MDMEN'S INTERESTS ! w i' ? I MARY'S LAMB LESS POPULAR THAN RABBIT And Many AUrynl "Kt mint'"* Coals Srcn \o>v.-i day? Are Krullv Made From Poor lltntn>*? Fur KABiin n\rs mo Again thr Demand for Ve lour and Fell llul<* >1akr<> r Life Hard on This* Shy, Wild Creature K', _____ II) AII.KKV I.WIONT <C*?v*<?M. |?v t!T !?? Atfianr*) New York. llec. 1 Mary\? lamb with snow whit** f !????? ?? is far less popular at present than Mary's white rabbit. Kabbit i raising han hecom- popular among many women with la rgi' (?AtiiicH [' and is yielding ri-itinrkitlilo prof Its in Bom e ruses sin* e a 1?? ? skins I [ are In heavy demand. Many al leged ermine coats. so popular for formal evening wear, are reullv ?pi. rabblt emits. Tb?- d* innnd foi \ - lour and felt bat. 4 also Is heavy IT. and accoutiis for about half ?he rabbit fur production. Scarf Arrangement * Modern women may willing to "let the chips fall whi-r- ? hey may" but they do not allow their scarfs to fall so carelessly. There are a dozen new ways of arrang ing these toilet adjtlliels. bill the latent Is to tie the srarf tlehtly about the throat with tin- knot in the back, allowing ihe wide ends to fall down the buck to the waist line. Crepe de eh lite scarfs ill large flashy geometrical designs are /ery popular. Simple Designs Simplicity of design character ? Isea most of ihe new shoes now being worn bat this simplicity does not extend to the materials. Many s|)oes now have unusual In sert h to briKhteu them. One is of black satin with side Inserts ol flashing black and gold broeade. |? Another, of pateni leather has In sets of sealskin. 011 the aides and toes. Kxpenslvc Flowers The artificial flowers worn on the shoulders of the winter coat* ars growing both in popularity and price. The newest examples are formed of beautifully cut ? Stones. One flower spray just bnported represents a Illy of the ?alley carried out in crystal with the leaves formed of green velvet. Walt On Mitch. I American milliters are wulting ? to see how the case of Colonel Mitchell comes out before spon soring the new aviator helmet bats originated in Paris. These r caps are of velvet, fitting close to the head and with tabs cover ^ . ins the ears, the theory being; that women's ears have been In ^?retirement so long that they need K protection when exposed by the I boyish bob. (?Ivc a Wrap The man who does not give a rap, probnbly will not give a wrap I this Christmas. Hi: t if lie docs L. live a wrap, he probably will se lect one of the new gold or silver ' brocade shawls for evening wear. | These govorlngs are of the most brilliant colorings, including com I blnations of gold and silver with [>? black, white, powder blue, lac quer red and fuehsia. (iiumols Idiied j ?? Chamois leather has not lost Its ? appeal as a handcoveriug with the BRAY'S rfiKNril DRY CLKANKlUt AND DIM PkOM 7N. \\ Ht?T HI 6 6 6 Ih a pnrtn lpt Ion for Colds, Grippe, Flu, Dengue, BHliout Fever and Malaric It klllfi th?' Kcrmn Two Beauties and a Beast ii}\fV?l1> ? I "|?M 'illtliill'x f'lMitliull |?|.i \ <'l's HT' ? "tin- l<? ;if'* . h;i\?' l?? haw ;? ? I tin .1 ti .is. m I'liulu sliowf l\\i? nj i-ilx, ||<-|i-rt <]? Id ;?inl 1'iI.hKs I (riuhii t.ikiiu: ? >i?- ?.f tin* pet. It's up tl> lit** (ill ?IU*I*'II|N In ki'iji It 1 11 ? -ll|l|lhl'll Willi coming of winter. One of the tH'tt'rsi winter glove models is motif ?ii" soft mocha leather amf liiifd with i-ltunioiit. Thl|?. ?t is claim. -(J. rIvos warmth without the hulkiuess of a fur or wo?k>n lining. Ited Topped IIiniIn Itaughters instead .of sons are wearing red topped boots this winter. The high Russian k i<l Itooi s which have become n fea ture of the London styles, hav?