Hope And Inspiration In Czecho-Slovak Republic And hole World May Derive Encouragement from Vi liat Has Been Accomplished to Develop New Na tional Entity in Five Years II; DAVID LAWRENCE " ' Caayrlght 1*23 fey T1?a Oally A<?anaa <!l<vau?t of the Jmli U l'rv..<i.-at lUrd.n* and Kwlnn of Calvin fool Ids* to t?i? tir^Mmo. fca. tlirr ?.th tha <"a?*-<4U<nt il:?n<r? .n the political ntuation. Datld Lawrewe ha* rurtail<d hi* Kurop. an trill ?ud now 1- ?Iir?ut>- r., tt,r | a.(n| State*, lit* datlv dl?patrhe? arv ?>? b?io* fj-m tip. ' at Mr. Uanufr > *i?lt? to Ural llntain. Ktarui. Au-trta an<J Germany Aboard the Steamship Leviathan, August 8.?Hope and in spiration abound in the little republic of Czecho Slovakia where the first live years have been so well used to construct and develop a national entity that the whole world may derive encouragement from what has been accomplished there. Austria has been helped from without, but Czecho Slovakia has been helped from within. I here is no economic parallel but politically this little repub lic is tending toward a neutral mediating ^position very much like that or Holland or Switzer land. ih lV"i'rll,f that 8?"P9ninnslil|> and . r. l^.r' Preservation <,r friend ly ri latlons are dsmfnant In the af fair, of .he republic. Tolerance i. In ri -' ""r?us' v displayed toward a InrL. minority of Hermans Macvar* side "with r"r"l^.norH wl"> "v. side by ,hp Czechs and have sub'. "S2rD,a,,on ,n ,h" hJaw^'^eTfX^irto^rr-e'. vision and has kept ||B budget m which'l" '? A"",rlca- ? elrcuinstance which has contributed n treat i OUts^'woHd"' ,hU r"PU,'"? "v "" the "Va'st" thi^e years^C^hTs," V. I:la may well be ranked as a forward tokln. country of real prom?,"? nr.. Tt .. n Uu*y metropolis. Th< .. , J nation is moving alonu We" defined lines with an , conoiul. <?"1 Uit. rnal administration ni-.il a J:*'" *' I'ro-rnni of education for <I,,, wer^ ,of. ?'?vakla which ti? u V* 1,1 ,n f tion l?\ Hungarian monarchy. Slovakia li Mroads badly and monev win .obtained only from American or ther!? Opportunities are irnmen? t? "" s,ov:lkl'"' P"v ...^,rajsr ,? when "n ?? conveyed wh.n it Is recalled that the Czech f t! ,,f IHOhev, (he erowii, u?ed lo follow the German mark and just af with tT arm'R*'ce started downward with the mark. Now. however the it thnl "f }? dnllar nn(l K,1>v" m A , rr.Thi" '""ans ,ha< "? a,l,uMn*'"' m,n In Czecho Slovakia can calculate the costs of production p.nd fl^uro from month to month on n <*oiind basis. Triform ? cou"<'. niuch of Czecho Slovakia s re-organlzatlon was ac complighed whr?n the oxclianso wa-* on a different Iwt.in ?o that overhead costs i .day nr.- fairly high. nut ir,tf business situation Is ca pable . . better dHvelopnii-nt and the reviva' of trade with Russia may be or trei '"tidou* value to Crecho Slo vakia. ,\s a matter or r?ct, the Czech? :tre united to Russia l,y the commr. i ties or race and language Russian cullure Is nt nrr 'moment growln In Importance in Prague and this Intellectual entente |R hound to Hive Cz"Cho .Slovakia an opportunity to mediate some day between Russia and the Eastern world outside The Czechs feel that the Russians are gradually changing their viewpoint on the economic question, so as to' make possible commercial inter course with the rest of Europe. Czecho Slovakia maintains at Mos cow a commercial delegation and Is moving heaven and earth to get Rus sian trade. What the Czechs have found out, Incidentally, about a protective tar iff will furnish a salutary example toI the rest of Europe. The tariff wall here Is certain to go down just as soon as the principle of reciprocity gets more flrmly established outside Prague. For the Czechs used to manufacture 85 per cent of the goods ? of the former Austro-Hungarlan em pire and there w(<re no tarlfr harrleri then. The market of an equivalent area of population must be suhstl Don't Compromise With Your Stomach We're mighty careful In the selection of our Groceries, and see to ? In every Instance that all Canned Goods. Vegetables, etc., are fresh and wholesome. It's a big satisfaction know ng that your own Judgment Is l.sck by our careful choosing ami our prices are always as low as the market