THE ADVANCE PKKLK * PEELR. Publisher* NtABCAT Pdlt. Ctltor Member of the Awtoclated l^row. VIM At?Pr?M li ?nt.tU4 to tft* IM tor ?( mart cr?4it?4 ,? toll KHr m? (In to Uu total ?ubii*t? k*M cIih aittir. By Mail > Tm, 12 B??nthi Subscript loo IlAtn By Carrier I VMft ? ?? (?|? MniM) i (to i (to ??*????> 91.2* i (to ?2.2? MONDAY, JULY 30. 1923. Regardless of the way one's sympathies run, he must admit, it seems to The Advance, that in the little argument between the Governor and the Corporation Commissioner, Mr. Maxwell seems to be getting the most pleasure out of it. Pleasure Day has a pleasant; sound. There's something sim ple and sincere in the ring of it, And we've a great hankering to get over to Currituck next Sat urday, much as we enjoy stay ing on our regular job at ordi nary times. The mosquitoes must be on a strike for shorter hours or hav ing some sort of civil war or revolution, for they haven't .struck us as hard or as often this summer as they have been wont to do in previous years. Or, are we-just getting old and tough? The Washington News has a mighty big headline about oil being found in Beaufort County by Norfolk men. Seems to us 'twas the same folks, or maybe not, who found it on Knotts Isl and a few years ago. We've nev er found whether they're look ing for oil or for suckers. But then, we just naturally wonder about that when anybody men-' tions oil. More Ahout That Deficit Prospects are for high prices for sweet potatoes this year and nobody can take more sat isfaction in that fact than The Advance. But if prices are high this y&ai^'.the chances are that ?they'll be low next year or, if not next year, the year there after. It is seldom indeed that there are more than two good years for sweet potatoes in succes sion. The Hickory Record tells the story of how Florida grape fruit growers met the situation i of a dull market, a 1>ig crop and a surplus of 300,000 boxes of grapefruit by advertising in the newspapers of the big ci tfes of the North. The result of a $20,000 advertising cam paign was that such a demand for grape-fruit was created that the big surplus was com pletely sold at a most satis factory price and what had threatened to be a dead loss was turned into a handsome > ? profit. Having told the story better and in more detail than The Advance has done, the Record inquires as to why the same plan can not be used to advan tage to increase the demand for the South's sweet potato crop. The answer is: It can when there is a Southern Sweet Po tato Cooperative Exchange with 6,000 members. TIMELY TOPICS Fr>inr<l l*orm? and Mrttofw suitable for various occasion!, alio dainty card* to a*nd the alck or for birth day or at other timet. I F. W. MKIiK'K <X). When You Need Mt an. We ran At jou H|>. Let an ?ell you your acremorle?. nlm are Tidewater Buick Co., Inc. * Y* Miss (Minnie Rhodes left Saturday i to vt?lt her parents at Columbia. ?Miss Nellie Hastings left Sunday ; to attend the Raptlst Assembly at i Mars Hill, after which she spend 1 some time at Asheville and tfTher points in the western part of the stale. Mrs. W. S. Newbern. Sr.. left Sun day to spend some time at Lake Jun aluska. Mrs. I. W. Morgan and little daughter of Portsmouth accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Hastings Jr.. motored here for the week end and were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Hastings. Sr. Miss Gladys Byrd of Portsmouth spent the week end with Miss Estelle Sllverthorn. M. E. Ryrd and son. Mayo, of Portsmouth spent the week end in i the city the guest of Mr. and Mrs. S.! W. Hastings. