TDK WKATHKR Fair tonight and Wednesday. 1 -it 11?- rliuitu?- in temperattt##* *i?d? rat?- winds. FINAL EDITION. ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA. TI'KJJDAY KVKNINC. OCTOHKIt 28. 1021. SIX PACKS. NO. 266. ^ Ham-Ramsay Campaign Enters On New Phase KvangHistV I'romis?* 1? Muk<* Air Thick VN itli 11 !?!?? ami Hair Titi? Week lla* Pnl IVtipIr on Oni \ i\?? and Added Crowds t?rr K\|?rrU'i| Entering today ui?on Its fourth ? week, Um Hatu-Ilamsay evanuelle tlc campaign promises to take on a new phase. In tact the evan gelist told Ins audience Sunday thatthf? itlr would fn?'fhieit uair and hid.- for 200 mile* from Elizabeth City for the next Wi-t-k. For despite crowds that -have broken all records tor attendants on religious services in r.lizr.ln th City, despite the fact that tin In quiry room wan oncked aih! jamnied on tin- very first night that an after-meeting was held in It. and despite the further fact that every church and Sunday school in the city had a ?tnl, Ing Increase fir attendance as n i ? suit of the meeting, the evatiM-l , 1st feels that only flu? surface has heen scratched in Hie work that t h? hopes to do in Elizabeth City. In other words the Interest manifested in the meeting thus, far 1:; as nuthlng to what Is looked for by members of the Ham-Kam say evangelistic party. The evuii* gellst himself believes that tlu; in ? mere wortne^?twtoreet? those who have sought the inquirv ? room. though somewhat uneasy in conscience, have not be^un to feel ('.oil's Spirit In his sin-convicting ; power. When that power is truly manifest members of the party be lieve Elizabeth City is not only going to see the greatest spiritual upheaval in the history of the town but ono of the greatest evan gelistic meetings ever witnessed In North Carolina. The evangelist seems to lentertain no scintilla of doubt that complete success will eventually crown his efforts here. Willing be Tested "I am willing to put It to the test," he said Sunday night. "it this is not God's work I um will ing for him to brand the tliiim an imposition and a fraud and make me tuck my tail and leave town like a yellow dog." Definite figures were given Sunday for the first time since the meeting began as to the com of the campaign. The bill for lum ber alone for the tabernacle is $2, 375.89, while that for Isbor, . elusive of the salary of Mr. llaum gartel, under whose direction tlv tabernacle was erected, is I960 25. The total expenses, in 4 eluding the salary of the evaug'l j it's helpers, is estimated ut $5. R72.97, most of which. Chorister Ilamuay pointed out. Is to he spent in Elizabeth City. To date only about half of this amount has been raised. Tuesday'morning the evangelist preached from the text, "He that eoveroth his sins shall not pros per/' Though quietly ?polt? :i end without a trace of the sensation al in its delivery, the message Beetle d to be one that went straight home to the hearts of those present, many of whom were visibly Iniprrrsod. Preliminary to the sermon. Chorister Ramsay announced that word had been received from tie Cotillion Club that the dance set for Thursday night bad be? n called off. "Leaving Ood out." said Mr. Ham. "that was the at jih Ihle and courteous thing to do." The IN psl-Cola Itottllng Works and the H. W. Elliott grocery have been ndded to the list of firms cloning for the mornln?: ser vice. Sunday night's sermon: "lie not- deceived; God is no! mocked; for whatsoever a man soweth. that shall he also reap. For he that soweth 'Into* the flesh shull of the flesh reap eor tuption; but He that soWetli 'Into' the S|?lrit fchall <?f th" Spirit reap life everlasting." .Man Often Deceived The Very first words of our text ought to arrest us. We un wanted against being deceived. Man is constantly being deceived. From the time i4a i an eriteYM th" ([lard en of Eden and deceived Eve until today man has heeti 'he rletini of deception. He Is de delved sometimes by his enemies, but also he Is victim oftentimes to the deceptions of those whom he counts his friends. The text is applicable either to the saint or the