allows. M. P. Gallop Co PHONES 3 AXD IJT Comer Main * Wafer Hta. UPTON S TEA ^ II). pkg mmK.. 23c yz lb. pltg 1?42c tuted. That is the aim of diplomacy in the many commercial treaties be-' ing negotiated with surrtfundlu): countries, but the outstanding: fact I is that the Czechs admit they have! rather overdonethe protect ion ist! theory to their own disadvantage. It would not be surprising if the next I Ave years saw a better understand ing throughout Europe of a necessity! for freer intercourse between nations that are so absolutely dependent up- I on one another for trade. Fancy what would happen in America if tariff avails existed between the 48 j states. America's economic strength is due to a welding of economic re source# and Europe's future depends upon a similar combination of eco nomic units. Czecho Slovakia is like an oasis in the desert. Efficiency, intelligence, freedom. culture. ambition and peaceful aspirations are making a wonderful republic?a living exam-1 pie of what can be done where the sense of morality goes hand in hand! with economic foresight. FOIUIES-JAMKS ? ? Miss Mildred Marie James of i vllle and Mr. John W. Fortw b of Norfolk were quietly married! Wednesday morning at the home or the bride's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Honce.H James, by Rev. E. L. Stack. I I Itey |?ft in the afternoon for a visit V\Mr'~porbrs' Ma^nts, Mr. and Mrs. John C. Forbes, of Shawboro, going on to Norfolk Thursday, wher* they will make their home, and where Mr. Forbes is associated with the Texas Oil Company. FAItM lloicsi; IS KII.I.MO liV IK.IITMM, \\Kl?.\FS|>.\V The worst thunderstorm of the season struck the Olivet community,? |on I*- F. D. Two, Wednesday after noon between 4 and 5 o'clock. The ? rain di*c?nded in torrents and the ' thunder roared. In the midst of the I storm lightning struck a tree near the stables of A. II. Price, glanced off from the tree to the stables, and ! killed one of the two horses shd 1 tered there. The animal was a val uable /arm horse, worth about |17.r?. i Twelve Thread Full ' Cushioned X Y MEN'S HOSE Brown, liluck un<l jjruy, ? slightly iinpcrfcct. The 'f regular Sl.(K) gru?lc, llic \ pnir? 59c We recommend tlieie tin exceptional value? j McCabe & Grice To Have Good Thing's To Eat Call 697 or 698. You will find? 'SNAP HKANH. HVTTKK BKAXH HWKKT l OKN, <*>I.VTRV < tnnAOK rrriirnRRM hoiakii OANTK1/OTRH AVI) WATKKMKI.ONH I KICK 1-KACIIKH CALL US R. L GARRETT | * Major League Baseball * . AMERICAN* I.KAGVE Vecterdaj't Scores. St. i^ouis. 4; Now York. 3. j Detroit. 4-2; Iloston. 0-3. Philadelphia. 3; Chicago. 5. |iow They Stand. Won Lost Pet. I New York 68 3 4 .667 Cleveland 57 47 .548 1st. Louis 53 49 .520 Detroit 4 S 4 9 .4 95 Chicago 47 53 .470 Washington 45 54 .455 Philadelphia 45 55 .450 Boston 38 62 .380 NATION AL, LEAGUE. Yesterday's Scores. St. Louis, 4; New York. 3. Chicago. 4; Philadelphia. 2. Brooklyn, 9-2; Pittsburgh, 2-5. How They Stand. Won Lost Pet. New York 70 35 .667 Cincinnati <51 43 .586 Pittsburgh U U ia*. Chicago 55 40 .578 j Brooklyn 52 51 .505 I St. Louis 51 54 .486 Philadelphia 34 69 .330 Boston 30 72 .294 Mrs. John Tucker ana Miss Vetle 1 Love spent Thursday at Virginia , Beach. ItKYIVAL AT WOODVILIJ! WILL BKCilN ON St?\D\Y Services at Woodville Ha pilot Church Sunday morning at 11 o'clock will 1m* conducted by the Rev. Dr. Bray of l.ynchbtiYc. Va.. who will al so conduct tcvival service* tlion*, be cinninu Sunday owninu at S o'clock and continuing through the week, preaching afternoon and ? vcnlitK Dr. "bray will bo assisted by llev. T. C. Keaton of Winston-Salem. IIOADS AND WRATH Hit DKLAY M'Ol'TS* TICIP On account of bad roads and stormy weather, Scoi*i master Scat teruood has postponed his visit to the Virginia Scouts at Camp Washlnutou. SEED For Farms and Garden Electric Supplier, Lighting Fixtures and House Wiring. Yours to serve FEED For Stock and Poultry ^S.Vhitefc Co. i none6*: izonPomdexterSt. Yorktown. Virginia. Many of the boy* wen? ill-appoint ' p?l, as wi'll as tli?? BcoudimMtfr. Ilul when tli?' boys l*>arn?-d that their; r would attempt th?* trip at a !a!? r dat?* *hen the weal Iter chanties*.' th^y well pleased. 