PEFLE * PftLE, Publisher* mmiWT fllll. I4i1?r. ' of The AmotUIwI I'rtw. '*? *KMl"N Pt?h It U(luii>il| ?nt>tl*4 t* y*..l* ^ ivnw*i(?? if ???? MM la tfcli M?*r ir< *iM ti to. i?;.i C*Urd ?t (hMici tt UitUtlli City. N. C.. ?( Mcend. :l*ti njtUf. Hub*crij>llon ltuu-, lt> ( UtlM'r. ?? ? !? C??l? %*? Mantt* (la adtaaco ?V?a MmiUii {in atfvanc*j |l./# %l' MMtti (in idiiiiiii) (In U)iih?i || |g Ity Mail. On. u aontNi ?4.aa In* Om. I (M T?, ? ?II Clttaticf* TUESDAY. NOV. 2 . 1!?24. Wem Tl?* first tiling ili' I'riiit-i* ?' WmliH nuIiI wlicii li" k<i| Ilium- mi/ Hint Aim-Hru mi/ "n^nlci-ful" I' liilii, m? now tin* |MM?r ??!?? t?v?*r* W?Hil?*?l uolil'll ll?l*?* I* Ull|'|'> I lilt)' i* llrilinh run. Tli' only linir :i thlnl |miM > 4'uIm iiny lev U in it bunco Kuau'. A IVin-liss llcrila^r Feellug its. IT :i 1 1 unworthy lo try to pay fill ins.' tribute t.> Jmi-. Henry 'drove* Connor, The A?l ; vanee can not for he:ir"p.i lining in the day's routine to ilo homage to his memory. Here wan one whose like w? ?haU hardly see again, because men of his mould and fineness do not, Bomehow, route out of Hi. crucible V?f modern lite. Our ac quaintance with him. like thai of thousands of oilier Ninth Carolin ians, was hut passing; ami yet no one ever cume In rontact with j Judge Connor without a feeling1 that ho had heen touched hy some thing warm and sweet and line and true and no one, after such an experience, ever aguln thought of Judge Connor as one whom In had oner met and knew hut allghtly. Virtue went out of the man in his daily walk and work and to become acquaint* d with him was to respect him ami lo love him and more ? It was lo en ?hrine him In the veneration and esteem that we reserve for things that arc pure and undented and incorruptible. OUr words are weak hut our heart is full as we turn aside from the day's routine lo lay this Wreath upon the grave of a son of Carolina whose name posterity will .delight to honor. Yea. ver ily a whole Stale shall rise up to call blm blessed, lie has left lo his children and to his Stale a priceless heritage. An Old, Sim! Story Newspaper opinion seems divid ed a> to the sentence imposed hy Judge Grady on Tom Cooper of , Wilmington, one time, we seem to j remember, president of the North 1 Carolina Hankers' Association. If wo could have picked the Judge to pass on this case, we would have turned it over lo Judge Cranmcr. Wo fctaew Tom once when he was ilrfckt the girls call "a nice hoy." And we had a deep love and re spect for the sturdy stork of un pretentious hardworking folks from which he sprang and felt ?ure .Tom would eventually make good. It now seems that he mail;1 good too Nisi, without learning to value' rightly the homely virtues that had given him his opportuni Ue?. . It Jo an old and oft-recurrin ?lory. and. yet an unfailingly sad one. Ellftih. th CHv. if now ji i ?i '? ?<> will fall far short of the mark s< t In Its Red Cross Drive unless many who have already given double : WANT ADS Too Late to Classify WAJitW) ? men mkv to vump announcement t>n front pagn. ? In ir ?,??nl rihut ions or unhss a few individuals who mil do ho com* forward with n really l>i t; dona-j I ion. W. havr to :?4l in it that Mr. Ham wr? p|?ii| ?mr Such ty I'.i^c, lint iii In rwise we bclii-vi* In liii|irov??<l The Advance. And as soon iin we ri?'l our hivutli we liuiit* to uivr , ,v?iu a j.'ood Woman'*: Interest |?an'' j to make am> nils for nnyi iiini; yim iiii^lit inisH in the social whirl. %i5)to &j/S W >|| utatlntlc* !ilmw *>ft drink .