sinner. The sinner, of course, has bul one na ture?the nature of th? flesh ?5?? he can sow only In the field of the flesh and must nfre^urIly roap enly the harvest of the flesh whleh Is corruption. The saint, however, has two natures?the nature of the flesh and the nature of tho Spirit which wm implant ?! in him n' the time of his regener ation He ran sow either Into the field of the flesh or Into the ?field of the spirit as he chooses. If he sow?? Into the flesh, even thouih he be saved, he will reap corruption Just as will the out and out sinner; and If he sow? Into the spirit, he will reap life overlasting. Cur text is true In all sphere* of life. If It were not for I h Is Inexorable law of God the uni verse today would be a hopeless iflumble. man would be an irre |rponslble brute and society would ^ he a lawless mdh. The truth of the text has hem recognized In all age, and by al! peoples. In India this law wa> known as Karma, In Egypt, Nem esi* and iml.iy our philo?'|i'p ??: itpi'ak in Kr?*;u svvllitiK i rms of runs?* ami ciiuel. ?( lirli am! r? action: (?nt lh<- 111 ? *> Spirit Imh li' ?A S - Joufciuw: a of III! "W'?? ??? aj? u'iat iw S?w." Th *. kfiy Im* , n\.\ -\\V =..w n lhoii^lf r? at) all ;u-U *?? ?sou an !?.t :siu! ri-aji a ?*litirut'lpi\ we si?'\ .i rlialjeltT i'lul r*M]? :l An I nil<?(*?>.il l.iu Mi* tint ilrri'jv? ?1. This 1 i(?? we ajv living .a v'wil - iwinu lint ami tin- Jinn- f<?r nvpinu U sure to mm.'. I 'liTf ar- so few nI us who t-vr iItHilyXff' lhis ill ?T lilim-st, \\ .. nt- vr pali-"-' vofl?n ti|Hin 111** lajt *-!?:? t v. ?? *:i not ?>x|it*.-i t? maji when w ? Ijaw ' not sown. 11ii: ih?. i? m' h-, ami I aitt #orr> n? .-ay most ot H-*. who : i'ail In sow int.* t!i. Spin: ur?1 ' Rwiii;: .i harr.-n It.nv-si spirit- ? tially. Ar n- o^ni..,- t hi- law in 1 alnio*t * v?-ry otln-r li?-!/. Thort? ' is hii.,11 tutnu-r who p!;?;tts his s ?t-WMTl I'J [I Hiaiil lim-i, , * t i..: , I'-imin V, . v i r hi rwsls i, n,ir.-?f ,Vrr.. I. i pros,,.", ,?r ? ,liirvl.K, ? ?>r?' nn..stln?: iur . , MinrM !t. ; ?" '!"? !,v ?r : l,lv,'?"lii! fi.r : - I , *<>"? No. i, ?. ,|? J." '"" '"'I" ,s C.oil s iin>xoraiilo iaw lllll ...II... ?f , no harm ill 11, i,',, , l-hrl-licnity x'? ?V:,u ""i. Inn i?. ??t rc'io ih" 1 ? "l? r .np "... I, v ? ?h.-r. v.r vl ?-hai.-i r v..., I JW..II.? IhlnkiKR Hoy v.rr, """ '????" 'i'!-'"? " ' Wllul I lllll,t; ha? i,milli1K ?(lh yoar , ! , e": " ,s ?"n." >".> Hull (lot ??rm i nr.s yoar harv it. i Over liur. In rmaln Sui.-I, v , run item U|.| ni;11 , ' f rt*1 In tin; open s.,'. itn. m.: lUWBl .rr,ffi... I ,i v, Urn., an.., i, , | hoi,, ,| ? a rarnpalgn f..r l,..,c . Inona <>p..h, ,i?y |?. ? . Biirri.-illy In a Ci-naln i ir , In lh,. ,-li v. \vi,. that 111,' plar,. . topav.;j, , w lay on |]? n ,?r j,l J' r iln ' '" T liir.MU riii oianilliiL. iivir In,- with a hik.V Ii.K nmb-r In han-i wU:. ? youhK When tli.-v wl?,.| lli.i Moo,| off his facp Hi's Sim Ilay Ki ll,,1,1 Kiii>..rln:i'ii(li>nl r,-<-.,c nizo.l hu ???? ,,a ?. |?. ? r?m mililn. iii'innuj crim,. tvlirn |?. ?.? rn, "..I iv 111| 11 <r n.. ^ V' 1" I a ili.l II,|H ><?il will Mvp whai yoii wi'l >* . No l:^<?|? ,? i, 1K sjll> Mil toni,. ?f ttal?K i:,a| |,v ? ?v. rlni; miir .11: V.Trf ?.717 , , ?ai.. ?h,- I,.TV, I, a|i " I"''!:..'!'3' i'- .1 ?...i ,1 ? >*> 'ovorrlh liU ?in? ???all not " imvi.i ti" 10 .-..v, r l,i. ,|? . i,,,, |?. 1 ' 1 *!,:'l hi' ll'1 : o* a, J,,,oil tll.xifIn lo rov. 1 I,], |v|n. .(M,| in-ailorv. I,?| 1,p j, an,I tr- 1'Ii ry l? 1,1, ??? Jil"t III., sainc. v,,,, . ?. 'api. Ih.. harv >1 ?f j??. ,|? Hon 1 111I11 Ii 1,0,r .mini, vonr ?In. I? V-rri.)* or Hi !,,. ?r any far ,y . liy ?Ill ?--.npi- vonr Ii .i v. 1 Tli-n i' " 1 n-,m, ,|k V m ?J",||" av hrhiE 11 harv. : in Kllra'i 11, I'll... -li,,,, r.iit.mili. .1 tin.I: r i-i.v. r of tlark :hc?k ?111 ^?v v.jy III III., fctailng lull,, ,,r ,|,.?? A l*rnnilfal)i r on... rani., lo lin- anil |?>l'ii..,| 0111 fn' me hi .1?. fnrme'l . ? .Iffooiivr. priiti,liliil.| nnil anl<l oh. I ri.Mior TI,., , ?hal >011 ?al,I , ,r?r. Thll, ,hl|l| ilior,. 