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Price motored J to Norfolk Sunday. Miss Florence Thompson and Miss! Winnie Stricklin of Kinston have re turned after visiting Mrs^C. \V. Price on Cherry street, Miss Anna DeLon of NVrth Road street left Friday to visit her niece. Miss Rruce Davis, at Newport News. J. A. Melson of Mamie was in the j city Saturday on business. R. L. Griggs of Harbinger was In | the city Saturday. W. H. Gallop of Jarvlsbufg was in the city on business Saturday. J. B. Shannon of Harbinger was in the city Friday with a load of nice watermelons. M. A. Midgett of Harbinger was in the city Saturday. R. L. Newborn of Olds was in th?* city Saturday. S. E. Aydlett of this city has Juat returned home after a weeks tour down the coast on a business trip for Aydlett & Owens. Mr. and Mrs. N, L. Forbes of Old Trap spent Sunday with their son, Job Forbes on Cobb street. Mrs. Willie Palmer and little daughter. Birdie, With Miss Delma Ward left Sunday ^or Hendersonvlllc to spend several weeks. Miss Geneva Morgan who has been visiting her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. 8. W. Hastings, has returned to her home in Portsmouth. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Dean and little daughter, Frances, of Portsmouth | spent the week end In the city the 1 guest of Mr. and Mrs. Ned Rhodes on Fearing street. George Culpepper and son, Clar ence, Mr. and .Mrs. M. E. Davis and children, Katherlne and Ray, and Mr. and Mrs. l.croy Culpepper motored to Occan View and Virginia Beach Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Hastings. Jr.. and son. Worth, have returned to their home in Norfolk after"fcp?*ndin>; the week end with Mrs. Hastings* parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Silver^j t horn. Miss Carrie Bright spent the day i with Miss Bernico Williamson and Mr*. George Kelly of Norfolk. ?Mrs. Elizabeth Raulfs has re turned home after visiting her son, George Raulfs of Norfolk. Mrs. Jack Overman and children have returned home after spending some time with relatives at Nor folk. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Culpepper and children have returned home after spending two months at Nags Head. Miss Alma Mann returned home Sunday after spending -some time at Nags Head. "VEGETABLES" When you buy Vegetable*? nlwiiys try for llie 11 EST ami FHKSHKST. At (larrett'a you can got nlco Sweet Corn. Tomatoes. Cucum ber*. Squash, Country Cabbage, Beeta. If it 1? anything in the (Jrocery line you want CALL 007 or 008 R. L. GARRETT (Iteal Service) Bloomer Suits Girls Made of ft good Pa J run a Chock, sixes 6 to 14. Prices 75c to $1.00 M. Leigh Sheep Co. Woman's ff car WE HAVE? <iwn Conn try (mMmka Krwh Sim11 ll??na Xlfe Tomnlofn t 'licnmbrr* Onrn A|)|?1e* f?r Cooking t;<M>ruiit I'mw-hcK l'eur* Ciintiiloii|iM And Watermelon*. We Hill Appreciate your or der*. laruf or ?nmll And \% III ?lo our be?t to pleAae you. I'MOMK 4till M. V. Perry Mm J. H. Baker of this city left (or Columbia Monday to visit friends. Mm. G. F. Hudgins and son. Lorl mer, have returned home after spend ing a few days at