\ ? U1 rtl Vl. Ill, 1 -1 Many Changes Now On Bess City Streets MOST BUILDING IS DOWN TOWN District Taking on A|>|>euraiic<> Would Starlit* Eye if All (ihaiigo look IMacf Overnight Klizalx'tli Chv Is inulfrtioiu^ Hiany rhuncs thai are improving to a marked degree tlx* appear ance of liotli residential and husi nrtm districts. Tin- greatest Im provement. however. is taking place on tin- principal business ?trwl? particularly in tin* heait ? <*f tin* shopping district. ? v Tli'' change* that are now 1>.* iiig mad*- are of roura*' evident to In i about If;, sln-el.-. 1 dally hut -rhrv would be not?PfitV sliort of start ling to a resident of this city who had 1m\ii away from foe si v?-ra I months, and who would return after tfie work now in progress or about to he under t taken had been raniploted. Such a one wuuld lind Main ^ street an i-ntiHy ?lif i'? rent place McCabe and (Slice's More which had become somewhat out of date, lie would find with an entirely in w front and interior . arrange ments. iaruer show WIImIhah. reli tral main entrance and an eleva tor. Across the street lie would find Mitchell's altered to fit the mod ern taste ill store design with deeper and larger show windows, tile lobby's and marble trim. The antra uce to the Bee Hive build ing, would aj?|ii'iir to him modern in %every. respect, aiui if he had been iii tlie habit of sitting on th> sfonY- * t< ? ps * I i~"wb'\71 iTTHo k in van ' for Ills comfortably worn favorite . tCBlillk place, Around the co r nur o u . X\u f n dexv! tor street and just back of Mir- 1 chell'H the returning traveler, would lie surprised to miss the old shabby wooden sharks which for many years occupi. d a lot on I'oiiiu. \ter and Matthews streets. In their place he would find a modern brick buildinc occupied by; the Quality iiakery. the Auto SupT ply and Vulcanizing Company! and perhaps by that time another firm. On Water street across the street from the lluxton White Seed Company he would find a large modern brick structure' which by the time the traveler re turns may be the headquarters for two active business houses. ^Thls building would present quite a different aspect thnn when he left It the home of the C. II. Ilob Ilnson wholesale dry goods firm. __-Tiear Camden bridiUJ ami also, on Water street the prodigal would rub his eyes when he be jx" Id another modern brick build Tiig en what he left a vacant lot. Here he would find the Tidewa ter Hti'ck Company, and It. K. l^wis Plumbing Company and N. H. Williams doing business. Across the street he would no flee that the Auto and (.as En gine Works had stretched out ov er considerable territory by add ing; another unit to its plant. I Tf he wanted to send a tele- ' gram he would find the little Western I'nion office on Fearing street no longer echoing the click ing of telegraph instruments, and on inquiring his way he would ?come tr? the fine two story irnttrt-~| Ing which is now being completed for the Joint occupancy of the | telephone and telegraph compa nies on Ttoad s|ri?et near Main. If he waited long enough he ' might also find a new apartment house with several retail stores at the corner of Main and Road and perhaps also a new business building on Matthews and McMor rlne streets which will prohnhly be erected shortly by W. II. Lain bert. If the returned resident could stand any more surprise* he could add considerably to the ||*t of new buildings given here by a "inn in rim un mf wmiaBBH feS | tlon where a number of homos are under construction. He would find some attractive and suhstan tial houses on tin- lower end of INVEST TOUR SAVINGS IN SAFE BONDS 8m a* for fall INDUSTRIAL BANK HERE'S A HOME OF Y(*IH OWN! I.Ivp on you dmlrp. Plan your own home, makn an initial payment, then pay for the reminder ov*r a period of yeara. Terms Juat like ront If yon prefer. Two ntnry home. 410 Cedar *treft. I). Twiford 412 Hlnton IluildlnK Church street and in other sec tions of town. Considerable money changed hands on prop, rty in Salt .11 luwn ship recently. * II. Morrh et al Mild a .piece c?f property to M.