< r! t: % n \ i: I'l.tv \t I .11 tii\.,| ! > t:. M pi. i *i J ? ij?-. kit \v Wi ll i i ? "it nuif ?? ? N. V. N. w York a * ? t ? ??? mi M,. \;. . K1;;w . pi*- .?i t, ;v, < <ts in- ,j, |j (d v t rJ.iZii'.. tl? i n;.. \imitier I- IVetiicM ?:t' ? '? iti'HK' lias !??-? -si add'.-d tn tne Ir-f . i ??: iMr??n in h.- \,,i.?| t'x ;-:*?t!>st in lllizah. tli Cit\. |*n ?lay aft-!t.oon. U js that oC Mi Doiot .y Kramer. Pergonals Dr. ,S. H. Templ.nmn has returned to the city afiVr a visit to KaN igli. ??1r-.^ II . .. ;?? ? !?*. Ithirk of (' influ ence, Pa.. Iia- returned homo after a brief v:-:r *o her hrr?th''t*-S. K. Wil liam* ?i.i r Avviiue. Mr. an; Mrs. \v.y rmviu.-n, J': ' ?" ? "t-'aft k,\ M,? J. ial, Hhe. .. or d t . N? ,;k \v in day. Mr. nr; Mrs. Mile* fj ,rk *p. nt the ?!?>? vV. !::? Jay in Norfolk. Tie y w?i:t ?n ta-.r boar, Tamurn.-k, o.i ii~ 1 '? - !? i's renovation. Adoli'jfcu- !)? an is home for the holidays . a 'h<> i*nl\. r.-iiy " at Chap. i Mill. :?* with h:> moth r. ???? ? an. I i ? North Mar tin ?irut. MJs< Mi1!.o*Jit I layman, u ho l?iv - i viattlmn. wiil v- iri 1 ? ?:?!'?. v re \vill ste;. over a <1. y with Mr-. it r. tt on h. i . . ? - s. ottHViili*. v.,. wh r i :!.?? h'>ii(j..iys?'vr.rh V-r she viil pnrfnt-'l M - ? Ann ' ? Abbot^, -indent it M*.r.? c'.tli t'-lbtfo. Raleigh. wilt ai.ive T!i "...Jay night lo -:?? a i :h hot it' . st. Mil f i* Baily who Ivi* been at tend g W'aki F- r->t College \?;11 arr . ? ft t.. ciJy JThur*?J;iy for Ce llo!: lays. Min-# : Munden and T.u^ilh* J? i : : - arrived it: ??,.? < |(y Thttr^ Jay - frbni l*oQinburtt r*??l 1?nr.A v.'jll .-j*'tnJ thf' lio!i?5a\s witli r? Jativf- i . . ksviil... MIm Wflih arrived from T.'.'i:-i> . . 'i irftday rikI will ?fwml tho holi-iav- witl'i relatives at N- u Hop.. Mi-- Mar M?"rk)na will r? turn T: ur-?Jn . from Wa>-hinKton. win .?? th*' ha" '?? n aft* ndinu school, to ffi'T.rl ??.? olida> s with h* r i?ar?-tita; Mr. and Mt-. I. M. M?t kins. 21J W?>t Mi'iii str?<'t. Mih- Cat' ? rin? Alhrrtson, field f 'rr^t^'ty ?.f th. Slate l.ranrl. of n,.. rar**nt-T.-achei>" Association at Hi" C'lJet. for \\ omen at tlreehhoro. i l.i thr rity to f-j..n.l <lio hnlldnv * with lin -i,i. r?. Ml*fr? Mlnnii' ?n.| March Alb'tlson. Mis- r. ''ii-. rii#Ksr,n return* 1 Tbtirada f:"t ? WiteWoi Saloin r?d l.'tc to.-j.. nd H e holidax s with her parent". Mr. and Mrs. K. s. (*li. - pon on W? >?! Church Htr? ? t. Mini Klliab.ih Kramer iin.l Hob frl Kram.r arrlv.,1 Tliiir?.li>> fn.-.n riltiit ( .ill. '_?? at Din ham t,, i).| t i. !h i !a" with llu'lr par. iilx. Mr. ? ! Kramer on Kant Main 4ft?? ? -1. Kli/ab?th Vaah is at homo fi i Meredith College to upend the liolidav- \sit:i h? r parents. Mr and Mrs. T. i'. Nash on Muttln-ws atre?t. MIm l". ;i J. iiii?*tte of Manteo and Ott'' Holb* in ?f N.\v .York are in tl< Cltv for a day vialtinv Miss Kllzalx H, Kramer ;?t.<l Robert Kraiixr. '''i\er (filbert, Jr.. v\ho has be?n ati dint Riverside Military Arar at OainaviJIe. fJeoraia. i-f In the ri' -|H-ndh!u the l.oliday- with his ? ? '41s. Mr. and Mrs. o. r,illM n. St . 