Molhrrx Club Me?-ts i The Mothers Club met at the Community House on Fleetwood nlred ut U o'clock Wednesday at teruooii. KlKlit babieH were weighed. A considerable sum of money was turned in for the, treasury, which wan made by sell Iuk Jello. More jellu was. also dis tributed to be sold. V. \v. it. ciiiHM Mm* The Y. W n Class of the First Chrisliau Church met WedneNday , evening at the church with 22. members preselit. After the op-! filing hymn Miss Nettle Calmer! read the twelfth chapter of Ru-| mans and tbiH was followed by prayer by Mrs. T. V. Sexton. The minutes were read by Miss Louise 1 ill ton. secretary. For the last 1 /month the class has been having j a campaign and SI 1.i?T? was turned over to the treasury. Another] cam pat m n has now been mailed to j v get the inactive members lo come hark to Sunday School. The rlass j hymn. "Somebody Hid a (ioldenj Deed." was sung and the meeting was cli.sod with prayer by Miss Nettle Palmer, vice president. \f-| ter I he business meeting Miss l>el-i lia M< Daniel and Mrs. F M. White. Mrs II T. Ilowen. Mrs.* Johnnie Johnson ami Miss Kath-j ?rlne Scot i nerved different kinds ! of candles. Ill Honor of Itiiilnlnv Camden. Oct. !?. Miss Lucille! Seymore was given a birthday) party Wednesday evening at her? hopie here in honor of her flf- J teeuth birthday. Catuea were; played and refreshments were served. Those present were: Miss es Lillie Mae Sawyer. Mae and ft nth llarrell. Dorothy Upton. Olivia and Pearl lleath. Elizabeth Davis. Hetliel and IJorln Williams. Mary Hnrgess, Alice Virginia Bar nard. Irene Carlwrlght; Messrs. RaLeigh and Wood row Sawyer. Roy (todfrey. Willie. Jack and Melvin Carlwrlght. 1)111 Sander lin. Jerome Duncan. Morris and Tonsial Upton, Charlie Morris. Raymond and Mack Barnard.' Vance and Mathias Iterry. Jim and 1 Vernon Davis. Willis M. Morri aette and Marvin Seymore; Mr. |iu() Mrs. John Itarnard. Mr. and Mri. P. J. Rurgess. Mrs. Harry Up-; loo. Mrs. S. R. Seymore and Mrs. : W.'C. Davis. I ? Will Prracli Here Hunday Rev. Charles R. Hunt. D. D.. LL*D.. of Ithaca. New York, will preach Sunday morning at 11 j o'clock at the Cann Memorial] Propylf-rian Church. '?Meets Willi .Mrs. Ferrell | HHowden. Oct. 9. The Ladle*! Aldjrfoctety of Perkins Metho-i dlst.Church met with Mrs. Edward} Ferrell Wednesday afternoon with , a Urge attendance. Mr?. John! Forces. Sr.. president, was In I charge of the meeting. After the j business meeting Mrs. Ferrell. aerVed a salad course and lce| cream and cake. O. E. Rallance. who Is suffering with a honofellow, is slowing Im proving. Miss Delia Trult left Saturday for Reading. Pennsylvania, where she has accepted a position us dietician in one of the leading hos pitals. Cecil Hell attended the Eliza*! beth Clty Fair Tuesday. Personals Mr. and Mrs. II. (J. Kramer. