It's "Big Tim's" Wife's Day Now n> t.KoiM.t: mutt SKA Smkv Writer Chicago. Sept. u. ? "Ami I says to Kahjf, ?There'll bo plenty hi tie papers about you one or these days.* " The reminiscence ucr<< lit panic.* "a Fremiti* jiJnlJv. iu J lit* baby- p.| u?. ?}cs of Florence Murphy, loyal Aitnmonian wife of ??|tig Tim" M urphy. All the four voari sine.1 Wil liam F. Fahy came to Chicago. I'll*- hail known hint as the relent !??"?;? post office inspector, * the vin dictive personal foe. working ami sch? mlng to s?'ii?l her husband t? Leavenworth penitentiary for mail robbery and keep him there. His conviction or Murphy "wa* tne peak feat of his brilliant career. And now Fahy. the prosecutor. Is Fahy. the prisoner, charged with participation in the I2.UOO, 090 Itondout mail robbery last June and suspected as the InKiile muster mind of half a dozen other thefts. .Mrs. Murphy Is quick 10 suggest the turn of events con firms "Big Tim's" plea he was ~fhe,vtK!fn or n 'Tfaiwy-up.'- ~ - "I always wild Fahy was- a double-erossor." aays Mr*. .Mur phy. comfortable and cotuplaecut at the news as she sits In h r husband's old office where she car ries on his work as director of the tias House Worker's I'nion. < "barge* lie I'erMftthil llcr "I'm not surprised. You know he was always oily and pleasant in court, and he would shake 'Tim's' hand and say. 'There'b nothing personal in this; I'm Just working for the government." Hut behind our backs! "While the trial was on he loKi somebody, talking Hbout me, tha* 'Tim won't be In six months be fore she'll divorce him and lie off with another man.' I didn't tell Tim about it. b? ?cause he would have gone after lilm rlpht in the courtroom, ltut I wont up to liim ? ?one day In the corridor and he surely did hurry to deny it. Murphy in kept in prison a" hun dred years, I'll b? waiting for him. because his little toe is more to me than you. or any other man in the world.' Tim has been in IS months now, and I've been 1?? see him every month, lie's ? li?i "ole for parole, and if It hadn't been for Fahy and his framed charges about that robbery at 'Pullman, he'd lie out. "Fahy hasn't slopped at Tim. either. He told a young fellow we know not very long ago .that he'd 'like to get something on Social Happening* Seventeenth r.irflidu> A delightful surprise party r was given Miss Bdtia Mac Cox WVilnculiiy evening Aa Uouor o/: her seven I eon lb birthday l>y her : mother. Mm. G. A. Co*, ut her ho in*! on North Road Ht net -Various gain*-* were greatly ?*n t >yed and a pleasant evening wan sponl. Miss " Cox- n'rclvr ci ' many lic*?< ti t if ul gifts and dainty fa vo im wore slven* cvuh ?i 1 1 . During tin- evening the host :, served' a delicious Ice courae. Those protest wore: Kveljn Gayiicilc lt?K? rs, Hiliol McCoy, Kathorlno l>avis. lie1. n Bright. Mildred I'rltcharrt, Mo.^rit Vornoii bavld, .III liar Ward. Krnesi t'orb- ri. Claud*' Ward. Knicst Williams ami Walter i'onrxiin. MiiIIioin <'lul? Mci-In The Mother's t'lub hold their regular mooting 'Ihursday nfl*. noou at 3:30 at the Commuuity House on Fleetwood strict. Mlcvcu member* wore pros? i.t and all llio babies showed Kalu in weight. .Miss Maroia Alberisoti demonstrated apple Jolly after the- business Irjiir. which was in do- il a treat. Miss Albori:u-u will he with the club again next wot k and uill doiuoustrato grocu' tomato picklek. At Southern Tl??ir*djiy Those who registered at th-1 Southern llotol Thursday were: Jim West of Greensboro. K. K. Prior of ('harlot te. L. M. Bvore! of Wilson. Ji?hu II. Uav of Wash-! Ington, D. C.? It. T. Walker of Charlotte. Hubert T. Thompson of Knoxvllle, Tennessee. W. A. Todd of Augusta. Georgia, '?