PEELK * PEKI.E. Publisher* HERBERT PC CLE. Ctfit*. Kcnber of The Awwriutwl l'r?M??. 1? Aaaatlatatf Pr?M It OMhiilwIy ?ntitltd to M w far ra-nMkiiitn ?t >i*i imaiiiwi "<*>?< ?? tM? MC?r ??< *>m U ti? toil Ml MMWw4 CMtrttf it tl?? *.? ? DUOttt City. N. c.. at I>r?n< ?lst* nailer. Subscription Knit's lly CarrltT. Im ?Nk 10 Cent* tm ?aal? (la ?*?????> ? Ontl M*?tki (in Ummo . V4.W lly Mail. lm (In advance) . .... 11.29 Kb ???Oii (la tlviiif) |i.:i l*M Oaa. 12 a?a?thi \4.W ?M Tm, 12 Maathi %s 00 b ?? llM*in t?N FRIDAY, SKI-T jr. Nml? of Kli/ulii'lli (lily anil llif Allicmarli' 1. A hard surfaced road from Elizabeth City by Sou t li Mills and also through Cur rituck lo Norfolk. I. A hard surface! highway not leas imrn in r?-?t wki.' connect inn Elizabeth City with every county. s? at east of the Chowan Klver. 1. A bridge across* the Chowan Rl?er, connecting Iterlle and "Chowan Vois'ttTfe^ Vi iit'i^TniC? ing possible a" real coastal highway through t h 1*5 sec _ tlon. 4. A direct road from Flelcross to Colnjock briti^iim all Currituck below Colnjock 10 miles nearer Elizabeth City atid thus nddlim to the attractions of Point Harbor an a summer resort. ? IrKetrjt ?uriLli;e lu tween Point Harbor and Nogs Head, con necting at Point Harlior with bus service to Eliza beth City. 4. A broader knowb due of public health among the people of this section. 5. Conversion of the Obi Falr _ Kruimrt Just beyond 1he Elizabeth City hospital into a public pork. We'll have to hold up ?u the ports and terminals debate until --WB Ret back to u bluK'-i' |mp< r. Be sure to attend your com inanity's fair this full and then I cap off the fair season by attend ing the Albemarle District Fair. City Manaker Dray* idea that ; the city ordinances might be used to advantage and prollt In the teaching of civics In the city schools strikes uh as both pradl-| cal and wise. a It'a pi of en rather thnw-? ren i that's lining up for IjiFoI lotte not alone In Oregon, as Da vid Lawrence points out; but the ?amo thing Is true all over the | country. The real progressive h ought to get behind Davis. Dut If Oregon votes by party label in ataad of according to conviction, aa Rome of us in the South do. It looks aa though that slate s bend- \ ed straight for the Coolldi-e j -column. The Advance learns with a vast .amount of satisfaction that of the rappY-Nirr sandwich SPHKAI) GELFAND'S and THOUSAND ISLAND DIIKSSINC ? Demunalraltil at EL DALLO UUARS A Bmokcr'n l>< light TltY OKIC D. H. MORGAN & CO. OROCKIM Phone 5110 School Suits For Boys High grade Suit!) with two pairs of pantu? sold within reach of your poek etbook. Mitchell's P1IONE 100 i 28 student* of l??t year's gradu ating clacx at the Elizabeth City hUh school who have entered col lege Iw than a half dozen have matriculal? d in institution* out Hide th?- Slat*-. Slowly but sure* ly llic |(i:l provinces of tin- Kant are lifitiu Imou-.-Ik hark Into North Carolina. tJood roads and food local '~ii?-wsp:i|MTH i hnt will play up Stal?- n? ws and particularly uow? from tin- Stat<' capital will ? vmi tually lini-li this I'.ood work. Willi ham-hail in it* last stays fm the >t-nMon, ? rulh'pi' ? fnrn hall comes on now lo keep up t h* ? in ter* si in our sport paK.c, A <1 vane. n ad> rs may note thatthe Asso ciated l'r?H? is keeping its *leep h-SK ??>??? ? ?!? I ll ? ? Kitliatioil. ?M ST K^ KIV Kl> Hoys Sweat ?TK. Iloy* School punt*. Hoy* kuin S?