Nags Head. Mr. and Mrs. George Cox. La than Cox. Misses Carrie Burgess and Ida Morris motored to Norfolk Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. II. S. Collins and lit tle daughter, Shirley Mann, of Edge water, Virginia, spent Sunday at Nags Head. They returned Sunday night to spend some time with Mrs. Collin's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Mann on | Broad street. Gsllop-SawyerRealtyCo Let Us Handle Your City And Rural Property Hinton Building Main St CLEAN SWEEP SALE ? now going on at ? MITCHELL'S O. F. Gilbert, prop. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE The undrr.lrnrd committee appointed br the !^*,,|1 <* Tru.tcea of the Elisabeth City Graded sctinol. o,, Monday the tlth da> of August. 191.1. at 12 o'clock >1.. on the premiae* hereinafter de?rlbrd. tiffcr for oale to the highest bidder. those ihrer Mfu.ird .?n the North ?:de ?r p?raon age Street. being the hou?-? on the lot* recently pUn-h?M-.l by the aforesaid Tru.tpr., Tr.liM.s OK 8AI.K CASH. with the understanding that the purr-hau-r -lull move the said building* Irani the lot* within r.n day* from date uf *alp. ^IIATKO AND I'OSTKD tills thr 2}(b day of July. M. IV GALLOP. 8. \V. GltKGOItY. J. C. SAWYER, J >'27.30.Aug. 1.3.6 Committer. XOTICK OF h)l(EC'IX)HritK Cnder and bv \irtue of a of trust nrrutM' to tli? und<Tvlbn<<1, ini'trr, by II. 11. Cottpr ami wtf>\ Anna II. Cutter. and bearing date of March ! |9:'?, and n-kl-i.-r^d In lt<?.k so. rasp ill. at the (W;if or the llrtUltf of l><n|> of l'lM|i|?linlI Count i. default lui\ltir'ln-"n mailt* in the ravnu-nt of the ?(?-> wrutMl tli? rt-liy. I dull i n Saturday. ! Aiu-iisf 2.1. liCis. at tin* hour of 12 Xoolt. at i!ip ? 'iiKtiliium- d"?>r in Kllzaltctli City, ??nr>-r for ??1p t?< ' ?tin- liuhiM bidder f?r ca?h that r< ruin tract of j land nmti-ml bv ?lil do d of trust iuJ which I. j mope puitfularW- di'<rrlb.i| i< follow: l.tlng ami h? ina In Cily, County of Pa quotank. Nakl i>ao|?*tr belntt- known -ami- dr*ittnat. >1 a* WiII-i'j Mailm- Italltya)*. aud ronimencin.! on tlio North side of ltlv?-r?f?l<> Ar?nuc at flip West side of llutli-r'* l.nm- atnl running thence along IIIv i-r-Klf Atenue. Westerly 2<"-S fret, theme Northward ly |>atall> I with Rrttler'* Lane to flip Pasquotank ' lllver. ilniKn r.astwardly along said Pgwiuotanlr! Illyt-r to Hiitler** lane; thi-ncr Siuihwardlv along 1 ?ald Butler's Lane to Rt\cr?ide Ayenue the place i <4 beginning. It Ivdns the "property on wliich the! naid K. 8. Wllley'a Marine IUIItr?t< now stand.' and being the antf pMiirilr which >aid K. S. Wil hy imtchated of G. >1. Sc?tt and *lfe tar de<d datpil Mar?*h 21. 1&05. and dulv recorded ^n M>r! Officii of thi? Rriltlir of Deed* for Pasquotank I County in Hook 2*. Page 190. And al>o all and I entire'the Marine Hallways,? Cradle. Machinery, tool*. building*. appliance* and equipment situated J on the premise* jUmoc d-'acribol and known a? Wil- ? ley'* Marine Hallway*. Dated and Posted this the 34th day of Jul*. 1021. j T1IG8. J. MA1IKIIAM. j Jy27.30-Aug.iU3.CKT TnuU-e. ? NOHTII CAROIJXA. PASQCOTAXK COCXTY. IX THE 8CIT.RIOR rnCItT. KKKI.1NG KANT Kit COMPANY. INC.. T?. PAUL T. MKNZKI. and SATtAII K. MKNZF.L NOTICE The d. f. n<Unt? alKtye nanx d will take not ire that j an aetion rntlth-d ?? abote lia? bem begun against , them In l'a?