HiUTcll'Morfpui Hertford. Auf. 16 ? The mar rlt|e of MIm Anna Ruth Morgan of thte city and Mr. George Har rfcll of Hobgood was solemnized thla morning at fire o'clock at tko home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Morgan. Mtsa Sue Frank White, cousin of the bride, was the only atten dant. Mr. Owen Parker of Hobgood acted as best man. The bride was given In marriage %jr her father aijd the ceremony was performed by Rev. N. C. Tearby, pastor of the Methodist church. Just before the cere mony IMIss Catherine Skinner of Elisabeth City sang "At Dawn Hr" ' ? Mr. and Mrs. Harrell left for Avon Park, Florida, and upon tfcelr return will make their home at Hobgood. I. A dinner for the bridal party and out of town guests was given at the Morgan home Friday even log. and a reception wbk given at the home of Dr. and Mrs. G. E. Newby Friday afternoon. Among the out of town guests, wtre : Mr. and Mrs. R. W. "Joyn er of Farmvllle. MIm- Catherine Skinner of Elizabeth City. Miss ? Mlu EnkUac Iloa-ull of.Vi?rf..lk, Meeara Owen Parker of Hobgood and David Cox of (Norfolk. Davl*-K?nipl<* Miisa Zulean Sample, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Sample of OU city, and Mr. Chnrl.-s \v. ?j"!1. ??n ?< Mr. and Mr? Mr?. Pavla of this city,- were" JOletly married by Rev. E. P. Friday evening at eight d clock at his home. 218 Pearl Itrfcet. The wedding van wit nessed by Mrs. Wllma While I, 4. White and J. O. White, all of thla city. Dinner anil Dance lira. J. M. Sprulll wan host ('88 At dinner In compliment to Mir. CTtJ. F. RlafftfKafd and son, Char lie Blanchard. of Texas. Thursday ??en in k at her home on Cherry ?trcet. Dinner _ was served |n fqur courses and'the table had for its centerpiece a lovely bouquet a#. summer flowers. Cover* were latd for the following: Mrs. C. K F. UI&BChtfd, Mrs. J. 1'. Wh.il b<5e. Mr. and Mrs. Will Temple. Misses Dora Blanchard, Lottie Btanchard. Dorothy Hal* of Win t9b; Messrs. Charlie Blanchard g?d J. A. Harris of Florida. After tt)e dinner a number of guestB called and enjoyed dancing. In cluding Misses Mattle White, Clara Williams, Dora Blanchard. UOttie Blanchard, Dorothy Hale or Wlnton; Messrs. Ed Sprulll, Char lle Blanchard of Tex**, Tonic BaKley. Howard Roughton and Oscar Temple. Sixth Birthday A most attractive party for the little folks was glven Thurnday afternoon from 3 to 5:30 o'clock Miss Sarah Elizabeth Seelcy at her home on Riverside Drive in honor of her sixth birthday. Ttrenty-three of the little host*?' friends were Invited and had a wonderfully good time playing games on the spacious lawn. Hal loons and lolypops were given as plurora. The little hostess' moth er waa assisted In entertaining serving refreshments by Moa __i ea J. A. Scott, T. J. Markham, fnton Hopkins and Charles 01 kr of Newport News. Those ^.??ent were: Margaret and Eth el Lowry, Sudie Sprulll, Haxel, Elisabeth and Violet Cohoon. Bethel Johnson, Estelle Markham, ?la Wsldni f.-Dprtw~Sertpyr Vtr fie Hughes, Mary Louise Hop kins, Emma Lee Simpson, Anna Xliiabeth Bailey, and Edna and Quaale Scott; Francis Brltton, Thomas and Harry Seeley, George Owens, Milton Tmphlett, p:iton Hurdle, Thomas Markham and Jo seph Markham. Dance Thursday Mlss Anne Mellck attractively entertained Thursday evening at Mi enjoyable porch dance at her home on Matthews street. Those dancing were: MIssea Dorothy ITarebee of Norfolk. Anna Burgesa 9t Norfolk. Martha White, Elide Sfcfcm. Mailt Biwncs or NArfolk. arjorle Skinner. Margaret Da vit, Mary Dosier, Nellie Jonre. Mary Owens *mfr~'"tfgTthll "net Archbell; Messrs. David Straughn, Hi Foriai^' Jehu ' Hltkmit' witwji Davis, Wilson Sanders. Tyer Saw yer. William Perry. Huith Sawyer, Burxess Perry. Frank Benton, Kennedy Houti and Major Morrl sette. Club M?t Thamda) On account of the rain Wednes day. the Mothers' Club failed to meet at