- - - r Post Mortem Experts Still Busy W ith W orld Series? BIGGEST CANCER 7 PIRATES' SEATS ! Temporary S I u 11 <1 h al KorlM> I'irid Madr Trirk llonirVKtin* I'oMtilik* ami j (!amr Near Serirs ? ll> JOHN II. tONTKIt * (CWPlfhl IS2* fc? "?? *????) 6rw York. on. 1 'J. ? The post uwMfiii experts who Unlay are dig- j ;;l their scalpels into i li?* corps** i of *%he 1 - r? world s series in neaYch of cancerous faults will Oik) ,iioiio more cancerous than thatyoi the temporary wals luiill ' ut -Pittsbui uh. Thpy marred for playing purposes the most !???;? ut l (ul Jolil In orxanl/.i'd baseball, ob- j litigating lis background of green and - rolling bills with a glaring! yellow pint1 wroHU tbnl turned two | or baggers into trick home runs and came witbin uii are of wrecking riltslmrgh series hopes, j A lot of spectators thought Haruey j Prayfuss was to blame for this; thai ,1k* bad built the seats and | / Hpoiled the game t?? till bis own J pockets. Hui Hartley was not gul)(y. Judge Latidi.". the czar of J baseball. ordered him to build \ th^ni and lit* had to do it. Ihous'.h ! It ?*>*! him $15,000. The judge* said <0111 dollar seats bad to be pro- I vided. It was said (5,000 sp?cta- 1 tors could be seated in those bleachers. If they were, they wen- J packed closer than wheat keriH'ls [ in ail elevator bin. It Ik regrettable that these seatsj ever were built on a uround bet- 1 ter '.adapted to hl;.h class bast-ball | than the Washington h?t where : the* dollar S'-at section was out of harm's way. I -'or everybody this world series was the most expensive ever held. Had the aeries ended in four Kames both teams would have lost J money. So far as the fan was con- j cemed, the average spectator who j had" to travel 100 miles to anil 1 from the kh lues paid trout III! I? ' $:io and more for his afternoon "a j amusement. Despite this, the gros-t receipts were greater than at any World'H series, due entirely to the! Interest taken by fans wlpi livi d in I the vicinity of Pittsburgh, and i bought tickets for their families, I pa go one day. Uia the next and i*lttle Itright 10 yes, the flapper daughter, or the son and heir the 1 next. The question has been raised 1 whether ii is right to take this j huge sum of money out of the : pockets of the fans, considering that too many interests, besides ' the players, are sharing the pot, and whether the prices of admis wiou should not be reduecd so that I th?* actual supporters of baseball ma)r have half a chance. Artistic followers of the game believe that contests of impor tance In the wot hi series should be played in tb lds in good condi tion and governed by the same rules In regard to rain as ordinary gai^es. If such rules bad been fol- J lowed that last and deciding game in ritlsburgh would never have j bceli played. ?Speaking of post niorlems the newspaper men at Pittsburgh have a justifiable loud complaint. The preps seats, below the surface of the? earth, was a frog pond where inet hud to sit with their f'-et in puiMb s or water. They were the wood, in any world series since !!??/? ill the little stand at Phila delphia. rtxmi nvi<|son. 13; Presbyterian Col lotr. 0. Oullford. rt; Hlcli |?nlnt Colh?g?\ ? ltle>. John llopklnH, 7; Rirhtiioml, 0. MIclflKan State, 15; Centre, 1 Navy, 0; Princeton, 0 (tle|. Oh Irk Stair, Columbia, 0. Army. 27; Notre Dame. 0. Pcnflaylvanln. fi; Yalf. 10. V. I'. I., a; .Maryland. 0. Cornell. II; ItutKur*. 0. Vandcrbllt . 'M: Tenneiwee, 0. Alabfetn*. 27j Si ttDce, 0. Cltw^.-i, 2?i ; Newlmrvy. 0. Holy: CroHM, 7; Harvard, a. Virginia, IK; V. M. I , 10. Hlikll SCHOOL RUMS 1 1 A KM ON ATHLETES I.O# Ann'-lc*. Oct. J ft Alll Ictea In th?* local school* under no circumstance may exercln<' mor? than- two hours In an afternoon. No stiulent may try out for more Hough nnd DrMned LUMBER SASII AM) noons Juniper Bout It'inrils Fence I'osia Juniper and Hod Odar SHINGLES ChestonMfg.Co., Ine. <11*. North lUMMl HI. Kllmbrfh ntjr. N. c. He's Pro Gridder Now No doubt you rviii^mlmr l.ynn Homar. former *lur end of (h? Vaoderblit ti-tuii He wait ruled tin.* .ir th? pputfiit ll:ink?