SICK* PEELE ft PEE1.R, Publisher* Ninur prtn. inter. oi The A?tnrla((xl PmM. Pr??? li rat1??l**1y ?atltlf* It r?.??Mlcatla? *f ??? OwUkM tftl* HMf ??< la ?*? local at tt>? M<teiri?a i City N. C.. a* hm?< diN mltir. Subscription lUtM By Carrier. " _l? Cm (la a?va*M) . ________ 42 Cm I (la a<ri?M) h* f By Mull. (tm i 0*?. iz M*ni* . ?M T?r?, 1} a???tfci __ %i Mall Klan*ar? ~ WEDNESDAY. skit l" fiii l*UM|u?>l;mk lla? :i (Ji.iik'c Pasquotank County is hopin-. ? to be Olli' of ( >1. ? f-?i||' < nnin n r nf ? ibe Stal~to "share in ili?~ 1?< i> > - til s of the Laura Spelnian |{oek< t? II. r Memorial fund through ih- Stale "Department ""or Pnblie \V? lia r?-. and has made prop *r ation for this benefit . Tin- uiaK* r is to Tho foll'iwin:. ?l?i>ti:i. -i froni the University N? v.< l.? tt? r * \ plains the plan: The School of Public Welfare partment ol Public \\'? Man- If ' putting on this tall som- special studies and program:: in a Knur County Demonstration. Pro in its headquarters at Uahl-ili tlx State Department "i Public Wiltat . in co-operation with tin1 I 'ni versify School of I'ublle V\ ? Hall-, is plan nlng a similar pr<?j?ei. There are several purpoHeH ?? f th?se effort*. To, demonstrate what tin- fcorth Carolina plan of Public Welfare can do with simple hut adequate, organization in rural count jes U.j one purpose. To undertake cer-i tain experiments for whieli the need must lie shown to ? slut is another purpose; t" dVnm'nstraU the merits of the North Carolina plan to other stutes, which are .watching it. is another puniex*. . "Other ? purposes lnvolv. ?i "sic work out a wholesono co-op* ra-. Uve arrangement with all other, agencies working for tin- public good and to provide a standard method for llohl work and train ing of social worker* and public welfare leaders at tho I'liiverslty of North CaroHna. This co-operative plan has been made possible by a grbnt of $i?<>. 000 from tin- I*auru Spelman Rockefeller Memorial, fills urant to be divided equally betw? n tin State Department ot I'ublle wel fare and the School of Public 000 each for three years. Plans are belnn worked out with mnc.i care looking toward* hrinUnv about the best results desired by North Carolina counties. Robert Hryan would seem to prove that you're never ton voting ^ tp jllay tenia. And we can tliiaV of nothing better in way of rec reatlon for a couple of youn-.istt r than a tennis court in tin bad. yard ? If you have a hack yard * and If it's big enough for. a court Ve editor positively refuses to . read any of the new dally comics, behig firmly fixed in tin opinion that he wastes enough tini" on those to whleh lie is already ad dicted. We are well aware that then are days when this column is tin limit for inanity, but If you don't read It regularly chances are that ?ooner or later you'll miss some thing you'll wish you hadn't. Bringing home the hacOn. i:en ?rally speaking, continue;; to cost morn with the passiiiu ye^rs. Tin Interesting question Ih Whether Oho has tin wherewithal to brlni; It1 home. What* Wrong tlcrc! Study the picture before you iimr. Answer? Pop Klmmn n rlgar #tt*. Young girl* xhouM never wiy "Kin me ' when unking their fathers for HgareMm. the cor rect way ia. "Kather. may 1 have a cigarette, please?" PHONE 114 Standard Pharmacy THEY WILL SEND IT IIOYH MKT TO |)IK rrrnTt7mr?rTroni" iWRi""!" -ll**~ Fn?(' mH- -poJ-n: hurl a rlKur bus t-iatuiiiins tlu momy frmn th> train. Addition**' ins* nu t inns wnv~ in a ?i?t?r pla ? t I ill a mes.-ajje rark in a pat ltir car. That Ivtlcr wai found I >t r ai New York. I'prni concluding . their confes sions l.ot It and LvoiKiiiLaxxml t go Willi uJflctT* and prosecut-irs mi -n- tTttrr of .