THE ADVANCE l*KKCi V. ? PKKI.K, Publisher* HERBERT PEELE. Ed. Member > | W 2S Zona 0n?. 12 nantin Jt.'jn By Mail CU?whrr* ffr.OO SubM-ripf ion !??!??* lit riiiricr. v ? Wrrk _ * I maifh (in advance 1 <;.? 12 month* on idunu) H Uj WEDNESDAY. NOV 1!?2 To All Tin* People There will. The Advance hopes, be a response to the lied Cross roll call this year that will justify the hopes of the roll call committee for a greatly enlarged membership of the lo cal chapter of the American Red Cross. "I take especial pleasure," says Mayor W. JJe>i_Ciood\vin in a letter to the local commit tee, "in endorsing the humani tarian work which the Red Cross Society is performing. The mention oif the Red Cross brings to mind its minis trations upon battlefields; its helpfulness when communities have been stricken by calami ties and pestilence, and its ma ny accomplishments in alleviat ing suffering and distress wherever found. The work of -this organization is indispensa ble and its activities merit the support of all the people." The Advance hopes that "all the people" will bear in mind their responsibility in this mat ter and that they will not seek to shirk it when the time to an swer the roll call comes. : Boiler Shop Now Elizabeth City-shoppers who: fail to do their Christmas buy-: ing early this year will most i likely find themselves unable to' do it at all. i Business conditions! in thisj immediate section now fore-j shadow the biggest holiday bu-j siness by far in the history of Elizabeth City. Cotton is high and going higher, and profits on most other crops this year have been at least fair. Even i now stores are crowded on Sat-' urdays and many stores have more than they can wait on. Witlv.these conditions exist ing and with much cotton in the County yet to be sold, if buyers wait until their usual time to begin Christmas shopping they will find merchants too busy to serve them and stocks that are usually complete up to Christmas week shot all to piec es before the second week in De cember. The safer course is to Ijegin Christmas buying now. Mer chants in Elizabeth City have not yet begun to display their Christmas offerings, but The Advance hazards a guess that they will not object to making a suggestion if you insist 011 it. Thnt was an awful boner in this column the other day about the scrapping of the North Car olina, confusing the modern battleship sold for junk under the Four Power pact with the old North. Carolina built in 1007. But there's just so much going 011 in this world of qur'n that we can't keep track of. all of it nil the time. Elizabeth City Klks are due double congratulation?once on the improvement in the appear ance of the club's quarters and again on the securing of Dr. Mendoza as speaker for this year's memorial service. It goes without saying that a big Eliz abeth City crowd will hear Dr. Mendoza. Wasn* t it just our blooming luck that we should run into four pages on the day after we had announced all our new fea tures. Well, we're hoping both for our sake and for yours that this is the last four-page issue we'll have until Christmas. ?II rim - - VETS ARE ASKED HELP ROII CALL State < .oiiiiuamler Kodmaii I r^'rs Full (^Htjicration of American Legion in K<>\VKLIi C Live. I)rexse?l. Yoiinu' Chickens ._...25-27 Old Hens 20 tJrere ~ _rr 20 no Dark* 20-2 j .50 Larue IIoks .. ' 10-12 Small Hogs - 12-l.r> Milk Cal^s 12-15 Ytorllnga > 7-1 o SwiM't 1'iitiitues hu. T7r7TTnr-;f3.00~^2,25J Eggs, doz. ...45c J Wire Your ii omo on X X Easy ^'(M'kly 1'aymnitH {? VII Work ?81 a wnikj; t MIDGKTT BROTHERS % 2 illO IIINTON HIJMJ. $ ? I'hone*: Oiro. MI7-W. lies. ;i1tt!