-ts. Hoys I'm T P- 'K M>ATK M A I S . \T IIAI5I.AIIN I'lUCKS ? K?t?t ? wrelc white in ? New York, ! had the good fortune, to strike a big lot of I ' p-T o Date Mats, both in Kelts and Velours of a Manufacturer at a I liir rednct inn in the price,. I iv ? reason ? of ? their ? having T been cancelled by the origin al purchasers for whom they were made. Kvcry one of_ these Hats are of the latest colors and shapes, . and we are selling them from $1.00 to $2.00 in the Hat. under their value. I also bought* a great line of Men's, Young Men's and Boys' Clothing, Shirts, Fancy Slip-over Sweaters, Neckties and Caps, of the very last Minutes Styles, which we arel going to sell at unusually low prices. In fact we have in stock 1 and. in transit the biggest and best line of Clothing, Fur nishings, Hats and Caps that we have ever carried. And the prices for which we are1 they" have been at any time since before the war. Come to see us! I<r?-ll;ix iiiul t>Y-??rythl!iK. Turner \ Co. T. T. IT. -J 6 up is- -Uttvm:, than . a. cookk NO MATTER how Kood a suit you may buy, if it is not properly fitted by :> competent tailor you will not be correctly dressed. huy your dollies from us and we will lit them for you. : D. Walter Harris The City Tailor atitl Clothier City Road Men's Bible Class (MUMIIUItH TAKK NOTM K) Kvory im'inbor Ih urged to t?<? , proaont Sunday morning at 9:30.] Tho now |{pk;iKt<>r Hoard will bo ItiHlHllt'd. It will toll tho faithful mom bom and toll on the abHent onoH. Wo want to explain to our mombmn Ju*t bow thlH llttlo board oporntos. Hoy*, it'n Rally l)ny al*o. Wo havo a srrat choir ! of mou who want to Mhow you Sunday morning how they can hIuk. Talk It up ? como youno-lf. and don't forgot to bring nomo follow with you. Our tonrhor Ih loaded for a xrout I<onnon Sunday. VlaltorH and Mtrangor* ar?' -most cordially lnvlt<d to tho largoftt NJou'b lliblo Cln?* In tin- city. K. U. HOC? KHS, CIuph President. PHONE 114 ] Standard Pharmacy THEY WILL SEND IT. WHEN YOU NKKI) Heaters and Cook Stoves P?I!Y FKOM IIS The Mo?t Complvlv l.ino?Tlir Ki/ghl Prlem. Quinn Furniture Co. WOMAN CLEARED OF FORGERY CHARGED Nsw York. Sept. 26. ? Th* third rt**nrew forc?-ry charge against Mr*. Eleanor Harrix, former wlf?? of Beverly Harris, unf time vice pr?-*iii?iu 6f7Tie National t'ity (tank, was* today <iiMiniKK*t| by th<> grand Jury. I.OTTA CltABTKEK ACTRESS IS DEAD Huston. Kept .26. ? The funeral service* of Lotta Crabtr*e, ac tress. who illeil here last night Mill h?' held Hunriuy. ilurial will be in i he Wnndluwn Cemetery, New York. ? Apply MImh Saliie I'erry at store. 12 Ka?t Main Htreet. s?-pt 26-ort 2np. Visit Our Display of Aiilimiii Kuolwrnr Au?ust finds us imc stop ahead with an in troductory showing of till' Jiijiv.iitloi: fi|l' Kail. The many lit sv notes in Kail Footwear arc ititoivslinnlv repiv sentcd in complete col lections. This advance knowledge of Shoe styles will Ik? enjoyed by wom en who are now plan ning their Autumn wardrobes. Owens Shoe Co. M. (J. Morrixi'It)' & <11111 pa n v F UKNITUKE CASH, If V<? Hnvp II I HK1HT, If Vim Want II Solvi; Your Tire Troubles It) imliiK THI-; (iKNKICU, < llliJl. Duvin-Hox & Co. \ Dlst rihiitoi s. N'oMh I(<HII| si. Kt. riuiiH' ?7(> ON YOIJH IHKTMDAV Send Your Mother Flotcm KYAN FLOHAL CO. Inc. PUKE LOLLY FOPS Tutt's Pills n?? first iIom n*to?Uh?