*. A. Upson of fth'hmond. C. I. Marly of (Norfolk. William J. Fisher of Petersburg. J. I*. Amentum of Norfolk. A. F. Ibomin of llleh mond. J. A. Taylor ??f Norfolk. It. il. Taylor of Norfolk. I'orMoitMls Mr. h fid Mrs,- M. II I'ayne am! children. Hal and Michael, have returned from Hast l#ake whort tlicy visited Mr. Payne's sister ami friends. Horn to Mr. and Mrs. T. H McMitllnn. Jr.. a non. Church Meek In ft. Th u rail ay morning a the lionio of M I'm" McMnllan'* parents. Mr. and Mrs. I. M. Meek Inn. 212 West Main street. Ming Mhi y Howell. Jncocks oi , tarboro and Miss Kiglna J a rocks i?f Norfolk sre visiting their num. Mm. F. 0. J acock". on Wt I j MHS. KLOKKNCK AUKl'IIY ( LKKT) AND iNSl'Kl'TQU WILLIAM K. that big liloiidi1,' iu?-:?ulug nn*. "Vhii know how they <| |?i m?? ?aIi-ii Tim u as nrivi>.i| on []|>> Ih-arhorn rotilifiy. iloiiT y ?u? "Well. I w;:s >u lti? tiM-ipiliil r r? ?in .111 operation. Ami i'.^Uy and Ills squad ram'iirkrd our lions". I don't know wliii did it. t? n t uh n 1 got hm-k nearly e\< rythlni; wa missing tin iienrlh.i'ndlod kuive* ;m?l forks we go! a* a wunding present 'hiiiI tnldo linen. arid siini ehampague and even Sii c? ni* from i ti ?? iMK'kt'tliouR of our s- r ? vani girl. Hi* l?4*<l Scauli lliiiiirir "I'd like to sti> It it n tonkin;; out from behind (In? bars now." Th{? :im.i; of Fahy win tin* iiiom H|iU( im iil' iit in Mi ? Chnivli street. Wiliiiii- llnll.:rd and Johnny Shaw moior d to N.>rf.'>iU vvi-*n , day. Klrhurrison Si Igwiefc, " *:oh , sJiionci; and lS'.uxlon -1iLav.sou inoU>r? J to Norfi Ik ' Sua.; ; . I *' Wilson Sander* and Mei\ Davis returned home Washington Thursday when; th-*y have lu rn for twii wi oirs. MI'S Emily Cftniinanrier tefi.. >.Xiui.sday - ? ui-^i - f o... . llr ...i: tubuiu College for women where she wi?l attend ?r Wool this year. Mat til w "Weeks. and V. il]..un Dally motored to Norfolk d ?-? i!i?y mortrtiK iu:d i< turned hniic Wed noyday. Miss Kliscabesli Lelloy l?*f I llliH week W (' \V.? VV i? . ? .die \jill attend school for the mm in? year. Mrs, J. .1. Morris. of "W hi-' ninrelnml." NVi-'k^villi'. was iu thv t-ity Thur- Jay. ? Hubert .Itiui'K of Wnl;? i-'uvt Is ill'.* guesi of M. II. June* ut his limn on K?kI Fidiriiift airrtet. MIhs On8*lo Suiiiiile3 h#t day f<?r ?N. C. W.. when? she will rc8Utn?> her studies af<i KPomllni; fcer vaentlon v.Wh li? PioUter. Mr*. Mat- Sample. on '-hhtst Mtrin ntrrn. Mis. Ernest Joins ik'hhoI ihroucb the i't1'V""Thurj.f1ay ir on Niigx ll'nd fii route to h' j- h<?ni' at Muffalo ?.'ew York. ! M Kh> lioriii' >Umi?iiOii te turned homo Sunday aft v 1 spend I tm li i' variltion visitlli : Miss t'na lira dU'y at Uleh S?nuir?*. Mr. an<l Mrs. A. F. Toxey an . Mr. a !i<1 Mrs. Trim Wilson ??f Hertford left Thursday for New ; York Oty where they will ^pi-n i several days. Mrs. \V. J j. Waldorf spenti lug some time with her daught'-r, .