40 ' ivni?? \ l\ ania av? nue. ?>liM Fiances William* i- al home f r thf ' ? iidi:???? with her parents. Mr. and Mr-, i*. 11 Wllllaiti-. SI. ha? br?:i (eaehin: at Kir ton liith school. , UF\n<.H \KTKItS 11 KICK \t i Kit the itoi nms Ml.* r .1 tine Mhert.on. n- I.I .rcciela" f iff .-?Inte Iirain !? of Hi.. Pat. n> Tear ? \??oelni|.,ii ?i Or?en>lir.|ii. . I f It wlileh n.. v??r? It Carolina full. for Womn, >,t 'Ite. .Iiorn l? e.i o|>< ratlnir, I. In th rlty for ?' ? "vlltlnv., \;i. r i'lir!-i ? ia?. Mi-- \i?.< rtsot) will i.ial ? Kill aht.fl) City ' "r h< ...lnuart. > .. uhllr K*te will 'VI-it: hi llii. H.-etlon. SI-." ha* S'i rati- In tlie nearby t. frliotv antl mtieli frit- r?-.l has been .howii In Ixr noiit. The eollp^e at Greensboro will ?en.l MIm .Mb. rtson lo Columbia I'nlver.lf.y a-\l summer for a M'eelali fcrirs.'. "The association hopes lo be the Mtsest feature In the eiluentlon >l .1 fommtinlty life of the country. * MIm Alliertson. H. I.lvers. director of tbt> ev* te> .n d*|iartmont of North Taroll lift ' .llefe for Women, will b>> In KHt. eth Cltv for a we.k In Janu ary. 1 ? Llnnlnt on the Isth.'Ne will Int.rilew the principals and teachers' of sr'iool In thl* vicinity. I kin <>i \ it i r.i -Miss '/.no C.vhurn 41?*fI t ami Mrs. W. S. C??Mirn, il.m lit* r nul widow ??f th?> lalf \V. S. Cohurn, K. K. K. nfli?i;?I. wiio u.i >1"?t in his office. Philip Fox, former Klan t:t. is htiiiu ?r!?-?! for tlio phootinsr. ELKS MINSTREL MAKES BIG HIT Kvrry Numlirr Kncoml ami llir Mkrainu Fairly Sliool? W illi Knars of Ki'immIim! AppluuM*. llcoui ? ';? -nib-nun. -* at* d" to tin- /Tan! :kn;il* ir- F.iks Mip.-ir.d edition openirr. ? W? dn? ? day nlt-ht at I'ua AlUrama i!i? at* r was .a d? i-id*d .?>:u?"???? -s. Kvi :y number 01* tJ1- MOuriiM was encored and the audie.nco >howed its approval in r<?-. IH'UtMj niul coiniii 11 'iii;ip|ihiu>* . M w? ?? I I ?? 11* vl to iliipo.?t-ihl*< to name t ? *-'tar< of l !.?? i?. i formaiu*e unless !.)? 1st ion was nun!" of. every *iiif who took )i:ir< iti it, ineludin lit* .!????:. ~i;. i? Waldorf," of ill* ? i<-h? ~ira. with Mrs. I>. W. llar i t . ? piano. Tl. by various member* of nillrli ? iij.ij ed :,!!?! III. <?( tin- Kiwai.'- Clu'i '|ti?tilotwas' a bit lit*. Mom ?.r lip ^ - pulled b.V t oo -tuid men ? i.? n**w and all of tin in wt ic funny. There was not a <1 u 11 nioi.i* nt in the entire show. The net ion w.? * swift and heidth* atten lion of 11.sniiliwiiri' from stall to finish. It'would not fall*-to those wh-? will atf"lid tonight at ljn> second and last rforniame of tho minstr* I to rrliit any of tin- nt].. s t,>],j nj tin i v'-ii-i i-r KUzabi tli City people, and those who w? nt last i:i- !il Know til* 1:1 alivady. The .-i??rial number; wer : Iiiiii>? M? loily by Miss Je.