|Uotank I'oanty Ku|H-rl?r t'ourt. the |?r i i ii. i irftHfH! '* 'he mm nf TWO | IIUNIiltKI) AND NINirTY DOLLAR8. with lntprr?t I ther?m from Noyemb-r l?t. 1K?, until paid, due by . rontrart, and the ro?t of rourt; and that said art ion | l? reiurnahle Ik fore the Superior Court of 1'awino- . tank County, N. C . on the 2flth day of Aug^i?>. ! 1921. The d<fendant? altnyp named will further take no- | tire that a warrant of "attarhment ha? been l??tied j In Ilila r*U.*e. the purrnte of whlrh l? to re? o?rr i the .aid >um of TWO IH'NDKKD AN*T> NlNKTY IMH.I.AMH, Interest and ro?t* a? a^>rp M t for'h. whlrh Mid atta<-tiuu*nt l? r?-?nrnable N-forr the 8u- i H-rlor r?urt of I'aiuitiotank County. N. C.. on the 2-'-th day of Atiiuat. IM'I. The d<f>-ndants will take notice that the* are re 'itilrrd i" apt?ear ami answer or tlenrar to the com plaint now ril.d In thl* ran*# within the lime t< 1 quir<-d In law. or the relief dmianrd by plaintiff , will b* granted. Witness my hand thl? 2?th day of July. 1023. KHXK8T L. HAWYKII. t'lerk Superior Pourt. J>2.*.ro-Augfi.l3.WAW PawiiKitank founty. N. C. j NOTICE OF SALE lly ylrtue of a de?d of tru?* e*ecut?l on the 2'itli day ut <Kt-#?<r. 1MI. by II. M. Hfeleji and wife. Hiimin K. 8e?-ley. to Gurney I'. Ilotxl. Truster. r?-p*inl*d In th? office of the H?-gi.t?r of l>mls of l'as<|Uotarik Cmtnty. X. In Ihe-k Xo. M. page Xu. 3d. d-fault having Ix-en made in the < ndition< of Mid d'-ed of tni-t. the saUl Gutm-y P. Ilood. Trustee, will on Saturday the 21th d?> <4 August. 1923. at twelve o'ekirk. noon, at th>* t'ourt House door of Pasquotank County, N. C.. <ff(-r for oale to the highest bidder for ra?4i. the following land* situated In Pasquotank County, N. C : KlltMT TRAIT! Situated In Kli/abeth City Township and bmnilnl on the XVrth by lllver*lde Arenne; on th? Ea<t by lot Xo. 11*; on tlw South by IM Xo. 11". and on the Wp?I by llalelgh Btrert. it b>ing lot Xo. 119 on the |-lat of the Riverside Land Company, recorded In B-wk Xo. 2*. page No. 230. In the office of the Register tif Deed* of Pa? uuotank County. N. C. HM'OXD TRACT: Situated in KJirabeth City Tnwnsliip. and brink lot Xo 110 a? laid down on th* plat of Riirr?ide land Co.. recorded In book Xo. M. l?age Xo. 2.'Jd In the office of the Register of Herds of Pa?itiotank County, and beginning at a point at the Xortheast corner of Carolina Avenue and Raleigh Street; thence F.a4er!y along Carolina Arivtue 50 feet; jhenre Northerly along lot Xo. 139. one hundred and eight feet; theme Westerly M M to Raleigh Street; thence Southerly along the lta?t *lde of Raleigh Strret 10| feet to the plare of beginning. THIRD TIIAfT: Situated In Klliabeth City TownUiip. on the Northeast corner of Hr-ad and Slgth Streeta. commencing at the Xor1h?ft?t cemT of aald ?tree?a. and running Vwthwardly |0S feet; thence Kaatwardly. parallH with Rroad Street. M feet to the line of M No. 2og; thence Southwardly along the line of lot Xo. 20g. parallel wttb Slgth Street, to II road Ptree?: thenre Weitwardlr along' Rroad StrwNt. SO feet to the p|ae? of beginning, sao.e being a portion of lot Xo. 200 rOCRTII TRACT: situated In I3l?aheth City I Towniftlp. on the South aide of Rroad Street, an I; known a* lot N?. 117 on the plat of Cnmow. Ru?h , and IJlVntXI, m??rded In book Xo. I. page Xo. i *?. in the nfttr* i4 the Refllatey of Deed* af Pa? uuotank County, N. C.. aald lot fronting mi Broad Street M fe?