\fr*. John M. Wilson at 'Norfolk. Mrs: m. H. Bboknr of Bnlti niorr In vlntiiiiL- Utt ? III! II rlnif Mrs. fiCnllo t Waldorf, on Italcig.. A veil tie. Mrs. Anna t.nwls left Wrdnes ?lay for Morffanton on a hunlne^s i tri|?. Miss N^ttlo White and Misn Mnr^jirct Iliil spent lh'' week end I at Virginia ]lea< h. Mr. and Mrs. Marsha II II Jones left Wednesday to sp r.i some time at Nags Head. .Mrs. Mary Sawyer Wright 1. i, Wednesday for "Nngv TT?m<I 1 7 iiu niory of 111 t?? |tr<? i nt ra li??n i'V |?osn>rtjr.- in iicci t.-. I'aliv hlmM-tf, trust. -i|. \ , -i. lone vol." .soVvrr of ;? tT.i rk mystery i? 'I _ th'' m'.iivIi i.?r ; ]u- ltoinioni 1 ? h- l?/! UUtJ u ? r ? t ul the J??p?vts mill M'J'i havr III-* 11 a traitorous di rect in k l?r;? in within tin- pnstofft..' depart incut ii> make the crime IMlMSillK'. A tip frnm one of Hi prisetf-r* l.? rjiiff Inspector. A. K. Uorinvr siiPKi'sf i>^ ] K;i liy. Alum.-! incr>-du distant territory, unknown to Faby. They found Kaliy in .-on fcronr.-? with JiintcK Murray. w?>ultli.v politician. arrested for the robbery rh::rR?*, but out on yjuMii! several li'Jiyrf. James lliii Jr.. lcturiK'il Tm> day f<?r \Va>*hit?i;inn, after sp *iiJ ii>g a few day.-, willi hi* mother. Mk JamaM Hill on ? Hurt's-* glr??et . - Mrs. .Intniv Hill -nod children. Mi.:. Kvelya a.nd Helen aid! 1 ?;? v I : I . have rr,l.urnvil home from Na jrs Head whore tliey sp'-nt two weeks. ?N. Howard . S??r? if |i . Is spending a f-n d.i>> ,t Ni< H? ? ftnmhdph ? vp-m uamtararxjj ? -ysmasmm it rmmm life's Bitterest Lesson jjeinj :? simple coartrv -ftirl. Myru wan Halteiud by :1h- r:t tcntiotiH of rich younj; ivlr. Ix'lutul ? capc .iollv sosincciill the other rjirls bud Bel :heir caps for him. Inher inmicenco oml ignorance. she did. n?-t (lfMm that his gallantry wnu insincere ? ?he could not fore Beoth- Mnrilin^trttlnof events to which her admiration for this man was to lead. Hrrrt "WhrmKenrTnokFlight" in True Story Magazine for Octobcr. It is a tru<! narrative of tremendous dramatic power win Off from tho heart of a girl. And t :?;* is hut one of the many r a m a r k a bTtT feature ? in October True Story, now on rale at all newsstands. hail. Th??y Hi?t a I rap. Ono of Mu? in ap en turn bus to approach Murray a pru^iK-dLW buyer foF-iM*4i(la la km hi the ronliery. Then Faliy kin'W. Hy th<* tftnr the f . W V'PT.IV. p?: '. Li U.' ?? I ipfM',1 off. K.i h y !i' it?'! liavi* wal\e<| into I lie trap. "Th. re'* more evi?l?*nco than that." says ln*|M'4'i?ir t'larahan of llaitimor*'. mIio wine to ?li r?M t tin' imtnity. "Tin* caw in M-wril up.'* INVEST TOUR SAVINGS IN SAk B no.vns 8ne n* for full Information INDUSTRIAL BANK Trunks and bags FOR YOUR VACATION An?l for llie Boy* and Girl* Going Awny lo College in K?rly Fall. NOW IS THE TIMK TO BUY.^jj Quinn Furniture Co. \ Something New A lea ri ?om wImw dol ii-atosM-ns <?;' all kinds sr rvcd. You .'ii' inviH'fl Vo at tend t Ik* opnihttr af 1> o. m.t Tu1, alay. Srjil. if. of Jose 's Tea Room ' \TT IT i:\Vtt ST.. * ? ? ? Winek ? - -:i :n {v.. Si -? our window of c!? r ?? inii-tnUki _ u^;?l buudoir I.iiiij*-. S{?c'?il low |.iln\ iMs'i Ci?lT? o l'? rcolutorci si n<l I.:. \v. s. whit*: x ro. IImiiih (i|. \?. ||o St. M'Tii 1' . ... f>n. j~ u. fkiJc' ui'TOMirrr.ijT S21 Main m.-i:?9btbcth* Ctty Advice to Housewives All ^iiins point to n scarcity of cniincd goOfta this Fail. Therefore you will he wise to provide yourself with plenty of your own ma lie as t !?