Smartest Politics Since Campaign Days Seen In President's Appointments ?? In Elevating I)uvi? of .Mi?Honri to W ar Portfolio and in Naming llanford Mae.Nider of lona to Succewl Da vit* an '\K>i>tiint, (!oolid^e !\1adc W hat llis Kricnds See u* Stroke of !\1a*ter Mind in I'olitie* Ity DAVID liAWKKMl ic?prr1gkt. mu, lb Tt>? A4>ia-?) Washington, Oct. 19. ? The smartest piece of politics since the days of the last campaign, when master strategy was uppermost, has just boon exhibited by President Cool-i idge this week in two appointments ? I) wight F. Davis, of Missouri, to be Secretary of War, and llanford MacNider. Of Iowa, to be Assistant Secretary of War. ' The success of a political* ~ ? maneuver is not always dem onstratable at the outset but if the reasoning which promp-! ted the appointments should work out as planned it will remove some of the principal sources of criticism which the President has lately been facing. DwIkIiI Davis is a Missouri man. and the Went Itus l?wn rlumorinu lor recoKnltion In the Cabinet Mr. Cooltdge has been crUlrt/'-il for too "much New KiiKlund." II had appointed Harlan Stone to !??? Attorney General and then elevat ed him to the Supreme bench and ' appointed another New Knulander Id his place. When John Weeks of Massaclm- ; aetta notified tile I'reslilent many months ago of his desire to resign. lWr. Cool id Ke be^an to think of a Western man. feeling that Massa chusetts would forgive him il he - didn't select a man from his home State to be Secretary of War. And j MIkhoui t Republicans have lieen particularly anxious to secure a Cabinet portfolio because In t wo j successive Presidential campaigns J What has been hitherto a doubtful state has been ploci'il in Hie Re publican flt'Cloral column. H- liuul the select ion of Hanford MiicNIiliT, of Iowa. Is another de lo please I In* Middle Wt'Hl. Hut basically it wax an effort to please Hi*' American Legion and fXWIViPe men generally. Thin Isn't because Mr Coolidi:*' has felt IkilllHt-ir weak with the e\-*ervice men ever since he vetoed the bon us bill, hut because from these ex service men has been coming the latgest and most enthusiastic ele ment iti support of Colonel Hilly Mltch? li s attack on administrative methods in the air service. While Colonel Mitchell will he dealt with by court martial for indiscreet stat* Hu nts, the President has been shrewd enough to discover that l h<- sentiment behind Mitchell is by no means negligible and repre sents a well-deflned criticism or bureaucractic methods in Wash ington intensified by e\-nervlce men's experiences with Washing ton during Ihe war and since in tin- li;i ii|iro|*ri ated (o absorb tin con*i ruction facilities of such airplane plants an America possesses. It i* ew?entlal ly u matter of admliiisiiation, in which diminished peisontiel in due to small appropriation^. 1 1 n I here again differences of opinion arise an to efficient administration with adequate funds. The n< w Secre tary of War was Inst niiiu-ntal In persuading President Coolldge to convoke a special board of inquiry. He felt it would bring out all the constructive criticism and gulde the War Department Mr. Davis lias paid particular attention to aircraft. Hanford MacNider known from bin war career ax well as his ex perience as commander of the Am-| erican I/e^ion Just what it is about , the War Department that causes resentment out in the great open spaces. Mr. Coolldge pleased his Western political supporters, se lected two energetic administra tors to tackle a real job of admin istration and made a bid for tin support of ex-service men ? con ceded to be a wise bit of strategy. And all this within a week after the President had made bis dra matic plea for tolerance at the American legion convention in Omaha, thus bringing to his side litany of the anti-Klan citizens who had been mistakenly constructing the President's Indifference to the' Issue of acqulescene. Nineteen twenty eight may or may not be the President's objective but he is leaving no stone unturned to make himself politically strong enough to pull through a Republican ma jority in both houses of Congress in tlie elections a year hence. For Tire Service Cull 53S E. J. COIIOON & CO. Call DAVIS TIKE COMPANY for expert viiU'uui/.iiig I'llONE 163. RULES AN' I) CONDITIONS Any mnii or woman of goml repnta tlon, over sixteen years of ng?\ reHdlng In Klizahcth City or aurroumtliiK territory may become u candidate, No employe ??f Tin- Daily Advance or member of his im nt?a?l ia (,ooo IS.000 rates . T.SOO votes U..0011 2,600 votes f,.ooo SECOND I'KIUOI) Novrmlwr 16 to November 21 3 year* $10.00 2 year* ...._ 7.00 1 yrur 4.H 6 mo*. ........ 2.00 K. Clt*. Ou1nl