-the ntut?* lhcy bati traveled from the moment tb ' Prniil.H liny was seized tiniil tlu* last ittlirlr in connection Willi h;j murder was disposed of. They <| nut tin* various spot; where I hoy b:?l buried or huiiiei ailick'a and assisted tlu* officer? in their nt-on-ry Tin* typewrit- i was 'wi r|"vt'(l from tin* lagoon l?/ a professional diver. Shortly after the youth* lian I i ; ' 1 1 !? Irii'il ij ? Uairutt v l? ra n ert'iiinal lawyer, ami Wai ter and Benjamin Dae|irnc!i 1?ro: hers. were engaged .in thels behalf. Their first net whs*, t.. s? "k writ'- ef hahaes corpus to r? ? liinvc rrof II TTTr rust oily. ol I ' state's attorney and hav** tliei.i pluced ill jail. " Iir ho>* rouf' - I ? ?!i day 4 1 and si.v d.i.v; later Hi- t'ool rotin 1 i v Kr:?iwt |m?v TriiMr?nMnr"cin ihi.n-i>. of iii.k'i! i iiinl 1> iiliKiptiu- . for ransom. both punishable b/ ?|catli in Illinois. On Juno II. they appeared before Judge John It. t'averly. ebief justice of the ( lonrts of rook ronntv pleaded no1 guilty and were lu-ld vilhnitt ball for trial b -glnnim: Xiignsl 4 ? Ten tluyn later their ;.l- .i - miexpi-eiedly were cliaiiKi-d i to guilty and 111"' en ii r I consented to b< nr. ??> iflenr?'_ as to the nature1 of 1 1?<- crime .from the state and testimony in mitigation of pun ishment off? red by lie defense. Tin* formal hearing begun July 23. The state Introilueed N 2 wit liessoH who testified n< to the n? gravutitm of tin* crime, the d" feii.-*-' foiiutered with a score, in ?-In ling four eminent, mental path ologists, and the state ? lotted with tt alimony. in rebuttal of e'j;ht \yii-, nesses, including four ini-utai ex perts and .me student of etidoc-] rinology. TI?m :np>oj. i|. - iMUtb't ? of ? lb; - erhiie. the actual slayer, seemed (I< - f in i I ?- 1 y acltUd by the testimony of Dr. Mernard Chuck of New York, defense alienist, corrobo rated by Dr. II. S. Huihert of Chicago. that f?oeb struck the fu lal blows. 1 lie defense based its plea for penitentiary sentences rather than death on 'he gallows on ,t finding of a degree pf "mentai sickness," short of iutniniiy, how >\er. in i > : ? 1 1 1 youtlis. attributing. You >*/or\t e\Jer b#> upset if you colts, alloys keep , your- . , balance. " THE FIRST & CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK KMZABKTH CITY. N. C. TWO KINDS OF INTKIII6HT? l*KltMOXAIi * i% PURE LOLLYPOP3 Don't Blame Your Shoes for wearing out quicker than you think they fthould. Below is shown a shoe with the shank broken down. Thou sands of people have this shoe trouble and blame it on to the poor quality of the shoe. This is wrong and unfair to the shoe dealer. The cause is your feet Your arches are either very weak or entirely broken down. No shoe made will with* stand such prvsure. DrScholls fool Comfort Appliances will correct both your foot and your shoe troubles. Thousand* of people suf fering from weak and broken down arch er flat-foot, rheumatic-like pains have profited through thaaa wonderful davlcaa. Our Foot Comfort Demonstrator know* ?eat as wan aaahoaai Coo* In and get a You wB tw elated wkh ? OWENS SHOE CO. it <o functional disorders of the lasles continuing- into the maim- . er years as malign influencva. aud xi u lit I'd emotional growths. .The stale sought to prov* that the youths were entirely responsible iii< lit u 11} . emotionally and jiliya. rally. Loth the Leopold un l Lor . families diitslaMueil any iulention to tite tfieir enormous wealth fo~ eheat the law-- ami - uvtu- ug? lliut the lioyH were menace* in so ciety ami should be confined, al though they desired for t hem tu :.auie defense permitted any nth er lawbreaker in an effort to jav? their lives. It was broUKht out ou the wi ? nc-.K stand (hat thetour alicui ' wi re to receive a fee of ;. day. The attorneys' fees would be stipulated hy a committer com pi>H?'d of the officers of the ha. association of Chicago. family in the hearing was not elaborated upon. Two of th? alienints for the prosecution, oil' ? whom ? leg! if l"d ? hi?