1? ir,.. harv,- 1 ?f i,?, rrnl -In. of rr.m,If, mllln.l aKt,." | hail rraprd 1,1 h:.i"?,. I fv. ? |? ki roml prnT.itinn. "He ?'"? ilrr. lvnl. (lo.l I, nil 'norkcl. v. hal.*,,.. v..r maa wiwoili iluiLjJuill 1, ?1,0 reap,'' Oiil hrrr In T. ??,; ? *?.,1,hv i?m. t? nnit Fl)(l| lltolhrr llatn, I want ?? ,. ,| v?l| how thai Inixnrahlo 1 ,w ?f r.o.l Baa l >.,'n hrmiciii horn. 10 n.. Kovrrnl voir? ano. I ,v ?1 10 Fort Worth lo alt.'n.l tiio ruin,-, nana fnnvonllon win, nu a yonnir man. I ,00k ihi. >,?inp man with r.i,. ilowii inio Mm r, .i 11*1,1 ,ll?lrlrl an-l th.r? l?l.ial..,l him lni? 1. lifr ?f ,|nf,,| in ?.?nr. XV.. r.'iiirno.l 1,11,1 'Noilly Ihrmaftur. thai natTli- hov Hr.f-Krd Illy own detail' r :?ml '? h'r lh" l?.it!|. - inv ,11 n n?n of H,,, hroMlrl I , toy or ,lo nnlhlnr | ienpo,| ?hm I hit.l wwn." No K?I*ii|m* In |'?,1:1,,,,, s lllll -oil!,, nf yon think lo *i.| lor?lwn, .. f..r voHf ?1,.. t mu? ? apr yrtir harvest j IPII yon von will rr.i,, l|,r har *?at Jual ihu ?.iiiio. Van may OXK ?X>NVI(TIOX TIKSDAV. Only om? conviction resulted From Tuesday morning's Minion of r?'<*ord* r'* court. James Pend leton. rolorni, in court Inst week lor .in uflruy. wan fine?I $10 nn?l ???>tM for profanity on tho Ktrect. t)i:?* other ase on the record bloii?r Tuesday morning re sulted in a verdict of not guilty .uid court vran done with liy 1?: "0 u lut k. >!"! I ICS I \ K AI.L MIS KI'GAU SKK'k Wayltlnglon. (Krt. 28<-> Replying ?? repeati?1 attacks by LaKolie'te ii ooniiiM'Mon whli ih?? sugar eon 1!'.'H-i'..v ?Sijinlur iJnpmt-jif 4 tab n.jnv nrrrr.'d~r?r sel! r?r ?li?-:. i??r liis sio? k in the Itah-lln ??? Company. II. li*ied his holding* as 4 til share*. ?-i forgiv n<'.w. )>ut you cnn'f m jih- tlu> harvest if-you-bttve ;? own int.* the fb hi ?r t!,i? fle^h. :, 'vl I Ki?l forgiveness for hi?* ??'.iillt-riHi?. ami )iiiir?li*rous aru. i pil t h?? reaped nn adulterous daughter :ind a uiur<leror>s ~scnr~ liJiLlJli'-Silllli^?Aluuv.iif ymi iHf^y? foi'Rivi'm m for your :-ins of ? eliery ;in<| h-wdm ss, lun yon kill reap th?* harvest unto tin ll'.rd ami foiirili generalIan Just :s God *uy*. Look at li'inu> nler AiiHimiv ?uh i|lt coiirm 'i* !'? Vi'lry uiitl <liss||i;i: |..j|a uilli bailer dancers mid its gay oiirifsan... nut *?? have* only to .*?? down io iIip cc'uefatIons tlmt u?M?*we?t nni wp Rhmif lil'iib-fllx- " >um~ ml** -<*? I'nlfgnln?and -Nem 10 not' i hat i.ic harvM was eaped. k | not dMelTMli loorioM . Wi map wlf.ii wo Row*. 'whelKer w* ?'* nations or as individuals. Not long ago. a boy fell int.i ihe hands of a corrective hoc lot y. ? in! tie- boy was ho depraved lb?- society (loci (b'll to co ail ne* m investigation of tin* family of ibis boy. to moo what light wonbl j?e ilit. wu on Ins ?onsihillty, ? V J ;, -ed back to ;? <|r i named Mirgur?; who In I lived *?v >ral ?? ? i .?! a*' oiis hefoiv. This ni.'I 11 . I >i:.., been ai.i.v: ? ! to i;i.iw :? ? ?lioat the pro,?-r infraction ;'inl car.4 and as a ronul* of .itivt i .'lis one cane of car . Iomii-*sh m Uie iearing of a rh'?l ihcy loitmi i>iii I he following astounding faet?\ This girl Margaret had Lion ml 7'Hi descendants whojc i rccords they were abb* to irac^ and of this 700, 91 were illegi timate, 12B were prostitutes, IS W4 re re-sort k? opers, 65 died of loath"Koiitc diseases. 79 were1 r-oiivicte:! criminals who .served an aggregate period of 116 year? <n the penitentiary; only 22 had ever owned property and of these IS lost what they had owned; ' Ml' wor? helped by the county ovn- an aggregate period of 7::4 years, fit died in the poor house, died in institutions for the men iHlly defective nnd for ovr 100 years ihero wus not one single decent mi niber of the family. All i he harvest of cnreleasneitK in the rearing of a girl. Tlie Coit of Folly That is what It cost just to let your .hoys and girls loaf the *1 ret-1 k lb idleness and live only livns ijf ihoughtb'ss nnd careloK.i indulgence. They will nar a generation of harlots and thieves and <? a t ihroats ami murderers. 1 h. th<? harvest that awaits this God haling, careless, indifferent, amusement* loving, plensnre mad generation. ?lie not deretvert,-* r.roih? r. lb re is nothing trifling. If yon throw n p? bble Inio the ?m. an. it will tend a wave io thi ol her shore. livery thought you hnv.