Barter Blood For Gold ? i To Pay Way At College ' 1 I Hugged Foothill St;ii> Brown Hit I pon New (?<*! I Rich-OiiMk Schctiic ??i* Ohlair.m*.; I'iiikIh Without j?T j DrudpT) of nnl i Waiting Il> I.LOVI) MWKll ! t ICiH?vTi?t?. IMI. br TU. ? ? t (Providence. Nov. ^i?.- l.?*g;on ?r? the Jobs by whU'h students ut ?* ' MplverHitics through the eountry M?k to pay tht? expenses of, their KiMlucatlon, but three 15i?wn eni Mnti(' rugged fo??? bu'.l iar^, huv-j. * . waived the. mtwi* Mtu'" 'V,"t MCh-Qulek" sch'-mo * ver ilrvlsc.l by a needy undergraduate. ;Adolph \V. i>kKicii<. miubty Center of the root ball * i?? ati la barter iheir life's blood for gflld. t . Twice he has sacrificed a pint of his Monti since the l'JJM foot ball oeason heKun in October. Yet hij* playing In tin- Bruin line hut been topnoif-h all scri.ion. Last year he Hold a qmrt of the pre clOuM fluid for $ loo, l.iier trading a. pint for half th:it siriii li. '{toeing the sun-ess of his ex ample. two other football stars aji f .Brown found that their blood Mas equally In demand hav? followed Mtflt and have disposed <>f a pint f" apiece nt the market prl'*e. .-The trio of brawny youths. I-'rk - 1 stain of Kllsabeth. K. J.. Fred Sjlet t of Philadelphia mid Thom a 8 JohtiRon of Lausforo. I\i.. all senior*. togethei sold five pints ?<; ?the blond for a total of du ; ring the gridiron Inst fall. Pish washing, waiting on table tending furnaces and Mher em >? ployment of o similar naiuro takes a lot of time and is not parlleu 1 larly remunt rai ive, considering the amount of effort involved. ae cording to the three pioneers of a h new "self-help" era in wniver?-.'iy I life. If you are a healthy ymir.i; an J iqial whose blond tests, to 1b?- l i orous standard demanded in the dcllc ate operation of i(h>- not take a chance on a sport - | lag proposition, they ask. pointing [V out that Eckstein, despite tin? t fact that he had undergone a K transfusion operation only a abort 3 time before the Yale-Brown game, vfas crodlted with outplaying t'ap tAIn Love joy of the Bin*:. All-Am erlcun choice for the position last j, year. ? 'Four types of blood are found a tbo human body. Type 1 ?ur. HW quant it ics of wliieh were Kept on bund in field hospiinl for l' emerKeiicy cases during the World ; wirrii known as universal blood. t Is tills coveted type which fUM* In the veins of Brow it's three 'P dying grldders Bloid of ihls type f suital.If f . ? r all tmusfu | sion operations, whereas blood oCJte three ri -malning types may P'- !,e used in Instances wle-iv it is synonym. ins uith Hi-- hi. I fluid flowing In the vein . of the She'll Wait ?Trr? Mttry Orunt McCarthy (ubovv) i iyii :????* will 11 ni>"d to Moxlro. Uslei lv wan :i |? jiahtnilrd lu'-'iin In Ai iXunu and re . nrm-d to tlorUln. Two ycare lai.-r ho broke loose nciilii It wiih wlille i ftiqltltti In* |tie? Mrw. M. (V.rthy. Ills la;?t capturc ?-mi*h* in l-.'illn*. Tex. roi'Mivinu: iho transfusion. Tin- prison Kivinn tin- blood will r?M'ii]i< r:ilo to norma) physl i.l Pi-HMis'h within from IS to - I in ?u i foflo.winK tho operation, lUictora UYer. Hut thny dnclnre i Iim ' from three to four days in roquIroU for tin* donor's blood to mako up tht> exhausted corpuscle*. New Thrills Or New Woes For Country's Radio*fans ! firm ** Rmniii^ of Cotinlry Into SJ\ Territorial DLsiricis In* Htrad of Five Willi HcHiiliiiij/ (liaiipr in Wiivr Krnglli and l'ow??r \\ ill Make a DiffoiriHT fly .!. i\ ItOYI.K ComieM. 