Poor Farm-Hand Defies Wealth In Struggle To Retain His Boy By NBA fc'nlii* Tipton viUe. Tenn . July 22 T whole world. it ?e.'ms, has tun. against Bert Noles. Everybody Ik trying to take hi boy away from him. Millions dollars. churches. oven i'i courts ? are aligned ngainet :l? poor, uneducated farm hand i his fight to keep lil? eight y?:i old son, Jimmy. Jimmy "Nolo*, whose -br-jm ? .10-foot shack; whose bed is pile of rag*! Jimmy Noles, who used tu ><? clubfoot ed and hobbled al.irir ? n the outside of his aiikb . I?ui who now ? thanks io\lhr Sa.id ?> school folks and kindly d trior: romps around like other kid- : ?Jimmy Noles. whom ih?* n ;; r In Chicago fought To wait upon." and who for weeks kept a big c ity lynching and crying at tin* iliiur-' M said and did!. _ Jimmy Noles, bright us a -biny new dollar, though he never has s^ent a day in school! Jimmy Noles, whofte smile rov* ?Fly and pain haven't been aide in ?rasa* TT^"A score of wealthy families aV asking the chance to lay their love snd riches at his feel'! >lt was one Sunday nun i. in More than a year ago. The Voiinc People's Association of ihe MhIio dlst Church here discovered ii would be Idle for awhile mil. sdinethlng. or someone. tuned m? oi which It cofeld center it:- |.hii apthropic activities. ^One of its CO-odd members (old Of running ucrons a litth club footed boy whose parents vs.r destitute. ?The clast Investigated. Iluf'i E,' Whitford, vice president . i Imi - describes Jimmy, as he found him ? ' "He was a ragged. dl.ily youn. ?tor, surrounded by poveit> of the meanest sort, yet cheerlul in spite of his handicap. {'He was waiting on his sick stepmother when we arrived at thfe shack. She told us he could pick 76 pounds of cotton an*. -Juch persuasion finally rained B^rt .Noles' permission for tie; class to send Jimmy to Chicago t.? have his deformed feet strah-.ht eusd. ^ tThe Bible stud<fra^ytHeil tin mbney for his fareotbd ninn . bathed him, cut m.snsggy hair an decked him om from head l<? |)r. K. W. r.rtftf* of Tipton v Ill got Into com nrfr nation with Dr. | Rjferson. a surgeon at1* St. LukeV Hospital, Chicago. Tho Jntter *>f- ? fered to treat Jimmy free. And the boy was tagged ami actually addressed to the hospital and sent on his way alone, in cafe of a Pullman conductor. That was In May. 1 !> 2 . The* hospital staff fell head ov er heels In love miih Jlnimle. The ,pers "pfcfyftf" him and his * 'Women of wetillh O see him. Sevoral fauil fcht from the r.tart, wanted 1 him. V. reexs and weens .TtmTrrr eat with his legs In a plaster cast. One day a nurse was vdjnstiin: the cast ? a painful operation Jilfemy was bearing It without a whimper. He noticed the nurse was crying. "Why sre you crying," anked Jliftmy, "when It is my feet that are hurting?" Last January hiB feet were pro lopnced cured. For the first time In his life. Jimmy walk' d lik?* oIIit boyn. Then- wan a "poln^-out" |?:? rt y for 1 1 1 in when li?