* f ???* ? <?*? lie $250 a day. said they had been engaged for the state througi* Samuel tCttclson. former corpora lion counsel for Chicago, and i ii t?f - tim- Kj-nnHy M iinty. - -|t7~ .olvLmd with I lie priM < litem '..;t: did not participate- opfitl>\ Mr. and Mir*. Franks appr.tiei as opening day wlln^MVcs to I lie e> tabiMi the corpus ' dcllcti. ami Foreman Leopold, brother ??. .% ?t n an. ami Allan i^o?-o. nroi!i?-i ii f Kichard. and Jacob M. Loen. uncle^f Kichard, and fo:m<-; prrsldMlt"T)f the Chicago board of education, were the only mem ber* of the defendants* familb . on the witnps'Tstaril. The youthful murderer woi ? graduated as the youtiM'*' ii:? it hern of their classes at iho I'm versity of Chicago and the Cni versiiy of Michigan, euch now in i iiiK 19 year.i old. They tir - .>:doit of old Chicago families. The. Let pold family has been in Ciiicag) since 1N67. Albert 11. Locr?. fat.. er of Kichard. was horn in Ch:c.i ?:o In 1R6S. The grandfathers ? boITt youths w#-re turning thos who. like Carl SchuU. -calin'? ? J.hU country front.. Germany o._ . Triuaeol IK* fiMlhTP-ITr TOT rew 1 tit ion of is is. Hoih faiuili ?. . like ibr* family of Hobby Frank.*. . are of Hebrew descent. NEW CLOTHING, Hats, Caps, Sweaters, Shoes in. A. COOK* ( I lead-to- Foot Out fit ters) K?m?d your homo. office or Htori* lighted with tlie In st Mitzdii Lump. Wi hnv.- all . i/. i And Lot us do your wlrliir. No job too Miiiii 1 1 or too lan:?- for u.? to hnndlo. Deri of material and workmanship at your with'**, tilr.hl or day. w. s. whit*: a ro. Phone it*. Ill) MkiiIiihh St. IUHKKTILM.I, AN TKNNIH AT ( THAI* lfll.ll NOW ? Old Trap. S**pt. - 10.? Hu>tket ball and tennis will bo the lean ing utlH?*tic activities of tJie OlJ Trap TIIkH SMtbtil this fall, ac rurilitiK t> the principal W. C. Johnston. "The t? nnis court has not yet l??' m put into fliap* but it will Im' and *?? have some tenuis star ihat til ait- ;; K?>;?d sh'owThj^ ~Tar? ?f-nrr ft *r rnmin j?ct npn tint i i: ' i his t;i 1 1 with Camden County High School* we will. he Kind to hv" what we can do with a team from Klizabeth City." A* in Curritu'k County; Cain den" County High Schools opened on i In* first of September. The priiiclpntb is assisted on the Hik.? SrhiM'l faculty by Miss Mary Kran ri* S.?wyir of South Mills. Mr \\ <!. Johrsion leaches t lt<* six'.. :t ?i ? i ?viiit' ur.i<l- - .-nut Miss An n ii' It- II Wood TTl ll>-rtIoi'(l ti l c :i:.t < i ! nw rmiun ? anfl fii jiliMlen. M?nm V.-.m Coilins of Ho per is teaching the second an. I third trad"*" simf-- Miss* IrHn. l.-ary of thH plne?> teaching tin lirst grade pupils. Th'-ri- an* "'3 pupils enrolled ir. I Ik* High School :iud 1?~* in Iik Kra miliar grades. Mr*, iz T/Tumcrrt: rtnarrrft; ?? i spending her va^i'tioti with r<-| aiiv.w lii lt:i|eigh and Vorfolk. MUX'S CI ASS l\ ATTKNPANCK (XMTKS1 The men's Hlhle classes of th ? First Methodist and City churches are engaged in an al ? ndancc contest to la:>t throu^li September and October. The lov ers are u> visit the winners a'U. the coiit' ot, take chargc of the '?lass and supply the teacher. Last Sunday tho Kirst Methodist cla>* h;;d 44 present and City ituad 67 DiiFSS UP in a BRADLEY -^BATHING SI/IT. A i .'oni])lrlt> I .iiH- at Mitchell's AT CLEAN SWEEP SALfc PltlCES ; Oislirr 5 n'.;, Snap Brails. : S;, i'i (Wii ? IS fur any o'.licr Krc^li \ I'vrltyblcn riiovi: mm it. <;arhbtt Kl. DAI.M) CIGARS S??M by ;i;<x ! i:s \ \ i> m\i;.M \cifcs I). K. MOK6AN'& ?0. w iioj.KsAu; c;it<x fcns rhoiie 5.iU TRY THESE I'EITY NUT wirli Sprcitd NII'I'V Clio.