WOMEN'S INTERESTS Ctioke Family I't'iinlon For more' -than thirty yvars. since the first boy left home and launched out in- the WoYltf for better or %vor?e. the son* and uuughters of t!ti? lute It. A. C*o:?k?)* of Auiander. Her tie Coun ty, have met in annual reunion. As lon?! as their fath? r lived, who survived their mot her a number of yejim, they met wi?h him ut thr ? oUl ? Iwiiii.i, ttimir ? dem h they have alternated their place of mating from ouo of the.child ren's homo to another, or" to some summer rtsort. Last Wed nesday they, and quite a number of their relatives, met at the home of their brother. Pr. 11. Cooke in Kicli Square. where thiy were served in the prove of Hi' llaptiM ('luirrh ni-ar hy. with a res I i?lil 1:* lilnrieil Imrhonio and brtinswiek stew dinner, with all its accessories. There are nine of the children, six boys and three Blrls. All of th. 1:1 are married and have children. Ileginnin;; with tho oldest hoy and going down lo the youngest, their names and addresses are:' John 11. Cooke. Auiander; Clinrlle A. Cooke, Elizabeth City; James K. Cpoke, Helcrnss: Nertmttl -W-. ? -Cooke, Andr ws. Smith Carolina; Quin ton II. Cooke, Rich Square; Ku gene M. Cooke. Wadesboro. Tie girls in like order, are Nellie Lasslter, and Mat tie TMttman. Au landcr, and Kulaiah Joyner, Woodland. All of these w ri; present. Next duy after pari lik ing of a sumptuous dinner with their sister. Mrs. Lassiter, they went to the ci metery and placed flowers on th k graves of their mother and father and other rel atives, and from rhere departed for their respective homes. - Mrs. .Max L. Samh't'lin is -Im proving aflcr .being ?|iiii?> ill at 1n r homo r?man hnvo return (Ml from Nag* Head Hrhcro they spoil 1 some time. ?Mrs. Hoy Sykes mid daughter. Jmic Mae, of Galveston, Texas, and Alonao Coppersmith and family of West Point who Imve 1?een visit ing ..their sister, Mrs. John Albert .-^on of this ciiv mid their father.. (J. II. It id of City Route Five for tin* siimm *r left Monday by motor for Galves ton, Texas. Miss Mftta MrPaddrn. ?f Phil adelphia is the u ur-it of l>r. and Mrs, Howard Combs, on West . Ma i 11 street. Mrs. ' ~7?rT. Ml nil it*; ? a-iid linlr (laughter, Hilda, and Mrs. Churl s Jackson, of I'lymouth. are the gnosis of Mrs. Fred Hoycn on Kast Chureh street. ? Kkin n?-r .Ionian of this cilv is visit ing friends ami relatives at Kdontoti. MIhh Gertrude Harrell has been spending Hie sum mer. MJr*. F. L. Traenklo and little daughter. Caroline, l>ft Tuesday for Ihelr home, Youngstown, Oh'o, afPr visiting Mrs. Traen 'In's parents, IMr. and Mrs, W. II. llodrlck on Cedar street. Hev. H. F. Hall is a?slstinK Rev. B. L. Wells, of fSdenton. at a revival this we- k at Macedonia Baptist Church. Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Wood hrtvc returned after spending some time at New York City. They were accompanied homo from Norfolk by. their daughter, Miss Iconise Wood. Mrs. Edward Haws and chlld ren loft this wet k for HaIHgh where they will Join Mr. -Hawes at thflr new home. v. Miss Hcglna Jaroeks. of iNor folk and Miss I 'oily Jaroeks of Tarhnro. have rot nrii<*-i to rft.-ir ' homes after vi?IHn s their aunt, Mr*. K. G. I a cocks. Born to Mr. and Mr<. tl. F. Laughlln. of Florida, a baby girl.. Margnret Brooke. Srad-iy, Sep tember 14. Mrs. Laughlln was formerly Miss Bessie Cobb of this city. Mrs. Claudia Limb left Sun day for -Newport N w.a where she will sltend the t o thy Bubunk wedding Wednesday. Carl Perry and Malltu w Weeks left Tuesday for Fork Union Military Academy. Vir ginia. Mrs. Panflne Griffin. of Greenville, has returned to Ikt homo after visiting her sister. Mrs. Halite Kvans, at Heleross. PI I O NT, 1 1 t Standard Pharmacy THEY WIIX SEND IT. INVEST TOUR SAVINGS - m 8AFE BONDS M n lor fin INDUSTRIAL BANK Flyer Harding's Goal ?Ida Rcu^nzohn. rtcrk f.>r the V. S. Air Si-rvlw n' Pajtsn, O, !n to !*c ?married lo Llt-uiviiuui Jack IJnrtlin!?, 'rotiiulthc-woild U>\r. iiftvr his uiy. ?>o cays Mrs. Ruti.or bachelors: mehes vonii chances If you an a jrouuj: frllow \v III* no matrimonial i?rm ?rcls. hiT?* U your opportunity or r?ih? r -Mipoitunlti' to ?- f yourself a wife. Those two Chicago !i?-. .1 ! j I- i:;'' ? . .1 sin?l hor ; Is ter, Cecelia, l!f?, a.r?- oniy t: o *?\ i * 1 i 1 1 %*??' l!ut Hi n - O'h III lie cjitrli to it. Tin in;in- nr m. ii \v4i?? i.ik'- ..'iv.tn; ?? of their Ixtrcahl TlHIHt Ul.rci lO pi.j '?fi for ' t?) H ir iiioIIh I*'h liOnri. farm in-.