*. every IhcAttr you sc?\ every bit of trashy literature you r<nd. ev.-ry flinfnl pleasure in which v?.,i tndulgi . every moral, re i mint that you dtfy will bring |i< harvest. Too. the hnrvest will be all out of pronortlon with tli? ?owiny. You will reap more than you sow Mid not only that, bni you will reap v.hat you how. Sow flowers an I you will reap flower.;; sow lb--? and you ulll reap lies. Old Dive* paid no attention to the h< lpl*??H beggar that lay at his pal? bencin g for a drink of wafer and a crumb of bread. t?nr i.^ t-t did lilv>.n?1^4?!s ? ?yen in 1? 11 nml begged I. taenia if i o in** and put a drop ?>f water ? ?n hU iarchlntt tojiKm- Old HiiintMi was hanged on th?? very gallows which he had built f >r .Morile?-^, The wicked princes of !>nhyIon were devour?-?! by the v? ry lions which Ihey had planned would destroy Daniel. Adombc /< k ,<a? at a tab!* with .hi? finger ;?nd toei amputated nnd said vontv Klnp* have /ni at my tabl- with th?'ir fingers niul tooa_ ampaiated. I havo reaped what I have sown." Absolom a lustful look nnrl reaped adultery il? bis own life. Heaping in Kind Ahab cast a covetous look upon the garden of iNaboth and bad Xahoth murdered, but th? very f pot that drank the blood of Na l?o'h ?Irank the blood of Ahab. Just as Clod hsd snld. Ja?-??b ? owed deception and roi the Mf-tbrlvhi. but he r?*apod de rp. I ?m nil bts life. He W.r? de ceived In Rfttlng hi* wife, he wjis deceived by his father-in-law in the matter ef hi* wanes tie van finally deceived by his own sons ami made to bellev*' that toseph, his favorite son had b'cn killed. Jacob wm forgiven for his deception, hut he reaped bin b iry nt nr deception and it's all h1< life Just the same. He r.ot deceived, some of you here (Continued on l'?Re 2.) Searching Chinese for Weapons Th# ton? u;ir ?lan r : ?:? V.-*v V !.->T:on out in Chinese quartern m a ?!<??<-11 iIIIToiciit ? *. IV.: i.v'Hrj llu* ??Chinatowns** In nil ?if thrm. Ilt-i?' i ? *i?ji-? ?? : ;*???? .onrrhln? n Chines# for jvvniiona. Simitar >???? . ? . c * n '..ractir.illy every larg* city whi le (h-*tc * : v. ? .. of oriental* living. Crowds Cheered Another As Milton Broke Record Travelling 5 ? t zir'A ?iMn**, o!i Wlin-h Has Ever Dun:1 !><!'.?:?< Tu.'v.viy.Miltnn* Y8r!* ? > i.l '3u*.r l.itlx* Sh-V .-tirprr c* t ? S{ir?!:tlf?r; Hv i;oisKi:r t. smai.?* ????!. n. the t'lin. l it! v ()??} l!.v"?"ilii* i; the K'iMiirl.itI<!f j.i.y of h i\\- man won a Rrtai vi - ? :\ hy l?r? ? : ali known wor-d ro-.*(?:. Ill? ?y?s of h in ? fi.;y ? !?<?:? - < ?<] frenzied spectators. i.m! >v*l !n I he mrjdly eli- i'iiii: tliiim?.: I:n< w anything a bun t i'. I Tn ril inii!oi?k a speM *H wonlil liuv left- a \Y . In'li a hurrieari?' trnlfinjr in ?lir d'u/t. travelling 2."o i m i v mil?*: faster* ilmn anything i>n v.ln'!-? had ?ver iravi'll?'d i . ' ; mul Milion. of i h?* lit'?vli* ?-??! ?n v- :it H?verlv llilhi, l.o? AinSi-s, vet eran ?f tU r*>*?t??k um.-I .i*? -i Iiiimnitnn trnek. won Mi?* in;: i : -: ral elnfttir* of ih? Churl tli?' u WHV ill ti?. (lylhfT K-lfl of n il:?.y afternoon :;;i?l no oti" ki"- v_ -ir-tmr!l"?T!Tv \\ ro~ ?iiiiIJ lnm i,T Snnl.iy morning. ThrouUt a r.ib. up ?f Me nnlci-r n?r r.-? in tli?- i?tn M llKin? n- ? ???!..J? n n>: i i i? |??an*d that Ir| f"?t i; California. ?h'i another r!! ?? ler '>f lile deadlv prani'. Ii;-d \. the ran*. Coop r was r*l???*?r? t tu tli? #?< 1? *?. I i? ?i m i ? ! f >11 anin-'i 'I ;is having finished xcninil. - I 1'Oor 1?.- 1'iioln, a promising t?? phew of Kalph I>?? Piilm'-r, Vini, <?f ihchi ali. wfi? pl.nt'd When ih* blKR^t crowil ("itai lian over fteeji pott rod nut of fl??? two liii; prMti'l'-tani!*! this ur; ? m*-nt slooi! as thj* resni*? of ? ?li>t rare of Its Kini ? vr-'r li* IN low Ihf Mn-u.n end Dixon li:i Tommy Mlllnn v/n? no* i- ? Triu- In- hud 1>?*?-*i hopii o ti n." ? t ?n-h??whtrltnr nrfnrrnt tttttt rr t h?* tlni?- Iii tho maiinnr of tb disdainful nit thai "*nlk"il '??