* ?h? in vat i J. *<vki* inmNlitl* rtllW, bowaU and (Ugtitivii Ora?n>, inaii- - ? >t ftGOO DIG ES7IOH When you have something to Buy or Sell Use an Ad in this Section CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DAILY ADVANCE CLASSIFIED HATE6 This size type (8 point), one cent a word each insertion; minimum 25 centa, one time; 75 cents week; 16 worda. -Standing aUa, Ave cent* a word ??r week. Twenty centa per month ? In advaacV White space and para #? graphed ads, 60 centa an loch'. Copy must be In the office J by 5 p. m. day before lnaer tlon. j For Sale \ AM \ltl.t: PA IIM poll HAI.K ? Half in i !? > from Statu H mil way. blnger school and post office. One and a quarter mil' s from ."hipping point. One mile from Christian church.- Mil**, ami half from "Powell's Point Haptlst church, lias about <?"> -acres in cultiva tion. adapted to Irish ami Sweet Polsiro- ;. Corn ami Cotton. Small tenant ? house ? rnrty ? building on farm. flood bottom lands for pasture. Plenty wood, such as gum. laurel, hay. cypress ntui some pine. Is easily drained, having two ditches running through the property. This is an unlimited opportunity for some one who wants to live on a farm, and who i* willing to work. Just an. easy matin* to pay for it in two or ttireo years, planted to sweets, with markets Itkc wp- have seen for the last two years. This farm Is to he sold so don't put offsMelng^Q owner, us the price Is low and the terms will he one half cash and the hulanco to suit the purchaser. Apply N. T. Aydlett, Elizabeth City. N". C. 25-26-27np IIAIM.AIVS l\ NEW AND OLA f urn it u re. See Auction Furni ture Co., i'oindextor street. Phone 7-2. sop j?5 oclnp POR HAI.K ? ONK WIIJJAMH mill. SO in. stone runners, will make perfect bread nnal. One Duplex feed mill. One American adding machine. All In perfect i-oiHUilon i Not In Ytfrc JtfnT Ilifveii'T been for nearly two years and will sell real cheap. Aydlett & Owens. sep2*i-27np eHKvitoi.tfT Torm\? car for sale ? flood condition. Phone 177-J. Hept 23 oct lnp KOll HAI.K ? ONK POIXTKR 1MM? tiix months old. Cull 835-W 24-30npj KOlt SAI.l: ? NO. I TIMOTHY liny, two cars Just unloaded. For the next ten days we will save you $1 to $'.! per ton for cash with or jIlt? Aydlett & Owens. Phone 45G. sep 24-.10npdl FOP. HA lit1} ? POIIII OOTPK Must he seen to be appreciated. Terms., _ Cali_.14S, tfnpd I'OR KALE ? TBSV UNARM Carolina Hanking & Trust Com- i pany stock. Address box 176 9'ttJ FOR HALM ? PIVR H. P. (UN* eral Electric motor in good run- 1 nlng order. Price $7<i. Apply I business offli-e. The Advance tfj YAIA'ARLK HOMR AM) BIH1 neM property for sale. Without n single exception I offer one of -thu bf*t business nlamU in Currl tiirk County. My home place at Harbinger. consisting of u two story dwelling, fourteen large rooms aud a cellar under kitchen and dining room that will house at leant 10(1 barrels oT pomtofT. Three flues running from the ground. A store. 22 feet wide by 4 4 feet long and shed room eight f?-et wide by 20 feet long, equip ped with show casus. scale*, safe. oil tanks. Post Offle? cabi net. large roller top desk. and -mnny Tnhrr ffxtureB"r_iomrum?T^ oils to mention. A stork house nil ft-et wide by 40 feet long, well built, equipped with hay forks., track and carrier for quick un loadrngiof hay. A nice wood shelter that will almost shelter a winter's wood, for three stoves. ;nid a suitable, smoke house, A -warehouse 20? feet w ld^ and 40 ? j f?