C it ?6 & MARSHALS' BALI. BRILLIANT EVENT Featured liy (.rulld Mure!) Oiief Muralial Dr. Bell, and Mtirir by Vir Oecpers ? T*? mom 1?rilliaiit social event of the fall *eason to dale was the' annual Marshal's I'..ill jclvin 1?k! evening ul the Masonic hull, jtyr^'-r the close of the Albe marfo Dimrin Fair. Ii<-ghmlng at nine. dancing runtIntied until one a. in. An uniiHiial and interest in g ? feature of the even*, wa* the icruiid march led by Chief Marshal Dr. tfofcn Bell during which hair band*. ankle bells and horns were given the iadles while the men I were presented with capa. bal loon* an<l run fit 11. The color] ?chain?' of hlue and gold wun car Tied on t In the fuvorH Riven a* j wen an In decoration*. Music fori ? ha dance wan furnished hy the j "Virginia Creeper* of Norfolk. ( ; Among the couple* danrlnK were: Ittae Murna ret McCain* with John j Pinner. M I** Kutherlne Pinner! 'w,J|h Tranda Nixon. Mia* India martlet t with Dr. John Hell. MInk Dorothy Waif of Hirhmund with ,?)*nnlB Sullivan. Mis* Marie WnU| of Richmond with Wyatt Aydlett.j Mlaa Ruth Whltn with Carlton | Woodlay. Mia* PrunreH Wood with] Rudolph Hpenre. MImh Marie Con-' -Bevy with X. F. Yucobl. MInm Flor-, once Brown*tein of Rlrhmond with Porcy Mer k inn of Munteo. Mi?* Kd-' lift Joues Nixon of Hertford with, Braxton Dhwhou. MIks Virginia Whiting of Richmond with Ro-J Itort Cotter. Miss Lucille LeRoy! "With LorIIs Relangn, Ml?* Mar-; 'feverlte Par*on* with I)r. Fay ?Hnaaey. MIhk Mamie Snowden with Bvans Bladen. MImh Evelyn Jones with Albert (Jard. Minn Margaret. Foreman with Henry LeRoy. MImh' Jktlda Palmer with Kd Rnwdeti of jHfrllmlngton. Mias Dorothy Zoel-, ? lor with H. A. Dardt, Mi?? Mar gargaret Bondurunt with Claude i Duke, MIhs Mary Lee Slot t ofi Smith field. Virginia with Arthur i Oallop. Mlaa I<eacelles C.rlffin with, USisfcardaon Redgwirk. Mixa Annal Heeler Bohbllt with Kenneth llol-j loma n. M Ihh Katherlne Spenrel with Major Morrhette: Mr and lira. J. C. B. Khrlnghau?. Mr. and. Mrs. C. O. Roblnaon. Mr. and Mrs. I W. B. Foreman. Mr. and Mr* Will Overman. Mr. and Mr?. Waller ?mall. Mr. and Mr*. William CI. J Clalttrsr. Mr. and Mr*. William 11.1 C^alther. Mr. and Mrs. Charles) [ lfnnford of Rlrhmond. Mr. and j ! Mrs. William Cotter. Mr and Mr*. W. J. Woodley, Jr.. Mr. and Mrs Blwood Weatherly. Mr. and Mrs. I ! William Weatherly, Mr and Mrs., J. Kenyon Wilson. Mr. and Mr?. I Aubrey McCabe. Mr. and Mr?. Wil liam Dawson. Mr. and Mrs. Clar encfi Parker. Mr. und Mrs Kdward Dr. and Mr?. Howard [?.Opmba and Mr. and Mr?. L. K. i Wall Of Richmond. fliags were | Wallace Miller. Roy Simmon?. Wa|t#r , Derrirkson of New Bern ; and Arthur Padgett. Chaperoning the dance were Mrs. .! T. MrCabe, Stewart. Mrs. It. H. i6thtr and Mr?. T. C. Jone?. Mrs. ^Cllvon Morri?ette. and Mrs. Oa ?car Owena. HarriN'Mct'o) J Mrs. Mary McCoy and Mr. Reu ii Ixtn Harris, both of thi<* city, wnre married ut the home of the bride. 