* hi? Ioni';" avoiding the mix * and m-vor seeming to run f to Iho n?on? ^pe-taele ilrlv i v !m ttrr?' now skirting lin- lop of Irnrk and now Vra lii'ir (IliWfl 1 peep hanks with added tnmu?-ii turn. passing pitch other ' My i ? h? pHM?d in turn; hut #or.n a r.r other the -ip'Tf:?lot ?. had '*?r looked bin and UieCe was no '-r th?? part of tli? ?*r? ^ I wh?n h? i???niinitly Itad not tin fohed In III - tnonpy. !!? had b?-?n to flic "pit*" only onf" durlr? ?? lontc t rind - I o chitn^?- a i? wlil< h not fal1?i| btii of ?i i- It ll" hud ittowu il lilt MIKph'l ?>' At. tin* rnlu liiitlon of I lit* most of th<* fthrr drlv??r 'h I Konf to Karl Cooppr'n pit and * tended th?lr ?onacr?n?--? ? llnMed by tho crowd. Poop? ? d rliinhfd nom^.lalar.tlv fro:? tl> rorkplt of lil> him Ilk?* ra< r chine and pulled up hI? l?ft *? ;?djuMtlnir a *lr?y Ri-tlrt ? ' no ni? til ronld touch him ' wayward ?ock hnd b!?n hi* onlv < r?* na her dnnhorl 2^? ' > iirnund ih<- mil? and " ou " ' '' l??< k In a Kanio whore wont of ?hief rompetllftfM ha?? l?"'-n f? iiiov d l?y flf'lcnl d? * 1 Tnmmv MUfon Jind* Til? rfn. tn^rhanlcltM wrro th'- only on who Bii^t?e^t?Hl KomothitiK mlr.iit ' h? wronjc. Tommy has only ill.- !)i(l I.tiiii ]??: i f .p? ?-i! wjiy event, i\*r.?? :?nd i i:!,. liolfir. tlic WorliI'M' rp ' >1 i? <?r 1 ?*i" If!-". -5 miles- :?it 1??..i? .4 .h ! >.?; r??n;< In. ??i it ?h; ! Hi* minw-1 ih?us alum i i "pi*. *!'!??* ofii/ialH iJ'?* t v i nun committal. Vh ?? 'm t. h :i eti? i k!iifi of iln? ri* ? '?ri' ."i J ' loin; ? ...ju* of i li?? c|pr i r*?*i! i t'lmr umi'iati icrorilnr wuh !??? p d inder s'riii.nv mid .m?nie, mi:" hour.* tal? ?? . a?* Inexorable :i., cru*h d fur a time <<> tin? j ? I. i ? i k /? * i urfai ?? of the hit track, again iiiiil pri ?"!.?! iiii'tl Hit* This tiil-trili* 1 :? aln dis i-'i ,i. i| ?;f;?: ?h:ii all r'-pirdn t? i ?o mill's had ln*fii hr-?k? ii by Milfoil uho had avi r;ii-'i-il 11 H. 17 im-m- -hTnrr-fnr- ?tr?* * tan."*?*, iiM-liiilliiK in" ponrno his dim at i In* pit Kill CiNi|M>r wn-t p? .1 *ri ??ml. Iletiiii.' Hill llilrcl ami !??? I'....I m f?-*?i el). Ti*h iliou 'uml ?'."lilin ? oilur; a kiuK'i l;-nvol:l m iti; dliy Wllirh hurl lain for a '?? ? io in Coofwr'n 1/?p. '?i "? ' l iily i?ji ? lli ? Miiil !t? i: haii"* ?if Tommy Mill on. |r,. n i ainl nelithhor of l?'in?l.m l-'alrbank ?!iampion Income lax liayr ??f tli? mnvi profession, ? nil. Hip '"harllp f'haplin who np l.iars to h.iVe given up fnri-vpr hi i Job of .h' inr funny. MP*-:!?* n| t lie IiIp rapp Wfti tnoM pi lurosiiue. TIip K^'iit npi 11| liiiwl In* l i en vi*l down r i * "t h Mm* midst of I hi* rot Ion fi'V . which wpn- in full pnil all lihimi it ami *' -v?. ihi< Notthefti ^? >???!-t?uii .uiU*4 iliiUi-?lit? 11 .i -1?. . Jint l iMiipl li-il has proved fo Ii" lira-, fir i hp fastest In Hp world as well :ii one of lhp safest for there was no nihlanpp of an ace'iil?'i i during the running of (he In tl training period. lioMfpT?*!-. * Kill*1 Anst'Tberg lo*t rmlrnl ??f his machine ami fl?-w off oiv pf Mu- planked pi<rlph-cH to hit death. Tli?- rin in Its :-'?ui!.herp spiting re; !1* 1 ill?' first Kfaml prixo pjlUli hijil i<ii Dip* about Sa vnnnah nrk in 1!?0H ---ilown amotiK the paliiK anil thp m ?sh draped i :i K - Krpil Wagner. w ho ?itnil'il i hrt *nr ? ai?o art r ?1 the one her?* Friil ha? befcn a Marl* ?? r fof 3* v' llftftltifl hlcvc'p?, ih-'n itiutor \ I?- i ml :?iitomohilpi ii 1.4 hit oni. |.ro!n?lon, If any in? vp' w.?i **> in jtl'iri anything Wn*npr !s alwn> . on Ih* Job. Ami. nh >? . "oni* pyr" Con noJIy in s<? m?? maniipr found hiti way down l:pri'. but as ?t lb" Warhimrtoii World fc-ri*?, h?? had to noil pro|*i *iis in ord r to "pjf? h" i h' i:??fp. STIIK K BV AUTO W OMAN IS DEAI) XVIII ??>!. III. O-l. ?>* - V, . ''hi?li"i i ? Orifflii. w? ll known fuvii i- fiountv woihup. dloil in -i b'?*?!?'I 'I hof? Mi I'dnv of in'in l. s r ? v?wj whpn ?irupk by in aiitomobili .