* ? into popularity hero. They an* made in a variety of startling colors. such as bottle green, royal Mite, 1 10 is de rose. Iduek and while. Some are trimmed al the top. which should Just reach the skirt Item with fur hands. Synthetic Sapphire* Sapphires have achieved a new popularity this winter. Ab a re sult, Imitations of this stone ar? being extensively UBed for eos liime Jewelry and for trimming of ?"?ven ins frock*. In some cases syn thetic sapphires are helm: set in prat in u m conjunction with real diamonds. Kingdom For Fur Coat If ftlehard III had dropped into I he horse show last week und yelled "My Kingdom for a horne," it would have occasioned no sur prise. All the men would have, thought he had sold his horse to buy one of the fur coats so lav ishly displayed In the boxes. If It happened to he an ermine coal, ' they would have known i( was a good horse. ' Mink and sable are , the only real rivals of ermine for evening wraps but. on the velvet : coverings, while fox and marabout are extensively used for trim mings. (icoffrnphical Capes ('apes today have almost as many variations as tlioso in the geography. They range from the coverings which fall only to the waist and are attached lo the I gowns with which they are worn, to models of velvet and fur wlhch come well below the skirt line. , STRENGTH Away back in history, sturdy Norsemen found cod liver oil sufficient to help develop marvelous strength and endurance. Scott's Emulsion is cod-liver oil like the Vik ings thrived on prepared in the form of a rich, J tasty cream. It builds itrcnglh and endurance. Scutl tk flr.wi r |iU<<tn field. N. J. ?-'l | Whatever the extent of the lower portion. however, tlx* part above jlit'^ihoii liters Is voIuiiiIiioiim. They either have holster, shawl or m?i] I' l collars. Oik* of the most splen did and ornamental garment* worn here recently was a etpe omre worn by Ilelinonte. the great SpaniHh bull fighter, in the ring at Barcelona. Turban* Turban*, despite their popular ity. are no lunger endless. Many of t he newest designs cud |u long sweeping ostrich plumes which Scarf Collar The tw??d or Jeiwy f*r spuni; I: ?n :? H jrf ? '.!! . r -thrrt neutralize* the revere ,wr , , sutTOMlve of at:.:*. I; lr. ?,.* the suiiu* material us ii.'? K'lit. rachtr narrow, ?i ml nlnm to rontiili'm in (he well m-Ihk of thr eiiy>-iiilito either than t? focus attention on ItKt-lf. are attached jus? behind the right ear a lul sweep down over the right shoulder and bust almost to the waist line. High PlM'kftN 1 1 lull pockets have taken the iplare of high waist lines on many of the afternoon frock* of the out standing French designers. These receptacles are placed well a hove the l?eltn which are posed at tli?* hip linos. Many of the pockets are tri anicular and heavily embroidered. kivlng ;i touch c ? f color to the more sober fabric of the drcKH Itself. Trains , It I* tin simple matter to gel a Vi Here are Watches that give REAL Service! IF you a wrist watch that c&il l)c de pended on to tell the time correctly ? be ::ure lo selcct one of the beau tiful new style BULOVA WATCHES now on dis play at our store. We guarantee them to give complete satis faction. flulov.1 Qual!r> V.'hitc C!a!J filltJ r r>"f a* *d ? If 1 I > O 1 n - (A Jfwl BWWIMII . . V In 14 Kt. aolkl white gull U7.50 Hulova Qualify Uliifr OoIJ (llt-d $3500 in J 4 Kt. mtkl white i;uM $40.00 . ?neon Qu-lit* While OoU r.UcJ ;.7:r,.