world to TIMELY TOPICS OTIi STOVKH of many klnda, Juat to ault your convenience and pocket book. With or without oven. He Wf to look these over. They llter ally aave your life In hot weather. P. W. MKI,I( K CX>. an American, for In America we're just bound to be always telling the world how grand and I glorious we are. If we ever al jlow anything like humility or humiliation to penetrate our ar mor we don't say anything about 'it. , The Advance hasn't been .made a bit envious by Editor 'Sam Farabee's rhapsodies on the weather in Western North jCarolina. So far this summer nights down here on the Pas quotank have been more pleas ant than those the editor expe rienced at Shelby last July. But 'tother day when we saw in a Saturday's issue of the Hickory Record a full page advertise ment headed "The Land of the Sky" why we just naturally couldn't help wishing that this section could brag on its real es tate in the substantial way they do up in Catawba. i "Two Negroes Drown in Pas quotank County" headlines the | News and Observer. And then [one reads the item only to dis cover that the alleged drowning took "pfttce-Luac reek near Bath. What sort of aiTStlea have those News and ObserveiNboys about Pasquotank County amvay? Do they think it's a creek or some thing, or do they imagine it in-1 eludes everything north of the Pamlico River and west of the Dismal Swamp? A news item in the daily press states that bananas "are a rarity in Berlin. Wonder if that's where the classical selection "Oh, yes, we have no bananas" originated, now. Why a, mosquito should sing before he bites some folks is more than we've ever been able j to figure out. JULY SCRIPT DANCE IN EDENTON FRIDAY NIGHT You Can't Afford To Miss It JULY 13TH The best dunce oj the season. ADMISSION S2.50 1 DANISH SHIPBUILDERS REPORT BRISK TRADE CppenhaieD. July 11.?Oahlab ; shipbuilding yards seem to have safely weathered the post-yar trade {depression and are entering upon a period of comparative prosperity. i?ays the Scandinavian Shipping Ga zette. The yards have come through the crisis very well, principally owing to the consolidation policy which has been followed. With the placing of new orders, the yards are able to work more or less independently again. They are all busy, and a few of them are booked up. Unemploy ment has benefited accordingly. The yard workers, earlier In the year, voluntarily agreed* to reduc tions In waces in order to make- it possible for the yard shipbuilders to bid low. MKS. HANDING WANTS BOY SCOUT GUARDS New York. July 11.-?Durinc the trip of President Harding aero** the country on his way to Alaska, Mrs. II a riling expressed the wish that Hoy Scouts should he detailed to meet the President at nis various stop* and aid in etiardlns him durinu-hls stay. Mrs. Harding states that she feels safer when these capable boys in training for citizenship and chock full of patriotism are guardinu the President. The President's wife has even gone "to the trouble of tele graphing ahead to local scout offi cials, as in the case of his stop at Tacoma. Wash., asking that an offer WANT ADS lost dog ?white gyp?With brown earn and bead. Answers to name of Flora. Reward for return to J. L. Phelps 20 Glade street. Jul 11-12-13-14 FOR SALK?ONE GORDON REAN Picker, practically new; will sell cheap for caah. Address P. O. Box 315. Elisabeth City, N. C. JylO-tf-np ROW I JO AT FOR SALK? LENGTH 16 ft.; breadth 3^% x 4H; newly painted; three seats, washboards; anchor, painter, oars and rowlocks. Exceptionally seaworthy, a good car-1 rler. and will do 7 to 8 miles per hour, with Johnson stern motor. Ap-i ply to D. V. Meeklns, Independent I Office. Jyl0.11-pd . DESIIt A RLE ROOMS FOR RENT? in Hotel Roanoke, Manteo, X. C. J for light house keeping. R. C. Evans Jul6-12 j E. CITY IH'S