1974. t. Ik* AfK ,N<>w York. Nov. 20. Addition al *hrlllH or added disappoint mi ni Pr5T?iHy are in store? for the radio fan* of thp country after January l.ifceeof cling to the kind of eqnip mttot th? y poMCRN, For those din ilffipited, however. there mny h< tNBpeiftaatlonji. Thin Ih nil ex P<*ted to grow out of the re-zor InfW the country Into six terri torial .districts instead of five afel atipreaent. and th?> allotlnK to stations of new wave length* by th# 'Department of Commerce. If any stations. a* soon as tin Ir wave lengths are fixed, will hecln operating with greatly increased Jfre wave lengths asplum-d to breadra i i..L- have been widened to Include those between 200 and 640 meters. which meant* from another at and point u band of vnr-| latlons In the ether ranging be tworn 1.500 and 6,000 kilocycles a Hecond. That simply means that those fan* who hflvo the le.? efficient receiving instruments wiff have additional difficulty in j t ufttnu out a In: li |>i tlon in favor of a low powered on*. Radio receivers will require mathnum selectivity and ability to tuAc over the entire band of fir qulSftie* without losing efficiency.! ?ecratary Hoover forecast this recently when he declared that th^n w.i not) i ?? tb e in.?tt? i radio hcondraatlnK but that what waa needed waa more efficient r?' M|iiiC apparatus. Tin new as-' alj^firoCntH will allow a separation! of, 20 klloo) cle 'ii cibrat StntlOHH h<"' ? i * f?;l? r o n < v? ryiimu; will) In that rntiM'* CJrealfr tlla tnnra will )>< rovn'd but 1!?1k will !? in |i? nsrtlim t?? tho owii'T of thr l??^ ?f*?ctlve m-I". ?!OW?'Vpr, l? ?-xp^ot? (I lo conn- in the possible ELICKzrr- | CIIOSS WOltD PUZZI.K BOOKS? #1.33 StoimI Kriltloti of the ori ginal hook Hint in nimn Iiik, Interesting ami In itlriidliiK thousand*? Try li ? ll 1h Fawinaliiig =melick= MEET YOUR FKIENDS AT OUR Clean Soda Fountain at THE Al'OTHECAIiY HMOP WIIEN YOU NEED Heaters and Cook Stoves BUY FiiOM US . The Mont Complete I i in? The Hiffhl Price. r Quinn Furniture Co. Their Mother Is Governor . Here urc the kotjh of Mrs. Nellie Taylor Rosp. RQVcrnor-cleet of Wyoming. Th?-ir father held the Kuinc o!lR:c Inforc his death in Octolicr. From left to right they ure: Ambrose. C1?i?i"ko Taylor ond William Bradford Koss. Ambrose- iind George arc twins. Thvy aro 21. William id 13. Both Judges mere arc two Judgej in the AtkJn ?on family of Miami. Fla. Judge II. P. Atkinson pri-alde* over the cir cuit court. Hi* wife febove) uM ju8t been elected to the Juvenile court. rtiluction'iu coktn of the tube net*. !ii I'Ybrunr> of next year the lapsing of Hoini' of the patents on Christmas I\1 O N E Y VOH YOU Our ChrlKitiiHM rinb |myn you tin- money wlini you Join It. JOIN T O D A Y lie sure you net your ChrliMiitnK Chcrk. Ask us for full information. INDUSTRIAL BANK I OPTICAL SERVICE I DR. J. W. SELIC OPTOMETRIST 521 Main St.? Elisabeth City ? (ubiri may ojk-'i 'th?