! JI PKkLK, I*ubllahrrH MtRBCRT PULL Utlw of Tb? AMorlaicd IV**. SvlMrrlpcloit IUUch l?> C arrier. ?m V?* . !? C4> Um U?tM?) MmOi? (la Kimm) By Mail. WBWESUAY. OCT. S. 1924. Hooray! Tli* Inn, Illinois prraclirr, who |toi?on?-?l n wliolr .nrighborlKHHl, |m ovit nlnHrcn. Thw'n mf oTr NajTrT, "Hi- who runs may n-nil," but III* time I* fwmI in when they're talkin* nbout tin' you. Nirdn of Kli/alirlh City unci tlx* Alhrmurlc 1. A hnrd surfaced road from Elizabeth City by South Mill? and ulno LliriUiiJi Cur rituck t<? Norfolk. 2. A hard surfaced highway not Im llwit U f*?.4 u4du connecting Elizabeth City with ?very county seat cast of the Chowan Itlver. 3. A bridge aero*? the Chowan River, connecting Ilertle and Chowan counties and mak ing possible o real conntal highway through thin sec tion. 4. A direct roud from Belcross to Colnjock bringing all Currituck below Colnjock 10 ralleH nearer Elizabeth City and thus adding to the attractions of l'oiut Harbor an a summer resort. 3. Ferry scrvicn between Point Harbor and Nags Head, con necting at I'oint Harbor with bus service to Kllza beth City. 4. A broader knowledge of public health among the people of thin section. 5. Conversion of the Old Fair ground Just beyond the ; Elizabeth City hospital Into a public i>ark. Who Is Mayor'* Authority? Nobody questions, tue sincerity of Mayor W. Don Goodwin in hi? Statement that the utility corpor ations could have held up the city for the next ton years,In Its effort to build Its own ntIIItIoh. but one can't help wondering who Ik the Mayor's authority for this state ment. We have heard such a statement before but it emanated' from the Hps of the learned and suave counsel representing the j Utilities corporations. The Advancc Is as far from be ing a lawyer as It Is a prophet, Vut, despite the notorious delay of the courts In some matters, from a purely common sonse view point we can not conceive that the ( instrumentalities of legal Justice | would ever have permitted priv ate corporations to hamstring and i hog -tie s city for any such period. Had the city wished to avoid the | sapense of litigation the time to j have taken that course was when Mayor Goodwin was elected to of fice In his first l?>rm, After hav ing fought the Issue out to n sue-' ?ensfill conclusion in every suit Instituted by the Utilities, to autl-j 4?nly abandon the flftht without AO? effort to realize anything on yletorlea In the courts seems to ,'JM the most Imprudent and III flkvlsed action we have ever I known the city's governing body to take. The Advance doc* not wish to create the impreaalon that it be lle vea anybody hag been t m pro p erly influenced in thia matter, but we do atrongly believe that the mayor and thoae who think aH he docs on the utility quentlon1 have been duped. Makr Brntohy Safe All over th<- nation thla week 1? Fire Treventioii Week, and, Thursday, October 9. anniversary i of the gr<?at Chicago dlaaster, in Fire Prevention Day. In the pub-1 lie schools the little children are! being taught the importance of ?'Safety Klrnt." Hut how about the Krown-upH? Are you doing i your part In serin*; that your j flu* a and chlmneya are safe? Are' you careful or careless about^ where you nmoke and where you throw your cigurrtt?' and dtiar] stub's? In juat such small begin-! i.idum tin- biu?firm?ihut riw|i| towns and endanger life and prop-' i rty have their birth. Over 15, 000 lives are Mnuffed out by fire each year and moat of"th?* vlc 11uis ure women and childreu. Klre? occur In the American home at the rate of :t&9 every 24 hour*", or, a fresh outbreak every four minutes. At leant three-fourtlia of them are due to public care lessness. KlizatiMh City huH a Uro chief, fn 11 rr department,' andTdlnttur of t-ttf< ly ?-duration of which to be proud, th?