-'?ind?v. Thp drlvr I? Unknown, aa lie failed to stop. I'KOMINK.NT K Alt MICK OIKS MONDAY NIGIIT J. ft. Ilill?', Sr., n| rofiiillt I'iums Suddenly \\ 11 *-| i Tbo1l-;hl l?i Im> Intprm iiiy J. It. Ilrltr. Sr . died Monday night 41 1?is home m-ar Corinth ltaptlst rtiurrh at 8:30 o'clock nf lor a brief illness of only a (j*\\ ho urn. His death wax a severe shock to the m inher* of hi.? fam* ?K as well a* the entire commun ity. Mr. Urite was* apparently as well as usual Monday inornitiK and was up looking after his , sUmk:..* hen - Itv *utfyr??d an ttttaok 1 r.T" uic heart. T pliyshTail was called In and It was not thought that h? uas in any apparent dan Kt-r. However about S:3n o'clock last night Mr. Urite gut up from his bed iiikI fell dead on t hi* fbmr. M.r. IIrite was CC years of ago. uml was .one of the prominent farmer* and citizens of thin Coun ty. For a number of years he was one of the County Commissioners,1 ?emf at the time of tils death be' wa* a member of the County High way Commission. He was a meinhrr and deacon of Corinth Kaptist church, and att?Mtd(d bis Church Sunday af ternoon and assisted in the ob servance of thu lord's Supper. He is survived b.V Ills widow and eight children. Five dauglt Iitsj MfH, Grace I'rM'.'bard. Mrs. Mary l'l'ltchurd. NfT?s ? In ih\. ""MfiffP. aird Rui?y llrite, ariilHIy three sons. Milen. Juines and Wil liam. ail of this County? ThfUte nlso survive , two brothers; C. C. Itrlie of Norfolk, and K t". Urite of Newlaml. and eight grand children. The funeral will he conducted at two o'clock Wednesday after noon at the home by his pastor. Itev. It. F. Hall, ami Interment will lie made in Hollywood Cem tery. l.OEIl'S KM'HKK DIRS IN CHICAGO Chicago, Orl. 2K.?Albert Hen ry I.ueh, ilrnt vice president of Sear*-llnrbuek & Company, and father of !??? I>. co-mii r (Icror wIMi Nathan Leopold of Itobert I'rankH, <1 l?*cl at hi* home hero last ulfclit after a lom: III liemi. Members*" < f the family an?l p|)V*lelnn?? aald hlu deal h wan luus t?n?*d by the trip I and convletlon of hlM aon now nervine a lift* aeti t??n?v?*4?v JoHe# t**?Mriillary THIRD MAN PIES OF GAS POISONING New York, Oet. 2S, ?A third vleriin cf ^aa pol.tonlnu in the re H'-arrh labomloiy *t tip Standard Oil Company at Itay way. N. \v Ju .iey, di< d hi?r?' today in :? hoxpltal. lie was William McSwconey. I.efore IiIh death he h'-rame so vio lent that ho wan placed in a mi rat i'lit. Jacket. Some of ihe oth er victims a|ao were affected in tin* aaine way. Two other men ??r.. in jt hospital In a aerlotiH con dIIIon with an undetermined num ber of employe? In a 1? mh iscrioiM condition. I-'RENCII KKCOCMZK RUSSIAN SOVIET ? Mr "Hi# A?s.?-??'ed t*nM> I*at to, Oct. 28. Tli ? French Government today officially ac cording Hi* Jur?- rerounltlon to th?* Sovi? t vovernmi nt ?.f l: moda. SIMMONS TO MAK K ONLY ONE SI'EECH New Horn. Oct. i!fc. S- nator FlinmcnH will make an uddrrua for the pirl dcvelopnc lit mr anin. Icn- October !ttl. TIiIm Ia the only npeecli lie will make. UI'OLLETTE TALKS ON SUGAR TARIFE Haltimnre, Oct. 2V Senator l?;i Folb Ite h"ie vent onlay de nounced the failure of I'renidcnt I'oolidKc to put Intu efTeet Ihe n diictlon of ??ui;ar tariff riTom ' m'Mid d by tin- tariff emuriiiftaioii. IIKPIMLICANS MAKE COUNTER CHARGES WMftlpRtOO. M. J?. The- It Miblican National Committee through IIm attorney tnad? a coun ter chary?* of ihe cxp< ndltiir? of ??normou* turiH on behalf of the LaFolleltc ticket at the hearing ? ??nlav of ?'?<? CHlrlpuU.n coniii hullon* luvcatipatiiiK cominlll? ?? LaFolb-tte lawvi m obJeef<>il to th?? 'mnip*'!'"* ? t" '???lii- Inilallnt! that t lie" Ho fr lentlm? nv work. A dec i li :i wan not mad??. ( ?? 1 ni1 i ?? M .1?? '? ?t'. ?? Oct. 2s. M? ivln r. Kin:, farmer, committed ??nici?' y? Hti-nlf. by plfte*nr a rhotf;uli nff';lfo?t h la CbeM and piillink the I'llil.K \ftO\ l:tTtlt\M rt HTiiKit iiKci.oci>t:ii Wn'hftiRtoti, Oet. 2* Th ? Fed eral Government attitude towurj publication of Inc? ine tax return? iraa f-irtlirr 'hec!otii!od today af I? ; the cabinet had dl*c tuned the ?i?i 'Hon nt it.1 r** 11 far Tue?Uy ii.? ? in* Attorney General .'Mono .rid be found hi* colleague?