* bft. NiiriH-w. doctors. his wealthy callers loud <1. 1 1 i tn duwii willi If IV.;, A liUI OHKlllO dl'OVe li I in In the ?h |IOt ? Jimmy and his father liad dropped oiit~nf ? Hij'.ht. ? I In ? in milrli i rt inali d ? tin \ baH> in dirir ivliarl; n?-nr Ilirlcinitn. i'i:l ry county, Kv.. just aero::;}. 111?' . line. JiiiIko riiark-R 1). N 11 '???ill and :i community nurso went out to see therii. Th?* stepmother wa;? in tin' Inst ? 4laK<'(* of tuh< rculosis. Jimmy . ?a:i mIw |i|iik on Iii'j pallvt of [ in another corner of fin- room. Tlir family wus will' to t li? ? I poorliou.no. A fi-w ihiy.s Jndae Nuv.ent .went oni there Willi t li?> Intention of si ndiirt Jim my to an orphan's ? i ? ? i n ? ? . (roia wlilrli ho could In- adopted. "Hut I jur.t couldn't do. it." tin JuiJko h.*: id later, fill1 hci ou d lo love lihi Htepmoi lo?r mi. lir wall ml on lor an tenderly iik unvhody could." After the stepmother had dt'd. tlio ftllilo CIjimh wanted lo tril.? Jimmy away from the pom-home. Noloti wouldn't r t li I in leave. lie was afraid I hoy would Kidnap him. Tlio men finally toi?i* Jimmy t# ? lllckmnn. Iter! Nolea, wont too. ; llo and Jlmm>. all ili'c^il up ai-.alu, spent a week at Tiploii \illC, tllC KlKlitH of til" clan? . Tlo-n - ltert. cowhcIijuh Hint troiihlo wa? brew,iuj?a took his bov to CJul v In Kelllston':: isolated fnriw. iilv niili i nut of HIcKnmn. There ho in helping Kolltsion "lay by" Mh emu Then1 tin* t'tif rvlewer found him watering Iho ntock. "Nobody's i;oluu to tnke m> boy nwny." he declared. "I iitu'l ^oinp fo |<>t anybody hnv?**liliu. Ho'b mine. And lie's koIiix to nlay mine a* lon?: ns I live. "He'i tb?' only one I K??t now." Aud nieanwhllo, an tlx* fluhl BY CONDO 1 Boy's* Love Scorns Richcs slight -yenr-old Jimmy Nolen (upper lift! would mtivr father on a pile of ir? a sh.'irU ;it tin- l-'ulion eotinty JUv.l | than p?i Into the home of a wealthy Chi<-;iKO funuLy that w.uu* Miii County authorities arc walehiw: iv-rt N"o!? * tli?? poverty father. wiih the <y?f? of huwk.l, |>r<'|Kiri-i| to nmtlih tin* hi) <m uiiMtillary Muirotimllnf;n at the tir-t opportunity. "NolMwy's IMV hov." vowm Ik-it Koles tuppci nt;hU The tthuek Js neen ith bin itrhouro ko ailovl fitrl'ken of h'R <fnni gvl iuw. still Jlrumy If. having :< V.immI iIiik* villi I ? ?> I ?l l?l in?1 P-*l?> ? 'Hill "lloli," Hi-- IwhiimI. Hi - h 11 It'll.*! ami tli'- lit 1 1<- lia iiii* ilurKs. v.liiN wi nllliy fa i>?il a wail ?n? port unify (?> ad?i?t and hIihmIi iIim boy. MEET YOUR FRIENDS AT OUR Clean Soda Fountain at TftlB Al*OTHEUAltY BIlOl* Lord Jerome Cigars lliflfrrsl lie value loilav. \\ lioti'Kiilc |||?l i'JImi! <h h D. R. Morgan & Co. Wliolcsilo (irm-lTd I'Iioim- r> HAVE YOU A BAD BACK? 'Ilii'ii 11m- Ailvlro of Til lit l-'ll/ii ImIIi I'll > lt?sli|.?M Will titf?