Corporation Commission Makes Reply To Charges Answering Accusations Made by New Hanover (iraiid Jury, Tells How State Examiner* Uncovered Condi tion* in Banking Institution . ____ J' (By The Associated Press) Raleigh, Sept. 20.?The North i Carolina Corporation Commission, the policies of which In connection ?with the supervision of enforcement of the State banking laws. w< re re cently criticised in the report of a New Hanover County grand Jury, to day Issued a statement in which it declared, "The highly public pur pose of making banks safe for de positors is not helped by unintelll-, gent criticism of the depurtm?'nt that la earnestly. Intelligently and effec tively working to this end. nor is the business of muking banking unsafe for criminals helped when court of ficers turn on those who furnish the evidence, the cooperation and In many cases the special prosecuting counsel to convict bank criminals." "The Corporation Commission wel comes the opportunity presented by the criticisms of the New Hanover county grand jury to present a view of its policy of supervision that the public should understand," the in troduction of the statement read. "In numerous grand Jury Investigations with reference to criminal violations of the banking law. the commission has placed at the dlsopsal- of grand juries its complete flies of confiden tial reports of Its examiners. Theae reports have disclosed , ascertained Conditions of Insolvency., Those who never gave ibank supervlgielf enough thought to have jut-^tfftelll gent opinion about it have Jumped at the conclusion that this was perfect proof that the commission was gross ly negligent In performance of Its du ty if it permitted a bank to continue in operation after It became known to It that such bank was in any de gree Insolvent." With view to protecting its policy In this regard, the commission in cluded in its statement a passage from "Romance and Tragedies of Banking." by T. P. Kane, for 27 years the assistant comptroller of the currency. The excerpt read: "For every failure of a national bank that has occurred during the ?zUtenee of the system a large num ber of associations have been saved from failure through excellent work of the bank examiners and the Inter ventlon of the Comptrollers. "The quiet and nnrn.??*sfui handling of tu<*h i- 10 described s ? ? ? ? hfJ of publicity,1 and st the so. as ?pe'. i 'a ? > .11 efforts to Stf *1/t' c Oiit a iou of this c(I tin among the ??LcpcMlor?, wuir.ii would precipitate the very condition* nought to be avoided. Consequently, tin* exuml-, ners and comptrollers office never receive the credit to which they are Justly entitled for tin- effective work done in nursing hanks that are in a critical condition, or on the verge of dissolution, hack again into a state of healthy financial existence. "On the other hand, if the nursing remedies fail on account of the in curable Illness of the patient, no credit Is given for the efforts made to save the life of -the Institution. The examiner and the comptroller are eoverely criticised and censured for having permitted the patient to live so long, and the effectiveness of the ?yatem of official supervision as a whole is generally measured by the failure In a few Instances to accom plish the results desired and not by the numerous successes achieved In ? working banks out of desperate sit uations. "There? is about ?h much reason ?nd justice In criticisms of thin char acter as there would be in discredit ing a noted surgeon ns unskilled when In the course of his practice lu? operates successfully upon 99 cases and unsuccessfully upon one. or in measuring the professional reputa- j tions of a regular practitioner by thej occasional case that he loses in the course of a long practice in3te:id of by the many that he successfully treats through the remedies-pre-! scribed." The Corporation Commission com mitted itself to the policy of hank supervision outlined by Mr. Kane in the passage quoted, and sulci that it would not be stampeded into chcng Its policy in this respect by any ?mount of criticism. "The commission has In mind at this time," the statement continued. i?M o o o STORAGE BATTERY ?RICES CUT TO THE BONE "EXIDE" The Celebrated Dnlleriett Old Price New Price ORD BDBR 921.00 II ri?tr? *10.0.1 ORI> unil CHEV ROLET SIZE taT.M IB rim*. . *20.85 UICK, AUIlt HN, CHAIMKRM, DORT, DVRANT SIZE. 18 PIMM - *23.00 beral discount to dealer*, i^akm of storage hatter repaired and recharged. TO & GAS ENGINE WORKS INC. 1 W. GAITHER, Prent. 105 N. Water Street "one bank which examination dis closed would not have liquidated fifty I cents on the dollar under receiver-! ship. It had a million of deposits and if closed on thai report, which disclosed Insolvency, depositors in that community would have suffered a clear Ioh sof half a million dollars and .a half a dozen smaller banks would have followed In the failing. Through a gradual process its loans have been strengthened with security and It is regarded today as a solvent -institution, under conservative man 1 agement and serving its community. , If the effort to save that bank had 'finally failed, the loss to its credi tors would have been no greater than iif it had been closed without an ef jfort when its insolvency first became apparent. I "In the particular case which the I New Hanover grand Jury criticises, the actual conditions were uncovered by our examinee* and our banking .department was so sharply behind them that they were driven Into the 'national system, where they wexe permitted to go on with a hundred thousand dollars less of new capital than our department had demanded, j- "In the Intrest of public welfare, we appeal to the people who think, and who have an equal interest In public welfare, to give consideration to the phuse of this question we have tried to present In this discussion, which can only be discussed In gen eral terms, and let's have an end of criticism that is meaningless and hurtful, even If intended to be in the public interest. The commission in its statement praised the work of the State Bank ing Department and attributed to 'In activities of that department the present banking law. which, it said. I* being administered efficiently. 