* IWid u? additional niami!ar* am! rOHuil in :? mi'v i >n hi ill f;.?' i ?!M? Si 1 1 ? il'l V -lit' H luk ?'li |.l;i? t- Pinc?- tin 111. ' h-ilij an ..i? *'> f Hull- ri* s :tl ??? liavt- ii'in r in am! a ftrilM-r dr*i|i i.< iitoLal*!* ns iii cri-atii <1 product io:i tin* man u tun ti r- r to rut ovvrlKiid co*t?. Itatilo d? ( l iii tJtRi U tube K*t l?OW In WilltiU tin* |irlc? ratiK' of any one who can afford a crystal set. The question of broadcasting over extremely short wave length* which has excited ?-m luislas'ts who have picked up messages iroiu fur distant points over t wav*? )? ULTtht. in Ht ill in a somewhat ex i^rhiuntal stage. At least two c .panic* ar?'" makiui: t'-sts at p;vsint. The Wcs'.lnttfcoupc elec tri? station KDKA I.. peri in* in ? in, on a hundred meter wave ^?iiuth while General Khctric lit \V?!V, Schnvctady. Is usin^ J 03 [ in*'1 ? "is and lo meters. in plain language, vlo ratio nr. ov? r these short wav length:1- sliu I'ly means increast d frequency j nilfd in soup' Instances to three ' million kilocycles per second. This j < :iabic* the hroadc.isting Station i'? transmit a lonu distance* with i"?- sum** power. The short waves : i \ ?? more effective radiation since i'.?'V allow of the use of the vert I - ?? i aerial. the most effective radlu i known. With the'longer wave ! ii'utl.s it wn? impossible to use. a ;? serial sufficiently long. With the short wave lengths the ;s rial may be a stilt rod which u?-ed be Insulated at only one end wh< r" li In supported. .Marconi In t 'un-- of his experiments has used ,' i aerial only one meter high. The General Khctric Company F lowers l Olt KVKIIY OTCASION Uyan Floral Co Inc. I 'I tone A42. I toad St. The Newest In Solid Silver Ml US \IV fie fleet? I he (Sol fie n Aye of Old F re. ire.'* THIS 1,-iiiis \IV pattern* in Solid Silver is ;iii example of tin- deeora !iv?* (tend of tin* PiH-Ht work of Amnrian artist* and craftsman. TIiIh mot Ive, j?m- tin* iinuo- indicate*, ear rt?*r? if. Imrk t?> the ?:lory of tin* 1'n'ini f *?os rt of "l.oui: . 111. Magni ficent. Kuril decorative feature from tho cniivi-iiiiiiiial car nation on the tip to I lit* rliarminu ' flowerett??H near tho bowl. fall:; into it* place in perfect inrm uy. And y'ot despite tit** ricli ii. h It: ? viuIkIip detail, th ? clean cut oittMne and tho plain pa ml give it an ?!?? of Ninpl'i'ity doliuhtfullv expres sive v?f our own American talile. Silver. When selecting nllver ware for your i.wn tub!** or for your alwuya look for the word "SMrtl?v." which Is Ktampi d on ev ery I'h'cc. Silv.rwui ?? k?, stamped need.- a m ftinii??r guarantee, fur you are a:^ uriuic . they rIv? off Ire ruemlnu* energy, thereby ?i?inr yoo Impoverished blood Cvrputclrt highly magnified. rre*t force, strength and endurance. With oat iron ycur Mood carrics no oxfiren and without oiygen tliere in nothin* to unite with the carbon in your that what you cut doc* you no Rootl? youdunotretanystrenjrlh from It-It U like puttinx coal into a Move without a Are. You cuuitot ?,t any hrst un Ics* the ro?