* in f neral agreem ?nt end would *01*10 ntate:ncnt late Jodiv. > ? d Whether lie afid >4?'rr??f-t?iry Mellon had agreed an to the leu alt.? v of ihe publliution Mr. Htonn 1 pi IM In the affirmative. Jf f. n had prcvlouily tMki*^ llie 1. it ion that publication wag II 1 legal. Connecticut's Democracy Apathetic Toward Davis V?. West "for Mt-\doo So (lonniTiinii Was for Smith and Smith** Defeat Dampened Ardor of Parly*# Itank mid Kile Ihoiijudi l.t-mhrs Working Hard fly DAVID lwUVKKX?*K |?24. Br 1l>t Il.-.rtfn-cl, i.-MT. ? Oal .West- state after state sllow?U^t dlstilu-l 11 In I hp Mi'Arinn ramp anHftaWhri ocratie leaders said if lie liad been nominated, the Democratic party would not l>o third. Here in Connecticut is the other side of the story. Had Al Smith been nominated thjs would have been a doubtful state. <;uh;(,s-i oi{hks sun COAI. IN Newcastle "In Durham the other day.", y4 W. Ij. t'ohonit of thH'city. wmk m counsel fur the Stali- II i?rh wa\ Com mission lakes him ititu all pat t? of ?North t'aro Una. "I saw a Magnificent oak table. On liiifiiii iiiK wIhti- my host m?I it. I wim informed that the (iihii* *ai made right h?rr In KlizalM'th 1*1? y. ?".?4iiict? t h?-it I have lieen t olil ihnt thi- (jriggs-Korhctt (' *tn|mny nf-ftiW hav-ctttjTpmt furnirurn ln'tffnti Tnlfrf."pTovhi?; TViit Mofue tinn * It Is possible in carry coal In iNi'Wia +1 |i* ailil r,?'l liy with "Tli?re In no rvrnmn oij earth uhv wo run'i make furniture in Kllzabeth City ami I hop?* thai th?> young m*'n who composc the flrlgKM-ForhoH Company. who havo already prove.I It. will be ahl*? tu prove H nh w'il on a ureal 1*1*5 waliv FIND SUNKEN SHIP OFF VIIUaMA CAPES New York. Oct. 2H - TtWiTtv hunter* who left New York early thi'* umnih tn ret r h-re the rolii. silver, copper ami Ji wi Is which wenl down with the >*(eaiiiHhlp Merlilu ?ilf the Virginia 4'a pen In I !? 1 1. hrjve lici n Mice* ssfi;I In lo calliiK I lit- sunken s hip. DIVcl'M Will now lie Mill lIuVIl after the treaaure. tin- value nf which Is cHtlmatcil at fn sn $2, 000.000 to $5,000.000. IIAVIS RE-ASSENTS NO COMPROMISE New York. Oct. 2K. -Declaring that there ''call be no compromise with renrt Ion" und re-awrtliit: Ilia posit inn nn Hi-vera I "nf the more important Ihmucm before the people" Jultn \V. Davis today |h Mleil the first nf a aerie* of state ment* fnr publication between now nuil November 4. The Democratic l*r*-Hl<fl< tit In I candidate r.lso *et f*?ith hi* atti tude i-ci;nrdinu a ntitiiber nf poll cieH lie Will Nei k |o pill III-U ef reel if el. cted. BODY OF WALLACE TAKEN l?ES MOINES Wn?hliiKli>?. "?< 2*. Tin' body of 11 ? r v Wall ice, Sin e tary nf Agriculture, wan taken Monday lo Ilea M? Inea. Iowa, foi burili I aft r funeral services In-hL in ti??- Bawl Hut ii ef ;v- NN"i l|i Hohm <;eneiui. iiai.deman DIES AT THE K ACES f."tilavllli Oct. TK O m ra' William It Ifatili ninn, fn.-ii r commander lt> chb f nf (Yufcih-r ale Veteran?. *'lei| lo re >? M -rdav of heart trouble while alti ntlltt" the racefl. Till feIIIICI all will h? hi Id Wed nesdav tiflirtimfl nl :: o'clnck lit tli?- I'lrat I'ri '.brterh'ti Church and C? n -ral Maid? mum will lie butied in IiIk full unifnim <? 'i criiomandef of the f'nn.r< ill Mile Veterans. TIr Interment will Ik- mud'* in f'avc Hill f* ntcterv 11i*i ?1* hiIi b avea annlhci i;j,p |n ih<- ta.-il thinnlm: ratika nf the* nf the g|e>. Hi i:\Mi 11 IMN'TI I IKS noun cm mi* wiii Oxford, N. J . Oct. 2* The body nf a woman found In an abandoned Iron mine hole near here wii' today Identified im of Mr? Crnc Thomas nf Itocky iCuii by Frank Thomas. In r bu hatid. who Mill?1 when he went hum" Humlny he found the plan* ncfcrted and ItIh wife gone. r?vrro\ MU'KIT New York. Oft l H pot cot ton ?Insert qtllct Middling 24.20. l-'iitnrcH. ?losing hid. Dee 3.1.40, Jnn. 2I? '?J. .Mnrch 2* *'S. May 2 4 04. Ju!y 22 72. N O T I C K ! l*jiM|iiolutik Sti|?? rior CUuirl lo (jiiivciii* nt) WVilut mIu), NovciiiIm i' ,>lK 102 I I I* Inn of*. Jitti'f?! and wl'* ?uiuni >ni il l(? hi Court on Mi m'm, Xnirur b ???, I'Utl. nrr lurch leiftfti-d Nf?r to ItHfur until IV-'ilin-'ilm in uiilntx, \o. vrnt*>fr ."