> Primary School worked diliut-nily and enthusiastically to * put on a float in the District Fair parado Tuesday that woh~*adiulra iSon and. Ut iih hop?, a pris*. Tlii' President, tho Governor, and the Mayor have Ittsucd proc I' tarnations calling attention to Fire 1'rcventlon Week and Day. llut these fin?* things can uot I take tho place of the personal fe ; sponsiblltty of each one of un In I the very Important matt<T of ftre ' prevention. Let u? celebrate | Thursday, by all tueans, but let uh also make every day of the i year Klre Prevention Day In the Old Home Town. The Advance in an ardent 'Washington fan In the World Se ! rles contest this year; but uot ar dent enough to hope that Wash ington would tie the scon- In the ninth in the third game. The long games crowd us to the point of strangulation and make us trem ble to contemplate the telegraph ? tolls at the end of the month. But if with the bases full Kuel could have got a two bagger and I brought in three in the ninth, we .would have been willing to stand [the expense of the extra half in ning with its chance that New York would tie the ?core and pro long tho game to another ten or 1 2 inning session. Such testimony as that of D. I). Walters at tho Ham-RaiiiHuy in?-? ting Tuesday niKht can not be gainsayed or denied. Ono expe rience auch an his must confound an utterly tho critics of the evan gelistic campaign here as did the "Whereas I waa blind now I aoc" of one whom Jeaua had healed silence tho Pharisees in the long ago. Klltabeth City aeems to have at least one Andy Gump on the City Council and the entire board of County Commissioners are 100 prr cent for the people. So far as we can judge by ex changes reaching our desk, The Advance has every country news paper In the State beat to a fare you-well on World's Serlea aervlcc. GATEWAYS; Inc. Chevrolet Automobile Contest COUPON October 8th, 1324. Good for 10 Votes When properly signed and mailed or delivered to Gateways, Inc., 338 Twenty-fourth street, Newport News, Va., this Coupon will be good for 10 votes in the Chevrolet Automobile Contest, to be credited to the person whose name appears below: Name of Contestant Street and No. ? - . Citr or P. O. Address VOID AFTER OCTOnEIl 18th, 1024. MR. HAM'S SKItMON I (Continued frdnt page 1.) , briefly concern In*; some things of , importance at thin tlrn?*. Rasing his discourse upon a phraae from the 11th ver?f of the 4th Chapter of Kphesian*. "He Kav?- ?oni?' To e\.m relist?." Mr. I Ham Mid In part: . "God bel Tores In sp?*clallsts. So i do I and so d<> you. If I aiu crl-' jtlcally ill f k?'I a physician who |is a specialist in the treatment of i luy ailment, if | am involved In i legal difficult!#-* I u?-t a specialist I to assist me. When I build a p lion*? | K, i a roi.u ikCJor . U'!W> TX" a special int. a specialist lays tin j brick, n specialist superintends? the carpenterliiK and anbtlu r lavs I the liardw?>od floor. Cod bar. his. specialists. He has ulv?.?n some to I 1 be pastors, some to be teachers,' som?' to be prophets, som?* t?? oth Ier mlsistrations and some to b?' i evangelists. The evangelist Is scriptural and Is a newnHy lo Ihe ichruch. Tin- pastor shepherds i the llock. studying their n?*?'ds, their dangers and pitfalls and pro viding lor them that which Is ?-s s?ntial to a healthy spiritual eon-, dition. The teacher comes with his great revelations of the hid din things i.f HimI. Iml Hi. <vaii uelist COIIM'S. not tO save the souls, but to build up th?' clillrcli in soul winning. My purpos?? here is not primarily to win souls mys?'lf, but .to make your church? s soul win jl ...4, in revivals.' That may bo true, | i but what you believe doesn't set tle a matter. Your opinion. muy_ not be authoritative ami in the, event you nn- wrong your guilt i and responsibility will not have been lessened because you be-j lleved a If. (!nd does n?it con*j I suit you. It Is for you to adapt1 I yourself to Clod's* program and | I plan, not H?- to your idea of It.} IKvang?