102 Ra?t Cypres* mreet. Saturday mprnlug at fi: 3 0 o'clock by Dr. Jamoa H. Thayer, pastor of Black well Memorial Buptl*t Church, und NOTICE! ON ANI) AFTER OCT. 5th i Plain Bol> 35c Shingle Boh 50c PRITCHAHD'S BEAUTY PARLOR B It I M. O ('Aran*? Aluminum A?ule Woo.!, Glas* 3?10c pkf<?. for 25c 3?25c pk|i?. for 6<)c IhcIikIc moih<> in your next order. R. A. Byrum Co. Phcitic? .1 ami 57 ()or. Muin A Wulcr Si*. 666 la A ^roftcrlptlon tnr 1'hlll* And F? or lili Uma K*v?r. It kllla tli* *?rmi left on i he Mix o'clock train i>ii il'cir ?eddinic trip. l*emonala Mrs. M v. Perry mul Ml** Ku* *i!?*?? Coodwin. of till* rilv. an.I Mi**?-* K ii iiir?* Perry. l*Oul?< Knowl?-*, l-'uye Suvate. und Sural* Sutton, of Hertford, Itav?* r**tum id front ? ? ro?*osboro, wlifrt* till*/ attend?-?! I>*-ol*?ioii Day mi (in^n>- . Iioro Woman'* Coll*-*?*. Mr. and Mm. J. W. Italian?-*- |?*ft i'riduy for Itoper. where they will hpend tl??* weekend witli Mr?. Ilal luiir**'* aunt. Mm. William Turken ton. Anion k thoiu* from Hertford who attended the Fair hi-n- Thure-j da> evening Mi. and Mtv JohIuIi Kliiott. Clyde Jordan. Hoi* ert Kliiott. Clyde ami Matt I' m pit ? lette. Frank Sutton hiiiI Henrv? Clay Stok*-*. Charles Tanker nmi son. Hus- ( h?*||. left Thursday to attend tli** World Series kuiih-p at Wahini ? ton. Mr??. Mark Hatluiway Honor?*?* Moyork. Oct. 10.?Attract Ire in every detail wan t ho miscellnneou* ?bower given Tuesday evuiiIiik l?y. tho M is*ion Study CIbhh at the( hotno of Mr*. S. M. Mann In honor of Mr*. Mark Hathaway, who ia leaving hero at au early date to mako h?*r homo In Hertford. A tempting <-our*e of fruit naiad and cake wbn served. Tho*?* prenent boNldo* the honoroe were: Mr. and Mr*. C*. T Thrift. Mr*. C. L. Macky. Mr*. J W. Poyner Mr*. S. D. Foynor. Mr*. W. M. Poyner. Mr*. K. K. Randolph and Mra. W. I>. Cox. Moyork Per*?in?l* Moyork. Oct. 10.?Mr. and Hoy Hay of Norfolk will be guest* of Mr*. (\ L. Muckey thia week-end. ' Mr*, llarry Charlton and little1 ?on. Harry. Jr.. are spending some! tinio with Mr*. Charlton'* parent*. Mra. 1>. A. Cox. Mr. J. J. Morse I* seriously 111 ut the homo of his sister. Mr*. Kin mu Jone*. Mis* Lucille Si v ill? loaves Sat urday morning for Matoka. We*t Virginia, where she will be the gno*t of Mrs. D. R. Palmerlng. Mr*. N. J. Slabaugh left Thurs day morning for Congara. New York. wh?*re she will vialt her daughter*. Mra. Monroe Mller. Mr. Alvah Saunders of Detroit. Michigan, is visiting his puront*. Mr. and Mr*. N. O. Saunders. Pa,vns Payne Wancliose, Oct. 10.?Mis* Mis souri Payno of Wancheso und M?'? llornice I'ayne of Stumpy Point wore (|iil?*tly married Saturduv J night, October 3. by Rov. H. H. I Hlnes ut his hom?* In Mantoo. They left Monday for Stumpy Point, whet?