<? fruit* and vejfe tallies ripen. ('.inning i ; (lone most enriily on a i;as ranje. Par ticularly in a heat-controlled oven. Vou appreciate the fact that a /as range "Cooks the food and not the cook" during the canninK season. Southern Gas Imp't Co, , J. T. Si'AI.I.I!S<?S, Miinuger. "If u'* done with heat, you rnn do it better ??<?? gat." liu: nrrk rmL at V tr?lnla lt?-arli. northern market* where ho wili buy tall Mock for Ml* store. .Mrs. s. jiin*lt*r'oii and ?-li i It! ? ron. ilarry and Klain?>. una h|? udiux ti n ilax> at JJ allium n>L NNiifhliiKt' ii. .ilul Nt-w Y.?ik. ?nian hut *?? far this wamtn is ?. M>(| Itlack affair, of sat In. faille, or fell. lis one ivlleviitK is a brooch of , brilliant*. NVw York. Sc pi. f?.? Willi thr avLvi iiL lil .bt O w ii an j> favorite m mil xliatlc, aiMtM-r uutv aK.un i-?iiiK<a iu the for*-. Ai ilu- m.i nioiit. t !i?- most popular ju>i i i*. tin> ??tcar, koI?I<-ii iimU r, t tic iu*i a'.*?v r?th?-r loin;. ,i im * ..I .ill. I ? i y ? ??.. Fash ion Nc ws Notes lC |?r'tl.? | ?l K Ti ?? A.I' .!?' '??? I'.triy. S'-pt. .*>. ? On.- si-o!i a Hi I-. il many til.uK ?iMlulil?'s Invariably <*mnhiii?'d with wlill**. br?i?n cukI u iiics art* n?xi in favor, atui il.irk >o pri*'tif a !i* tl?- while ;ifw - is si'tirii'ly woru ai all. ? Loudon. Sept. Tapustry ami l?ai? hi h'atlicr ..r liarinoiii/.*'.! In -itrtc i-* ??f -- U4M--iUry in dulL loii'i'. tilt* put fii t li'allii'r nuke* up tin- cuds. liaudlc, ami fitting;?. N<-w York. S? pt. f?. ? Thr nally If it's Mayonnaise tir Relish say (Jef fand's--at all pre fers. to Sorrice ? The Albemarle Pharmacj ? nilils Quality PHONE 114 Standard Pharmacy THEY WILL SEND rr. DRF.SS III* in a BRADLEY im niN<; srrr. A < .'?ni|>l<-l<- Line at Mitchell's AT CLEAN SWEEP SAI.K PKIJKS Don't Blame Your Shoes for wearing out quickcr than you think ther .should. Below is shown a shoe with the shank broken down. Thou sand# of people have this shoe trouble and blame it on to the poor quality of the thn?. ? This is wrong and unfair to the shoe dealer. The cause is your feet. Your arches are either very weak or entirely broken down. No shoe made will witb? stand such pressure. DlSchoI/s Foot Comfort Appliances will correct both your foot and your shoe troubles. Thousands of people suf fering from weak and brokendown arch es, flat-foot, rheumatic-like nains have profited through the* wonderful devices. Our Foot Comfort Demonstrator knows , feet as well as shoe*. Come in and get a Free Demonstration. You will be elat?d with the OWENS SHOE CO. The II oman'? II fur Store The New Modes Simple, Becoming, Authoritative At Less Than You Might Expect to Pay (Mir culh Mioil of A'MUUIU iii'mK- is I- ?a?ly I '? tiiHl: . "r.c'iiloii" ?'!" on r.'u-. Mul fiuturni'v liishlmi at tliat ? l?rio?* which raiiHiv hi many smart: ?ln smu I ? ? make >5. i.fli.h s|i?'?'|i';< ilo-lr rush 1? mi ll<M?liniartt'r< Tif in w fiiliilcH, I In- ih*w ImiIhiJi, Jlii' ii* ? w 1 1 ar? li' i i'. riuntiiiK'tl willi I lis* I in : isli y >vhh*'i rvi-n I In- limi t .casual eye will rail lns|ill'o<l j A wide variety of .styles from whirl' to wl?rl u imul? I for i-vi-rv tastf mill Hkui'o Autumn Frocks Prices $10.98 to_ $75.00 l-*:iillo Silk si ml Ihnuallin-, I'ri in-h rro|n? ;? ml S;?t in. Tlntf hp- Hi*' froi'k faluirs-for full. .Ml (In* Itrowns siimI <'u|i|i? r Crown*-, .ill 1 1 1? Ulties and Ya iih Hi* arc flu* fror!% color* for fall. Ami IIm'W an flu- nimh-ln H|Miiisnrt?i 5?y nil t't'imiafili' Kfylr ci'iUcrs of tliir country a ad Knrojio. Straight-Line Frocks' Tubal" r Silhouettes* J. '*>??