* ?l-f-llmnc tiuivW Invauss iii' li-armnt: to do without Man wiid h*>a'uiu bin A'lffl in Chi <Tim> She punh'tl him olT th? porch thiCi' HiHirti up Hi- ft *11 hard for her Ml* ?iiuua-tl f-iiuxtr u lot of trouble and m? ?1? i ullt- rnoniem U'liiii we ran I la how a one armed man gets married. unletis he learn* iu atrei an auto with hi* knees Ihniuoln (III ) couple cot married. Courted 2"? ypm* Imagine nhaving . fterv day for 25 years Char leu Dickens old home has been tiugle Into a trirl'H school, where I hey nuiy pia> 'he dickens St ?<num man. alarmed because tits wife COUltfft t talk, called the doctor She was drunk It's expert- \ hiv.-. (mi tou might try It. Parson-Cop Th* io*n of Rritii.iir. ?r. tl.* of < ?Kinr.?.irn. ? ii?-ur>Hi nit i. ta ?? piet'Aiit-r it.* r. |<^ j l I Mkrtnu.u J |K|| j "or. it- rrlori ?.? r?,? tlt M , n . ?Jav* And ?. i.? ,y t r.* . ','hurcr. (? rv|.u ihi^outwn,,.,,, ?i* in. >,< r.i? Zoollcr's Studio Will Im' o|M*n hy a|i|H>intiiitMil Oltl> (III I liuiik^iviiti! Day <hcr 1st AL- ('II*. Nin'l l.'iiik PHONE 1 1 4 Standard Pharmacy: THEY WILL SEND IT GATEWAYS; Inc. Chevrolet Automobile Contest COUPON November 25, 1921. flood for 10 Votes. When properly signed and mailed or delivered to Gatesways, Inc., 338 Twenty-fourth street, Newport News, Va? this Coupon will be ?ood for 10 votes in the Chevrolet Automobile Contest to be credited to the person whose name appears below: Name of Contestant Street and No i_ City or P. O. Address V()1I> AFTER NOVEMBER 29, 1924. SK\ EN AUTOMOBILES lMi.KD up t?m;ktiiki: Durham Nov. ? Plans wen ?i 11 ii?> i? here yesterday for a. monster athlHlc bowl .for Trinity College. l In- first step In the ex-" jtuiisinn |i]:iiiiiimI for ilu* college. l.dl Sl.W A IS (MMM; TO I.KT WOKI.I) KNOW Shr?*vei?ort. Nov. 25 ? I'lans are uiuli r x\ .?> in Louisiana for tin* formal ion of Louisiana, I nr.. the purpose of which Mill !>? launch ! a gixaatic nat i'm-widc advertis ing campaign telling of the Male's mineral an:l agricultural resourc es.' The movement lias bean en dors <1 l?y 'Cover nor II. I.. Fnqua. anil I'tnied States Senator llans del of Louisiana. WIDE SELECTION DEBATE SUBJECTS en. inn. Nov. ss. ? ihkIi ' school* ilirouKhmit the state have , been asked' liy the centrul com ml! - I lee til l lie 1 1 1k.)i School Debating' I I'nion of North Carolina to-fcx-' ? |irea? their preferences on a list ' of eight queries which are regard ed as possibilities for the query ? lor this year's contest of the' Everyman's Investments ?E02C? T. VT70HEC Out exper ience is com mon to all In vent meat nii vitterk. An In quirer- present* a lirft of HtM-ur itie* including one ?r nioro. np?? c u 1 a t I v e storks or bonds. The- ruling of tbene specula tion* is so un cerium as to Mak?* it evident ihey snould he ?I (I of at once* jf a sound iti virrtliimnt position is to be matn u-incd. When, however, the bank ? r suggest* to his client, tho sal*? <>i t ticoe obviously unsuitable an nuities, h?? is nu t with the objec rioii that they were origlnully purchased at a much higher (?iin? than the present market. "I shall have lo wait until tho price conies bark to whut I paid ?m for?? I can sell," the investor ph-a<l*. This, of rourse. is a :.oia?-y. The price originally p:iid has nothing whatever to do with i he matter. This is a very hard lf*:<oii to U>urn but a much neetl id one. If by any chance tin* prliM should recover lo aproxi inately tin* purchase figure tho ::rKiim*Mii for Helling would not be a.-. strong as otherwise. Such lliali School Debating I'nlon. .queries are as follows: 1. Resolved, That the United States should Join the World Court. 2. Resolved. That 111* talc-mi government should own and op erate the coal mines. :5r Resolved. That North Caro lina should abolish capital pun ' i-hnient. 4. Resolved, That North Caro linn should adopt tho recommen dations of the State Ship an I Wa ter Transportation Commission. 8. Resolved, That the federal < oust itution should be so amend* ed as ot prohibit future issues of, tax exempt securities. 