-lism Is of_ (Jod whether 1 you oeiiove it or not. "The fact! that there are som?? pastors who | ar?? not Cod-sent men doesn't ex-i cur?' us for condemning the min istry ami the fact that there are snm?* objectionable evangelists doean'L l-stabllah JJus? fact ?that, evangelism is not of Cod. In com*! ins to your town titer?' are two things I know beyond any doubt; first, that I am saveii and second, I that He call?-d me and sent me 1 in I his work.- That I know.- I belleve Cod sent me to Kllrjiheth Ctij and If He did I will answ?-r to Cod for every word I nttrr^ frotnThls platform during my stay' here. No one els?* Is responsible 1 jfor what I say. but every man. i woman and child in Elizabeth City will be held accountable to Cod for what they do with my I message, lb-fore you sit in pre i mature Judgment on any revival or any evangelist or any pastor N EURALGIA orh?*d?che?rub ths forehead ?m?lt and in hal? tha vapors VfCKS ~ - Too Late to Classify IlK^YCliK KOI" XI) ? ON WAY from Fair through ;i field Tues day night. Apply to 230 South ern Avenue, extended, l*o jrhouse Road. MWT ? TWO KKYS. ONK A house key and other a post office Key. Phone 84. - 14np FHKHH FANCY CAMMRS ?KN-. tire assortment absolutely fresh. D. &. W. Confectionery. I'honc 731. oct 8-14np THOH <'HANK HAS .11'HT RK ceived a fine load of home oysters. | For the best call phones 204 and ; 410. oct 8-14np MOVING PHTl'IIK KtWIKS alway? be ?ure of two thins?: Klrat. that you ?rv a competent Judge. and second, that you hare heard all th?> rvldfiiCf b? fore you render a verdict. 'He that an awereth a matter before hp h?-ar eth It g?*tteth yliauu' to hlniftelf,' lil lln' imm' m in Just ri wrw ' your criticism of thin campaign and of my message until you hear It. not on** sermon, not on?- wi<vk'i series of Hormona, hut tintII the i evidence In all In. then your ver dict will carrv wtint* weight. V.Thia revival will b<> different ? from unythltiK you ever had In TTrnrrnrrn ? u> ?t~? i* i;.ni sent. Cod never duplicate*. lie never mad*- two leaves alike or two per son * alike and h* n* \* r made two preacher* or evangelists alike and he n* ver has two revivals alike. If you are e\p?*ctinM this revival to h** a repetition of some previ ous hlessliiK. you will he mistak en. It will h?- entirely different? provided it I* ftf-fkwl'?and it Is. ~ "Uut you ?ay "revivals don't last.' To lie sure many features of a revival don't last. There are some thing* that are not In tended to last. Spring doesn't lust.^hut it is essential as- Is the case with fall, winter and suin ?HHf;?Tli. bliiuin mi a fruit ir . doesn't lust, hut It is followed by the fruit, a house cleaning doesn't last, hut we don't slop cleaning; h hath doesn't last, hut 1 hope Kani .ay will continue to take them an- many things about till? re vival that won't last, hut if it lit of God the results of this cam pain vfill be in eternity. "Well, you ask 'What effect will It have on tlie churches?' That depends <>n the rhurch. If the church is run in the * nergy of the flesh. It will suffer front any spiritual awakening In u spiritual church, it will he splr iUMtily rofxfc?tu.4 aud -invigorated and wilt lake on new life. Too. if the church gets revived and layt hold of a new vision. but (he pas tor do?? not get revived with his people and after th?* meeting trie? to hold a spiritual people in the .?' 1 ruts of fl..?hv i-i-tTgy ihf n.