^v' 5 $4000 In 14 K:. utiUi whli* *ohl $ .O.OO EVVc tiavc many oil u-r BULOVA Styles "|| i'lid shapes from $25.00 to $2500. | louis selk; YOUR JEWEI.ER SINCE IKR2 Main and Water Six. FAMO AND LEBANON BELLE FLOUR nboolnltlj flours ol quaHtjaolfl br ?he l?wlln? ?rocem. ' ? IHHTKIIil TKD BY? A. F. TOXEY A COMPANY i rain to Florida. but many women wi-ar them after tluy arrive. Mont ??I inert*- train* ar<- of tlx* lame matt-rials or of metal lac. One ii. ".v frock of while erejie liaM the front decorated with head* or bril I us hi s while ih?' hark is formed i?f a panel of silver tissue which f x t? nils- Tnto .. !- 1. u: t nam I- * r !:a :? I s i'lrlifs wide. TmtiKrr Tree "I !???;?!* . ?!??(. t r iir rm'.V | look .1 ii >i . ?!? ??l.ii d line Hui ? Show vi-iior i Ij if wi'i ii. Itwt 1 1 ? ? '?.I r? ? tremendously hew ?e!i? I'm':.; w.'-n she dismount* from i?. Koi riuii i ??a*rui .-lie i-.nd uih>rs wh?. w?'l rhle ir: Hi- Sour'i this wi;:i? . ? i.M?iiiu iio.i-.m- :r. ? with ifi'tn. Tin se .u ? sneriu'ly MiiJt to; ins which !,<?< j> lie liditiu i roiis- r- 'it I')'<I((imI ('mi!, now so pomilar. |iro|n rly distended while not In ini. wurn. Wh-ii packed with a n Kit and roai liHiiirer, ant _l?o<iis and hoof Kim's, a small i;"ink ??.; almost n?T??sii> in or to carr> i !??? ridini. ensemble. New Effect 'hp eairiru*. hail iu ilo *nmethinK ami Iu-ip is tin* latest v**r i??n. :i J?-V\ cliil uitt.iiiipiil in ?li:t imihU ikmi Is llial fnIlowH I In* Mti. .il ??f ili?? ear invft-u'l of illmu fti'iu i he lii'w, While in < Wi' cannot !<-?-! it will tnv sAiHru* i to tlio tit Miotic* I \itKUP III ear *1 1 Ops. WOMAN'S rM II AT thkkk \\>:dm:si> ay % "Il? im -inber t'lt* Woman'* Cluli uifeiiiiK promptly ut Ihroi* o'clock Wcdiif.'iluy afternoon." ?iy-? .Vis J. <J. K-.iim,. "in th? i-liih inmi, . I'liMic iiiakf a H]M>riul **ffort to prcKfiii Musitioss of Import tni i* imi-t aiu-ml* <1 to. Tin' l.itor ary lH>parim<;lit will im-.i at four." \\M\ MO\ IK SHOWS HOW TO 111; n\ri'Y. ii io M \ i : i : ( i n What of tin woman wIioh !.?> hand lias ?l<*4*ld? <1 that In- !???? ?| n?i l?ii?Ui r rouri In r ? Till > is th? JntriKiihi^ tlicim- ?*f Kii ?t Nation* I |n nlu<M Ion. "Sinul? \Viv?*n." wli it'll i> >ho\vinu ai i] ?- Alkra laa Th**ai<*i ioda\ ami tomorrow til whiHi t oii|mii> ( ; til ? tlrli aiul Milton Sills m?? ro-f.-? t?ir? el tor in- lirnt tiin- on lh? ??rre?n. in iwldition to roili;. Crilliili ami .Milton .^lll*. tin- cast boasts of v4 i v i>mniln<*ut sor?-* n ninii j> iucludinc Ka?l.l>,? William*. Lou II. i.i v IJ. Wullliidl. ' t'hyl'is IImyc*. I'liilliim Siuullfv. J?-r. Austin, J'?kn Patrick and otii?*i CH.M m;t US AUK ?,~ Til KIR \\ \V To (.KOIUiiA Ai*an?a. !>*??. 1. X??arly 200 ' h.Hufeur.H haw iron. from lu-re to ValdoMa. C'MiKiu, n||<*utv tht?y wilt .IriVM i,s>t uutoiiiohllcH and ti m k:'. m Florida w?>?t <t,uSt p'MlHH wll> r.' ? H ? i af.. Hinrk. ?!. Tobacco war. hoc*?* in South 01 ? it|. ?< ap- nil. 4 wli!? uiiloiintuil- t ? 1 1 1 j i 1 11 1>* 41 ncl oile r freicht wattiuu tatlou iu to Florida ovtrland. BABY'S COLDS I ar? soon "nipped in Um, bod" without "dosing" by um ai ? yicKs W VapoRub Ow IT Mil tin* Jar a UW It I. \ C k V K I. V E T P II M P S In opera nnrt one strap styles. With medium :ind low heels. FA Ml LI SHOE STOIIE Never in all it* history lia\e (lie people of Klizalielli City seen such 11 wonderful ili?