6. Resolved. That the t'nitcd Suites should adopt, a cabinet form of government modeled af ter the llritish system. 7. Resolved. That federal Aid :-hould'bc provided to equalize edu cational opportunity in the various states of the United States. 5. Resolved. That the United Slates should immediately grant independence to the 1'hllippino Is lamia. The high schools have also been requested to forward to the cen tral committee at Chap?*l Hill any additional queries which I hey may wish to suggest as the suhj< i for tl.u next debate. The High School Debating Un ion is conducted under t'.i ? aus- , pices of the Dialectic and i'lillan trophie Literary Societies and the University Kxtenslon Division of the University of North Carolina. It was established in 1 S 1 *? and State-Wide high school' debates have been held annually sine, that time. The contest for this year will be the thirteenth in the series of atuiunl debates. The central committee here if? ?price appreciation would intli.\ material Improvement li: tn?? us of the aecuriiy. I* wouM >1 ? noio a raining in Inv- -Miaoni jtr.i i. It miKh* In that case "vvti t>< visablf v'i holt! t ?i ?? stork i." '? ?! ! indefinitely l?ut ihe p;dn? l-s ?!: :? i.? no assurance ;hai any >. lar speculation will r> ? <?v? r 1 1? original pticv within .h able time. It may i'?.- ? Way ptid the bms !*?>? liuii-aii u f smaller. 1 1? -il,* . possibilities must h?* I ;? ? ri ia' ccnslde ration. Ii ill- particular ? u ? . ir list Ih under scrutiny is ud;i'i!? lUMsauiue the ri^k Involv?I i.i ?n specific hold i n c the ?>nly thin1-' ? do IS to Hell out .ill I i ? ; r. v ? ? - ? :i tomoihine aliout whi-h .... lie no question. Nor wiil ? on Kervutlve tiiv st?n- -n? li.i '? (omi)i"U?l in Kii?*ii ??;?>???? t. . ???li ? r > pern kit ion to niak tp r Si loss sustained by *U'h :? ? ? r?? ? slbly t In ? llevv -.pi ? lli I ?"!. *x? tarn oaf more favoiitiiU : !.? tirst. I'oxsibly not. In that is not Invest men' . The a and courageous ihfi.'u i<> do vvh"?-i you fiinl youiseii* in s ?? . niiforJ I anai pn-dnaincui tile loss the SIH-ettll'.' >>*u brought ami ket back o-i : basis instead of fluiih''? : u round from on?* urn -crinlniy ii another. compos* <1 of N. W. Walk".-, i i: .*r man. K. II. Rankin. i-v? retury, J. R. Wilson. I) I), t'j'tr.iii. \l McKie. II. P. Com* r. \V. W Gwynn. M. M. Youni;. and L. it. Keiin* tt. <?( K >|> WOOL CHOI* Port laud, Nov. 25. ? Co-opera - tivo wool growers of OroRou and it'.ubo ol?talut 1 an av? rajc? price i?r 4'1 "*4 tenia a pound for terri tory w?-n| thi^ y?*ar and 4 4 1-1 for ???? d Ui in Ho' hint;. The cllp.3 to ? II* :! n-.-a r ilrvi- and a lr?!f biM lioti pound*. Offt-M c?f 4? to 12 h .i'? a* " ocirii; for liiu'uwn v?vd ill j,. xt M-I-Hll'iJ * ?'llp liUl K rs ar?' ' Inddiug off lt?r titeher price*. >i<>\ | \u I'M Tl ?:?v H'NNIKS ? \ ^?r\ . \ ; on r Aid u 3 , : k<j nu ?' ?!0J. . ! .SVI21KV ?\ ; IV '?1VU! S,? j OW] V ? _ a ? f \ ' if '.i:t tli.- j>i< ti,ro on tout Tlion run-fully fold dotit-d 1 It> cnMn? l?ngtli. Tbeu line 2. nnd so on. Fold i :p tiiia underneath accurate Win n i (?iu|dcl>. d turn ove'i ?ilKAK CAT Thfv arc Suckers flood ? and the Worst is Yet to Gome WitaS JUld That MeaS Cost? Several dollars? not count ing, your time and labor ? and it might have ruined, ail because of heavy bread or a soggy cake. You may have saved a fraction, of a cent by using an unreliable baking powder ? but you took the chance oi ruining your baking ? making a failure of your meal. Do you call that economy? ?A 'MET THE WORLDS GREATEST BAMiMQ &&WBUER will me ke r. success of any meal hecaurc rt always produces pcrfcct baking ? and that's what counts in the succors or failure of a meal. No otncr hauim* powder is any better? regardless of the price you pay none is any more eco nomical in use; for Calumet has far greater leaver .'ng strength- it goes lar'hei* lafts longer. The last spoonful i-.