-et long to take rare of the hay, mm and other merchandise and is ??quipped with engine and foed mill for crushing corn for store aud doing cUMtoni grinding. Dwell re, ??ro -romtt-?nd gnrtig?? lighted with a Delco ' Lighting, riant. My own individual freight ' boutto at shipping point. On the one of the best little tracks of laud for Irish potatoes to h" found in any section, producing from GO to 100 barrels per acre. And from this little tract the uet . proceeds have been from five hundred to eight hundred dollars mi an average for the last four or live years, dear of a IF expenses. ' liwideft it is amply as good for corn and peas. The woodland has enough pine to supply the needs for nt bast ten years. Tills tract contains 15 acres. On the east side of "the rfiiil lhlfi tWCf" contains six acres, and this is where on" of the best and largest orchard* in Poplar nrancl) town -hip is. Including a James grape vine and a few apple trees on the wHst sldeT mainly Winesaps. Also has connection with Long I>is | Tulcpliuueuuid- .around. dx. ? nit phone. Apply to X. T. Ay dlelt, owner. 26-27-29np I-OR HAIiK ? SIX PKR CENT real estate mortgage bonds for | safe Investments. Industrial , Hank. tf FOR SAI.K ? HKK I S POR SKKI> Wye ami Red Rust Proof Seed Cats, Molexsea Feed, 85% grain, (wheat middling. Can fill orders i??r Red Cedar Shingles and 'rough lumber. Aydlett & [Owens. 25-2?np Wanted .WAXTKI* ? Pont l?Klt m<n t*> Bill Host Ford OH 'liuueo made. Automobile fur nltdird. Standard Products Co.. ! 170(? Gtanville, Ohio. 26pd pi m: i?:nvo Maw operator. Foreman Derrlcknon Veneer Co., | wi'pt 23-29np. j WANTKI> ? liAI)Y TO STAY j with elderly lady. Qoml board land pay. Call 84&. wept 22-27np : FOR KAliK CHKAI' ? CORONA typewriter practically now. rtjro No. J Underwood 14-E carriage typewriter. Carter Bros. (Jaragv,. I'honr 739. 24-oc7np Opportunities mil AI>V KHTISl NO ON Tills i paRt*. telephone ^fiRH Blount at. Th?? Advance office. Phon* 357. tf K.UUtHMK: ? IKK THIS P.UiK for ???iiidk your products. Ask those who have tried It. tf For Rent FOIl KRKT \T oxa: ? Ki ll, ultilifd reiddence ? five rooms with kitchen. Corner of Main M)tl Iloail Kireets. Appy to 207 Hmt Chwrth rtrwl, or pbon*? SS4-W. 24-26npd FOR RKNT ? NTFAM HEATKI> lli'il Koom, furnished or un furnished. I'rivatn entrance nut to bath. I'p town between two of b?*Ht lioar.liim homes in city. Call 8S4-J. Grocery Stores T1IK mxVKMKVT OIVMH11Y l>cp?'Hil on im for all your groeory nooils. Main St root Grorory. 24-Snnp CilUX KIUKS OF AM, KINDH delivered to any part of city. Phono 637. Joe Harrcll. 25-?ct lnpil K. ? Rt ? MliKKIXS OIUMV.HV store, RoaJ und Fearing stroota, for frcsli groccrl'-a anil fast' delivery. 25^oolnp Merchandise spr<tu. ? to nxwK oi*t roy dMtnrmt Hnrley TnPii*n nhow and oxfords. Drown and black, ff your size is here g.?t a pair at mis low pflrp This is about half th?- value. Gallop & Toxey Shoo Co. 8?'pt 25-octlnp A. R. SK.KLF.V & SOX, WIIOI.K sale fruits and produce. Just re ceived a enr of green cabbage, seeKM pears and 100 baskets cut In*? apples Call lis Phone 59 sept 25-oct 21 np. .H'ST 11WK1\-WI) A LARC.K stock of Men'B Drfss Shoes made' especially for us to sell ?t $.1,50. We have a shoe to fit your foot, style to satisfy your taste al a price to fit your pocketbook. ! Gordon A Ashens. 112 North VSR NORTH STAR FIjOI'R ? both plain and self rising. C. W. Stevens A Co. Phone 5. 