ST. LOUIS STIIf . HAS A SHOWI\{, May Get in Amoii^ I. rail ff J^,nor'?'un l.rngui , Ki-cofi} lli-ni,) fore mako KUIIH Sk.-pii, ttSiiJyfJ. '!? ?>STKR New Vnr 1* i T"* M*WI Auk " ? Kvi-r fcHtrn lr? .1" \."rk' "" lr tin* in P' "lc'r have hi't'n cm ?"? '? ?? lead ..f Ihc Vank a? , "n.d w"hlnBtn?. ,Bd th^ ?' if** d"n" '111" before ? J? f?llen Join. For Hint ZrlleViM?^ " . "-'J"; *?*t_lhrjr took a ?t.,u most Promising They ?!t r w h?rh t h 0*<,|'h "TTMTnria WLJ VVagllfniTt"ri at thm. Th3n tS? nt,i,U ? TMrlJr nf 01 rrUm'"'?' '??* l , ' reasons. Injur. ?i h ,p do wi"' ?LJ?.if. er* dld n?< i i> i. SrSSlST* Son'? "hjort.-'l . , died hti f 0 whkh s,?'? lian 21 ... . '?am- bl" "ley al W'i v <? c,u" """Waller ii ???rr: .V00" "llppod u? l?w "''It ,Th" acuti iLTV ut. of aort? and iliDM.. ?ii, Xdh,o?r,,,o"t ,or ? " wallop.-u tl?. Ilr?w?, ry,r yn ?*? i??t ?i?it s. ?? Of Ihn. ' C"y A,"l """ reactions net Irn^Hrn ? " con""'?> I" til. w"lih h?. *?" *" flrar. -k .J"ld0 " 'mPo??Ihlc in r '? ?n> xiii'ii tfJS". J? ?"?"ed form. That J ,he "mom why (he Am. a <S.m r,>*Uhe ' " ""TTKlil- Hw ?mtTji- inothnr J,,?, rlRl,t iii t? JiS. " ""*?? ,,n'y >" laDDen In K0'"' " thB - ?r 0 rove*"?ed. iiiBri0?0fnK.c,lI! Ji"ep truck nf "'?? baaeball hut If, t]?. 1? .h?k ' "" 11 d,,e" ?no c'n ,r"' k k^Il?rX,0"ng lo N'?? Vork ih. ,ro? Wa?hlnKt?? and lllflM ( Th?y ??t>IUr. ,| ,i, Apparenlly Mnt^? i"? a*"'n Th. ??T.? "ncl '"?> l?? out ? Ya^. ^ n' lhon defenled Ih. ?g?.u"ztr: 4' w,,"h ? topped that nfr *???' ?ZfJZi.. . ?" by w'nnliiK riv, ,rom Waahlnslon. on {??. 1 """Id be .aid to b" wihta?n^>Vlb!,? ,or " "k" m Slfm i? dr"P 5 ?"-MlRl.l |? ?? ? form* 8I- Lou" .V T5ur,"'>T 'bo Brown? .!!? , ? round and doppo.l a?iZX iouid" h ,nr ,h" But tholo P"nua"< rrnzy. roon' 'or ?kr?|iclsl?. CNBORdlA COTTON CO-OPM GOT CJOOI) <X>TTO.\ IMtlCKN Atlanta. August 11 ? (Special, i Chrckn aggregating 91. 232.634 arc In the mnlla today dlrcdod to membera of the Georgia Cotton Orowera* Co-operative AHiinclatinn In flnal payment for 1323 crop and winding up transaction* for tho fiscal year. The association handlod 70,812 hales with gross ?ales of #10,306,942. or an aver age of 30.05 cent a a pound. TIiIm aaatired a not rot una to planter;* ?fter oxponscs of 28.5) centa a und. Tho hlghcat price brouvh any pool was 36.95 font* and the lowest 15.60 cents. EL DALLO CIGAHS Bold by loading OBOC'KKH AND 1*11 A KM At IKS D. ?. MOKCAN ? CO. WHOI.KHAI.K <1H(XKIIM rhntx- MO Factor y-tn- You Sale now 011 AT THIS STAN OA It I) PHARMACY k . PHONK 114 Polo Star "Erie Fed ley, _one of America's Ktealcal polo Dlaycrn, and hJ? favorite moiinl. lie I* fljjured to *tar In Sep tember mulch uKiilnnt Iirltlnh team, to l?o played before l*rlnco of Wale*. Major Lcu?ii<- Scores NATIONAL I,KA(ilK SMnrday-R -Mrorwi Philadelphia, 4; Pittsburgh, 16. Philadelphia, 0; Pittsburgl . 7. Most on. 6; Chicago, 11. iloston, 6; Chicago, 2. lirooklyn, 1; SI. Louis. 5. New "York, 4; Cincinnati, 2. Suixlny'tt Srnn'M New York. 1; Cincinnati, 5. New York, 2; Cincinnati. 4. lirooklyn, X; St. Louis, 4. IJrooklyn. 