| unites with the Are. The ?troecrM weapon with which to pre vent and or er come colds. pnccmtnla. kidney trouble. rheumatism, nervous prostration, In fhet alaort any ducase or disease ge rms is plenty of good rich, ptir? blood, atrrnRth. cnertraod tixlarurc and the imtnt enr riy [ carrier in the bod y Is organic Iron, not mctnl lle iroo which people uauaily take, but or rank Iroo like the Iron in spinach, lentils and apples, nnd like the iron contained 'n what ia known i a organic Nuvatrd Iron, which may be had from almoet any druggist. KnuUii Iron often Increases the strength, energy and endurance of weak, mitou, run dowu folks io two ? week*' tine. It has been used and highly rernnt. n tendril by foimrr i United States Sena- f tors. Members oft Congress. Judfr* of ' V. S. Courts, many physicians aud pro minent men. Million* nr praf>l*nr0 ? . . , now nalmr it annual- Healthy blood eop* 1 1 jr. Saliafirtnry rr- putt lrn highly oilU ?r? (imnntMi) magnified or thcmnnufacturera will refund your money. Sold by *11 druc glut* III t.\MM form only. i i? using its IS wave length lo a large extent for broadcast iuu from movable trucks. When an event >u importance t*k**i? plac?*. the trurk is rushed to the s??ne ?h?I the n??wj) t>r the even' broud east over the shoit wave length to the main station of th company whence it !.-< bioadust over ih** regular otation wave length of 380 meters. It is regarded as probable thai the short *av?- lengths v.-iIS n??: |>e ast>iKttf?l fer aen* ral u.-? by tl?c Department of Commerce until < IHTitattiU have pro?M4ad further. Th? iulHitm. of the tc**u?r&J- |>uU--t lie waa plainly indicat< framed, II. 60c Table, Simniai'l < .liiiitcr*, < (range I'cel, Candied, lb. 30c ! Pound t'iirlon 23c . .. ... .... Piiit-ii|i|ilc. Cry-lalized. Hi. 70c ? /. jar I !c; B oz. jar 29c; 16 oz. jar 50c SHELLEiO WALNUT HALVES SHELLED PECAN HALVES Pound 150c Pound $1.15 >5 can 05c H ounce can 75c - 1 \ '2 ounce tilacs 35c ?i\-> ounce (ilaHH 35c SHKI.LKI) ALMONDS* Pound. 70c Almond*, Cal. Siii'i Shell, lii. 33c WALNUTS, Calif., Soft Shell, llra.i!, Fancy V*. Vsi: : <] Jumbo*, lit 37c ill. " 23c M1XKD NUTS, lb 27c IHINO; VlKAT. t'oiiml IlJe I. IBBY'S PLUM PUDDING MiNCE MKAT, H S ->.C, I I!) can 215c No. I can 25c 2 Ilk ciu 17c No. 2 can 13c Candies French Mixed (!rvu|iis, in. 25c (horolnte (Irpams, lb. 25c Hard Mixed, li?. 25c ("oloniul (ihoculatcK, lb. box 39c After Dinner V.iiilsi, 29c Jordan Almonds, lb, 39 c Old Virginia Fruit Cake This enko will be slock in all D. P. and Piggly Wisely Stores for. the Thanks giving and Christmas trade. We want to emphasize the fact that Old Virginia "y? Fruit Cake this year is far superior to any cake ever offered in our stores. Baked in our new modern daylight bakery. Packed in handsomely decorated tins ? 2 ill. size SI. 00 I III. size 82.00 6 Hi. sine $3.00 - YELI.OW MtOM EKIUT CAKE, Pound I). P. CAKE, Plain, KuUin . sealed pkg. 35c 30c 23c 25c < 12^c.'1: WHAT Alit Vow LAUGHING AT? You Show off when MAMA'S NOT ARotlMO 7 PONt'T CHA PAPA' IT MAU'E-S r-io' DIFFERENCE V/HERE SHE IS, Voo GO r T? BE D (7=\ ' DOROTHY DARNIT - . ?77 fbo as r saSO aW papa'I I ,-M 00SS r-^ . 1 ~ - INDJ? \/p X <-*Nv I 0ONJ T J AROUND wanna I here ? ? a> * < ?-> By Charles McManus A Papa ' j wher^S I mamaIj Tt HA HA! HA! HA".