-IV (?a Hop for $27,000. J J. Mor-is fold another" pirrp for $25,000 to the Minn- buyer and M. !'. (fellop in turn sold a port ion .of land 'in tin* Maim- locality to C\ V. I'rit chard for $2:i.oou. H. C. 1'rice sold lit* ir??.i Muff point to \V H. I'rie. T K Palmer sold a mcIiuhI lut to J. ss? Cartwright for $lou. W. T. Jackson hold tin- property Iruditu on from Swain's land for (2,01111. Molllo I trow n sold tlie land from Hrite's corii? r to tin church for $20K:7I. J: I?. Thomas' store iiuiiding on lleeeli street witM sold no i< 1 1 \ HffwtriPfl I. J* Tw||or,| \u J Halstead. A house and l??t on Heecli str??t was transferred a fi>w ilijri ago from Dr. H. T. AydMi 10 l.? ?? l*erry through I.. I:. Twiford. John T. Davis bus Hold Ids property on South Uoad street to NY. II. Holland and wife for $7.1u. IluiiHtan r?*eently for f:;n. Sliolton Corbet t lias .secunnl n permit to erect a $".0 garage on Hank street. Eddie Albortson nnd wife have ? sold lots aggregating $1,000 to Nancy and Charlie Walker. C. K. Thompson has been Is sued a permit to Imild a L-arin;" - on Oak street cost ins $50. Amanda Haujch tuOan Retired a (m rmtl to otter her dm Iting on Peruse striH-t hy adding a room at tin- cost of $ir?0. W. 1'. nniistiin ifc rom. iiii.iiniini [the altering v?f a Walnut street residence and has secured a per* in lr for alterations to tin- extent of $?00. Property on Southern Avenue was sold hy It. F. Pritchard and wife to C. S. Lamb recently for $2,250. L. U. Twiford sold a hit. on Itrook street recently to Henry Hoffler. Miss Carrie Itright disposed of her lot on the new concrete road to Charlie Tasker through I., li. Twiford. recently. Sale of a lot for use an a col ored church was completed this week through L. II. Twiford. The pro|H^rty was purchased hy De colored congregation from J, 11. Surplus Of Soft Coal Is Outlook For Next Winter Now Mining A reus Reiiifc Opened IT|i a- Ke?iilt of < 'lieap Witler Truiis|x>i-tuli?in ami Pr?i?|?eet Is \<>l l$rifjlil for llie (ni>l I'rodueers Ky J. C. ROYI.K (Caoiladt. 1924. By Th? Ad>anr#) producers and minors of coal arc ilic people who are worry inn at present about ilio coal situation next winter. The public. aeuin! ing to ttii' ha remittor of Kales, is pretty well convrrrmi ir.1 " only Ui.it there will hi* an ample sup ply hut that competition will lie T-hafts ar ? being sunk 111 the mint-*. in tliin area from which tin* railroads are now carry inK .five thousand t-ms a day. With the"* lo.-ks n.uipli-to thi? coal wilt" flow into the Pittsburgh district ..t a rheaper rale than the ral! rr- Ttl-r-t curry It Tb*? p??p? 1 rail rale from Point Marlon to Pittsburg Ix $1.13 a ton. while the river mtfr I* iipproxlmately. 4 .*? ( ??His The Jones and Laugh I in steel 1mm*sT3-nre- developing :i 1 l.duil acre coal truct near Ouncard In consequence. ? lv 'cognizing thai competition from the bituminous grades wil! be been, the antliraciio operators have begun an intensive cam paign i'? '? ilne?ii?