-sh Wil li*: ! ; ^ ? Sun Ki>t Rose by (iiiirldn Cook, I.onisvil'- I,oil hy Al Hal* ; . sitting in tho Corner hv Mi- n>l*dl? Ka'v* -. The Kind of n fSirl Men For- <t by Charli- Iven. Wait in" f?.r 11?? Evenin' Mail hy Hill C. Sawyer. T'ntil it II C. Foreman Indiana Moon by W*-sh v Wood I* y. assist? d by Kiwanis rjuari< t Manini.' -? Where i'apa tlo**' l-; T. I". (lOsden. \ Ki-.- in the Dark by Mi--- Maiy I.oui.- Skinner. Sliithc-M S* r* wide bv Hni t- r Sawyer. S* v? n < i I"?\?n by D. Walter H;ir ' i*.. Wond' if-i! On* by Arthur Padgett. Two Tiun I'an by |'r??! : Crinoline Days by Mi- >1 il ? Clail;. assisted b\ Crinolin* ' ill The end men were D. V.'atti c Har ris. Al llaley. !\ F Cn?d. u. Fr *l r-obb. Mil!-* lb II. Ilill C ? *. ' il I'hepK, Millie Hughes. The - circles and choruses wre composed of (i. P. Hall. I^'ster Win der. lit .wood Duke, i\ Q Mid^'dt. John Dinner. Albert Card. Clyd" Ste vens. \. M?'tcalf. J. H. \r.d"ison. hill Anderson. Irvinu Midu?'tt, Jus. Hill, Tom Hiddick. flcori'e Scott. Jlirhardson Sedgwick. Kvnn? t.Irtdes. H. (J. Kramer: Mis.e< I'erktns*t'refv1 cv, Maf. iierit?' I'arson*, lleien! Thorja-. Until Harris. I{eb?-cca ste : vens^nrace Jenkins. Kv< lyn llu. hey, Mildred Hu'vhes. I:i 11. S nin<bis. ile herra Mll'er, I-ou Williniii . Olivia P?titon. Katherine SjM-nf". The CriflOtin* tills were M'^ses N* l!ie Jon's, Mai- aret l?avi-. Mar) Dorier. f)ll\ Wood, Kitherit ' !*?*. her. Katl?erii?e Skliimr. Mesd.nn T S. Mf.Mullan. Jr.. .tnd W. T. Pin Ins. Tin- Kiwnnls *|ttnit? t. j?pd? up r>f H. (' For* man. J. Kvan- Plnlh W. W. Wood|e>. Jr.. and II 'I. Krarn* ' . finite "Hark the Trumpet t'albth" and "Down in the ValN ?. " i n cores t?i<y ?ian~ "Roll Km Hones" aixl "Shine on. Harvest Moon." At tf.?- conclusion of th? circle art. Mr, and Mrs. Chnrle^ Ihites and Thotna- Middick put rin the tch. "Who'll Win." A nearo preach- r specialty was elven hy an artor from the Flojitltit Theater Drutllock \flrr llio Twrnly-fiflli Ballot Washlntton. Dec. 20.? After Its twenty-fifth ballot the Senate yester day was unable to break Its deadlock over the election of a chairman of the interstate commerce committee adn the balloting was deferred until after the Christmaa recess. Delightful Time At Mothers Club Christmas Tree And Program Prove Joy For Kiddies And Grownup*, Too T!" r*lirininia< ?nt? rtalnnn nf t ?v ? it Iiy III* Morli?-r>" <*2tilt :it tln? t'oin mnjiity ||(iiih> Jin ? IV<'M\?hm| ?!>*???? \V? (lit'-tl.!' ?il t??! not . UiiH ? ?-?ittii?!? ? i?' ? and inii* <i rr? ilil ih fcivon In Mr-. M.uiiii Jt'iiniiibH and li? r coin-, mho ??. .Miinit !h) w|<r? .sfitf. All II,o *? n i>nt mi tin* i ?'? Th? > \v< re diMrihntod !?> !!? v. <!iur^ H. Hill hi fO' lin:.'' a ? Santa' is i:< fui. i! o |?r?>',i.ts w< ro li:tn?l? ?l oill, .i nroLiatu nils t_-f\?-it a* follow \lll<li<'i|. Mill'- l?V ;tl| |l|?'MMll. !'ray? r. Iiy IJ? v. ?'.? i.i -.- F. Hill. W.'I.mi... . I,-.- lint. Mar.. Willi. Hali?<n. IS? ? Ki? Sa\V>? r, "T<<> , Slin|i Window." Irritation. In lit 11' M;i<< I'ail ? tt. ?\V!,;.t W? *.\.. . Not What \\\ 1 fji'l." Dint. !?> Mr<. Wil-'-n Williams ami l!? rtlia Simpson. "Tin Ir 'lift* of ltiiin><llat? !