*ri'?l Yiiii Dim's your hack achc'iil^lit an! 1 duy : III inl< ? r work; itrHlruy your ; r?tl ? Arc y.m tortured with stubbing pain*? When you Moop. lift or bend? "I'll ?* it likely your kidney* are 1 Mori- trouble* may sooner np i poor. I Headache*. dixzineuc, norvoun iichh; ()i- uric arid and It h Ills. ? ? I l*?lf? ? \mic. -i?.uiki.ii> *1 , kbUmy?u with a nil III II Ian I diuretic. A. M. Nwl, retired planter. 2?? ? Kttii Church r.iriH'1, nay*: "My I I kltlnoyH were weak anil I hail to pinH I ho irrrrlluiM often ami thoy burn- <1 in pnft*ajK?v I liail kovito pains through mv back Hint folr os If a knlf" were stubbing me. 4 Krery timn I wont to bond It wan hard fo HlralRhlcn. I u*od llottn'N I'illii which I hough i nt the Standard Pharmacy. Itoatt'ft nir?l hie anil I haven't been both* or oil nlnre." ~ . Coc at all dealer*. Foster Mil* burn r?? Mfr* . Buffalo, N. V. ailv 1 rm lvKl 3i lot i-f \Vr."llt>K lumrw K I ????(!-(<* j |?i Hal low. while tiny l:i>t. IM yoiiraj imlay lufin** !!)?' nV.rf hfil -xvavi 1'ur r? rt S li?rli Mr.ii^lil 1 Mow fiU |?? r w?v?:. To rnlim ??ur i of l.iulililiu l'i\- j tnri'H, 10 |M*r <?? nt In M> |?- r c? sit ?rr. w. s. winii: ??* i o. I'lioiir Hi. Ill) >l:it llicu S|. I PHONE I 1 1 Standard Pharmacy THEY WILL SEND IT. A GOOD LAXATIVE iiliirk-Di-nutilil Itcciitniiicmli-il !?>? !W-WHhii1n Wit" ?H?t l< Ili'lp.s llcr. ? "Fliio for I lie Liver." Si. Rlmo. III. ? "I havO uko<* | ltlark- Draught f'?r ihrr-o your*." j *;?>? Mr*. J. W. Ilnyd, si woll known n???nil!rr of i hi ? community, 'jj- waa v I '?* 1 1 1 |i tc a fru irl who hful j i?sp:1 It for w?ni" Jimp. I witi In ii'oil of n lafntlvo ami I had a j hiiruln;: in in y Htomach. 1 wns roiir.ilpati-d. Sho gavr mo ft do,-oj of Illack-Praiurlit jrnd It hclpod . mt', w> I urrd h from ilifii on. If "r riniiily !??' r??? V it ? <i hm . I ? Til Til; irf i* flno for I h?-" II for. too." I ami j'liul l ?? ffcpiniiKiiil II. . "On?? day our* pastor was v ?liar ii-1. stlnl ho "AM lis* *,vMcm j Ki cmpil rbpKP'l and askoil mo to J Kivo lilin noniothlng '<> lftk<\ I i I ku?p him Mlnrk- Draught. Ho *aa miifh |>!et??. <1 with tho ro- i anil* :i imI bonnht a plottage. hlm-j rrlf." Constipation forrt?s tho *y*t?m to nlMorli potnons (lint, should ha thrown out, rnnMnff pain. dl?rnm fort and tmdln* to undormino yrur hoalt li r.lnck-Drnuuht hclpn, lo rollevr thi*yfondlf Ion hy actliiKi on tho hott-ctJ. and hy rpjnilntlnn tho IWor wh#n It I* tofrpld. thus helping to ?Vi'tao out many poison* In an oaity, natural way. Don't, lake rhanrr*! At .)ho LIFE INSURANCE BUSINESS GOOD June* ami July Drivw of (uiui'iini^ 'l'liis Y?*ar feluvi* I'riHiun'd I iiprwc* KcmiIIk Ily J. |\ ItOYI.R I Ct c r< iijhl, IWI. Ot TK< Ad?anrc) \i w Yor. July 2-. - Tin* Jim* ? ?? ?? .Inly drlvis of tin- II f<* insm - -j.i. i'itrn!?iiii!c? litis y ar lilt v?* iiii]?i'<-cc(|i ii I I'll r?::ull:. "5" ! .? tuislm or 111* lif?- insurant** ?- -mpani* s of Hi.- I'!tli?d -Stairs lit ?] in tli*' last t?