-Wg ??x-x~x~xk~x~xk~x^k^k*<~x-; i . ??. I TIMELY TOPICS 8< c the latent novelty In Candle*? Jacobean Trl-Color. Jacobean Twist, and Kalco Chroma. I*. \V. MKMCK CO. Far Forth ft Gn(t tiaTftm Klectrlc Supplier. LIkIiIIiik Fixture* niul House Wiring. Your* to nerve FEED For Stock and Poultry ^S.White6Co. Phone 6*: ito-uPoifidrxtrrSt. Seasonable Suggestions ItchIi ntork anil tlie very l?r-t ?|inility. Itl CKWHKAT ll.Otlt Ml^rK MKAT < i i i:icy tii5\i'i: nil*it o|( Wi.KS n?l man) otlirr irood flilim* In any line of groceries you need. 4u?l Phone ?'! or ft7, mid we'll nerve )ou. M. P. Gallop Co. | H. C. Bright Co. UrirK Jeweler* In K*at?rn North Carol In* KIPLING WRITES BOY SCOUT STOin N? *.v York, Nov. 7.? Rudyard Kip ling ims written a story rspecially for lboy* of America. This >t??ry is !!'?? |ir.-t on" ilrttlcRMil cs; ecirtllv for his youim adniir i> the author <"r ?'Stalk" Co.." "Kim." "Jitti Hooks," ami "Captains Courageous" ha. ? riti-i? in a number of yearn, it will a;>|M ar in the December numb*, ,??f I.if*-, t It* uiauazinc pub lish?'<| hy tlu* Hoy Scout umanizatioi for all hoys, J am cm LI. WVst, chie;' Scout e\*'cutlv?\ announced today. The KipiinK story is on*, of the many outstandlnu features made possible as a result of the fund re cently grcuri'd by the Boy Scout or ganization for the developingnt of the bets possible type of juvenile tiction. In his latest story, entitled "His (lift," Kiplinu create* a new charac ter a Hoy Scout, whose career af fords plenty of laughs and many chuckleg, with a lesson or two be sides. The November uumtior of Hoys" Ufc, now on the newsstands. bears evidence of the Hoy Scout organiza tion's determination to make it a na tional niffcazlne that can challenge comparison with the best among the ;idiiIt publications because of Un distinguished authors it summons to service in the Interest of America's youth. ? I'AY-AS-YOU GO IS VIRGINIA PLAN Hichmond. Nov. 7.?Good roads in ' Virginia will not be constructed from the proceeds of a bond Issue but wTtl be financed on the pay-as you -go the result of the re ferendum yesterday w}ien the propo sal to issue $50,000,000 in bonds was overwhelmingly defeated. Re ports front counties are slow coming In on nccouttt of bad weather ftnd crippled wire facilities but indication at midday were that the majority against the bonds would be 30,000. NORFOLK COTTON November 7 Middling (opened today) ....32 He Middling (close today) 33c l Reported by Winborrie ft Co.) Man I uses Hundreds Of Dollars "I am sorry I did not hear of Mayr's Wonderful Remedy a few '?o irs a?o. -js It would havo saved me several hundred dollars. Five years I -Mffertd from indigestion and se ven* bloating. I gre wworse all the time. My doctor said an operation would We all thai could save nie. I took a course of Mayr's NVnoderful Remedy instead and for the past year haw 1m an fiUrtly well." it is a simple, harmless preparation that remove*. the catarrhal mucus from the intestinal tract and allays the in!/itumation v.hlch riuisi's practical ly all stomach. liver and intestinal ailments, including appendicitis. One dose will convince or money refund ed. At all druggists. % . 5: :j; Announcement? We nre now down town ag' cuts for the "Quality Maker?" *t* and w ill carry n complete sup- y |dy of rolls, bread, cakes, pies .j. iukI other gotM-l tilings to cat. X See our attractive window y display. a ? The MAIN STREET GROCERY x i PHONE n:\r, $ monuments Lawson & Newton rhe Mnnit merit People Kstlmate* Cilven on Work Set Complete ,?1?nt (cello Ave. at 11th St 1NOHFOI.K, VA. To-HlfiHT Tomorrow Alright MFADACHt*, call for an Nt Tfttfet. U vegetal > ?ptflrnO to ton# and tha organ* of dlcaa'.'