25-olnp WOOD STOYRH, Oil, STOVKS, nnd coal heaters. Ammunition, guns- and rifles. Huy early. Cul pepper Hardware Compauy. sopt 20-26np. HOYS* A XI) <.IIU>?' SCHOOL sw?'ati?rs and shoes. Coiim- to our Hfnr?- and save money. Ne<dhauis Notion Store. sep.23-29-np FISHER - MrtRRISKTTF PRO duce Company are having to ar rive fresh car cabbage, applns and pears. Mail us your order. 24-30 VIKXXA HOI. IX WITH CARA way scud and delielous milk i bread. Special this week at) Cartwright's Ilakery. 24-30npj OYKTKHM ? OYHTKR HKAHON, Is here and I have them comlnK in dally fresh from the shell.; Fresh and sail fish of nil kinds. I will do my best fo serve one nnd nil and guarantee to serve, you I !wlth th*? be*t that can be had. Thomas Crank. Jr. "Th* .Man Who Knows Fish." Phones 204 and -4-1 ft. City Market. 24-30nj> HAI'Klt'S STAU ll.\ KKItV, FIRMT in nenrlce anil low prices. Cream pnfTK this week's special. Phon?* 420. ? ? - 24-3onpd vol- WILI, FIND A FI LL 1JXE of children'* b?-adwear at Walker & Company, 116 Poindexter street. sl9-oc2pd hcwoott ki'its \sn shokk for buys and young mon. We prlco them right. ll-ntun a Went. Phono 7. 24-30tfnp Miscellaneous IHtINK BOWDEVS (illKKN River ami KuGmpr. assorted | flavors. Xew sanitary improved machinery. Phor.** 201. 25-oclnp FAT AT THE MNDEN ? IIOMK oats promptly served ai popular pncc*. Kuiruucu Martin street sop 25 oct lnp VISIT MniADY'R K1IOI' ? HAVE your hair curled or shampooed. Manicuring done. Kramer Build ing. Phone 88-J. 25-oclnp TAMi.IV *not*T SERVICE ? we've got it. Cor washing. Crank case service. gas and oils. Bailey's Killing Station. Church street. Phone 28. 25oclnp MARK IT DOWN* THAT YOC : ??an find a bargain in doors and ?, mantles fur that now house, as ; well as a nice lot, ir you call on W. E. Duustaii. sr2G,27,29np KEDRERRY'S DRl'G HTORK IS nearest boeause the quickest. Try j me. Phone ?T3. ? 22-27npd ? DRINK "SM1LK" THK NEW OR ange drink; and Virginia Dare Grape. Bottled by Pasquotank Mottling Company. scep20-27up FOR BEST WATCH AND CI/M'K repairs, soe ? M. L. Britt. Savings Bank Building, Elizabeth City. N. C. 22-27np THK EAGIJ? CAFE ? EATS cooked the American way. Special dinner dally. Home made pies. C. B. !v#*s, proprietor. tfnp HAVE VOIR SHOES RERl'ILT hv a-orttnyn, Jflgenh Am-, moon. Corner Martin anf .Matt!ic'w! ? Phone 693-W. gep 23-29np 1 BARBER- SERVICE ? AT COOP er's Barber Shop. White Barbers. Cold and Hot Bath day or night. ! sept 20-27npd. BITY STOCKS AND BONDH from us on Weekly and Monthl> payments. The Industrial Bank . tfnp. BEFORE YOIT TRY THE REST try tho best ? Tho Busy Bee Cafe. Special dinner 50c. tfnpd FOB (HON CINE JOHN DEER farm Implementn and repair parts, sue W. C. Glover, Fearing street. Phone 30. 24-30npd OCR GENERAL _OOIU> TIRES and tubes have arrived. Let us show you tho difference. We also carry auto accworle*. Davls Box & Co., North Road Street Extended. Phone 870. 20-2Gnp PHONE 280 FOR (1.EANING and progsing. Work done promptly and In good shnpe. tfx ' BUY ADVERTISING ON THIS pa* ? and l^t It help you bay or sell your product. tf HAt'MNG ? I4UHT A\l) HEAVT Day or Might, Phone 893-J. W. N. Dillon. 