-*. THOUSAND ISI \NI) DrrmiiiK. M. P. Gallop Co. rilON'KK ;t and 57 1IOMK AM) FI KMTIIIK GO II* IX KL\MK>, Washington Sept. 10. ? The. res idcnce of O. B. Wynne. locateu 'about three and half miles ftom this city uu what in known aa ?? e "t'owhi-ad Road." was burnc^ Monday night to the ground. No: a piece of turuiture u??r any cloth ing belonging to the family >aved. The Tiro wax dbcovi.'o 1 J-ct-wfrn tf?and !? o'clock and ha'iTI pained such headway it could n.?l he extinguished although tho ten ants on the (arm worked like Tro J:in>. IIOY I A >SKH A KM Washington. Sept. 1? ? Monday atti rnoon while engaging in help inp, to unload a iishing heat a* lllount's Creek; the t?-n -year ol i son of Mr. and Mr*. Glasgox, Smith, of Fairm vH1?? w:>w shut i.e. ? i'U-ntully in tin- arm liy a shot gun firing. The l?oy was runhe.! i?? tho Washington Hospital, whore upon examination its wan foun 1 necessary to amputate the arm. WMfn he spent a restless nignt an.l is mueh weakened from loss oC blood he I.* doing very well today. 3JUUES Miiir.1 amikv , AT I'OI'IAIt BK WCII I'oplnr H ranch. S?pt. 10. ? A series of robberies around I'oplar ' M ranch last Friday niuht has hud this conimunity agon ever since, l":i no clue as to tin* Identity or the lawbr? akers ha* been ob- i 'ained except that they came and M ELI C K SlljipK the Hoys anil Girls With Stationery i( jiki want In urllo Co ?mi I'foni m'IhniI. Ilujr It Here mimI SAVK MOXKY I III. l*MfK*r, - fiku*. Kim*. W"'*. for ... ^ 25c TIm* Itrl ti-|- ill (lie \??w SIm|n>s hi |irn|N>r< li<>ll;l(4'l> low prices. fountain IVns Evemharp Pencil-. =MELICK= J Bookkeeper Palls Heir to Fortune* 'Tiwii I ho death of uti uncle 1 luh. ritod $50. 000. I "w?Vo U|i my poiliioii and intended enjoying w)i?>n f was stricken with , a scvi-r*1 oust' of stomach trouble j i ami oolic Attack*. Two of these attacks made m?? Iqso conscious ness. Aft r trontltiR Willi our lu st j doctors with little benefit, I de rided to try Mayr's Wonderful ; i Romi'dy, and it helped mo at |oiic?*. 1 have been entirely well , for. pant year." Jt i? a simple, harmh-ss pr? -para t ion that re move* tif catarrhal mucus from j the intestinal tract and allays the in llatu mat Ion which causes prac tically all stomach, liver and in testinal ailments. including ap- , ! pomlicltis. One doso will con- ; j vince or money refunded, at all | i driiKKisls. adv. | iVHWW'N POP HY TAYLOH \HKPtV4 BW5 LU. HAVJt SOU WCHtV-OR ^ &?\A VJOOMHCj LAKE *P0LUt<5 CWOROS vmvUE. ^ooe. CAv_v_MHrr ^MiRtRS v?u. at PMCKfcO IN tWE CU? ROO*A , CORRVOORS UKE SAKNNtS WMTIN6 S . Xo^HCJWtWMOO V4VTH PEARLS, ORCHIDS I ^J\NO CWVfOtH H06.\ERS(^ H wont In a Kord touring car aud that there were at least two ui<an In the party. Apparently they "VfW-aftfr money, bui they f:ot only $7.50 a* a r?*ault of two rob beries and oui> attempt.. The $7.50 which they obtained In rash v.*** at I'oplar liranch Ululi School. wluTt- they gained ??lit ranee to the building by r< ? moving a pane of glass from one window and bruk** into the cash drawer. Th??y . also rem ova- d a pane of ^Ihm.s from the *(nrf of John Tillett .and Wii^e on the point of breaking in when Mr. TlllPtt. who nlwps above bin Htore. heard tlieni. The Intruder* heard .Mr. Tillett as he sprang from bed and fled after firing a pistol at him ?ns he shouted them to get off. Other places entered were the residence of I.. <\ Ibtuni. which was unoccupied and tin- garage of Avery Wood bourn- . but though .1 desk In" tii'* Itaum residence Was t'iinMa<Hid IP.