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Foreman. Mr. nnd Mrs. J. W. Foreman. Miss Ma mie Suowden. Evans Hlades. W. ! w Wood ley. Jr.. Dr s. H. Tem pieman anil Rev. Frank II. Scat-' tergood motored to Hertford Tuea-i day evening lo attend the Ladies' Night celebration of the Hertford, Rotary club. Mrs. Trim Wilson has returned to hejr home .?_world.^The only fault will? ih?? job In an over-Abundant supply of nufiiH? *???*?nt rui'Kilay in Ilir city on Ijiim inowi. Mrs. ('. ('. I'apiK'iiriirk i? n|M*?rt Ini; H<*v?*ral dayn ?t Wtlaon vixitluK hor ?luiiKlit**r, Mik. Yanc?*y Ay- ' rook. Kdwin CJroKory of San Kranria co, California, Ih visiting liit< hIh !?t. Mrs. H C. Ferebw, Jr., at; (,'uiiiden. Mm. Charim Hatifchton has ro I South Mills Club Leaders Chosen The South Mills Woman'* I'lub Im'Rhn IIh full activities with tilt' September meeting. Officer* elect-; ?d f??r the comiiiK year *?-rp: Mm. B. K. Fort*hand. preaidont: Mrs. P. M. Ksboii. wiTciary; Mr*. K. N. William*. treasurer. Plan? for the )cur'a work were taken ii|> at thia i 'meeting. Anioni; thi' plan1? wiih| 1 one to entertain the mcIiooI farul ty ami pat runs in the way of a ?tet 1 U('i|iiailtt?'i| meet illIn the IIIl-'i School auditorium. which wax car* I fled out very aurcennfully Monday eveiuiiK After the luiHlneaN tneet 1 1iik. a xorlnl hour uuh enjoyed Uv' nil preaent. The refreshment*: were served by the hoi la I commit-, tee and all went home feeling Ih'I Iter acquainted with parent and I teacher. turned to iter li? ? m? *<> IJuck* ; | Mount after n vlnii to lor put'-ntn. | Mi. and Mra. W. O. Hainette. on | | Kaat llurm-As :itr?-?t Samuel William*? of Ibdcror* I > waa tu the city Tliuivtdai. I Mrs. J W M ? 11 ii m pent Tli ii r - - I day at V'lri'luhi lleacli. ? IIILDREN OBSKKYK KIRK l'HK\ KNTION Xppropriute Kirn Prevent Ion I>av \rei)u*M with In !?! In tin* Ctammnr School auditorium Kri ti.?* morning. Hio principal. MIa* llattie Harney opctiiitr the *xer-t fi-f with a brief announcement, after u liifli fh?> andlence Jolm'd v iiii Id r In ili?* lord's Prayer. An t-ffi't'llvo play wim prewented M i?npils front MIkh KminHH Pur *!?' room, show In k tli?* tragedy which lurk" a round lh?* corner for t hone wliii ilo tint h I Mm* "Suf?* t> Find" warning* and cooperate in lit?* w?.rk of the Safety I.eagucM \ Mrs. I.. K. SklniiiT's girl.? uihI* liny* neM catui' oil t lit* singe with! fcotitt* ami Hp ?Iim to ilrlve home J lh?* Ii'hhoii of Safety Always* Although it is early In the st-hool y?>ar ami the children hav?' had little o|i|Mirtunity to prepare programs. I hey aniuitted tli?*m selveu In fine IuhIiIoIi. their earn entiteto? ami enthusiasm spreading over tli?' auditorium and cheering leather*? ami parents who m?e lit these little p?*ople hope for II l?et ler llotne Town ami u better Worhl. Kooili Mills ttilcf? Soul h Mills, del. 9. Mr* T C*, i Perry and lltlle (laughter. Mar-J jie have l'?'turiieil to their holU?' DID YOU KNOW "?ATI RilAY. OCTOIIKH lOlli. IS CANDY DAY ? SII1-: W II I. KXI'HT A BOX ? GIVE IIER THE BEST W r lluva' a IV?'hIi Slii|iinrnl nf MARTHA WASHINGTON ANI) HAPPINESS CANDIES in Krvry Hox** (H ear lli?