- they will spend som? time witli Mr. Payne's parent*. CHURCH NEWS Kirit Mctho<||?r lief. N. H. li. Wllsoc, D. D.. . pa?tor. You ar? cordially Invited to all ???rvice*. Suudav School. J. A. Hooper. Superintendent. fl: :!0 a. m. Kpworth League, ?:42J p. m. Worship with sermon by the punt or iii II a. in.. subject. "Paul r Prayer I?ir Israel. ' ami at 7:30 i in., subjwt. "Ambassadors for' Christ." Tli?* mimical program for tli?' (lav In an follows: Mortilnu Pjelude. oikan. Anthem. Te L>eum In fr* lAshford Ollertory i?u?an? Jkaaareth IGou uod i. Anthem. Com* I'nto Me I Hi-ym-r ? I'ostlude. 01 can. l-!v<iiliitf Prelude, or;:aii. Anthem. I Will Alatiiry Thee! i Vail i Offertory (organi K<???inai v' I Weill. Anthem, Sim; I'nto God i Wilson >.i Postlude. i ify Itoad >lrth(MlUt Hev. Daniel lain?, pastor. Sun day school at 9:30, fl. K. Seyffert, HU|>erlntendent. Wot?hip with Hertnon hy the pastor al 1 1 a. in., subject. "Foundation," and at 7: HO p. iii.. subject. "Jesus KlIOW 'l You." Junior and Inter mediate I.euKUeM meet lit li I ISO p. iii. nnd Senior League at 7 p. iii. The muHiral program fur tin- day Ik an follow*: Morn line Prelude. A nt hern. Hall the Glad Morning! ( WIImoii i. Offertory. Koom In God's l.ove for, You (Hollon). Kvminc Prelude. Anthem. God Callinit Yet < llut buah i. Offertory. A Son* of Service I Hoi-I ton). Pasquotank Circuit R?-v. W. T. Phipps. pastor.1 First Sunday. Mt. IJermon. Sun-j day school' 10 a. m.. J. A. Wood,: superintendent. Preaching 11 a.1 in. Ila'l's Creek?Sunday hcIiooI, 2 p. m., J. M. Matthews, auperln*| MONUMENTS T1IK MOM MKNT PKOI'Mf Lawson & Newton on Work H?*l ( omplot? Moolivt'llo Ave., mt 11(1? 8C NORFOLK. VA. tend^nt. Preaching 3 p. m. Sec ,01;?! Sunday?Newbegun. Sunday school 10 a. iu . H. C. Meads. ?u< p-rliit? udent. Preaching 11 a. in. I'liion?Sunday school 2 p. ui.. H. H.? Whedbee. sup* rintend-nt Pnarhing 3 p. ni. Epwortb ? Sunday school 10 a. iu.. J- 12. Ow?' ??ns. superintendent. l'reaching 7:30 p. m. Third Sunday. Hall'v Creek?Sunday acboo' 10 a. in. Preaching 11 a. ui. Mt. Harmon? Sunday school 2 p m. Preaching .1 p. in. Fourth Sunday. Union? Sutday school 10 a. m. Preaching 11 a. m. Newbegun?Sunday school 2 p. m. l'reaching 3 p. ui. Epwortn?Sunday school lo a. tu. Hi ??aching 8:00 p. in. Fifth Sun day. Kpworth? Preaching 11 a. in. and H:00 p. m. . Finis 11*4?(1st Samuel N. Templeroau. pastor. ; 9:30 a. m. aunaay acnool. C. H. Twiddy, superintendent. Worship with sermon by the pastor at 111 a. in., subject, "lutercensory Pray er," and at 7:30 p. in., subject "What Think Ye of ChrUt? Prayer meeting Wednesday even-' Ing at 7:30. The public la cordial- I ly invited to these services. ntarkweli Memorial Baptist Dr. Jauies H. Thayer, pastor. 