* and ninnlnc bark to a fenre 121 feet, and adjoining M? Xo. .11# and Xo lifl. Por further dearrlptlon of aald land* reference la hereby made to ike Mid derrt of tni?t of II M Seeley and wffe to Gurney P Ilood. Trustee, record ed In tke office of the RecUtrr of l?eed? of Pa* quotank County. N. C.. In book Xo. M. page No W Thl* notice dated and po.ted thlt 21th day of July. 1M3 OCR ST. X P. HOOD. Tnirfe^. IMS Aug M,|tf Rr V. P WII.I.IAMS. Atty. I XORTH C PROLIX A. DARK POP NTT. K. It DAXIKI.S. M. F.XX1S JOIINSOX XOTICK 1*? IW-stal ihnr. a.M Mn lata SMW th.l against the Mid IMfodint on Ihe ISth di) of July. IMS. by ihf Clerk of the Superior Court of Dar? County. North Carolina. for the ?.im of SEVEN 1ICN DRF.D AMI THIRTY-ONE DOI.I.AItS AND FORTY? EIOIIT CENTH du* Mid plaintiff by account. t>umnton? la returnable N-forr md Clifk at the Court llo'i??- In Dare County on the 23rd dajr of An?itl. I''23. Tlir defendant will al?o tak? notice thai a war rant of attachment wa* |*?ued by aald Clerk on the l*th day of July. 1923. again?t the proiwrtT of tald d-f-nulant. which warrant It returnable before the ?an| Court, at the time and place a bote named for the r-turn of ihr tuminon*. when and where the iWi-nihni l? requited to an?w.r or demur to the complaint, or the relief demanded will be granted. Thla 19th day of July. 1933. T. R. CREFF. Cl> rk Superior Court. Jy.25-Auf.l.ft.lS lure County. N. C. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES FOR THE EASTERN DISTRICT OF NORTH CAR OLINA. ELIZABETH CITY IRON WORKS AND SCIUM.Y COMPANY. OAS SCREW. WITHOCT NAME. NO. S159-T. NOTICE OF SALE By tlrtue of an ord-r ? ?aie made In th? above caue. | w II. on the 3rd day of Aueu-r. 1923. at 12 o'clock Noon, aboard Ihe ?ald Gaa Screw with out name "No. 3139 T." lying at the wharf of the Ell/abrth City Iron Work* and Supply Coni|<auy. Rlr er-ide Afetiue. EliMheth City. N. C.. m 11 at public auction to the highe.t bidder for ca?li. Ihe Gaa ft'r-a without nam-. "No. S15D-T." TIjIi notico dtiod and poitrd this lltb day of July. 1023. R. W. WARD. U. 8. Mitkhal. J. W. WILCOX. Deputy XIarabaL W. A. WORTH. Piuctor for Libcllant. Jj.l?.lt?.23.2?.30-A.2 NOTICE OF BALE By Tlrtue of a dc?d of iru?r ci?cut?-d on the-Wh da? of Aumikt. H?2J, bv W. W. Newborn and wife, to ihe underpinned Tru*ii-e. recorded in IV.ok 5rt at page* 55 in the office of the H<fi?trr of Deed* for I'aMiuoiaok County. I mil on the '.'l?t dav of Aug U?t. I'jU. offer lor ?ale before the Couit llou>v door in Elizabeth City, N. C . at 12 o'clock M.. to the highe?t bidder for caJi. all Iho rlghi. title and In terest of W. W. Newbcrn A Coni|iany In that ce tain warehouse coruinicted by It on tho rroprrly i the Notfolk X>wthrin Railroad Company in Eli* ahrlh City. North Carulina. which wa. occupied by the %aid W. W. NVwbern A C??mpany at tbt lUi of Ihe eiwuiIon of ihe afore?ald deed of iru?l. DATED AND l'OKTED thla Ihe 2l?t da/ r.f July. 1923. >i. b. suirm Jy.21.31. Aug.7.II Trhler. NORTH CAROLINA. I'ASQUOTANK COUNTY. IN THE Ht TERIOR COI RT. A. G. FORBES. Tl. NORTII niVER LINE. INC. NOTICE OF SALE By tlrtue of an ord-r made by Hon. F.m*?t L Hawser. Clerk ftf Ihe Superior Court of Paanuotank Couht\. N. C . in a nwlal i-rooedina entitled A. Q. Foibt? u Norih Ri*rr Line, the underMgned i ConiniU-loaers will on the 3rd day of Auguat. 