* !flu|i|iiiM*M? ? land > liov* over your radio t'vrry Frkluy ni^lil) White's Sweet Shoppe "JlfST'KOUND Tin: COItNKIC" MclYlorriii?' Si. PHONE 02(1 Near Alkrania demands pure nutritious foods. To have pure, easily digested bakings use Calumet. Every ingredient officially approved by U. S. Food, Authorities. CAIVMET THE WORLD'S GREATEST BAKING POWDER ?AIM *?/? TIMES WWW Of ANT OTHXH BRAND OUR FA 1.1. SIK ?WING OF COATS t'uHlilunx For The Truly Fa?li!niiablr Volne? For Hm" Truly Knowing JS.-A O. M. WILLIAMS , . ??... at llclvldere uft?*r sp?-u<1lnr u tow *l?-i nii?I children. nf Norfolk. w?*re tin KUt'Mlh uf Mih l*usl?*r*H' lllullli'r. Mr?. W H. Ikizlt*r. Suuduy. Mr ;tn?i 1*1 lit. tN'l 'I'll?- runt of 11 v ln?: flirur?* In Hi?- l-'rce SM| N EURALGIA orliMdach?- rul> th* fnrthMd ?malt and inhal* lb* vapor? t/ICKS Va f?o Rua when modern Mur*erv Ktven new Thohh for tlioni* deal roved in bat-' tie un in accident*. I'aUy Ruth? Miller and I lav id I'owtdl play the IfHtliiiK role?. John Ka under m of Norfolk iu ilif illy on liUMineuN Wednaa-. day. RENDERS YELLOW FRONT STORES THE MOST Oh THE IIEST I ON THE LEAST! PINEAPPLE oc l,il.l.y\ Wholt Shred ^JJlg Kxlra Oualit\.^r run ( 4>rn, Standard ('rushed, can .... 10c TOMATOES Medium can, .5 for Large ran, 2 fur 25c STKIN(> BKANS, Amrtiii Hrumi, run l^' SAI'ICItKltAI'T, Silver KIiihh, lur^r run I2f/>r 1)11.1. I'lliKl.KS, l.ilihy'it, large run 3Uf SOHI', I :uin|ilirll*s lonuiKi. run* lor 2!>r HERRING ROE, N ?L. Smull run I St 1^2'' C.KI.KKV, 1'uiiry Illrurhril, Slulk 1 Or CABBAGE, New York State, lb.. .3c GRAPES, Fancy Tokays, lb 10c APPLES, Fancy Basket, peck . .55c RAISINS, Sun Maid, larjje pkij. 12Sc Seeded ?ir Sedlru COFFEE I). I*. Steel Cut, The World'*? BcnI Drink I 11?. nealed package 17c $UNI (?illetlc |{a/or 15c T?lal 62c Truly the U orlM>lii(<||r Hours of ??iinllt y M?ld by I h? l??itlng crorm. -iMHiiHmjTKD by? A. F. IOXKY ft COMPANY Watar HUM Ililinty | t, VOI1.K I'NDFItVl KAIt i ., ,J Iti-a 11 r i f u I flnu ?-r (shade?' of* Hliwr liuj?ort?uJ voll?WeM 'j mad?', daintily trlmim-d? ?' ?*] ('ouihiiiiiiloiiH. ?> u> \ Uowiih, *'.?-'2.1 to ?4.48. V??tM and Sl.p liiH, fl.UH to 1 92.9?. i M. I-ei^ll Sheep Co. GLASS A full ruugi- of Hizeo for window?. AUTOMOBILE WIND SHIELDS M r urr t*<|U i |l|M'rfl to cul any xlmpr. P. W. Melick Co. B l< I \. L O ('.lean*? Aluiiiiiiiim Agali' WihuI, (iluwi 3? 10c pkfcx. for 25c 3?2.m for 60c Includr hoiiip in your iM'Xt order. R. A. Byrum Co. Phone* 3 and 57 (kir. Muin & Water Su. PEPPY-NUT SANDWICH THOUSAND ISLAND SPREAD ?"M*TftATKD AT LKAnlMI NOTICE! ON ANK \KTTR Oct. Mil Plain Il?li 35? Shingle Ituli ."?Or I'lUH II AMI'S DKAIFTV PAKMIK u For Tiw !WtIm Call US F.. J. COHOON &?:o. ^ BRAYS - *' # ' irMRNlH DRY riJMJfMI AND DYfMUl TM. w+m M,