1 Sunday school at 9:30 a. in.. 12. | F. Aydlett, Sr., superintend' nt. ' Worship witli aerinon by the pun tor at 11 a. ui., aubject, "Faclni; ' Life," and at 7:30 p. iu., subject, "A Creat High Priest." II. Y. P. I*. at 7 o'clock. The pub lic is cordially invited lo all aer vices. Calvary llaptist Rev. M. F. Ilooe, pastor. Sun day school at 10 a. m.. S. S. Davis, superintendent. Senior and Junior II. Y. P. IT. at 7 |>. m. Worship | with sermon by the pastor at 7:30 ; ELIZABETH CITY ONE I) A V O N I. Y FRIDAY, OCT. 16 A MOW OF SUPREMELY-STUPENDOUS surprises t "??? nor ? nartmt ua ran utrvnr ? rwnui . A PEOUSS Pt0GRAM Of PRE-EMMENT PERFORMED) '?"l*N *w. Kwt M) ?1 C?rrt?rt^ IV mi Man .1 Ikr fVna IMnnl ONE MILE OF MAGNIFICENT PARADE DAILY ! ^"?moun ?nd Nlgm. Doora Open at I and U p. lil.. ?oibJ??ct, "TIih Fault* Stir ! rltiK l*|? H**r Nwi." You ar?* cor dially iiitit?*d iu tlii-sc nervi<'*'M. i:it?*rs|i|f lupiUt llPV. 15. F. lt??o.-, paxtor. Wor ship wiili M?rtnon by ih?* pa*tor m II a. hi . subjiTt, "Tru?- M?-a*ur? iu?*nt of \k?*." II. Y. I'. I". Mon day at T : liO (i. in. < or Inch lhipCKt l>v. R. W. Provost, pnnt'ir. Suuday school c-ach Sunday af ternoon at 2:39. \V. F. 1'rltrhard. Sr.. nu|??*rint**ndfDt. WoiNhip vtiiii sermon by tin* pastor *i 7:"50 p. in. MI.-h Kal?' I! bid Irk. pr<?ld?*lit Senior I'nlon. Mm. I."iuu?*l Da vis. l?-ud?*i Junior I'nlon. You ar w? Iroin?' at ilifWk KcrvlccH. tier** ItaptUj R?v. R. W. Pr?vost, pastor J. J. Smlthson, Sunday nchool hip ' p'-rintcndent. Sunday Mcbool at 10 o'clock. A kp? cial invitation lit f\ t'-ndfd tin* nun of th?? com in unit v to attend the Mon'n Bible Clas?. on?' of tli?- lar^eNt m?*n's claxscs In Nort h?ast?m North Carolina. C*. (' 1'rttchard. t?*acber. Wornhip and R?*ruion at -11 a. in. bv th?* paMor. Kv?-niiiK nMvic?* alicrnatiiik with Corinth during months ?f Octobw and Novciith?*r at 7::10 o'clock. IS Y. I' I*. at ?? : :t0 p. iu. MihJ Addie SiulTorii, pi?:-ld?-nt. A cor dial Wflropii** is p\t?'iid"d to vini I or m at all M-rviccs. H?Inn I Lopi Nt ? Hrv, J M. Ev?r?lt, pistor. ! Sunday school Sunday n.ominK .at 1o o'clork. I.loyd Halftt?*ud. su ? p?-rlnt?nd?'nt. Worship wlilj s? r iiiiin al 11 a. ni. and 7:30 p. m. -Vimi ar** Invited to vort>lii|i h**r<?. ClirNl K|iImu|ihI , li? v. G^o. !?'. Hill, r?*ctnr. T i-llilitvi-ntb Sunday all? r Trlnl:>. Sunday BCltool a. m. Morti ? li>K prayer and scrmuii II a. m. Tlil* a??rvlc** will h??ld in t!?? Y. M. C*. A. gymnasium. You ure invi(**d to worship with us. l'iv<J))ifi-inn R**r. Frank II. Scatt*>rRood, minister. Sabbatli arhool. 9:4a a. ni. Lnwon. "Salvation from th?- I'owi-r of Sin." Worship with sriiiiiin by Rpv. Chan. II. Hunit. IV | D.. ??f Ithica. New York, ai 1 1 a. in., subject, "The Kvvrlasting; In lift iiancr." At 7:110 p. in., wor ship with sermon by the pastor, subject. "Invincible I'owor." W?-?i iu-siIuv fvcninK pray r ?*rvlr?* at T::?0 o'clock. Continuing "Siud I !??* in tiic I.if?' and Work of I In1 lApo*tl?? Paul." We Invite all to 'attend th?-H?' service#. Kir>t Christian Rev. H. T. nowen, pastor. ! Sunday school 2:30 p. m.. K. I.. Sllverthorn. HU|xrlntend??iit. Wor < ship with narnion by the pastor at 11 a. in. and at 7: no p. in. You are cordially Invited in worship, licr?