FIRST AERlAlTPHOTO TO SHOYv Ui>Ut. SAM GUARDING PANAMA CANAL. i .n?io chow* an unusually clear photograph, showing the entrance to the Panama Canal, Llmon Bay and the city of Colon.__France Field, the army air hase. Is seen In the foreground. Christmas Eve Caroling Observed In 1,154 Cities Survey by the \iftional Hitreau for Advancement of Music Shous Wonder Jul Growth it I Delightful Old Ynletide Custom from a Total of Only ,'il Cities in 191H New York. November 15 ? From a traceable total of thirty in 1918 the number of cities and towns in the United-States that observe the fine old custom of outdoor Christ mas caroling had increased In 1922 to 1,154. according to an elaborate' survey Just Issued by the National Bureau?for Hw Ailf nu emeiii?af~ muslc from its offices In New York. It Is expected that Christmas of now less than two months away, will be greeted by merry carolers In close to 2,000 communities iu every State In the Union. The survey of convenient size and appropriately printed in green and red In the Yuletide spirit, is headed, "Christmas Caroling in 1922." A short history of outdoor caroling; in the United States as revealed In the bureau's records is givcu. fol-' lowed by a map of the United States,* on which, In red. Is indicated nil, towns and cities in which cnt'oiiug groups sang* throughout the streets. In parks, nubile squares., etc., in De-, Cenvber 1922. Following that Is a pointed complete list, alphabetically arranged according to the bureau's records, the custom was observed last year. "Ten years ago. * pays tho Ad vancement Bureau in its survey, "outdoor ChrMmns Eve Caroling, especially by itinerant groups through the streets of town and vil lage. w:ajs almost unknown In this country. The beautiful old custom that had once been universul In Eng land hnd nil but died. "The widespread adoption of tin*! Community Christmas Tree did much, to bring the c-irols to public attention again. Yet the singing of the charming old Yuletldo songs for the public benefit was nil too In frequent nnd the genernl absence of the 'waits.* tlie traveling 'bands of carolers, In their picturesque rod cambric capon, was particularly re grettable. "The National Bureau for the Advancement of Music, which Is in terested in extending more widely the influence nnd utilization of music among the American people., ?aw In the Christmas caroling one of the most inspiring uses of song, > as 4 citi' S nnd towns Dec. 1922 "The total for 1922 does not in clude 300 cities and towns In the | prevloua surveys lrom which no re-.j i ports were received as to 1922. Un doubtedly a large percentage of them observed the custom. "The response of the public scat tered from coast to coast and from the Canadian border to the Gulf of Mexico, furnishes convincing evi dence that the outdoor Christmas caroling has struck ?i popular cord uLd fulfills a prpular desire. "Some of the cities were large. oth? rs small. Some had caroling enough to cov**r the entire area. others for but one or two dis tricts; while in still others earols w. r? sung around the Christina? tre.? only. The information was gathered from newspaper clippings nom all parts of th*' country, as ,well as ?y direct correspondence, it-1 it is probable that many cities were overlooked. No places were included where the caroling was simply an indoor or church event." New York led all slates in the trimber of towns and cities reported a?? having observed the, caroling custom !n lf?22. Its total was 111. !'? ::n>ylvania was.second with 93. M ??siuli.s-ietts third wifti SC. Call .??;nla had 85, Illinois 71. Ohio 56, New Jersey 54, Georgia 50. Every syite in tlie Union is re .ofded in th'? list at the end of the survey. The District of Columbia and Alaska also appear. The number of annual obser vances. as indicated by the list, run from one to five. Detroit, Michi gan, is the only city recorded as having had five observances. Communities that are taking up Christmas caroling this year for the first time ?ran get full Information in regard to the custom from the Na tional for th?> Advancement of Music. 10k West Fortieth street. New York City. TlivS safe deposit box of every wealthy man, when opened by his heirs, usually riieelo&L's pome "cats and dogs" among his investments. A life insurance policy in the Equitable, however, is always worth 100 Cents on the Dollar at maturity. THE EQUITABLE LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY of the UNITED STATES ALVIN T. HALEY SPECIAL AGENT 211-216 Illntoii liullflltiit KIJZAIiKTII CITY, N. C. Substitutes are gener ally more expensive in the end than ger r-~: articles. House./i\ j have learned ? t' y KNOW this is true where bakings are con cerned. Self rising flours are ckssed as substitutes ? v '? flour and good :'.er. The use ot these special mixtures is very liable to result in false econ omy, failures and waste on bake day. Remember there is a big difference, in many ways, between biscuits and other bakings made from these so-called self-rising flours and those made from good plain (lour and a de pendable leavener. Try the experiment?make a baking from each? convince yourself. You will find the baking made from flour and baking powder far more attractive in appearance. It will raise higher? retain its full food value and taste better. For best results, do not fail to use Calu met, the Economy Ilaking Powder, and a reliable brand of plain flour. Just think of it?the sale of Calumet is 2 Yz times as much as that of any other brand. It contains only such ingredients as have been offici ;lly approved by the United States Fool Authorities. It is snr?. You save when you buy it?you save when you use ic. PACKED IN TIN -KEEPS STRENGTH IN The Right Place to Buy Stoves, Ranges, Heaters STANDAUI) MARKS, LAKCKIt l.INFS, LOWER PRICES BETTER SKHVICE. Quinn Furniture Company LENDERS YELLOW FRONT STORES Cash nml Carry Economy (. 15,. Ol' AKKlt'S ?.r MOTHER'S OATS. pits. 10c 1). OATS, 3 pkg*. for 23c I). I'. COFFEE. I ll>; sealed pkjr. 33c Pr-.cked in double lined, m and dust proof sanitary bags. Saving over the costly decorative tin contain ers from lc to 8c per pound. t'lYISOX, fanry ilruinril, .tT.MOIIK'S .MIM'K MK AT, lii. _noc Hi. aic OIUM.K oi i.k.mox i'i:ki.. mts, H>. - :!???lc PLUM PUDDING, V H. C. Individual can ?.? LiMiy's, No. I can : 25c No. 2 can . 13c COCOA, D. P. Brand, \. i?-ii?. 9?-ii?. Wonder Self Rising ... 15c li'Sc 81.65 83.25 OLD DUTCH CLEANSER, I can for 25c D. P. CAKE, Choice of Pound, Layer or Raisin, 11) 25c We recommend this cake to our customers for its very supciio;* quality. SOY BEANS Wc are in the market for soybeans all the time. For the past two years, by boosting the markets, we have made it possible for the farmers to realize an average of 40 cents per bushel more than they would have gotten otherwise. It is our policy to help th>! market all we can at all times. Before selling SEli US. _ ... Brock & Scott Produce Company PHONE 181 BURGESS STREET FORD Wo can mukr ininirdiatr tlrlivrry on all lypn of Ford (inrs. Auto & k j;is Engine 'Works C. W. < t 11 r! ? i Pres. 103 N. Water Slreol PHONE 233