FOOTBALL FATALITIES HIGH THIS SEASON MOSTLY DUE TO LACK TRAINING Drulli or Serious* Injury hxceetliti^ly Hare Where Work of Skilled (loaches iiiuS libtructors l> L?w Ity I.WVKKNCK I'KKKY (Co0?r>gnt, Is::, by T n ? Ai.intf) New York. Nov 12. ? The death through urcidcnt in football of a college student ?t Spokane and thai of another student of I^enoir Rhvin* last wnek emphasized 'i fail already uoied. that tho grid iron Kunii1 tills season has been marked l?v an unusual nuinher of 1 fatalit U'H. In any game involving rugged physical contact there Is hound to lw foni'1 prii'uiaKi' of mortality, tin t th^re this is this to say ahout football ?deaths, or serious inju- I rli'i ammiK players of teams that' nr?? Well coached and trained are ho Mniall as to he negligible. Tile case or that promising * young man and e\ceptional' atli Jr !? U . I'rior, of la-high, this season was a i are exception, lit all their r.O >i :i is ol the hardest sort of V football. Yal??, Harvard ami . I'i iiK'i ioii have had l?w major ac cidents' and no deaths. And this , fact applhs to most colleges and universities where players are c>> 1 1 1 pel Jeil 'jrst to he c< r 1 1 li? <1 ny ph>sicl:;us as to their physical qtlalllications for the game ami then minutely coacjied in the f uiida menials ol play -which in cludes proper protection such as knowing how to fall, how to hrad against shocks and t h ? like. Attain there Is the necessity of competent trainees, expert condi tloners of athletes whose word is law tin all points of fitness and when a man should play and when he should not. The trouble wlih football al present is that it Is increasing so rapidly in popularity as a game to play us well as to watch that the country Is filled with elevens tossed upon the gridiron without adequate knowledge of the game ?or any idcu of the basic elements of self preservation which thor oughly grounded coaches teach first of all. Ami the question of dispropor tionate weight, particularly in high school games also is a factor. Home small half-hackc^l high school eleven faces a tedm of a larger and better coached school nml the wonder always is that nev eral of the small school players are . not killed. Where players are mature, un even weight conditions are not so important, especially where coach ing and conditioning have, been skilfully applied. Hut where preparation has been Inadequate.! it Is little short of criminal to per mit games to he played and this applies to colleges as well as to schools. What lo do about important football games when gridirons are practically unplayable is a ques tion thai curiously enough has sprung up both in the East and West this week. It is perfectly true that elevens play in quag mires. elements such as coaching, material and the llkn do not count for much and the outcome of con tests Is decided muinly upon He Lost RoStM I! Prnut. St. Louis auto ?ales man. lost M*'iO luiiiiijr nn iho ponlck .'it Rn*t St. Louis. ||| Now he's sued to net tl.c iiw?iioy liiirk. und< r a for goll< n Illinois law that enables a losei lu sue the man that nun (torn him lie also asks (lama)?''" ' for Ih id^ cjivti-fl from the ran" track. breaks and flukes. Wisconsin playiMl Iowa lust Sat urday in a Milling blizzard with the thermometer way below (rminx ami a miles Kale blow Iiik. Michigan and North western played in a veritable morass and Chicago and Illinois were not inucli better off. Pour playing conditions are as much responsible us anything for the present astonishing jumble of the western conference situa tion. Minnesota is the only un defeated team and this would seem to he more due to the (Sopli- j era* light conference schedule than to any strenKib they may, possess. Notre Dame beat them , li> to 7. The idea of postponing games where gridirons are in terrible shape has been suggested. I)u'. ! this could not be done* because of the necessity of meeting other games of the schedule. Some one has broached the alternative of outright cancellation of contests. Hut this would draw loud and frenzied howls from Hume con cerned with the financial side of Intercollegiate football. Of course games falling on inclement days might lie thrown Into late Novem ber or Saturdays up to the mlddU* of December but against such an expedient the veto of the faculty authorities might urlse. It is all a perplexing pr?4>lom. It E I) M EN'S OI< IkwMH nmnnnt M :i III ill (I I ll Y I' I I (I w ? Sw dm brforr >om wll. <;. W. PARSONS & SON 1:1,1/ \iti-7i it riTV, *. c. Style Headquarters for the well drnnril man (t'lierr Snricly Brand Cloth** Arm Sold YOUNG STRIBLING IS OVERWORKED ronditionerx Say I'll a I Pa in Handling the Bov Hum Destroyed Any Heavy weight t'.haiieen Son Hud j III FAIlt Pl.AY iC???fi?