- -. good as the ?Ir*t. Millions o? hoiiM.-v. ivc-s u. c Calu met so do the lcadiu,: hotels* big railroads, renowned restaurants and good bakers. r.vTRY iNcntnir.NT vssd officially Arrr.ovr.n dy v. s. food amiioritim SALES T*Zm? Q7 AKV <LV/HER BKAND Little - &l(?L^ should BE happy r IN THIS I KIKlO OF I ?i weather the WEATHffc TELL ME.How (_ DID THE WEATHER EFFECT, , YOU' r? 1 UUhUlHY IJAItxMi By Charles McMctnus F i asked a f/\t ,r \ IT w/<\?> HOT ENOUGH FOR L- ?/ MIH CHAS M'MAdUS ) WHATS THE ( J MATTER 7 I ft fea RKi> The NVw York It-aday World'* new tcctioo. MRed .Yasta," wilted by Houdini, the pciulmr escap? kinjc, i*? continuing t?*ieewfully. Its baffling tricks. perjlexinic put zle*.- curious iltusiuc and Inter t tests arc btt truing mora r.nd more popular tu youDg and ?W alik.v Th?> thrill that conies once in ;? lifetime Is f?-% when one *4tll?facioi ily works oit the an ? w.-r to une of thes* problems. The edition Is limited. O'der next Sunday World in adv.uce. a?W NORFOLK MAUKKT r J lit VIS & KfcNTlCfcMH by S!TN<lvHOLLOWELL Co. I>r*d it ? l.lve DiismnL llniwi Hens 211-2 7* rs . .13-17 Ducks 2fi Turkeys . .. .. I lot s. Milder 10U lbs IIo?S e?wr 1U0 I lis Ku-s III: ll l'olatoes Swet I'ulatne; SI :!5 KMillT CLOTHING AT Kl<; 11 1 PRIC If you want the best Cloth Id and siio? s t ?? lie hail at the right] price, call on us. \W not only carry everything 1 that Men, Yoiuii: Men and lioya 1 wear, hut we carry a l>i? line to : elect fl'O t||. C. A. COOKE (Il.ii.l tu-I-Iii.t Oulllltwu. ? PHONE 845 \iiil wi- u ill call for vour Uu<li?? or Aiilomoliile Storage Battery iinil return ii to volI f?|jy rliarpil in Eight Hours Battery & Electric Co. The " EMIttr Place III N". Water St. '?A KADIO FOK EVERY NKED" STOP THAT BACKACHE -Many Kliftilx-tli City Folks ltav(? KwiimI the Way Is a dull, nerve-reeking ht-ad aplic wearing you out? Do you feel oli|< r ami slower llinn you should A re you tired, weak and n? ivuuK; find it impossible to tfj happy. or ? 11 joy tlio good tinfojfl around you? Then there's sonS^ ( Ii in - . wroii'i si ml likely lt'? yoqr kidneys. Why not get at cause? I "so Doau's i'llla? - a riuiulant diuretic to the kidneys. Your neighbors recommead Doan's. Read what this Eliza beth City resident says: L. W .Madrlu. machinist, 701 Southern Avenue, says: "My back played out when 1 stooped to lift anything, sharp pains darted through my, kidneys nud It was all I could do to straighten. Many times my kidney secretions wero out or condition. I bought Doan'a rills at the Standard Pharmacy, and they cured me. I havettH been bothered since." f,0c. at ail dealers. Foster Mll | burn Co.. Mfrs., UuffaJo. N. Y. ? Old Folks' Ailments "I benan taking niack Draugbt over fifty year? ago and my experience with It Atrctchos over a good long time." nays 34 r. Joe A. lUakcmore, u Civil War veteran, now a promi nent of Floyd, Tex. "It i; tho beat laxative I know of for old poople. . . A good many years ago. In Virginia, I used to get bill- , out and I found that I Thedtord's BLACK-DRAUGHT *w the best And quickest relief I could Since I cam? to Texas I have thcao bilious attacks every now and then- and I flud a little Black-Draught soon fltralghtena ino out. Afi?f a few doses, in little or n* tliuo I'm all right again." Thedford's Black* Draught acta on the stom ach. liver and bowsls 1$ a gentle, natural wajr. slating dlgcuUon and r* llevlng constipation. 666 , i? a proscription for Coklft, <irlppt, I)?>ku.?, Hf?|. mcUi H, t mwtlpiitlon. MIIwmum, I It In tli* nurnt <?dy rem?dj w? know.

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