1 U DRIVE IT I Y Kent a new Ford and drive It ? I >our*elf. SjKxlal Commercial I ?|> llnlrs. 6 ?$? Bailey's Filling Station $ ^ " Church St. % Gelfand's R e I i s F and Mayonnaise at all Rood grocers. >^?^<,'>^^<".K,?X-X"X"X"XmX'?<> $ Where Society Brand 4 rinthf? Am Sold D. Walter Harris The City Tailor and Clothier Famo and Lebanon Belle Flour are absolutely flours of quality told by the leading froetr* ?Distributed Br? - a. f. toxey & "Company Water 8tr*?t Owens Shoe Co. FOOT WEAK OF MERIT Main St., Hinton Building Where Every Man Finds What He Likes to Wear Spencer- Walker Co. l\COR!*Oll.\TI-:i> Million IluiMititf. 0|>|Hisitc V. M. C. A. Il'oiimii's IT'wir ? .1/. LEK.II SltEEP CO. ? IIomtin's JJ'ear An Extraordinary Purchase of Canton Crepe and Poiret Twill D resses Made by our buyers who were in New York last week, enables us to offer you a wonderful as sortment of well made gar ments ? many of them new fall models ? at prices that will mean a real saving for you. Just the garments for early full Smnrt tailored model*?or snappy dressier crea tions for those who prefer that type of dress. The colors ure Navy, Brown and Mark, varied hy many smart touches of eolor that make their appeal at sight. It is really a smart lot of dresses?that we feel lueky in securing for you. We have made three priees on tliein. Each lot is |(ood and well worth consider ation. ? LOT 1 LOT 2 LOT 3 Priced at Priced at Priced at $15.00 $18.95 $25.00 ro V?tl c* fT'oman'n Wear ?will help you own (lint homo. Happinc** Ih arlilevi'd only by ntr(i)!pllnK and patient plilKKlim. and the more wo nar rillr?? for a covcl?'d ambition the If 1 v!??? r wo prize it when we realize it. A PftvinuM account will keep your money safe, remove the temptation to Hpend money foolishly, and will be the means of your niaktni; your dreams conn? true. Carolina Banking & Trust Co. : The Family Market | ; Grocery Specialties! | J. WV-n >on <!? your procory A y ii ? Willi ti i you urn as- 'J > *?ir??l <|i:atiVv products, cour- Y ( 11'n 11 ?< 11? t. ? 1111 i i)i and prompt dt* X ;? 11 very, at tlic moiit reafcouabto v ' I Morgan & Parker :j 1' PHOXE 230 ? '1 Mrs. Gartman Was Given Up to Die S o u.t h Carolina Woman Weighed 65 Pounds When She Began Taking; Stel la Viftae "When I started taking Stella Vl tae I wclKlicd only eighty-flvc pounds; hut I now weigh a hundred and seventy flv<* pounds and feel food all the Ihn?'," wnl<l M;h. P. E. Gartman, of North, S. \z. "Bark in 1919 I wan nothing but a shadow and nobody ever Buffered more from female trouble* than I did. I was In bed all the time and when my perlodn came round I thought I should die. In fact at one time I wjih actually given up. A frhnd who came t<> ????? me told me she thought Stella Vltae would help me, and nn my family wanted me to try It I consented to do ho. "I felt ho much better after taking my first bottle, nhd when I had taken hI* bottle* I was a well woman and am still. 1 picked up and gained In weight something wonderful and nothing worries me now, an I am in first-class condition." .Stella Vltae may be obtained from any druuulst and the purchase price will he refunded if it falla to bring relief. adv. "WORSE THAN PAIN" Looitiana Lady Say t She Has "Utt er Food Anything Better Thai Cirdoi for a Ron-Down Morgan City, La.?"It would be hard tor me lo tell how much benefit I have . derived from the use of Cardul," said Mr*. I. 0. bowman, of 1319 Front Street, this city. "I was so run-down In health I could hardly go. I was thin. I had no ripefite. Could not rest or sleep well. was so weak, and so very nervous, I was no pleasure to myself. "I suffered some pain, but the worst ol my trouble was from being so weak and easy to get tired and out of heart. ? "This nervous condition was worse than pain, "Someone fold me of Cardul, and I decided to use it. "Alter using a few bottles, I regained my strength. I wasn't so nervous, and began |0 eat and sleep, aad grew stronger and was soon well. "I have never found anything better tor a run-down condition." If yo? suffer aa this Louisiana lady did, you, too. should Had Cardul helpful lor yotir troubles. Oct a bottle of Cardul. today. NC-144

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