their reaular time, but In order to keep up their work, met on Thursday at 4 o'clock at the Community House on Fleetwood street. Nine mother* were pres cnt and nine babies were welKhcd and all were holding up well In weight. In Honor of (inert* Wednesday" evening at her hoine at Haysldo. Mrs. Will Tem ple beautifully entertained at din ner honoring Mrs. C. C. P. Man chard and son. Charlie Rjanchard, of Amarlllo, Texas. A perfectly appointed ? dinner was srrred tn the following guests: Mrs. J. P. Whedbee. Mrs. C. C. P. Man chard, Mrs. J. M. Spruill, Miss es Dora Manchard, Lottie Man chard. Martha Spruill and Mary Temple and Charlie Manchard. (liven Cartl Party Miss Marlon Nelson delightful ly entertained at a card party at the Southern Hotel Tuesday morning honoring Mtn .Suzanne Williams of Raleigh. Card tables were attractively arranged In the rooms filled with perfume and -fragrance ~ from bemttlful cut flowers. Mlsa Evelyn Hooper won the prize for high score and Miss Helen Little was winner of the consolation prize. After a series of Interesting games a delicious salad and Ice course was served. Guest prizes were presented ti> Miss Margaret Downing and present were: Misses Suzanne Williams, Margaret Downing of Norfolk. Helen Little. Maxlne Pearl ng. Evelyn Hooper, Marga ret W. Sawyer and llachael Wil llama. ? I Informal Dance A lovely Informal* dance was given Wednesday evening by Miss Marlon Nelson, at her home on North Road street. During the evening delicious punch was served and those dancing were: Misses Helen Little, Maxlne Pear Inn,- Evelyn Hooper, Suzanne Wil liams, Margaret W. Sawyer, and Margaret Downing of Norfolk; Messrs. James Fearing, Constant faring, ? Harvay i ? Wish ardson Sedgwick, Edward Old. Happy Social Evening I'owells Point, Aug. 16. ? A pleasurable social evening was enjoyed by some of the members of the Powells Point Y. P. S. and II. Y. P. IT. Tuesday evening at the pastorlum, when Rev. and Mrs. C. A. Vandermeulen enter KPIttCOPAL Christ Church i Rov. Geo. F. Hill. rector. Ninth Sunday after Trinity. Sunday School 9:45 a. m. Morning Prayei and sermon 11 a. m. Union ser ; vice 8 p. m.. in Christ Church at which time Rev. R. C. Angell will fpreachr You are invited here tc worship. MKTHOIMHT Firrt Methodist Rer. N. H. D. Wilson. D. D. You are cordially invtteti to all services. Sunday schoool i Mr. J. A. Hooper, superintendent ! 9 : 30 a. m. Worship with sermon by Rev. C. D. Culbreth, 11 a. m ! At 8 p. m. union service at Chris! Church, Xhi; musical progrsn: for the morning service follows: Prelude (organ) Under The Leaves ? Thome. | talned this society on the occa sion of Its August meeting. Suit i able and fun-provoking group games were played in the house i and on the pastorlum grounds, and home-made candy was served. Thatm attending included: Mi?a Rovye A. Parker. Miss Ruth Wat erfleld. Lloyd H. Ranks. Karl ! Sawyer. Miss Hlla Melson. Mis* -Sarah Mflson, Joseph M. Bright, I Miss Reulah Doyle and Robert Sawyer. Victors included: Mrs. Parker and A. Hobby of Raleigh. Ulve lawn HocUU Maple. Auguat IB. ? The ladlofl of the Rehoboth Baptist Church and of the Maple community gave n lawn norial P-rtday -evf?ninK on the church grounds and on the Charles Roswood grounds adjoin ing. Ice cream and cake and oth er good things were served. The affair waB under the auBplces of (the Rehoboth Ladles" Aid Society. Picnic Wednesday Powells Point, Aug. 16. ? The , Powells Point Y. P. 8. and B. Y. P. U. plans a picnic party for I Wednesday afternoon. August 20, I at 4 p. m.. at the Point. Bathing will be enjoyed and a picnic aup i per will be ssrved by the young ?ladles. All Powells Point, Har binger and Point Harbor young people are invited to participate, the young ladies bringing a plc .ttlr In nr hcQii and the young in.