*n >?;?i . . ? I i he p**r<*i nlav** or iurr* aH?- lias ? J !-!!"?' Mum in :i I ti l:i ' in'tl -nf f;i r i.i I'll! I. The" l.?'avy voITimi' of Vnidinu haa hrouuhl iiIhiiii ror '.Mif.fiir- lnr.r>-a.? in 11 ?-? ? insiir :?? ? !?"? In thn : 'a auioniohil'-s hits Woiir-'lit a mli.ijsly autiin'-til' il business ? i : 1 1 i In ft, acrhl?M ami liability .it . ii. t . . . . T ?? prapYiCP of ^Insuring- excri! liv "for lair.o sums hy Ids hu.l ii' i-'-m* ??fijs lias Iwronie more i'lnuiH -i- ami ilif million tlollnr ...uioy no lon-.i-r is unusual. V u i ii. i ( (In- |?n -r.ldential candi i!: i have l?f--n named, It is !.l> that policies for Ian:* will In- taken mil on t heir if. ? hy bettors who aro_ pJepa* lr-.'. Co Vial, la rue sums until u f i * i" t ii* ? No\* inln-r ehetlons. It has 'al, \t;U li.?-n-lh?> pulley of tlt?* JM?il ?rral iarti?s or their national ri'i'H jilt* ? s to insure candidate!!. notable dev? Inpmeiit in Ih ?? if- m fe-lil In tin*' last vrar m i ?i t Iw llirn-its. i| itiiruii' i M . : ii i iii? ?? . purchased. Many nn n ??i 1 : 1 1 ? wealth and hi yond mhl d'-e Hit* are luritlnu to this form n ii \ i-s t n???nt , undoubtedly as a ? r- :-u!r of the. heavy Income tnv ! ? . ?im-iiIs i-nthlli'd liv other Invest iii-iH-t. .\nnniiiis paid hy insnr l'anr- roniuaiiie.a arn free from in K'lii''1 tn\ until l ho bencficiarles ?I. 'I Itvi' reci IvoiI In 'inch pay ia* *..?:? the amount which the an nuity policy post. In imrcha-ilnu mipIi an annuity, 'lo- 1.113*1 r of course releases all i EAT ? -- til!" to tlu* i>rlnci|iat, but an Iii coiui tii \ i|ui.s bupgiiji" operative aH'*r tin* amount |iai?l lur\ t>> fi i 211 ? .i "?????<!.' 1ll?* runt of lt;? , icy. Many ?.( i !i? ;itinuiii<s ar? l?- iiiL* out for th?- joiiu ??? ?'lit of lui.sltuiitl itud wife am! S'i O" \ ii|?- foi ;.ayimiu of a !':>?<! m.m annually. *' ?;!<? ? ii'i r m botli ? aliv. . (!rnii|i ?? liai !?? nt ^?'iraordltii'ry \<;!nn < In !;?<! . i\ month ?. Mutn l.tru** i fhnn* liuvi- itiMir< <1 T >?? -ir ? i.i;ili #yr? I ami in other in*lauri-*, men ?*?; similar uri-:i|Kilinti ur I ?i I ? ? r? ? ltav<* liaiitl'-il t?>r'< l "n*r to nliiuin < Kiir|| ;?rot? ?lioli. .\it ijisiKJH-- |n ?|... r. r nt in i>lan , "Ut for ? i . |<I? . 'm tin \< w York ..I '?? U ? *.???"? i?n? . '?itt fi ??> th i i:i|?i*>i-- ;?:!> i'?i i't ni ill* "\j'- :i..' ami tin1 ??\<h:>ii. iti?? n' maiml' r. Tfr ? twjirov i.i tii i;s Hi- ?iil>iiu< of Wuviiii.'K* ?lino- " !?>" liMitMIH'i dinipaili' ? I If:' !m ? l! .i?*rrH.i|?;?ni'-il liy a Ii. iilc- fl i r.r r- lo. _ :n_Ui "-Jill 111 - Iht of w??rK? *h ? in i?!a >> ? ?! l?.v ? li* v;<ii<i:!^ f.r^.iii'/at im . V:."i ? al' tm t f? vv s w'l-.icSi liavi' not ?ioulil<"l I l|i*ir rl fir.'i i<<rr .? in Ttir- tJBl 1 n V. A>- -HM.l f^iTi ' T-TJHi i'* " sjo'n Is :<ti]l ;:oin*- on. Tlii f' arc v v? :*<i I r**a. mis for Jlil-; lifsitlca I h? i"?i r?i;i I ni? r u in ili< nil in If ? i" ? r i? ?!.???? !? >m ?l, Om- iilxliilicf Is tin- liil.it nt l;a* ? in i, s i -...?i tn ;?i u> I-* i"i ?? Ih u'I*' ill" liitS* t iiurii ?l lo ssn-i-jit Jhom ;*nd pay ln<; initial omnium. N *? nls f i ii< ally ihls :n Hit ?f itoMii.: u r? - biciant- pr^jM-rt but lh?