-r* ever turnout out In th? ?outh and Kuinnt nit Aiuer-i'n iv<-i?i*nltii>n. Here he la n* h member of (h MYRON K. WITIIAM i tonmm ttts. *1 th. a?m*m) I Moulder, Colo.. Oct. 19.? This I season's football upset*, and the showings of individual team*. I demonstrate again that the proper ; mental attitude on the part of ? players la 75 per cent of the came. Psychology in most important und .self-consciousness is the main fac Itor In the psychology of football. Lack of experience appears at* the common cause of the self consciousness which has played a part in affecting the showing of teams in thin section this season. The Importance of the game's out come. the responsibility on the player, the reputation of oppo nents confuse and unsteady the Inexperienced man. Perhaps the most serious cause ! of self -consciousness Is the pre . vailing tendency of the player to regard the Instructions of the I coaches as Iron-clad and mechanl jcal in contrast with the true pur pose of instruction; namely, to I guide and aid the player to a com i plete mastery of the science of < football. As a result the player should react naturally and will use | his resourcefulness to apply the I science to the hundred and one unforeseen and unforeseeable slt : nations with which he is confront I ed. Lack of mutual confleuce and good will among the men of the team Is another fruitful cause of self consciousness. Mental and | fraternal team work is as essen tial as physical and mechanical team work. The very common attitude that one position ia more important than another, accentuated by larg er space given by newspapers to backfleld players, tends to make the men In those positions more self conscious. Player* need to realise that every play is a play of the whole team and that the man carrying the ball is no more of a star or hero than the innn open ing the hole or running effective interference. Confidence and mastery grow with success. The result of the first play In a game Is of I lie great est importance. If I lie team on Its first play makes a good start, the confidence of the team is In creased manifoldly. All of these things cause the successful conch to realise that psychology makes up three quarters of the game. Grid Leader j Walter "Rod" Mahan, is captain of 'the West Virginia University foot hall eleven. He piny* a guard poal ; tion and is' rated one of the best the ' Mountaineer* have had In quite u ) while. A successful nra.Hun in ?n ? tlclpated with him leading the team on the field of Kittle Question Box QUl'Mtiotl I;? -till -IV Wood iNiiKtMiiiiu when ii malt's II|in i ?!*?? knocked au?lti:-i his In ill ami t cut or lac?*rnt?'d? IImw protect aK 'I'iHi tliin? Aiimwit Mi'dii-al .?r|ciin- na>. yen. S> Id'iiii h?-ar i?f il. Mntilli j wa*h ht i w roii ml.-:. M? dical ai trillion mii r l lit* Hk ti t . Qm-htion Wlio In llu* lii^liot I IHiid ball j?lay??r in both ? ?f tin- 1 BRAY'S PltKNCII DICY CI.KANKIM AND DYM1W I*ho.m 75W. Wfttrr STOVES Slove (jmiI SlimrU Coal Hod* Slinr llnanU. Tli<* Oil Healer. Call lo Hrr I Item at I lie GARRETTE HDW. CO. WnterSl. I'honr 970 The Money You Need When You Need It ir vimi arc in nerd of Home rrady money. 11 little more tlian yon happen In lurr in ynur Saving* Account, von will alwayn find tl? plml to make you a l.oan. We want ? h iiiurc dim* t ? *1 1 wIki tlic\ ni'i-, Answer T'm i- ran "I v? rv v. II Ih? i than ??n?- lnuh?>l (?.? j?I nail |?lav? r It ih iiii|Ni:^tli|>' l<> an.-v.i-i I In* <|M ? ? ? f inn ncMMii :?sc ilk* r? ii no ?!in hn* a in ih. . tract* Im !w?*?'ii |ila\> r< ami nv. n ?|> l'\l'? |?f l-.i |?t \V.i- .lotin |?. Sulli .im a j?uiM-(ii r i lua at |l?-ni|i \n?w<*r Y? ?*. in ;? n ;i\ . l>ilT?i lit !>??? S'lllu.ill .1 >WIII? ** ?T. |K [ii|iwv u >iM?rt. Miarp * ? V Qh?'s1 inn Knur tusiny InloriK limi.il itiilli* .*? has 1 1 i I no is plajUfl^Sl .iinl what r??*till ??i |fcl?al?. Cook Slovon, Hoilrrc. I>i|x,s Stove ! and < iliimtiev*? elean 21^ nrw NO WCRX -- NO DIRT ? NO ODOR Simplx Plan- on Itci! of llol Coals and Open Draft* \ ? I llir mmi| is <|Uli kl> I liriM'\ . - IMsTKIItl TOItS M y d 1 c 1 1 Hardware C " I'll.. ii.- 2 :i I f T N. Water Slm'l M x->*x-x .x-x-<~x*v"x~> x-x-:- 0 IM? Style Headquarters for the veil drivwed man ?< \l hm> Sorivty llrond ( h>tlu>s Art ? Sold \ The demand for Ford cars has already outstripped all previous records. Motor car buyers who seek beauty and comfort are finding the improved Touring Car exactly, suited to their desire. See this good looking car at the nearest Authorized Ford Dealer's. As you inspect its many new features, bear in mind that this improved car is available at no increase in price. Runabout - '260 Coupe - - *520 Tudor Sedan 580 Fordor Sedan 660 Closed car* in color. Demountable rim* and starter extra on open cars. All prices f. o. b. Detroit. FORD MOTOR COMPANY DETROIT, MICHIGAN T ouring *290 F. O. B. Detroit Ifj USED CARS SKK I 'S \MI SAVK M0M;> ? BAHRAIN* IN I'SKO MHtl) I'AHT.H Auto & Gas Engine Wks., Inc. N. Martin Si. ?1U1