-i'e was no ? .!?!? no that the Intruder:; found to inte rest them at either of these two places. MONUMENTS Lawson & Newton TUB MOM'MKNT PKOPLK KsilniutM tilvcn on Work Net OMiiplele Mnntlcello Ave., at I lib St. NORFOLK, VA. It's Here YOUR FALL HAT! **t- Hi" |mr It tnt? caws, ri aiiy for your rrvlnv, art1 tin* now fall HalH. Sure ly yyi'vc; never schi ?nch a likable stock. Stetson*, S7.00 SictM?ii Male, .S5.IMI McCabe & Grice The Kunv Sloro ttillfO 1RWO roi'l.Att lilt Well I'LAWINCJ Foil CtlMMlMTY FA I II t'opiar tiranch. Sept. 10. ? I'UtiiK for a loin id ii it It y fair, uiili Iviiiory Smith, teacher of nurirul lure at Poplar liraticli Hiui) School in t'liarue, art* now w? II u:i<i? r way, with the premium lift :vlr.a?l> in th?* huiitl.s uf tin* printer. TTi?* (luir^Tiir the fair huS ' mil yT*t Tm.Ti uniitTunrtd. but it will probably bp h**ld ilo* latter part of September or ?arlv In Oclobcr If pUuif ?'? foot are carrhd out. the exhibit will l?- tin* most com pt?-hr:i:?.iv?- i'Vi'1 aioit'liiblrd to s?-t forth the rt-foure*** of l.owrr Cur rituck. i>\uf in-: ickpiik-i-atki) AT 'I III-: IIISTIIKT FAIIt .Mwnt'o, ? M*-. Pun ? C*?utw >y wHi hnvt- ?? ? \inhi? nt tip ? on vouu mirniuAY ?Sciii/ Your Mother lloturs l<YVNtMH{\LW. Inc. to Swiiice ? ITic Albemarle Pharmac> ?ciirfs Quality Iwmarh- Ditsrlct Fair this year. It ' has brt>D decided this week. 1 "with Miss Mabel Evans, coun ty superintendent of education in charge of the exhibit, it woe* without sayinx in these parts that it will b?* a credit to Dare County. Dure County * exhibit at the Fair last year attracts wide spread attention and comment. Special This Week A hcautifnl 17-JchcI 20 yrar guaranteed caw Harmtton Watch $30.00 * | An ??xtru fuir natch, ac cural** liiiic>kcc|>cr and - UIK I<H? - ? ? price. [ ' Main & Watrr Sim. SPECIAL I'ltlCKS ON FOUNTAIN PENS AND PENCILS THIS WEEK School Children and others should buy Pens and Pcncils this week at special prices. See our window display and pick yours out. H. C. Bright Co. llinton Building. Jewelers. Main Struct. NEW PERFECTION AND PURITAN OIL COOK STOVES The plaee to buy your Oil Cook Stova* and part*. Quinn SCHOOL DAYS ARE HERE L? t us liclJvou solve your clcanlnj; problems that are bound (<? arisi during the coming school days. Our service on uirli;* middle suits and dresses will p aKCk you. ami tin* bli{;lit cost will astonish you. ^ Ph ase eall early-*' in llie morning so our deliveryman will not have to cover the same territory twice and we can give you better service. PHONK 2M0. Cooper Cleaning Works Daily Advance Classified Ads For Rent II O I S K F O It |( K N T ? SIX rooms and hath. rlcctrlf liuhtM and o|h?>r modern riiiivi'tili'nccii, corner MlPheraon and I'ithh*; streets. Apply Mrs. W. L. Sinn II. H'.'p.S-10-np hoik*: h?h itBNT ? on rv pn-sH Htroet. Apply Mrs. J. II Morrtsette I0| Kant fiurfcras. Phono 701- W. sept tfnp Wanted W ANTKII TO KKNT ? FAMILY of three, heated roomn, water. lllllti and lliht house kocplng. r a r a giT, good location. Ailiirtwi 1'. O. Ilox No 1U0. City. 86-1 ? Help Wanted WANTKD ? M.VNA(iK|{ FOlt thin territory for our Monthly Payment Accident and Health De partment. Strong Company Lib eral policies. Manager mm tic all claims and Issue policies. Top notch contract. Address inun'd lately. Commercial Casualty j? furance Co., Newark, N. J. sept fl.R.9p. WANTKD ? hADV TO HT.W with elderly lady. Good board and pay. Call 845. sep5-llnp Miscellaneous I'.OAIthKltS *AKTICI> ? APPI.V 9 Rait Church street. Phone ?M-W. sept 9-lSnp OOMPAWV WWTS man in Kllxaheth Cltjr to sell Wai kins Home Necessities. more than , 160 used dally In this terrltOTjr. ' Income $15-150 weekly. Expei iencc min e* HHitiy. Wrlto Dept \-2. Th?