LINK?BUS LEAVES Norfolk 7:30 mornings for E. City, j Bus leaves Norfolk 3 o'clock evenings ! for E. City. Edgar Williams. Jy9,10,11.12-pd ? EARN 980.00 WEEKLY SPARE time at home, addressing, mailing, music circulars. Send 10c for j music, information. American Music Co. 1658 Broadway. Dept. 81-X N. Y. Jul 3-lOpd. use Mcpherson rros. n. c. rus Line between Elizabeth City and Norfolk. Leavea 10:30 a. m. South ern Hotel. Call 577-J. Fare $2.00. Jy.5-Aug.ll-pd. FOR IlKNT ? ONE SIX ItOOM house, good location. All modern conveniences. Apply Carolina Real Estate Company. Hlnton Building Jul 6-9-11-13np FOR SALE? EIGHT ROOM RESI dence on North Martin street, good location. For further information address D. C. H. Post Office Box 297 or Phone 5 Mon, Wed. Sat tfnp FOR RENT-EIGHT ROOM DWELL ing 120 N. Road St., now occupied by Mr. F. R. Hufty. Possession Ju ly 15, 1923. Seven room dwelling 4 10 W. Main Street. Apply to Dr. 11. D. Walker. Kramer Building. July 7, 9, 11. 13. pd. *? BtM to Ul? MB mltt?e of the wrrlew of Bey 8eo?U. Any box may become President, but thousands more hare a far better op portunity to achieve the high honor of becoming guards of the Nation's chief executive a* Boy Scouts. No wonder the President himself decid ed to award silk streamers for at Uehmeat 1A parade hn ot troops -and Jeeal councils who la-' crease their membership 25 per cent I orer December 31st, 1921, in time for announcement at the annual meeting of the national council, be ing held July 9-10 in the Boy Scout Camps at Palisades Interstate Park, N. J. STORAGE BATTERIES FOR ALL MAKES OF CARS RECHARGED AND RKPAIRKD Auto A. Gu Engine Worlu DOUBLE Your Savings It CAN be done first * cnruwcxa xatiosal basic Two Kln<1? Of ?l*er*onal ami Four IVr Cent REPORT Oh THE COSDITIOS OF CarolinaBanking&TrustCo. AT ELIZABETH CITY, COLUMBIA AND HERTFORD in the State of A art It Carolina, at the clone of business June 30. 1923 RESOURCES: Loans and Discounts _ $ 961,542.52 Demand Loans ~ 11,988.71 United States Bonds and Liberty Bonds 1,700.00 All other Stocks, Bonds and Mortgaegs 21,500.00 Banking Houses, $27,033.33; Furniture and Fixtures, $55, 812.89 82,846.22 Cash in vault and net amounts due from Banks, Bankers, and Trust Companies 219,553.03 Cash Items held over 21 hours 966.01 Checks for clearing 8,068.00" Expense Account 1,865.83 Insurance Department ? 1 9,000.00 Total - $1,322,030.32 LIABILITIES i ? . Capital Stock paid in _ ?_ $ 250,000.00 Xotes and Bills rediscounted 203,265.83 Bills Payable .: ... 50,000.00 Deposits Due Banks, Bankers and Trust Companies- 33,933.32 Deposits subject to check, Individual 452,389.94 Cashier's Checks outstanding 2,640.64 Certified Checks 320.06 Time Certificates of Deposit, Due on or After 30 Days 16,636.20 Savings Deposits 307,387.37 Trust Deposits (net) .' 4,156.96 Liberty Bond Certificates of Deposit : 1,300.00 Total $1,322,030.32 ! STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA?COUNTY OF PASQUOTANK, July 7th, 1923. I, * ' I, GURNEY P. HOOD, Cashier of the above named Bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. GURNEY P. HOOD, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 10th day of July, 1923. (SEAL) NELLIE E. STRAHL, Notary Public. My Commission Expires September 15th, 1923. Correct?Attest: A. L. PENDLETON, W. H. WEATHERLY, W. P. SKINNER, Directors. When Old Sol Broils! SUMMER SUITS No need to swelter in the lorriil hcultahcn it's simply a matter of tye right sort of Clothe* to gain tlie maximum comfort. And here are the Suit* that are hreeze-ad mitting, heat-resisting; tailored to withstand the rough usage of( slimmer wear. At these prices no man should be without one of these Suits ? marked extremely low. Made of Palm Beach and Linen Crash? SI 2.50 and S16.50 MITCHELL'S YOU SAVK MONEY BY TRADING WITH US.