*ih, 10.1. rillM^r I NWVVKH, 4 lei k Hti|irrlnr 4 nticl Tin? 1 >i?mocrncy of Connec ticut-^ not exactly shirking~ its task. That would imply something deliberate. Far fmm it. 1 ho Democrats' ;af~ Connecticut have l>een di* heartened and while the lead ers and organization worker? are laboring to poll a good IMnocrntic votn, for it has * bearing on future campaign t lie rank and lile are dividing ?*feeHrmr f^Folfette sthJ Coolidgc. Tli ? comu-i vative Democrat! art" turning t.fjhe IniiiT- hctfauee they cannot swallow Ilryan on fhe VI?* Presidential end of the uUmN0;1 ticket. Other Democrat*, eapectel? l> from the rank* of labor. . art platin in k to vote for LaFolltttM nx a protrnt. Opinion* vary ax to the profr* iible nize of the I .a Toilette vote In this Ktnte hut liiOHt of it will com6 from the Democratic party any hnw. s.? far mh ufrcciing the r*? (*ult, the ligurea will have only an academic value. Talking with Home well in . f"i iu d peraonn from Waterburjr, a Democratic Hfronghold. tjfipjj writer waa uaaured thai DavtS : would run stronger than did Cos four yenra ago. This might etllt be i rue and yet the totala in tha ??ate lie leaa than Cox had. Com* parlHonn between Cox and Davi? vote? will be difficult to make the temptation In to add the \A I olldte and Davi? vote togetller and get an idea of what the noa fool Id we vote really la, but on* eannut he an re how many Kepub Ilea na. especially amonK the work inn men. will have vote for Li Kol let t e. r AI Smith meant something to the Democracy of Connecticut. Labor would have been ?olid for him. The "nvi" aentliuent. whldM i* by no meaiiu negligible. would have been hi*. This la one of ttta Htate.M which ha* no particular ob jection to DuvIh. in fact he ia ad min d by tiioae who have really Htudied bin career, but the mum look upon him aotnewhat aa thfcy do on an ailHtocrat some on? apart from them. HIh advocacy "I the (.ensile of Nation* retain? fer h i in. of rn',i>>. a large nutt ier i f women votera. who feel 'hey inunt constantly atrlve to m" [>uvrt that cuiixe li i ? ?Hpectlve of whether it triumpha Immediately ? FTll the year* to eotne. But :moil : tli" Democrats of irlah dla II .I'M Ion there if< defection becatla* i't 11 ? la ague laaue. It 1.4 not aa e j. naive a, four year? ago. Then nil the Iii*ii vol* , wl?b few excefr* ?i n: u.nt to Ilirdlnt^ aa a pNfc " ? aicainat the poaaiblllty of Am* erkan entrance Into the League which was tuppoHed to be obllgmt ? I to maintain the territorial eti M* quo of fJreat ItrltaIn ait agalact Ireland. Sine?* tliat time the Irtya free ??ate line become a member -if the T#eauuo and theoretically, at leant, the member* of the League are auppoaed to help pre erve the territorial Integrity of ?he Irish free *latc against efi eroachnienla from Oreal Itritaln. It'it nmcng tli l*h there hae been a divialon . yhow. There ?^re thoae who aympathlae with Pllblle by De Valcra. Theae are I'k lv to be found voting for l#a r??llet|e. The Kympathlaere with ?le- frlah /re* Mule have for the tli" t na rt returned to the Deno enit fold anil 11 they are atraying i hi-: year It I* bccauae of other li ane?. The 1 enr.ue problem mif he Ma Iti therefore not to be cutting a* miiCii i f a figure as It did four yearn aai. The Democrat? hav<? not much h'.pe, however. of carTOM tlirr.uch even their atato ticket md it lr, augmented here and there ? hat nominations were made pcr f inetorllv and without eonfldenca that much could be acconipllahed. Th" D mocrata are. nevertheleaa, getting iutereat? d In the ontcottV of the apodal ?lection on Decern^ h i I'*., at which a ?uccceaor to t be Mo Senilor lltandegee will be choaep, f{i publican ^rganlxatloi leader - are at odd?? with (loverair Teiapleter, .?? Kepubllcan. for caJI* i uk the elect I fill aa they had hop?d to dictate a choke after the legli* !atu?v had be,-n convened. A Rd^? Tinbllei*n can be expected to VHi ??>? rj .-lal election unleaa the '?I' t.' lit the Tlenubllcan rankl le.itla to the nomination of noma w?,o will a'lenate the lada , dee? vnfe of th?? atete. ' ' iflcut |?< overwehlmlagty l(eptiblkan and the majorlv vo4e for f'oolldge vhlle prot?ablv no( na larae aa Harding received, will he i ubaiantlal. I

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