- J. K. Wat kin*. Co.. 15? 1 59 Perry St., New York City, sept . 9pd. FOIt THK HKMT I'ltKSH FISH, .sail Ash and oysters rail "The Mun Who Kiiowh Flali" ami you will fh?' h<*s|. Tlios. Crank. Jr. I'Iioikh 204-110. *fp.8.9-np MISS MIWIK AMtttltTSON ? will open clasacs for pupils in drawing and wulor color painting. Order* taken for decorated furnl lure. For particulars apply to 201* Went Church street. Hc6-12np DONT MIKS? CIIAXCK TO buy your doors (with locks and casings) mantles, etc.. for tha* new house. Nlco Block and big saving to your pockct. W .K. Dun stan. 401 _ W'. Church street. Kept ft-ionp. SF.K JOK KM/IOTT FOIl SKWINC# machine* and vlctrola repairing, upholstering. etc. Have for sale good xi'Wlnu machines at flu. |24. Shop, 3l?i Parsonage St s?>::-llp MUM. PKICHARD AND Ml HA El*? la Pilchard have returned from northern mnrkets with a beauti ful line of fall and winter hats and will have a special display on September 10 and 11 of Imported and domestic pattern*. You are Invited. sept 3-9npd ( K4 lT m i l, ~7)| S\OWI?F. V teat I flea to the efficiency of Toxa Koae. He says that It destroya mo s<|ultoa. moths and bedbugs. He recommend* It an being very ef ficacious In the destruction of mice and ratn. Toxa Rose Mfg Co.. Box 165. Elisabeth City, N. C. Also on sale at Southern Hotel Harber Shop. sept 3-9np HCV HTtH'KH AND IIONDH from us in Weekly and Monthly payments. The Industrial Bank tfnp. HOYS AND (ilKI/H HOOV Ih? leaving fo| college. They will want Mother's and Father's pho tograph. Mother and Father wll! want their phntograph. "Why not make an appointment with Zoel ler'i studio, over first * Citltrn* National Hank. sep4-llap for Safe KOIl HAIK ? ICOI HK WITH AM* modern conveniences. Best resi dent lul section of Hie town. I). R. Kramer. sept9tf I- OR SAI.K ? ON K NKW M ROOM house on Cedar street. all con venlnnccH, floor roverlnK Included A bargain. Carolina Ileal Kstato Co. sept 6 . 8 . 9 n p HllJ HAI.K ? IIOt'HK ON MAIN Hi reel. If you want to own on? of (he fluent ho in cm In Kllzahctli City, it will pay you to investi gate thin. Carolina Real Kstato Co. 8ept6,8.9,nu KOlt HAl.K ? I Wll.l, SKIili MH stork and fixtures containing gro ceries. cafe, soda 1 Jim'ain. eight furnished rooms, 1? >r ? t - l at pap ? nc r dopni Rents reasonable. I?. II. Thornton. sept.2-8-pd FOR KAI.iT- TUKXTY-FOI || foot gas boat with engine in good condition. T. 8. Owens. 2-8pd W Ml NAI/K ? 4 INK KICillT YHAR old horse. Weight about 1.100 pounds. W. L. Dowdy, Harbin ger. N. C. sept 2-Spd. FOR HA1JC ? TK* ftlVARKH Carolina Hanking & Trust Com pany stock. Address bo* 176 9tf FOR HAI,K ? SIX PF.R CENT real estate mortgage bonds for safe Investments. Industrial Bank. tf | Lost and Found MINT ? ? 1-I.VriMM iiiumA! in shape of flown basket. finder please return to Ki.therlne I'ln SSIt.f Cherry street. telephone . ? ' or Ml" M attic Hoblnann, nt I>r J. it OrlKKs. Church mreet, telephone 324-.I. It, w?rd offered. ?ep.8.9-pd ,X*IT ? "W Ul\(l AMI HWIIIT link gold watch chain oa street la ??????* Raieltth Motel on war t? No. 2 20 North Uoad attfet. Find* er return to W. H White. No. 41# Matthewa utreet. phone 61 Kewaril 1 offered. ?oot ?,!#??'

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