202 Broad street. j&ept 20-26npd._ PLOWING ? IP 1T*H REAL Plumbing and Heating. at rea sonable prices, and work that ta satisfactory, see ? R. E. Lewla Company. sep i7-30npd HHl Al'TOMORILB AC4 E880R les. gasoline, oils and excellent service. see D. F. Webnter. Nortk Koud street Extended. Phone 3tW tfnpd SF^I H FOR VOI R TIRE BLOW outs. We Unvr right- pricea ? ?b (Joodyear ana U. S. Tires. Stan dard nas and moftllolla. Anto Supply & Vulcanizing Company. scp.24-30-np PRIVATE HI LLINEHY ? HATH made. trimmed and remodeled. iall_fi42-W_Aak Jar. Mr?. D. JL Morgan sept 24-30np SHOE REPAIRING ? WORK culled for and delivered. W. F. Williams Shoo Ropair Shop. Phone 7C9. 24-30np FAMILY WASHING ? ROI'Gff dry and damp wash. Mei^'i work a specialty. Albemarle Laundry. Phone 125. 24-39np I.OKT OR STRAYED ? ON MAIN aLreit Wednesday afternoon. Dine Helton Seller puppy. Finder no tify John Tuttlo nt Auto Service Co.. or call phono 641-J ?ept. '25-27pd. EhWTRirAL <?>NTRAOT|NG and repairing.. Wo treat you right. I). Hay Kramer Phone 21ft. sept 25-oct lnp. MAKE YOt'B HTRP8 MAKE money ? Turn up Polndexter and walk twenty-five steps from Main, save a dollar a step on dry goods notions, dresses, coats, etc. Hur ?illo & Parker sep2&-octlp Lost and Found HOIKS To tb? H?lr? c( ). n. Fiirlii. n. Kaltti. and WoWmd Ftirlif. Or. Jafcft B. OriNt. Mri Mary Whltrbor*. the Mil ?? Criklnf Chrinftiaui. Bluthcr Ehrln|hao?. crated. John C. Chrln?tiau?. Ml W?. f. Chringhaui, Hii tairt at CbrlaMna Cul?**Mr. dtcaicl and Mr i. MlMntf I. flat wait: ?'.?rh and all nf Jha ahoy* namod and rffmid to pvrwmt. and all th<? brlrs and d*rlir?a et ilin In'- II. (I. Hradford. drroMNL will taba in -i ir? thai old of tb? aatd P. H. Hiariford. iWi'jwd. hH?r?n tha atnr* of MrOtkt A. fJrico and I ho rir?t A C Miami National Hank, front iiu on Main itrrrt. hai b?ni r??. ?InniiMl OB arrouat of Ita (bnimut and Hiuafa ???.fKliUon. and baranw of II* liability lo At*. ami a Mffiore to Mhrr on coMlan?u wowrtr. Th'j will furthrr takr noik*< to trar Mwn an<l p?moy? thi> ?aid Inilldina forthwith. Tin* will firrthrf " UQir i?b?l*r. that unl#M iXa ?aid building It rrnxrrrnl a* afi.rr*atd. tlir* will Iw'd aaaln<t for III* flora afed t**<ttM aa provided br law. Tbry will further taka mrflor that tinlnaa tha aa.d build lug 1? rriuoml aa aforrwM ?1t|i I* thirty CM) Ua> i from <h? data httnrf, tha aaWt building will be cmoii-d at Ih* roat of lb* ?aid itlWa, "Hil* Hr|?<-okbrr 3. 1MI. o. *. nnROonr, ?<**? I? U*-al In^m-iot. Special Notices ELIZABETH CITY QUOTATIONS Prices remained practically unchanged this week. With the advent of oolder weather appetites are increasing and more solid foods arc more iti demand. Grapes, including scuppernongs, muscadines and California grapes are plcnti ful. Call Us For Otrn, Snu|> lliuns, Toirmtorn, Grmw, CaliluiKr, Utturo. Iri?b mil! Swrcl FntatON, Onions (>r>pn, Oriingi**, Apple*. I'rarx. IIuiihiiuh, Kir. Chicluim nml Country Kfpi". We will In- pliitl In fill your order*. J. W. Shannonhouse & Son PHONIC IM7 When you buy our bread you're sure Tlmt it's nl ways froRh and pure The favorite of I bo epicure. Quality Bakery Poindexter Street. 'PHONE 321. Fit ESI I CAUGHT TASTY FISH i Here in quantities that al Jow lis to soil them at lowest prices. Freshly caught Fish at prices that please every housewife. Oysters "H" in Season t THOMAS CRANK, JK. f'ltj Milrkft. IliimM H04 nnrf 410 "STILL WE HAVE" Fresh Vegetables K, I'm*. Simp Bran*, C.altltagr, I Curu, Mixed Red Peppers, (jliry, Toinatue* ? CAU. 697 OK 698 R. L. GARRETT Mi

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