192'. ! at twelre o'clock. Noon. ?ell at |>ublio auction to i the highest bidder for cadi the ga? ?crew "EVA." ! her lackle. apparel, furniture and machinery; tli? oaid aale to !?? conducted on board Mid ga* acr?w "EVA" at the foot of Main ?trert. In the harbor of EllMbcth City. North Carolina. This notice dated and poated thla 13th day ol July. 1823. J. C. B. RHRINOHAVS. W. A. WORTH. ' Jy 14.23.34. Comml??loner?. I NORTH CAROLINA. | camoks' county. I st I'KHIOIt COIIlT. ftF.ITEMBKR TR1U1 13S3. I IIKSTKIl HAL!* Plaint iff. r?. WILLIAM IIAI.L. Defendant. XOTICK OF HUMMONfl Th? iMendan' utime naimd will take notlca thai an ?rt|?.n entitled a* alx>?c ha? N-*n commenced in the Muperior Court of CannVn Count* to hate d'-clared null and ?old the b<>nd* of matrimony nmi | ciUtlnc between thl* plaintiff and defendant; (for d I force a ilamln), a rut ihr ?ai<t def? -ndant will ! further take notice that he I* rruulred to api?-ar Woff the rink of the Rui>er1or Court of Camden , Countr. North Carolina, on the l.lth dar of Am u?t. 1M.1. at in o'clock A. M. and make answer or demur to the complaint In ?aid anion, or tha plain*Iff will apfilr to the court for tha relief de manded In tha complaint. w. j. Broor.M. Clerk. Superior Court Camden Cooittf. Thlt July icth. IMS. ijr.lH.28 Am 1.1-Will NORTH CAROLINA CCHH1TCCK COUNTT. IN Tlir. BITKRIOR COCRT ACTOR* TIIK CLKRK MAOOIT. R SHANNON. CAI.KR J.' SHANNON XOTICK OF SVMMOXfl Tfce defendant anore narmd will bereb* take imv tire that an anion ha* heen comweitred In the Mu i-erlnr Court of Currituck Counf^Jto*"1 Carolina, for the purt*H? of obtalnlnt dlrorce absolute from ?aid defendant, and that the aald anion I* return able to the clerk of aald court on Autnrf l?th. IMS. at which time and place you are required to appear and an?wer or demur to the complaint now filed In ??Id court. or the plaintiff will applr to the court for the rell^-f demanded In the complaint. Tbl* tha 30th day of June. IMt R. R. RFI.L. J?11.2l,J? Auf .1 Clerk Superior Court. NOTICE OK PORKCLOHl'ltR t'nder and hr rlrtue of a thortiaie d"<l everuted tA the Iindcr>lcned. hr Oeorfe Orlffln and wife. Wil lie Mae Orlffln. and hrarint date of Ancu?t | IMf. and retUtered In the Office of the Re?i?ter I>eed? for ra<qttotaak County In Rook 8*;. I'afe SI#, default l?a?in< hcen made In the payment of (he' note* >niiM thereby. I aha 11 on the llth dar o< Au?u*f. at IS o'clock Noon, at the Cour?hou*e door in Kllrabeth City, offer tor ante to the hliheat bid der for ca?h that certain tran of land conrered h* ?aid deed of tni?t and which la more particularly de? rthed a* follow*: nituated. Itlni and belna la Mt. Herman Town ?hip. adjoining the land* of Willi* Slmpaon. et al*. and bounded on the North b* the land* of Jona* Rryant. Ka*t bv the land* of W. W Rett*. Month hr the land* of WIIHa Wmnati. and on the We?i hr I mac Uin<l?w and eowtalninc four and one half 1141 acre*, more or !??*. and beta a tha *ame land* a* deaciibed In fW*_ 7. Care 9M. Office of tha Ree nter of Peed* f"rl*aaouolank County. Ren alao Rook 91 Pm* aia ! Dated and pnated thla tba 1Mb day of July. IMS W. L. COHOOW. Jy.ia.M.fT An?.?. Mot DOUBLE Jour Savings It CAN be done THE FIRST & CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK Two Kinds of Interest?Personal and 4%. Save 15% On Your Pressing Ask about our new COUPON BOOKS, which en able us to give you more for your money. These hooks will he ready for you by August 1. Yours for real service, Cooper Cleaning Works PHONE 280. 