-ii* Milw.ii:" TiulV v.liy I hey nr<* inaklnK.^K! ofh*r. And lie nr* i-l-mre ?r n?*? niukt come ouicMv.aa a fclLLlifl 1 < l? ???-. lfAVK vol i; w vmi KXAMIiNKI) AMI CLKAMil) Kvory watch should toe cleaner! nine Oncft year. Wc jjfivc you quick scrvice r.iiil a watislactoiy jolj. H. C. BRIGHT CO. Jewelers A FIFTY CENT TOOTH BRUSH FREE All this week * ASK t ;+ AWll-T THIS I ?IMPOSITION. TheApothecaryShop ? "A Good Until Sftii { " In Tho Ilinton Building Phone* 400 and 800 A Queen i. T"ti? Pl it I of N?*w YorlT RiiT i.tvM iltti.ij t|U<-?-n ?>( the 5k'p?cm bi i Kk-v(3? in Mi x. Slic ? jusl is Fash ion Ne ws Notes (CnpjrrlcH. 1!?3I. I?v Tti? Aifraur*) Paris. Sept. 17 ? Tile boa of ostrich ii|i> in hri^lit roli.rs :.nin d ami figured. are among the prettiest showings of tlie season at present. New . York. Kept, 17. ? Among. . he shoes for street wear shown ! here today is a pump of almost startling simplicity. Of eunm I -TtlM ???! Mil. T lia** iieitner stuclv n??r cut-outs, merely one slim atikle-etrap. , M. (J. MurriM'llc &Jjuipu\ I II it N I TUB K CASH, ir You Have II ( ItKIIIT. II' Von Wtim ll KKCOItl) EiSliOIIMiN r at the lUU'lKh. *'Ht. 17 - 'talc C..1 lent1. rnlv??r?liy of Nortli ? *r? i ??? i nu. Eton Coll?*ico. Wake Furvi North Carolina Collect* for W ? > men. and llteh l*olnt Coll??>? ? ? mrd yesterday wttta rrrr nt T-n.rr.1 inent*. Bridal Gifts The irift tli.it von m il ? the bride should : Ii:>v; exceeditiK kooiI t ?: U? i.i its selection. Ind'seiim innte choice is tni:i|itir> ctntfd. : What can be nicer thsin a wise selection of pretty biheiT "STIvt'i mm1, well chosen, is the ni o s t dial miiiK and durable K' ft of all and pleases the bride best. Il'r tci/l be yUrtf to shotr you. Louis Selig~ Your Jeweler Since WSJ Main & Water Sis. Real Heating Comfort Kor real heatiiiK comfort every home requires auxil iary Ileal -ever-ready warmth to help out your furnace on bitter, winter days ? economical warmth sufficient in volume lo keep your rooms properly heated in Spring and Tail when a furnace fira would bo wasteful. All this is yours with a jfas radiant-glower heater. See them at our oll'ice. I j Southern Gas Imp't Co. J. T. STAIJJNfiS, Manngcr. "If it s ifimr irirh hviit, i/ou Cdil (to it bcTtrr with (/us." DIgPMY Introducing Fashions Favorite Modes If o/ncw/nv mul Thnrmlny Si' lit. 17 imii HI Vml n xhnv inn nf mIi/HmIi t/rirmcnt* rriilcjirinj/ many rhanqrn anil innovation*. ( orric mill See I he Fall ( /i/Hiri l In Mo ft Attractive Array M. Leigh Sheep Co. W'umnn'i Wear I - ! Wool Jersey Dresses For High School Girls A wry attravtivo model h? nl! wool Jersey that j nrikrs a wry" sorvirwifilo School I)p*ss, swes 14. 16. | 18. :'.S mid 10? colors. Ill-own. tali. Kivv, henna, | I'owili-r I illlc. i-opoii. $5.75 R ticker Cf S/ieely Co. Elztthrlli ( ilv's lli'sl Shirt' S i I k e n L o vc I i n ess for Winter Frocks ^ \HI)S vanlw <>f I'lC most <'\i|lli*ilr ^ilkn you've ever srrn hit iiflrrwl for very nioilrr 'TUT'jTfti (rrucrful yialU'l'iiH and fxay and soiiiImt colon* arc licrr for the iich frock*. McCabe & Grice The Rutty Stttrc Since I It'H) Don't Buy Old F ashioned Heaters On von Maul ii 1 letter met h <>fl of lieiitin^ your home ihiH winter? Then nee I lie new type fiirimee whirli ?rl* almvc the floor. A wonderful new heuling de velopment thiit does the work of two or three ordi nary sloven. HoiiIm tl??? Ii ? a 1 1 Ii f it I way l?y moi?t iilr elrru hit Inn. .\n ratlly kept rli-Hii on a *?r ruinltiin . VHr.niiH imnviniii i iiinn. I fTnTSTi In blue, i;ruy, nmlm^nny or plain. Allen's Parlor Furnace Don't tmy an old fanltiom>fl stove ivhvn you can yet thin /riftf'ivKB furnaev for almost I hv 94i in v money ? We una ran fee. even hcotinfi in nil parts of the room and a bit) Hvvinff in uonr fuel bUI. D. M. Jones Co. Kli/iiliclli Cllv Famo and Lebanon Belle Flour arc nh^4?lii flour* ??f l?1 by the leiullnR iroMfi ? DIsntlflt'TKI) IIT ? F. TOXEY & COMPANY SCHOOL DAYS ARE HERE Let tin help you nolvc your cleaning problems that arc bount to arl*e durlnfc tlir- coining whool day*. Our n^rvlrf on girl*' middle RuttR and dreMe? will plea?? you. .nid the Blight rout will a?toiil*h you. I'l#ane call early In the morning no our dellveryman will not have to cover tho name territory twice and wo can gtvo you better aervlce. I'lKlNi: HHO. Cooper Cleaning Works