- tit*. pu4?14o an to how to use the ili -apcr grades of anthracite and get heat heating remits from hard coal. Anthra cite economy service stations have been opened in Philadelphia and will be followed by others In Washington. Xew YocJ*. and Huston. At these stations free information on any heating pro bl. m will bo available from ex perts. "" These permanent stations will be supplemented by t raveling exhibit*.', jvh.ich will be on the road Uoin Sep Lumber 1.1924 U>. June 6. 1925. nnd which will cover the more important cities of New York. Xew Jersey, Pennsyl VI II ii ?Hid. Ih ?inwara. The anthracite operators have advanced the price of coal at the mines but competition among retail distruhutors is already so keen that dealers in most cases have absorbed this inc rease them selves and have not passed It on #o the consuming public. About $ 2Ti.000.000 has been "a veil to the Government through a recent decision of the Federal Court .in Philadelphia. Judgo Dickinson, who handed down the de< ision held that the government which confiscated coal during the war to run the railroads could pay the mine owners at the rates fived by tjhe fuel administration and not at the export rates cur rent at the time th" coal was seized: The export ra try In most eas?s. were far higher and this cut large sums off the war's fuel bill. Hltumfnous coal- j production Buy the best oil but buy it by name, and the name it "Standard" Polarine '/?\UT of sight, out of mind, lady", says the old Vv' time Fleet Boss. "You've got to remember to keep your clutch collar lubricated, keep your clutch adjusted right, and have the clutch cleaned out occasionally, even if you can't see it woHc. If you let it slip along, you waste power. If it grabs, you strain your whole car. Adjustment and the right oil will cut down these trips to the shop." "Standard" Polarine oils in the motor also lubri* cate most clutches properly without extra atten tiory. A little neats foot oil on your leather cone clutch will case the grabbing. There are other "Standard" lubricants for clutch collars and wet type clutches. While "Standard" Polarine motor oils deservedly outsell every other brand in this state, they are by no means the only "Standard" products you need to know. "Standard"-ize your lubrication throughout for real satisfaction. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (New Jertej) "STANDARD" ftkm? one form t for your motor. Coneult your dealer's Polarine chart ? always name the oil it rKommradi. Major I.rugur Scores NATIONAL l,KA(il'K ' Mohllll|t'? ? ? MiiiMuo. ??; lloslou, 1. i ? Ilruok l.vn. 7. Cincinnati. S; New York. 7. St. Louis. 4: I'hiludt Iphia. !?. St muling of Tram*. W. i.. rn. N. vv Vol L JTm n jTHT" I'lifshiiruli I." ,591 Clli^ilUO Hii is .fill I liriHikiyn . . :.i .fi fin Cincinnati <10 f.7 .fill* St Lou I# 47 llfi .4 1 !? l'lii1aU>l(tlila 42 liS .;'.K2 Uostou io 71 . :n; ?; A M KHICAX l.KACJI i: Momlu\'s Si'oh's . N*'-w York. ft. Philadelphia. :t; <*t? vclatid. LI. Wahlii nut on. (?; Detroit, it. ISostoii. :{; St. l.ot| is. ?. Standing ?f Toaini W. L. ivt. NV\v York . . ?7 4!? .fi7S I)* t roil G4? fil .fifitl WayliitiKlou ?'.! f>2 .fifi'J St. Louis UiP f?4 .r?2tf' Cl.v.liinU fi4 HI .4 71 CliiraKO 1 .447 ? l'ltilad? -Iphia .... .60 (id ,4;{1 has l?o?| thai reserves now UKKrcsule fiO.OllO.UUO, an.i r.u.doo.oou tons. A reduc tion .of 20.1100.000 could take, pl.u-c without threatening a short ?ki' for nhort, t?