6; St. IjOuIm, 5. Standing: of Teams. W. I.. Pel. New York ?!? :tH .645 Pittsburgh 5 'J 4 4 .572 Chicago 58 48 .547 lirooklyn * 58 r.O .537 Cincinnati 58 5:i .574 St. Ixiula 45 G2 .520 Philadelphia ..40 64 .3*4 Iloston .*._..,.39 G7 .307 A.MKItlCAN I.KACtK Saturday'* Score's Chicago, 8; Washington, 2. Chicago, 5; Washington, 8. Detroit. 3; HoKton, 2. Cleveland, 1; New York. 5. 8t. Lou la. 4; Philadelphia. 1. Siinelnv'N Semes Cleveland, 7; New York, 1., Chicago. 2; Wushfimtoh, Detroit, 13; Huston, 7. St. l<ouls, 10; Philadelphia, 8. Standing of Teams w. b. rn. New York 62 48 .G63 Detroit 61 4 7 .565 Washington _._60 4D .550 St. Louis 56 51 .523 Chicago II 56 .477 Cleveland ? ......62- 57 .477 Bofttori if 62 .421 Philadelphia -46 63 .422 ANOTHER REAL BARGAIN IN USED CABS FORD SEDAN In Excellent Shape $350.00 EASY TERMS Auto & Gas Engine Works, Inc. PHONE 1180 Martin Street War<-hou?< When You Want Any Kind of mtinG Write, Phone or See Franklin Print Shop "Whtrt tkt Beit 7*1 Printing Ctmn Fr?m" I iff U. D. Joho.on, Mgr. r tmo and Lebanon Belle Flour ? ?baotat*l) Ouor? of qnallt v .nl.l br the Marlins ? OIHTKinVTKn BT? 'I A. F. TOXEY & COMPANY W*#*r Hfrty*. FIRM'S LIKELY TO BE DROPPED Won*! Have Trainer Who Won't L<' t Him Kat unci Will* Likely Finish Him With Poke in Belly. By FA I II I*I?AY C?*fri(h.. 1124. b> TIM A?va?M JSstMt 1'ork, Aug.? Ahrrm-7 in;- report* from Saratoga whriv Flrpo In preparing for his buttle ' wllli Harry Wills. The wild bull wants his fodder frequent ly and In plentiful quantities. i He has no Idea of the virtues of dieting and inclines to those rich viands that titillate the palate and ! add- huge rotfa "~uf CbonpoTnl fti'T the mld-sectlon. Luis is surrounded by a band of yes-men, according to all ac counts and refuses to tolerate tho presence of a mentor like Jimmy Dp For rest who would prescribe food for him and make him Btlck to it. ~'Tex -Rickard- built up "Flrpo t very carefully and with a lot t?f skill. It looks now as though the i promoters were prepared to let I him -fall -withr equal snddennrw. i Flrpo has not been an easy i man to handle and since the com- j ing encounter on Doyle's Thlrt> ' Acres prnmUPH--JrfHn ihfl ?ul" Ol I TtncTTs'lTuiB far ? to be a clean-up' this time seems as good as any to let Flrpo pass out of the picture. Of course, he may club Wills into submission, but what ts ro Ins to happen to him If Wills nets to him first with one of those j stomach pile-drivers Is plenty. The sad part of It Is, from Flr po's standpoint, that a p ood train- i er and a skilled coach could take ' Luis in hand and probably make ; of him the most formidable fight ! er that ever stood In a ring. In1 other words, it Is good for our heavyweight prestlg# that Flrpo is an Argentinian instead of a Finn. _ What those Finish trainers would ftiake of I Ails may bo left i to the imagination. There is a negro middleweight i hailing from Providence named I Jack (Jreon, who wll bear watch ! ing. The writer saw hint stow i Vic Clifford away the other night with the shortest kind of right hook. The blow did not travel more than^ six lneh?s. That I* i championship hitting. Oni-n lit tles with Ilobhy Miohuet* In Jer sey tonight and B*>bby surr wants to watch out. I-eo Flynn k<aum to think all ' he has to do wln-tt one of his men " in about to do l>attle in to scare the opponent before ho gets into , the rlnic. Thereupon ? uU- une ot his fighters has to do Is to move ' his arms and tJ?e battle Ik won. He pulled superstitious stuff upon fteorge CJodfrey* and now he is ?eadlig oul mi? ?