*. rnitfTOAtal HttllucMi It??v. Hubert T. Spence. pastor. Sui-.duy nehool. !?:43 a. m. J. L. Hill, Hoperintpndent. Regular Thursday cwninK prayer meeting. I'n-aebinx by pant or every first, third a ?id fifth Sunday. A welcome awuita you. St. Klizabeth'* Catbnlk Rervlc^N at the Catholic Chapel, ^ Hinton Huiidini;, ?-aoh Sunday' morning at 10 o'clock. Mr*t Church of Christ SrWfttbU. Christian Science aervlcea are heiiiK conducted every Sunday morn In* from 11 to 12 o'clock In the Hinton Building. Rooms 307 Coiup. you ur* Wf|rom?> giilJ^n SATIN l"OMFT Shi III lining- Soft < lirmil* ?ud biflN. Medium t?M*. hj rohni: Hlack, r?c*. aim! drift bluf. at OWEN'S SHOK rOMI'AXT" Wedding Presents A selection of beautiful Wedding (lifl.s await your inspection at The W edit lay (hit Store. LOUIS selic; Your Jeweler Since IXH4 Main and Water Sts. IN TOUCH WITH THE FURNITURE WORLD For beautiful furniture that has the pep, style and quality, see us. We don't buy close-outs, back numbers, or old styles, neither do we sell reputa tion, time or price, hut furniture of the newest de sign and highest quality can be found on our floor at all times. M.G.Morrisette&Co The Big Main Street Store DID YOU KNOW SATURDAY, OCTOBKK 10th. IS CANDY DAY ? SHK WII.L EXPECT A ItOX ? GIVE HER THE BEST VI'?- Have si Shipim-nt nf MARTHA WASHINGTON AM) HAPPINESS CANDIES "//ii/i/iiiii'** in Kwrv llox" White's Sweet Shoppe "JUST *ROUNI> THK COR NEK" MrMormir St. I'HONE *>20 Neur Alkrumu Winter Is Ahead! I lir colli iln\s of ninlrr arc mil in llio . a far ili?luiH*4*. Tin* wist* at'?* iirepariiip; now for .*? I host* ?lavs 1?) -?rlrri iiifj n Slov?* from ??nr lam?* si or k. if E if.il K ALL SIZES IMP TYPES AM) HE ui ery n.v m: mam: ri m time Quinn Furniture Co;. The Advertiser Shoulc Watch the Clock Aflvoi lisinj; iinixt fir seasonable?timely. Snow shovels arc not l>oiighl in July?neither aro straw hats worn in winter. Not only is il imporiant to advertise the right goods at the proper season of Ilir near, but it is just as important to advertise at the right time of llie (lay. Out of the twenty-four horn's in the day, you know that people divide them approximately as follows: Kight hours Sleeping Kfght hours Working Kight hours At Leisure I'eople cannot read your advertising when they arc sleeping. I'eople will not read your advertising when they are working. People WILL rend your advertisements when they are at leisure. The evening paper reaches the family at the only period of the day when there is leisure for reading. You have (lie best opportunity of getting results when you advertise in an evening newspaper. You "an reach the most Kllxnheth City people through the evening pa|ier. You can advertise at lower cost through the even ing paper. The Daily Advance

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