2 Matthews Street. WE HAVE JUST RE CEIVED A BEAUTIFUL LINE OF THE LATEST CREATIONS IN STONE READ CHOKERS, STERLING SILVER BANGLE BRACELETS, IVORY PENDANTS and other useful Summer Jewelry. ("See Window Display) fw_ ?. t GIFTSTHAT^AST"^ LOUIS SELIG Quality Since 1882 Main & Water Sts. If You ' ? ' Say It ffitlL-Flouers Say It With Ourg. THE APOTHECARY SHOP PHONE 400 ?????????????????????????? U DRIVE IT I Kent a new Fnr<l ami drive it y > out-self. S|?eclnl Commercial x Kate*. A Bailey'? Filling Station ?} Church St. - ? MORGAN'S STORES Old Fashioned llrotcn Sugar, 1 11). pkg 10?2c STETSON HATS? Call and sec our stylish Stet sons for Spring. Reasonably priced. McCABE & GRICE ?Use? PASTEURIZED MILK finard the bealtli of the lit tle one* by lifting I*aateuriaed Milk. Delivered twice daily to any |?art of the city. The Winekream Co. 1'ffONK 578. SEED For Farm? and Garden Klectric Huppllea, Lighting Fixture* and llou?e Wiring. Your* to ?erv? FEED For Stock and Poultry OPPORTUNITIES HOUSE AT 102 EAST < HI K< II street for rent?Apply to 309 S. Roa-1 street or Advance office. J 30 tf MK88KXGKK 'WAXTKI) ? TELE graph messengers wanted. Age ur eter 14 need not apply. Prefer age 15 to 16. Musthnve some education. J. 1). Sykes, Mgr.. Western I'ni IB July 30. FOR SALE ? BALED SCRAP paper. Take the lot for 10c a bale. Single bales 15c or two for 25c. Apply Advance office. E. CITY-NORFOLK Ill's LINE ? Cars leave Elizabeth City 10:15 and 1 o'clock for Norfolk. Leave Main and Commercial place 3 p. m. for Elizabeth City. Leave Union Station d p. m. for Elizabeth City. Edgar Williams. Jy26-Au.l-pd FOR RENT?UPPER APARTMENT of Bel-Air Apartment, Elliott St. Ap ply C. D. Bell, phone 4 36-W. Jy 25-31 pd. IX) ST?A SMALL INSTRUMENT for measuring lenses. Looks similar 'to watch. Please return to J. W. Se lig and receive reWhrd. Jy21-tf __________ FOR SALE CHEAP?LOT 50 x 150. | fronting on paved State highway, next to Whitley Packing Plant. Geo. J. Spence. Jy.20-tf-np STIEFF PIANO FOR f27S.OO, IX perfect condition; present price on same piano $750.00. 322 Cherry St. Phone 163-W. Jy. 2 0-31-up Use Mcpherson bros. n. c. bus Line between Elizabeth City and Norfolk. Leaves 10:30 a. in. South ern Hotel. Call 577-J. Fare $2.00. Jy.5-Aug.ll-pd. WANTKIW EXPERIENCED BAR* ber at Carolina Hotel Barber Shop 507 Matthews Street. Apply at Barber Bhop. , Jy 19^npl FOR SALE? EIGHT ROOM REvi dence on North Martin street, good location. For further information address D. C. H. Post Office Box 297 or Phone 5 Mon, Wed. Sat tfnp FRl'lT TRKKH, ORNAMBXTAIi plants and evergreens?I will apend on* week In Elizabeth City about September 10th for the purpose of taking orders for fall delivery, M. R. White, Route One, Wlnfall, N. C.. July 30. Aug 6, 13, 20 pd. WILL HWAI* MlHili ROIXfl FOIt player piano for new ones. Hare large collection. Mrs. W. J. Grant, 115 Martlrr^tTeet. July 30-Aug 4 pd. Let's Swap! Said Mm. Tim O'Connor. | "Sliure, 1 nlver ?aw the beat! Me boy la such a swapper He will hardly even ?>at. He traded off hi* baseball Milt For .guinea pig*, and then He trade off the little ones And got a suit again."

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