*rtn r** n Ho buslne-M at a profit only if f heir ortier' cost* are low and l In* f.ml l? mild on Ioiik l? rni contracts. fleer's CHECKERBERRY CHEWING SUM Factor) -to-You Sale now on AT THK STANDARD PH AKMACY PHOXE 114 I V KM HOYS OKK TO SKK THK ST ATI" (!tov< r \V. Kails, rasiiiKilunlv County County Farm Deni"'i stratum * ' .VkmiL left "TiTe^da y ' morning with a niimlicr of Pas quotank County boy* on a "See ing North Carolina trip. Tli'-v expert to ko first to State College at Italeigli. then Uy way of San ford. Candor. Lake View. Ab?id'?n. I'ineburst- Trov. Mhe niailt-. Charlotte. Uastonla, Shel by. Kutlirrfimlton. Cliimney Itork tv? Asheville. returning by Hickory. Stai?svl||e. where they will visit ' the l'ledmont Station Kami. Salisbury, and tJ reon^boro. Durham. Oxford, 'Henderson and bark to Kliza lieth City. Prom Awh?'v?Uf - tht-Y in?v co tip into Avery and Watauga I'ounties where certified need IrinlL-|iotataes._arD.. _ being. grown. This erop in said to be til tt best ni this time. All along the way the variiui. STirte". TJThfHCl. and i-oMity L'ariu demonstration agent* will woleotue them and show them l he phaseH of farm life of chief Merest in the various sect ions. Mr. and Mr*. Fred Thorn irat e and lit 1 1.? son. Fred Jr.. and Ml?? M.ll i 1 1.1 ll K J- HI I In M i I.. vaula. who hate been tin* u nests i?f Miss Kan tile Dawson hen* and nt Nags H' .id for xi-vehtl wrrks ret ii rind home Sunday. WIWSWH? ih.il Aids for Hi>iim-v\ iw* lli-inu Joy Into Tltvil You'll Ik* (ilail Wlicu On?? Arrlvr*! D. Ray Kramer mattiikwh ktiikkt = Hvrrtiliiim Klrrtrlnrt M U; >11 lilt % V HKTs ow\ <;o\\\ STYI.KS ? tMMHHtrflMli-w finm ? lfM . u rally us ualkiin lo Ma?\ Murray. lai? si |iir(iir?, "Tin- I 'n ii?-ii 1^*11.' Huyinv sit tin* All.raina Tu?'?da>* and W* du?-?day. Mi** Murray liajt <1 nil li?*r clothe* for !???!? nvi nt cr<>du? - rioiijt Tin vji i ion* (iiitiiliiii,- \v It ii*li Mi*s Manay lias ? \l:ll.ii..| to ill uaz?' of millioiiH of "Mi., fair *??% ar?* iu'HIkt from ? li?* of t rr - Vimtm : ? **?H- -???"* t'ri-iii iun> of Mi>K Murray, who draws ninth Hli* lehcx of what sh?' d<->ir>-x .mil hand" Hum ov?-r to i'\|MT( cht'HMiiaki-r* t ?? !>?? turned into Hurtling gown* of brilliant doiuit and mlorinv. PaiUM'n.ll \ .if inary returned hniiii* Monday IF SHE'S WORTH WHILE. SHE'S WORTH WHITMAN'S The Good Candy at TIIK APOTHBOAHV HHOP F.I. dai.i.o c:h;\ks Fkiiioiim K?r Vunliiy n; k. mow; co. \viioijvs\i.i: <;ito< i:ks IIioiio .v?o *fl?r ?pciHtiiiK two- weelM here a* th** Ku?*st of ins mother. Mr?. igri'U'apBj-nilivk on Eaarl ?lre?^r_ hh^mbim; bonk RIGHT If you have a I'ltimhinu Job imi your liumls why not give It to tin* concern thai will ?l?? it in tin* correct manner. W? U?h the v. ry lut?-?i meth ods in ooiiHt ruction with old Tnirtilnm-it rrtlnbtlltr. Call hit at onco. THE It. E. I,EW4&?Q. I'l.t M lil V< . \ N I ? UK \ II M . Phuin^: Mior It. K. HOPKINS, r. k. <; \murn . .vw?-4 TRUNKS AND BAGS FOR YOUR VACATION And for tin- Bnvs and Girla Going Away to College in Early Fall.' NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY. Quinn Furniture Co. GATEWAYS; Inc. Chevrolet Automobile Contest c o u !? o N August l'Jth, 1921. Good for 10 Votes When properly signed and mailed or delivered to Gateways, Inc., n:!8 Twenty-fourth street, Newport News, Va? this Coupon will lie Kood for 10 votes in the Chevrolet Automobile Contest, to be credited to the person whose name appears below: Name of Contestant _U, Street and No. City or P. O. Address - L j VOII) AKTKU Al'GUST 29th, 1924 OneTonCoalFree From August 23rd to September 13th, we are going to give away one ton of coal with each Heatrola sold. We are exclusive agents for the HEA il TROLA. Accept no substitutes. It is not only useful, but ornamental. Will heat from four to eight rooms and only burns a little more coal than an ordinary stove. There are thirteen satisfied, users in Elizabeth City, and they are all boosters. You can make no mistake by purchasing a HEATROLA. M. G. MORRISETTE & CO. "The Main Street Furniture Store"