.on and elimi nation. Improvaa Appetite, K?.. ann- ar? rested but 1 'helps was judged tl)? aggressor, and was lined $5 an 11 costs. Flowers for All Occasions SERVICE UNEXCELLED OltANDY THE FLOItlST Mrs. J. G. Fearing, Agt. Elizabeth City. N. C. Phones 533--657-W. The l4ike Drummoml Canal Ai Water Company XOTICK November flrst and until further notlro the south lock of the-nnlal win also bo dosed. I). F. FOREHAND. nov.l^7-np Supt. Biff! Bang! Boom! He's Here Adain tn Scenario byTomGeraghtv Story by Harold MacGratn Directed byMctor Fleming Six Reels of Fairbanks Humor Thrills - Love - Speed - Action Dorrt think its an ordinary picture ? itfc "Doug" Super-fied in a United Artists. Production. Alkrama Today .MIMIHHION? 2flc ami .VH' A BATTERY That will crunk your car Win ter ami Summer FOR $16.00 llatfrrle* rhnruwl ami rebuilt at rraiotiable prlrw. PHONE 497 JEWISH SHOPS ARE BADLY WRECKED | B> Ttle r?r*?.? ? i;*rlin. Nov. 7.-?Sporadic plund-' oring of tout! shop* is au.iin in pro gress ia 1S< ilin. directed especially aguinst Jewish -i with ih?' r? suit thai up to this m<>r::ing many shops have ..eea wre k? .1 and #more than a hundred persons injured. Today'* plundering. although scatterd, ap parentiy wis. thoroughly organized. DECREASE IN BUILDING OBSERVED IN STATE Raleigh. November 7?A slight) decrease in building operations; throughout the State believed to be due to the approach of winter, is re ported by M. L. Shipman. Commiss ioner of Labor for the federal and State governments in his weekly re-1 report made public here tonight, j The report Indicates that a small i surplus of skilled labor of various classes is available ?ut that the sup-, ply of unskilled labor practically is exhausted. The prospect for unemployed j clerical and professional helpers Is) more encouraging, soys the report and a demand in some quarters is | HOUSE WIRING nit<1 DISTIMTIVK FIXTl'RKS MIDGETT BROTHERS :tlo iiiiTTTiii itidu.?niiwi*- xrr^wr. Just Received f A New Lot of ?! BALLAKDS J COLD MEDAL, and TECO BUCKWHEAT and PANCAKE ? FLOCK Fresh Vegetables 'X. and Fruits Ijl J. \V. Sliaiuionhousp X & Son PHONE 187 b?-inj? made for brickmasons. Wilmington leads in the number of person* p lured in portion* o: re muneration dtirinu thv past wek with Ash<-ville second. The total numb* r employed la.-t wvek was 4S3 perrons. 1UK TIKtiS flood, Oldt)<>lc displayed at Zoeller's Studio all this werk. You are cordially Invited to wo It. They are moat attractive pictures. nor.6 9 np IIRIimWL YBlLoW AND WHITKi chrysanthemums, long atema and i lovely grean foil**#. 11.16 and $ 11 a doten. Mrs. Chaa. Sander*, 615 Hunter Street, Phono 330-W. , i'HV. McPIIF.RSOV MU>S. S. <\ III H line between Klizaheth City and Norfolk dally an?l Sunday. Leave Southern Hotel 10.30 a. m. L*ave Mcio and Corimerrlal Place 3.45 p. in. Fare 92.00. He *afe; $10,000 ln*urance. Phone 837. oct 29?nor lOpd FOR HAIK ? UIUiK YKI,I/)W Chrysanthemum*. Apply Mm. J. I). Fltehett, 208 Locust St. Phone 6 48-J. nov.l-7-pd I,OHT ? KNVRLOPE I.MPItl.NTKD with card of I'. W. Mellck Co., con-j talnlng Liberty lxwn coupon*. The return will be appreciated and re-j warded. Itrnilz^d llpts of numh?ff and nniounts have born placed In tlw banks and notice to atop nny-i ment given. Mrs. Cam W. Me-lick. ] Nov.n-tf FOR KALE?1IOI SK unci 1/OT. 314 Went Church street, Elizabeth Cltjr* N. C.. W. A. Worth, Illnton Bid*. Oct. 18 tfnp. FOR RF.NT?LAROR KlCillT IIOOM house, corner Cedar and LoeuM^ streets. Light* and water. Appl/ Mr*. A. J. Scott or phone 219-J. nov.7-tf-np MILK CX>W. FBKMH, FOR lAU Half Guernsey and half Jersey and a good milker. C. C. TfcomfAon. 60^ Southern avonue. o?*.?,7,i