*t. INS, fey Tilt Atfvan??) New York. Nov. 12. ? -Compe tent physical conditioners in th* boxing game say that the way I'a Strlbling is handling Ills Hon ha* destroyed any chance the boy , might have had of becoming a full | Hedged heavyweight and possibly i a champion. The opinion Is that he is bring fought out. He has hud over a huudred and fifty battles in the four years he has been fighting and earned $330,000 in so doing. Of late I'a has been picking soft ones with a master hand for his ' son, but even so. Young Strlb-. linn's active life has kept his weight down and prevented him from being the Ktalwart heavy weight he might otherwise have been. He was a wearied young man I when he met Paul Uerlenbach two j years ago. was weary even before ! the Unlit and he was lucky that It went over the short route. His subsequent showing against Ad Stone confirmed the belief that > h<- was burning out and his fath er did a wise thing In taking the youngster away from the thump ing lane and putting him back to school for a six months' period. Now he Is out of school and fight ing like a slave. The Striblings are cruising the high roads in a caravan consist ing of a big automobile fitted out with living quarters for the entire family. It is a familiar Hlght all over the country and the elder Stribling is taking on matches wherever a promoter can be found who is willing to match the j youngster with a local product, j Strlb lias been knocking all such ! bow-legged out West. His knock- , out string is growing by leaps aud j] bounds. Kddie Huffman. the ' young Navy heavy who met Strib llng recently out West, says that' he wishes the light had been set for more than ten rouhdB as the Georgian wan tiring rapidly in the j latter frames of their bout. If Huffman is not talking through | his hat it looks as though the j time will soon come when Strlb- ' ling must be turned out to pas ture. Seeks Title 1 1 ?- i? Al rlio laii-Ht ' tnllilfl ful Hvw*MChl h?tiin|-M niMk hctil liv Kl(li"l I Ji I Fiiuxm h?ll? fmiM I >ii | v ll?* h?>Ms lh?' Hv < ?>-iuht I'hitmiiitiftihlii ot rnuii lev N'"if ihn ??! ilk i mi* ri'M-iiihlani'f I in i in- i.tu? cU<*iii|iiiit) I'silii-ho Vjlhi. HOBBY'S UP TO HIS OLD TRICKS No (iliuncc to plirli to the wi'ukiicsH of b.m? rs. is up to t In* sain*4 trick attain. "I ll put four pitrlu rs in lie field in !'.?:!?? who h?tw<>n | It* 11* will Im- capable of winninc any wh? ri- from KU to 75 hartley," said l?iihlnson to tin* writer today. "Then1 Is no chance for lirooklxn to j:ot star hatters away troui oth er clubs by payiuu *tar prices. Two clubs in 1 h? - National l.eutMie ar?* trying to ?|o that already. Hut there is a chance for any team With bivli i.l.nb pitchers to I ;l l--;? ? j train in tile circuit in 1W2??. "I know I can't change my t'iiiu In sonic res peel a. except as I make a Commute swap with a liiaiiauer who thinks I have some I I bin u he wants. That's why I traded with lloston. I nuve them I a kiMtil catcher, in Taylor; an out 11* -lil? r, in Itrow n, who is as uood FOR SALE A roiu 1 1 1 ? > t ?? ?*i: lil ( X ? i ? ?? *i 1 1 (ill I lit' in trlli hIiIi> ut W?*?'l M.iin Str*?*t Is for h;iI??. Tin* Iioiihi* In n most allrarliYi- ivsl d?'ix'?' iIi-hI^iihi! njM-i'lally for ti j-rnall lainlly. Tli<* material* ami work iiiaiislilp In th* Ihhihi* an1 lit*- vi* ry lii'til. Tin- lnt on wliirh tin* Iioiih' Is sit ua I ril In f?H liy 2U0. Thin |iro|url> will In- xolit fltlii-r lor cash or oil ?a;y ti?riiu<. A|t|>ly (?? lli?' miUi n-irniil. I. M. MEKklNS or T. S. McMULI.AM, JK. Long-Term Loans A r("|irPHfiiln!i?f of I lit- Cum linn I\1<>rtKug<' X 1 nil y < <>ni piuiy, Itulrigli, N. I !. (fur hIiihii we arr ugi-nt*) will lie in uni' of fice lirutioii liliink? nixl full inforiiiution roiiceniiiif( lounn. H. G. Kramer, V. P. & Cashier Savings Bank & Trust Co. - (lit re in in the ha-m* . \o< p* - :i thrower; ami an >?!?! !t;.ci i;i J'i<-ii?ioii who 1,111 nr. .in% Im till iii. I tot .1 ?v ??! i? r. O'N. H5. v. 1m is ."marl hi-l?imt th?? hat. in i r?iv of my |iit?