>f atutf ihow tit K" 'Why and how II a rl Try ~Matfd'rn~ win be nifuy if. n.- r. hiaiiii uwum* more than a r.tund or two In the rlnK with Jacfc Renault on Mon day niKht. LIMHKK FUSINKSS ItltlHK ?New- Orleans H ? W|w. clal.) ? Orders t?> Southern Pine Association mills Increased 9.2 per cent last week over the pre vious week, Klilpment ros?? 0.9 per c< nt, and pr<>duction advnened 2.3 per cent. Oae hundred and tw< n ty-ei*:ht milf? received order* for 02.000. 000 fret. Hhipped 79.000, 000 IclI and. prJiflited G9.0Q0.0Q0 feet. "Where every man finds what he likes to uear" We have just rcccivrd a shipment ?f sport socks. Tito kiiul you will liko SI. (Ml and SI. .10 Spvnccr-W alkcr Com pany, Incorporated I - ' As a man think* so is he. until his rife changes his mind. Ignorance Isn't so very much bliss n the eyes of the law. Where Is tho money you save on roal during the hot months? lift ?no wan* in i:im:n imt very iftcn has no laugh coming. All left of tho summer girl's wear 'ng apparel Is the outskirts. Some marry for better or worse. School days threaten to.rvturn. No loy Is permanent. If you' don't g?t a vtcttinn (hli summer you wtlt be rated up tron I ut year's by next year. Soome men look ?o cheap thej give, themselves away. - ? From 'the' low pay prraceers pe? salvation is almost free. The best thiny about paying com pltments is It leaves them due you IMlnC love # while the ~ mooi shine* Is where the son shines. "Many It mini's uplnlon ef a Is formed by her dressmaker. SACRIFICE of Living Room Suites 25% and 50% off If you want In make your dollars do their licsl visit our. store during tlii* sale. M. G. Morrisette & Co. The Main Street Furniture Store New Fall Shirts Beautiful N?*w Pattern* $1.50 and up Week s S a iv vcr Where the Beat Clothe a Come From Positive automatic lubrication of the Buick valve in-head engine, faiuransmission and universal joint, keeps a Buickowners mind free from worry Tide-Water Buick Co. Nrxt to Cuuideil l$ri?lpr jb Pipe tobacco that really is pipe tobacco *? ? * ? rich, yet mild "Wellmaiis Method'19 does the trick ? ? ? Coarser cut, too i ? Rough Cut | thatTs why it bums slower - and smokes cooler ? ? ? No tins, no sir ?packed in foil therefore 1CK ^ i Granger Rough Cut TWO FARMS TWO STORES IN NEW HOPE VILLAGE GODFREY FARM ? PERRY FARM Subdivided AT AUCTION Wed. August 13th 10:30 A.M. ATTEND THESE SALES AND BUY SOME BARGAINS S:il?- romliirtril for I.. It. I'KKIIY, Rs<|., I?y Atlantic Coast Realty Co., Agts. "The home Tlitil juttifir* Yitur ( oii/rijciirc" I'rtrrjldifn, Vn. OfKMlESi Wiiolmi-Snli'iu, N. NEW PERFECTION AND PURITAN OIL COOK STOVES The place to bay your Oil Cook Stove* and parts. Quinn Furniture Co.

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