->r tor will suffer, but a pantor who catcbe* a vision and leads bin awakened people into ? the new field* which Uod will open up in this revival that rhurch will be ? flower. A spiritual rhurrh Is the greatest safe-guard in your com* munity. Wherever you find im iii'iriiln y Hn.l erinn* it 1? ?? ? > r; 11 n indication of a low stair of spirit? itallty. Whore a people I* spirit ual; the Jail i?r? empty, crime In restrained and the atmosphere of the town 1* welcome. but where, rainality anu spiritual indifler i lire prevail, it always results in riini", Immorality and an un healiliy atmosphere. The Chris tin ni? the ^alt v?f-tht^-earth. It 1? ? not Ihe mission of salt to give' life, but rather to restrain putre faction. Lot wa? a Chirstinn. but he lost his savor und the putre faction of Sodom went on all around him. If you see moral decay and putrefaction, you may hi?w ?i"d'? pv'M'lr hnv lout tliuir savor. "Iliit wuti" will say *1 never in- ? lend to go near that tab* rnaclc*. Tli n your opinion will not have ajiy weight when you sive .ex-' ini'SMoif-Tii IK' One's opinion i-n't ' worth anything unless it is author itative. Many of you now have! given credence to g great many I things you huvc heard about those! meetings and you are going ajpund giving free expression to r >our opinion and before tho meet-' inn has been in progress Iwol weeks you will have been shown | ?up to be totnllv wrong and this t free talk you have been dispr-nsing .*ill uuly tibow yuu uuiia u luijl in. the eyes of your fellows. Some of yoa are allowing yourself to be influence?! by rumors to the ex tent that you are forming definite agreements as to what you will or will not do. Don't blam?* me if vour position g?-tx hot before the meeting in ov^r. When God begin* to work and you ?? e that you will be placed in a position ax one-who <s fiitlitiu* 11 od. don't blame (Sod or 'hi* meet ing or these pastor* if you have listened to populur talk and have signed agrfemeuts which pr ?hihlt ?>ini trum fnllimitiK?inr.i My advice to nil ol you is to re serve any opinion vuu may have until you rest ii in iln- -lir? it in possible that you miKiit In* forced to ebange ami your silence now will prevent your l*-lng shown up* an wrung In th*eyes of the com-' raunity. WS are not her? to fight any man. Don't let anyone de ceive you. Not one ounce of pres sure will l?e brought to bear on; any individual or any firm iu this' town t > ti>TVi- him to do anything. Vou will rind that tn this meet ing we will have little to exhort you to do and we will ask you to . qui! notbitiK. You need to know about Cod. it Is my mission to teil you of Him; you need to know about man and his natural deprav ity. it is my I>u9iue*s to tell you . .ilrwiii linn;?run ntfMl?in Know about Satan, the enemy of xnan. it _js_ iny .business to tell you "f film, warn you against him. and save you from falling victim to his wlleH_and deceptions. ? "That is my purpose here?to show yon Cod and his plan (or hU creature?U. Is for jroo to act upoft your new light. There U no neck for you to come to me and at$ in?* what you can do or can't do.' I n?-ver give a definite answer. You learn to know God and waat can and can't do wtll be rarjr clear to you for to know God la to lore Him. to love Him 1* to ba lieve ou Him and to believe on Him is to have life eternal." Tonight Mr. Ham Is to speak on "Our Foes" in which he will m-t fnrth tht> s. rlnt nntl tenchlng on Satan. The World and the Flesh. The morning servlcaa i inaugurated Wednesday mori at ten o'clock. Two service? 1 be held each day at 10 a. m., and 7:30 p. m.. respectively. bu me "ig> i., and OLD HOME TOWN BY STANLEY OOH- ROV*tf > ' */ 6PtNDt?^> MtlfiiVTCD! Cut out tho picture on uii (hut sides. Thpn carefully fold doited dotted line 2, and so on. Fold each section nndornoath accurate ly. When completed turn over lino 1 Its entire length. Then and you'lt find a surprising re sult. Save th? pictures. and the Worst is Yet to Come H K' 1.1. HAVE TO BE SOME STEPI'EK ' v5s OF NAM j' GOV. OF /NJ.Y SCHOOL DAYS By DWIG VM&H T??e* CCRT^jOr fpfciT Aft- ^ P.MK.9 D?C* VS'f T*? ? ??io T?.t esa>>:^ol m:?ii W\i ive sk.cs ArO T\e D6?7fiCP) C'r iXtoiti Are pi H^IN6 T^t RC5B ? IT IS T,\ci "MM tf< V.:MCfff fl:CS ? I AS If."? Trti Vfi'ift* ir ?:**?' 5?W7:*i<L SQtft, l:i r=MTo v'TM T.C <? G?a**/ I To b?a.6 y;j -v ?JVC ?v::*cm a*.? Sk#. I J^r y,tfiJ'CR V0i> L ***?'<? >1 ???' VfcwjtS? 7>-x c.r&JB m&m? DOROTHY DAHNIT

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