-ln>rs. an out ti- l?l?r. in Kfliv. win- may inn ?I I* llllirtl JirnUlHl a> Itl'oWi:, l. m ??? n.iilily ran !?? -1 1? in*. i r- I ?> -??Mini: tlio ball Imi'K from '!??? ?n.'M- Iii. am! Jtw |taim>. a i?it?-ii ? r wi ll will aild ?" i w? ? it l . ..mi ? vi' Miii? j? to inv irln-.; if ihiii^. w ? II. |>mri Kiiiuli at r'.:ii Thvi*- ? i- nolliiu. w roiiii wi'ii Jtarn. ? arlii aiul ?' will h. if-. Im hi I'liuv that hi ? hap|M ii??l to him !?? \.-i awav it. -in lh?st?ni. wli. i ? 1 , ? (hoiiiJil In vi .is st ri - rhoi -l without 1 1 1 i ?' 1 1 h??|M' i i ii ill" luinr*'.. "Ii I < in t.iiihl ?i|i a t.-an f ;i wi'l h;.?-K nn lnull < la>s |- i t ?? h iii_ liy uikhI ii> hliiu I in not saving star ll'-MIni: ami !?v * lialtin: kiiiii< win r>' aionml I'll hav?* as innrli iuy alunii f li< |u-nn;:iit rar? i ? I 1'iji, us auv o|" l 't? nlli ? r hi ids wiiii t It i ii L ilny hav? 1 1 ? ? l.nlKh oil III. Itoliby tiuur?*? that Maranvill. .< ii ?m walv ?i*. will Im lit him tumort-i! o|?? ii dinner has Im mo ?re:il that tll? le HOIlid tl(?t llMVe heel! a diriru titoin in Vw York Id;; I .own* \#-| ( nsi IMON UvNTIIAI. J .1 IK IIAIII.OW IIAKItKII. I > inl . Ajsl. Of lice Next In Ay poult mid In two days startn to drive the con jeentruted linpurlticH that cause j rheumatism. out of the body through the natural channels. James M. Alien, of 2ft For hen St., Itochcster. N. V., the discov erer of Allenrhu. desires all auf ' ferera to know that he do?*s not ; want a c? nt of anyone's money uob-HM Allenrhu decisively con quers Mils worst of all disease*. With I ii Ih understanding he has ? Instructed Tin- Standard f'har nuicy and druggists everywhere to j guarantee It In every instance, adv. FA MO ANI) I. KB ANON BKI.I.K FI.OUR ?re absolutely of quality nol.l by (he Irailln* Krocon. ? IMSrilllll lKIl uv ? A. F. TOXEY & COMPANY WtUt tftrect. < -h outfit to M(-r?iiiitnod |irr.?? nr Juni per, uIm> Intel* of >laniliii^ I i in ix-r near tilt' rity. ChessonMfg.Co., Inc. l*tion? 01 ft. North IUmmI Bt. KliaabtMli I'M. J, N. C. I*. O. Iln\ V2H TUKNEK'S NOHTH CAKOI.INA AI.MANAC IOK Ml 2 6 10c (12c l.y mail) P. W. Melick Co. Suffered With Piles For Years Kn) s lluimtdula I lu* Cured II tin 3152 Muln St.. HuiTalo. N. Y., AllKUBt 1R. 1924. Gentlemen ? I huv?? burn trou bled with pile* for twelve or thir 1?>cii year* and although 1 con Hiiltt'U several of tlx/ bunt recom mended physician*. and used va rlouH huIvi-h prescribed by them an remedies. I wiiH n?*v? r able to ob tain relief. Through nn acquaintance I was advlced to try Hnimidaln File Tablet*, which I did. I took Just out* box. Nearly four month* have elapsed si net* I stopped tak ing the tahlelH, arid there In no hIkii of the pile* returning. I am therefore writing thin letter with the absolute belief that llamadala Tablet* have positively and per manently corrected my trouble. Youra very truly, JOHN A. Me A I. LISTER, llauiadala Ik an Internal consti tutional treatment for blind, bleeding ?r protruding piles. It Ik dispensed under refund guar antee by The Standard Pharmacy and all good driigKlsts. Out of town Hufferern can obtain by mall. I'rlce $1.00. adv. NEURITIS, PAffT RHEUMATISM "Heet" Relieves Instantly im Willi nppllrator attached to rotk, jimt l'Ileet" ov?r lh?? pain urn, whether In ?rm?, ? MMtwa, ?)iotildera, fwl, kiiee?, liy?, ImmI. neck or I n nly . (a. Ml* fitly, )nu ltd | hi a InirnilcM, (Mi*, penetrating heat draw the pnin, ?MireneHM iiml *d riffic** ri?ht out of the aching or awollen joint, m uncle or nervr. Hcaldcii. "Ileet" matter* th? eonuc?t ion mul entahlinhe? a ran, "Href con In in* two nothing, pen** trating ingredient*, too expeniiive to use in ordinary liniment* or anaf? Cicr "fleet" In ii dean, |den?ant .uidj doean't ntaln, hllater or Irri tate the akin and nmti ouJjr (K) renta at any drug store. Bv Charles McManw CjoRotmy. This is 1 ? 2X,JJJ?',N0 mister MAYOB. . HE WANTS Tfo m Your father i have a great scheme and id like to declare "Your father in ow it' well you see. in order -to put ^ THlSSCrttME THROO&H . I'M LOOKIWfi 1 for a little financial ? \SOCCOR*. ? MY papa SAlO HE'S Klo I , little financial L SUCKER ANYMORE