* co?| ??f !*>'?> i u v w:iJi Hi" seal vol k lufm^jirv |u caiir? I tin i.i v. h-i. tl.?*y ar?* H-lUiimi ? 1 si ?'? in in Hi* ? i'f i?ii!. P'?::Cirijj. Tin* I ? ?<???*?*"* tu lit !?; 1 1: ? - srriilcni, lh?-ft .iim! in?l> riiiiiv !i. his I. si.-* I?"?mi ? % * n liiui*' mail >;'l than in i i f* In* Kitru!i'>" Hiiir** >? in **?.iui?au i> ?; sj.? ?*Ki!iT.inu iii t ti? ? fnriii:i ?<f injury !????? air r> wrill"ii far in?n< fn 'j :rr.*5r- thai" iir -Hii-t**?n;|?ui?4'*r. ? u \ t; <; a o;K of SuiM'iior (polity for ihal f '(/ration Trip, Wrck-Kml rasi'!?. Toiu*i**l I land !latr?>. Suit 4'usrs. (iludslom;. D. Walter Harris The City Tailor nrul C.lothiv ?? Capital Stock $250,000 M i: m i*. i: i: I ??: i? i: i: \ I. i; i: s i: i: v I. iii.im roi:i? < oi.i i : I \ i i.t/xr.i iii c i rv l>?\ A.- I.. I'? iiilteloti, I'irv. C ?:*??. IC. I lull*. < (iisinry I'. IIikkI, VIp^IVv. Carolina Banking & Trust Company TRUNKS AND BAGS FOB VOUK VACATION Anil for lilt' lSmx ami (JirlS <>oi?? Awav to Colli i;r in Karly Fall.' NOW IS T1IK TIMIiTO BUY. Quinn Furniture Co. Why Not ?SVILSn YOI'II LOINCINC I'Olt AN AI TOMOitH.K WITH ONE OF OUIt Used and Renewed Fords We liiivr si vjirirl), incliiilin^ UOAbSTI.HS, TOURINGS. COUi'ES. SEDANS ill REASON AIILK I'RH.ES mill on EASY TERMS y Auto & Gas Engine Works, Inc. IMui-tin Si reel Wuretiousr. I'HONE 880. MOM'N I'OP Slum p Is ;i !tii Wury BY TAYLOR moo think because, matt MOSS WAS Poou EN006H TO POT OP AN OIL DERRICK that THERE'S A rooruNE made as soon as woo f STICK A HOLE ?N -me fV , GROUND ~>u Nel_ I PEEL THAT DAME PORTONC SMILES ON TV4E man who <s Willing | TO take a chance Land this proposition I LOOKS v*0?tmvow .J . Qpcrm aTi J WELL IP t PELT AS CARELESS AS WOO 00 ABOUT SPECULATION I WOULDN'T E?E A BACHELOR - BUT MATRi/^VONVAN OIL DRilun are tu:o i THINGS THAT AtU-AMS WEANP&H HETTE? I OR WORSE. r WELL - A MA\) NEUE? KNOUJS WHAT SUCCESS ME CAN ATTAIN ONTil. HE TRIES ? IT S THe BELLOW WHO TAKES A CHANCE THAT MAKES PR06RESS IN ThE WORLD ' WHAT s The use op TIMING fOTAwK Business to an old POSSIL LIKS WOO? IP MOO HAD MOU?? WAM WE'D STitu 6<E REAl>NG PAPER* PW TALLOW CANDLE S A MO LIGHTING CO0 PIPES W?TH A Punt AND STEfcu | WAAL ? MOUUE HCA*?0 MW 1 ? presentiments an i oon r g uc ACUSr.- GO AHLAD AN' DRilL FOR OtL-TMATfe ^OuR (?OSiA)ESr, . IP MOO Hit a Gu'inER I II B6 MiShTm SuRPP?'