(/ Tunic Frocks The Coa* Frock aiul Cootrostiaf/ Flore Inxet Autumn Coats Prices $15.00 to $125.00 Many Union Autumn Cunts lioxin willi fur, many tlnns they fail with fur. koiim- of |l:?- f'oiits wear no fur iit all hut always lln-v i?onsosh that r.ithfh- thinu railed "lanait ii?';w" In our ??ollfcllon of l-iiiily runt has he?n ronshh-'-i-il, hut this, no inuttir how small has novel' ?l?*l ? -ri?i i in 0 sl\h . 'l'lu'Si' im-w models f nolaiil* ? : \(ic lioffl'tu Sic ere Cod S! iv iff Id Tubular Coots 1' i' If cf Sla- re ('oof j Xi ic Fur llo tulitHJ AV/f Yoke, Ffficts C.OMFs ? Hvl iiijiiutitlfri M 'it It lite Season* s Styles M. Leigh Sheep Co. If ontan*s If car MOM'N POP St'lri lins H.hih- for Mud /(mm NAME ,ME I'j 1 5 cjTEP THIS WAV \ GUNN - IviE | I MR (jUNN- t THINK DROPPED IN '- 'i I I HA\*E SOMETHING TO ">Et A8GOT / THAT WILL MEET < J~li This i<s The Finest or-ptce CT MOO CAM GET FOR THE MONEV WOIA.L FIND THIS LOCATION IDEM. - \T 1"=) COOL IN SUMMER i ANb VJARM IN WINTER - '])miv nidlCi 'AiiKfPxing can hr/r.-^ :r 'mH modern^ isi'd irJ.o r llaiimtm Of ante Blossom . Louis Sc'Iig Your Jrwolrr Mnri" 1f?2 MAIN WVIT.U HTItHKTS Cttome TW"A UP ~ C ) ro / c B loss om *YeJd*n? *nd ti\ 'mgmnyt KINGS R. E. Lewis Co. iii^i iiinl J Skillcil si ml ( 'oiiHmiiH W HI l.lllfll IMihiiim SImiJi RM < !?:. f.'at'ivM t-. I u. ii ?; Kin's :m:t Take llotaD! for the liver Beware of imitations, the genuine in 10c end 35c peck* ages bearing above trade mark. Tomorrow Alright mA tabic ? pariant. ?4d* tcrno and visor to the dlgaativa and ?limlnatl vo lytUin, Improve* the ippr tit*. raltavca Sl?h Haadarha and BIN lou*n??a, corrteti _.^onatipatloa. IChips off -fke Old Blockl m Juniom-Lni i? m* I Ona-third tha regular doaa. Mad* I I o { sam* ingradianta, than cAdy I I Coat ad. For chtldran and adults. I Laaa SOLD BT YOU It DRUflQI?TaJ %l,lllvM \l(lj; I'll \ l(M AC Y Talked Like A Dutch Uncle . "My fa'l ? r i- a pit y.iirian and, naturally. I v..iN opposed to ull iiM'fl lelio*. Mo when a friend told mi to I ?' v Mnyr's Wonderful . laniii.iU? lui m> tiUiimirli IronhU, I laiu ix-d a! him Home mouths later, ad' i rny lather told me ho had used nil known rcincdN in my ciiHii I met my friend again and In/ talked to uie like a Dutch unel?- ami finally Induced me to try It All illy symptoms have now disappeared." It In a simple, liarmi* .?* prepac/itlop that re inov'H tie- catarrhal iiiuciih from f h?' Intesllmil tract and allays the it* fl:*. mutation which cauftes j?r?c ticully all Ktomach, ilvtii and lu teal Ina I aliments. InclndinK ap j p?-ndlcitls. One dose will convince hi money refunded, at all druK klsts. 4 ?dv One sure way to end rhcumatic pain is to uto ISntiler Oil which is ?b-' sorbed right thru skin *nd U<Mur?, h rxl find? its Jr way t u aching m use Ich, nerve* nnd joint*, where it quickly rt ^ IMrvrs inr ?g'jnjr ano goes rip.riio wr>rK it **'????????? tlw cam 0?t a bo<ilr today from .lIMrrilKl AHV MHOt* AI.HMMARIJC I'll.tlLMACY ?/KO\AHi) I'ininiAi r Mot., y >><?' W -.1,1 i)UMll4ll if MI N I ft f.ilA ? ANTRRD ?KIN DIRK ASB RBMtDtM (Hunt's R?iv? #od Soap), fell In IhtirHtmfnt of lick, Rliifwi>rm,T?|??f?f oth?r Meh rt?n dt*vaar?. T tf tMi trntBiol at mi (Mh. HTANI>\lll> I'lhHMAl V Kii/jifKth oiy, s. v.

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