1 here is no absolute safeguard against criminal Intent, it stated, but eight persons are serving time In State's prison for criminal violations of the banking law. While the state law requires only one examination a year, the Corpora tion Commission nsed its general au thority to require two examinations 1 : i~i year of more than half of the state banks, it was declared -Itt the j statement. Following a conference with the Corporation Commission, the state ment said, n committee from the State Hankers Association, told the, commission that It had no recommen- ; dations to make concerning its su pervision of the state bank*. MAY .\ POI.H \YK1? IN Kl'SHIA? ITS A MATTKIt OF UKtKiKAPHY Warsaw, Sept. 20 ? The Polish government has announced that it will consider valid in Poland all mar riages performed by Soviet civil of fices uniting Russian citizens, but Soviet marriages between Polish hubjects originating from the for mer Russian part of Poland, where civil marriages did not exist, will not be considered valid. Soviet marriages between Poles from the former Aurstian and Ger man parts of Poland, where civil, marriages existed, are valid and can be annulled only if a divorce is pro nounced by a Polish court. I The Berlin embassy says It Is un able to grant permission without communication with the central gov ernment In Moscow and delays are as prolonged as they were before the announcement of a change in policy. Henderson to St&fse FaO Fashion Show H*cd?T*on, Sept. 20^?-^Terehants of ll'-nder^on are preparing for an elaborate semi-annual fashion show to be conducted here Wednesday, September 26. The trade boosting event was inaugurated here in recent years, and. merchants say. the fash ion has proved so successful in in creasing their business volumes that it has been decided to make It an established event. Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Blades and children. Carl. Jr.. and Annie Estelle. have returned after spending some ?time at New York City and Atlantic City. Gelfand's Relish and Mayonnaise at all good grocers. Dictates of Fashion In Fall Footwear For the woman who is particular about " her footwear our Shoes are unsurpassed. We have given much study both to appearance and comfort. And our prices are a revelation of value-giving offers. Included in our selec tion are the Black Suede, Black Satin, I.og Cabin, Beige and Beaver. Low Military and Junior Louis heels. Also Melius Hi-jh and Low Florshcini Shoes for Fall We Specialize in School Shoes Gallop & Toxey Shoe Company "1Joure shifting^ O.Kt~ Tix your clutch brakes' Ora# this live ? experience'. Say " Polarine" ?not just "a quart of oil" The Fleet Bos9 knows from years of experience (hat noisy Rear shitting isn't always the fault of the driver. Very often a slight adjustment of the clutch brakes will remedy grating gears. Many clutches can be adjusted to a quick or slow shift, whichever your habit of shifting may be. The Fleet Boss has learned by experience a bookful of things that you will never find in print. It's much the same with refining motor oils. Polarine is the product of a vast fund of practical experience possessed by the men who make it? experience that has to be learned under actual refining conditions. You can rely 100% on this experience for the scrvlce Polarine will give when it gets into your motor. You can trust quantity production and lon? experience in distributing, too, to keep the pricc reasonable. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (New Jersey) The Pol wine Chan bolU down ywi of ?tperlenee with mn kind of car and recommend# the right comiilency of Bolartna foe roan. Conjult it at yoar dealer'*. The Man Who's Never V/oi~i c Cap Finds "SURE-IIT" a Real Trect There's a comfort to "Sure-Fit** that no hat can ever give. Nor any other cap, either. An adjusting device tightens it or loosens it to suit any need. Just like - belt. AND?there's a style in "Sure-Fii" equal to that of the best felt you ever wore. Just try cap comfort?wiili cnc of the fine new Ft U designs in "Sure-Fit'*. SOLD AT GOOD STORES Look for Them in the V/irtdow Makem FINE & LEVY, 702, Kerv Vc.k C!:y TSu Imhtf fttki tit ' THE DURHAM LIFE Insurance Co. ? Is \oic Issuing a JViec Line of ORDINARY POLICIES We are glad to announce to our industrial policy Hold ers and other friends that our Company, the Durham Life Insurance Company, is now issuing a nice line of Ordinary Policies. For quite a while "The Durham Life" has been the leading Industrial Insurance Company of-North Caro lina. Fair dealings and promptness in settling our claims is what won this place for us and on these same principles, we solicit your business. District Representatives D. C. MARTIN, Supt. II. MrDWIKI., Asst. Supt. II. (i. I>.% VEX PORT. .A Kent. F. K. WllAI.KY. A(Cllt. .1. I". OVKIIMW, Atent. SI. .IKNMNtiS. AkpiiI. I). .1. I'ltrrt'llAltn, Hertford. I', si. SWAIN, I tc Hi men. .1. M. II AliKKI.I., Kdenton. ONLY BIG SHOW COMING Elizabeth City, Friday, Szpt. 2/ CHRISTY BROS. GREATER UNITED 4 RING WILD ANIMAL EXPOSITION The Supreme Achievement of Moderu Amusement Creatioa AN ENTIRE TRAINLOAD OF ANIMAL ACTORS The Children'* Fairyland A C?n?M> ZMlMteal Nmtry Full ?4 t?bT Animal* 100 New Aaiatl AcU 100 Aere# of New Waterproof T?nt? Brilliantly L|httd by Thr?* Complete Elec tric Lifhling Systems. TkiWnta Skw tf It, VirM tattilrii | Trprs fmn Utprtfi Am ZikM Ztla If" C'Mfirt Utm Cm Ma. in. I 25 CLOWNS 25 12S~IrMic Stats 125 4 SUNOS * 2~~WliOKS?3 Mm NtLfY tfl MZ21V IT48? IU i?t HMumri VI HI (UPtiNT Mf hist tk rum ? m tto!C?*>tlf>lnmi ?ain on mim . wm??ir.i