-f.r? HUT Lt MOU DON'T- | MOO CAN oiUE CQ^ChT V=OQ ? > ?C NtXM-N MORE THANHOO" pJ WAAC - L'M OLD ENOUGH to Ka>ow that all that glitters a int Gold an- nonognSical SPECOLATrON TAKfS THE DoofeL? Chin opptv MOOR WALLET 0UT iP MOO CAN T LiSTfeN TO MORSE S4NSE S'OO'LL i% THE ?UR/S)T CHILD THAT BREADS The Fire :? ------ ? ALKRAMA THEATRE Tuesday and Wednesday July 22 & 23 A RAPTUROUS ROMANCE Robert Z. Leonard . present. f MAE MURRAY in _ - FASHION ROW bf Sad a Cowan and Howard lliggin ~ ~ Sparkling, - Sinuou*-, ? Seductive, Startling ! $150,000 IN GOWNS A Tiffany Production Robert Z. Leonard, Director Central M. H. Hoffman, General Manager Guaranteed Relief iu 24 Hours Test l'REFi No mat (or How ?< -or you havo-liad Hiiro Knv?r or Jit; F? .or ? whiTo > i?U II \ri? ? or how jn.iiiv c! lfT? r<-??t , i.-? alrn^nt* > ? ??> hnv- i : i ?! in vain - vim cm i. , i ? :i ii Ji ?-vory riffKlo symptom in IT! ' -ma ;)mou?H a \? hi i : ) | now I'l iplinii |ior f?it-?l by Till . h i. i ?? n ? r .*i ' i i ? ? <Tl;iical l.iilioi'.itorii'.i, ?*"{?. v ! 1:1. 1. 1 1>| in. Jtiix x cont?in.i no neurotica or otmr harialy! ? liaa iu* bad ifi? i -, ff . *. . T^iin.i oHn*- Irwit jmcnli wh!?-h nn . < It eonlha. tho vmptoma, Kin. \ dlfHit t? th?? himIi ilylnn c-fr tit It'iro t'oynfl. nnd I fny v r - ? ; -in Inf'^'.lmi m Ih i ?: *"1 ? in from ~4ii?d liiitflral* >z< n it rompb TtJnrr in t> ? f nnokntjo pin I'o ??!>! Iimm! ? i > of |h?* limit wiorr? t 'i in < I I" '?>> f'-r only 11. Hut if lift r 2 1 boni . ?'? yotir Itoioj Krvr t ? <?? i ? n?-t r >Mp|o|i-ly dlpaiM^'iii ?'!. yon- j - y will b-i lo ut ??ntly ri 'niid?"l. ' ! r>| !?!????* toil-iv no' Jiixl THY It, Tt ro-it> y.?u rib? <iln? nothing ?1 r< >i|1ln do not I'iiMtv In 84 brtiirw Hold nnd? r tj* nuii' ? innnoy-lwiolt i .:u.'irni'iici I i <-i':ni>l' I- ' lo-vo Hay Fcvor, Anlhma itiul Catarrh. Free Trio* 6fftr Jimt now, lhroti;:h n r|i?rtn1 Intro , duriory nrr?in*'?,in?,iit. > ? '? ^in nh Sniipiy no t>? ??iv ? ? tli -lr i:j fti>rc* tin in- d In-low ntid ark for o (rial liifki.do of It! N l-N . N"'? obligation :i ? :i?i r, n yotir ?art. lint br? miro to | ?>?k f.ir your fr--?? t ro.it mi nt within tho n?-Jtt thror- riuyn- ?hi* ofTor I* limittd. It inriv obtained In thin oily at tlw Standard I'hnnnacy. " F,IU*bet)i mty. N. C. Wonderful Discovery ?- ? Th?*-r"o>'"-t?a?|^ h'?'i MMIHO' w analyzed by 'Schwartz' wan fofund in contain bnaldcr; other lirin < lplf? a variety of mid whirl* .ha named Oalllanle Acid. lie aldfl found it to contain si peculiar arid I d IBCOV<T<<1 by Srhw.irl/, and Korh Icdor nnd natnod ftlldchlorl.* acid. 'Hi is linn been " u?od in Dropacy. rongoBtlon of th spleen, Scrofula and I/Cpror.y with good result*. In rrcent yoarn (hit hprb haa .loon dlKCovor<-d growing In Kant Tcxnfl nnd Louixlaiina nnd further oxporlmont hn? *>hnwn that II* ^.Wonderfully inirlfylng proper!!*?* wrrr dnt? to ft* action cm ttirrfctrt ncyn. Tho lloim Mrdlrlnn Compnny, of Moumnont, TVxna, made ftn ef fective hnlnv from thla herb and i call It Hobo Kidney, and Hladdwr j it< im-d >-. Thin balm bHn? ^nid J to bo a Diuretic Aperlont and 1 ' Anti scorbutic. i Si* ? Bottlaa ? a guarani ? -I I Iioatinrnt costs ff.OO. ad? I

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