-n furnishing conveyance and other i picnic necessities. -Paatoralg Offertory solo. Hear U?. O Father. ? Millard. Miss Claude Steph enson. Postlude. City Road Methodist Episcopal Rev. Daniel Lane,, pa star. At 9:30 a. m. Sunday school. G. F, Seyffert, superintendent. At 11 a. m. worship with sermon by the pastor. Subject "Religion a Mar riage and not a Funeral." At S sermon by the pastor. "Faith Con quered." Epworth League at 7. 7:15. and 7:30. The music Is as follows. Morning Voluntary ? Ideal Mazurka ? Leon Hlnguet. Anthem,. Hall the Glad Morning ? "" Wilson. Offertory ? Mazurka ? L. J. Tou talne. Evening Voluntary ? Twilight on the Wa ters ? Carl Kern. Anthem, J ? Will Lift I'd Mine Eyes ? Stults. Offertory. Last Night ? H. KJerulf. Solo, selected ? Mr. Halph Watts. BAITIST First Baptist S. H. Templeman, pastor. Sun day school at 9:30 a. in. C. H. Twlddy. superintendent. Preach ing by Rev. R. C. Angell of Char lottsvllle at 11 a. m. I'nlon ser vice In the evening at 8 o'clock at Chrlsi Chorch. Prayer meet ing Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. The public Is cordially Invited to these services. UTackweTI Memorial Dr. J. H. Thayer, pastor. Sun day school at 9:30 a. m.; E. F. Aydlett, superintendent. At 11 a. ?Hewitt. |m. and * p. m. the pastor will preach. Calvary Baptlat Rev. R. F. Hall, pastor. Sunday school 3 p. m. S. 8. Davis, super intendent. Evenings aervlce at 8 o'clock. Prayer meeting Wednes day night at 8. The public la cor dially Invited. Corinth llaptlnt Rev. R. F. Hall, pastor. Sunday school each Sunday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. W. F. Prltchard. Sr.. superintendent. Preaching at 3:15 by the pastor. Senior and Junior B-. Y. P. U. each Sunday night at 8:00. The public is cor dially invited". Ilere* HaptUt Rev. R. F. Hall, pastor. Sun day school Sunday morning at 10 o'clock. Ren Frank Prltchard. superintendent. Preaching nt 11 o'clock by the pastor. The public Is cordially Invited. PKKHRYTKItlAN Cann Memorial R'V. Frank H. SpaHnr^rw.M, minister. Sabbath school, 9:45 a. m. There will be no preaching service, the pastor being away. OTHKIl DENOMINATIONS First Christian - Rev. Hilary Rowen, pastor. -Preaching?at 11 ?. m. and 8 p. m. by Rer. Geo. H. Sullivan, for mer pastor. Sunday school at 2:30 p. ni. E. L. Silverthorn. superin tendent. Christian Endwivor at 1 p. m. Mid-we?-k prayer meet In* Wednesday at 8 p. m. 1 'en tec octal Holiness Sunday school at 9:45. J. L. Hill, superintendent. Preaching at 3. 11 and 8 o'clock by Rer. A. M. Graves. The evenin* subject will be "Five Hearts of the Human Family." St. Elisabeth'* Services will be held in the Catholic Chapel, Hlnton Building, at 10:30 Sunday morning by Father Doherty. Visitors are al ways welcome. Miss Dorothy Twiford has re turned from Stinbury where she was the guest of Miss Evelyn Las slter. BAGGAGE of Superior quality fo that Vacation Trtpi Week-End Cases. Tourist Cases. Hand Bags. Suit Cases. Gladstone. D. Walter Harris The City Tailor and Cloth to.* Factory-to-Yon Sale now cn at tiir STANDARD PHARMACY rnoxE lu EVERYTHING IN OUR LINE Is Pricrd According to Quality. Give us a call and look over our stocks. Always glad to show you. H. C. BRIGHT CO. ? JEWELERS SUMMER SUITS AT SPECIAL LOW PRICES Weeks & Sawyer Where the Best Clothes Come From "Wh?*rc every man finds uhat he likes to uear 99 Remember, waistlines _ are most conspicuous in the sum mer-time. (Jet your Wide iKJll now. ? A new shipment of black and tan belts 81.23 Sftcnccr-Walkvr Company, Incorporated 1 EL DALLO CIGARS A Smoker's Delight THY OXK D. R. MORGAN & CO. WliOI.KKAI.K ' *olrf bv the hvMlinir croeerm. ? DiKTRinrTFD nv ? A. F. TOXEY & COMPANY Water Street. ALKRAMA Today Fred Thompson AND Silver King IN "The Fighting Sap" AIm> II A KOI. I) MILLEK in "LEATHER STOCKINGS" Write, Phone or See Franklin Print Shop "fbn !k? tut Jtt trlmMml Ctmn frm"