> afirr Ihv 2.i: t miiu, San*a raiue in.and tav*1 i-arli of tin*, _."??Wl?ifdr? u tin re a iir?*?nf. A ft* i all tli'- to>s \v?n? torn tli^r** still V? maim d a !???? >? nt i n tin- lr< ? . u-liicU , Sam i took to .Mrs. Vnna l.?wi*: u,> o:i opi'iiini; it -h?* disrov? leil a In-.ill tiful l? alio r hand l>a'-'. ilv* n to h? r by i !.? chili. i:? ?id?s t h? 50 rhildron and ri I niotli* rs |.r?-.-? nt. tin Linsi - \v*t> : i < lil. \ I! > I v 11 \ ? ;\\ lisn \\ ? m> ! < ?\ ( '.>1 1 \!'Ii'i'l) i:!. .< ii .1! ;;?? ion v*. I ? . t\ ?? I. . I- . ? ! t: . ! , i ? l \*% ; *?" ?'? 'on n. '? ? I'M i \v . ' . . 'i IN 'It! ' -.."s.I? I ?... I..,1.1.. , "ItM KIIOl 1*1 ic ' MM I l\?. T ? I? h!:iI*' ili'HU.lt -'?"?UhiMi Vi' I' ? ?? 11!> ? i?| III]- I "i ]?;, |: * \V ?1 * I ?? It* M fi ? . I>?:. i.f if . Plr.il if. Til? -iliiy, |.l..u;ir> 1'iiii. IVJI. l??MVt?-n l!t> I.???!!> ' f 2 in. itml i, <<?fTIIKUN TIM ST t'OMIWNY,! J,. i;. OU?. . ?l? 20,M.jun.7,1 1 Swivt .try. ^ >11 ar?-, ?>f c??jir>T, worljt ni lr'v liim-a 5'1<! a il.jv |o v<?ur f.onily. ^ i i tii.it paltry >ui.1 a il.iy |?Ut ?!ilr? ;?n 1!?r*?:? .iI?! ? policy \\? ul?! jiim ! : of iiiMiranro proli'i'iion for your family I. Look-* attractive. il? Till; EQUITABLEi Ml E A SSI R\NCE bQCJETY ?f xlc VNrrr.D s rvrrs ALVIN T. HALEY srKri.w, \(ii:.NT 214-215 11hiimi ikiiihlliiK KMKAIICrif CITY, X. C. Call Phone 31 \YK II WK NU.K < 'auliflouor Icrlirrjj Let I lire I fiery T<nnalnrM Simp lifiiim SpiniK'li ' Tanlicrriro I'ni>iii|i? ( arrol Ciililiiifto (olhird. Siihul (Jrcciw Turnip* Klllultilpl-i \\ in?'?a|? \|?j?!<?-. Orimjiri. Itunana-. Tima? rim> (>ra|M'u, <>raitrfriiil. LESLIE BELANGA TIIK day* of lii-llcr iIkiIh"* hit nlway* here. To In- mi-II (lri-?-c<l i? a in-cr ?ily ill all linn-. Nrvrr In-fore lia? our -lock liri'ii mi cnmplrli' willi ?lifT<-i*?-nt *l\lr? ami |itill<rii-> as ??? arc now *lionill|i. D. WALTER HARRIS Till' ( i/y Tailor mill I htlliii r j; I'. I ? l?iuik?, t. II. Il<i,.kint. II. II. SMITH, |! Ortlflctl 1'iifillr Irroiliifniil. M?l. \ P. L. BANKS & COMPANY ITIIf.ir ,%l fOl VT \ N IH \NI? \ri?ITOftS \u<llt?, Kxnmiimfkm?, llihlnf?? squint, Viiynno Tn\ Iiif-iiv < llivl r,OS McK'vltl ni<lsr.# City Hall Avenuo. VOItroi.K. VI. Tclo|4ione 37207 ^aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa^ .? J ......... "GOODIES" ^i>. w i. ii\\ i: inm Ml l\ iiul* Niri' 1 *i*iiiI Ml Kind- \ui? ~ l(ui?iii- r* < rlri'j t~ I ? |f!HT 7 < ratlin rnV < M I. IMIONK (??>7 R. L. GARRETT Fruits aWMuts for Christmas I n addition to your regular Christina's Gift, a basket of fruit I * Member* of your family will appreciate it ? the distant relative will never forget your remembrance?? the convalescent or invalid wi!l mend the quicker for your thoughtfulneit. Aisoitcd as you decide ? paclcrd in compelling Christmas baskets?these popularly prired Christinas fruits of M. V. PERRY Phono I'om'-EitfM-TInee At The Advance Shop Advance Want Ads Bring Result*

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