|>lay of l ur Coal-. He in vite eueh anil every oue of ymi lit eiime in anil lunk unr showing: over. Squirreletle Coals $ 85.00 Sealine Coats with grey Krammer Collar and Cults $100. OO Scalinc Coats with Chinchilla Collars and Culls and Bordered - $125.00 j Sealine Coats with Red Fox Collar and Cuffs and I Bordered $150.00 1 Drown Caracal Coats with Fox Collar $125.00 Black Caracal Coats with Fox Collar and Bordered i ?*- : ? " ! Full Length Muskrat Coat Silver Muskrat Coat, full length Sand Weasel Coat Silver Muskrat Coat, full length, trimmed Two Full Length Tiger Coats with Fox Collars Leopard Jac<iuette, Fox Collar ........ Tiger Jacquette, Raccoon Collar Brown Caracal Jacquette Plain Sealine Coats, seventy-six inches French Seal Coats, Minx Collar and Culfs Thirty-six inch Sealine Coat with Squirrel Collar and $200.00 $125.00 $225.00 $150.00 $ 65.00 $ 75.00 $ 90.00 $ 75 00 $125 00 Cuffs, for this week only $110 00 4 nutnUvr of oilier (itats that ire are not ahlr to mention here . McCabe & Grice Shopping ('.cntct Since IllVi) SEE THE SIIOP-O-SCOPE FIRST ? THEN SPEND YOUR MONEY WISELY Sh op-o -scope FOR HER CHRJHTMAH COItHAGF.H. Plan your order Slow. Ilyan Floral SAY Tt WITH CANDY T,r> ' ChrlalmaH morning. Hho will delighted with a l?ox ( i r Whit matiN. We are taking ordef* no* for Chrlntman delivery. A pot ho cary Bhop. L'sifu ?r DRDfcR Nl'NA I.I. Y H for hTTTm* We will deliver It Chrl*tmas Eve. Albemarle Pharmacy. no. 27, de. 21 n r FRUIT OAKK- - A* good an ran l> lade at 4 fir a pound U?d?-i early for ChrlMma* BJve delivery, j v Cartwrtyht'ft Ftakery. 27tfn IXJNT przSil.K Your h.?d -<ir llr, your feel looking for that ChriHim m preaeut for her. Let Bhop o-Hcfipp nhow ii i In a few mluntea time. Watch fhls portion of rlaaatflcri ad* grow FOR HIM A RPKPIAL OKFKR ? A group of Hultfl. an long n? ? h??y l??t for ffo.oo. Ronton * W PK< . H f NHCKTIKS Kor "him." W?- have an unn?uul assortment of neck wear In tin- popular n*?w shad? i* and wpIrHIk. Pattern* In strips, chrrka. plaids and flcured silk; four-in-hand* and l*>ws In a wide rang?- of price*. Weeks Sawyer. 30tfn PARRNTS Hi-m?mbpr The Ad vance In an ideal gift for your children nt college. 2?tf SHOTtJPNH - Just what the sportsman want* for a f!hrl?tma* presf-nt. Dtiy now for delivery In let. Carrett Hwd. Co. 17tfn M'N'CH AT TUB KAOLK CAPR during (he Christmas ahopplng "'?"win. Regular dinner 50c. FOR CHILDREN DOU* MUST CIO- MarkMl down to half prior at Hie hoRinnlne of l hp *hopplnK Kiioon. Standard Pharmacy. 28-4n TOYS FOR TUB CHILDREN? Doll*, train*. car*. puttie*, wmm. Mont nnylliinK to de light thr Hit lr tc?t. Asthma ? 1 Ivp>?. fie to fl.OO Morr. no. 1 1-1 7-fi COLON! A I. DOLI. I. A MI'S We have thrm In moat any rolor. \*hrn? & Ivea, 5o to $1 in atorr. no.2?d? rlln.dp.l l-17n BIBLES mnkr excellent glfla. We have thrm at varloua prlrea and kIxca. Alao t<??tamenia. See your Bible before you buy It. I*. W. Mrllck Co. 27 It n FOR YOUR LOVED ONES CHRISTMAS Cemetery Wreathe. Select youra today. Ityan Klor hI Co. Itfn AnnotinrfftienU I FAMILY WASHING Rough dry ami damp waah Min'a work a , a pee Hilly. Albemarle laundry Phone 1 2f?. Elizabeth City, N. C. Blfnp. MARK TUB ORAVR8 of your lored oiim. High cIim modern dMlgnn. Marble Work*, D. T. SlnfUton. prop. 22tfn WE BPY Second Hand Fur altars. The Auction more. 120 I'olndex ter atr?et Phono 772. it DrPMrnakiny 17 DRRSAMAKRRfl con InrroaiM* their buftlneM by tilling the pub lic about It In this ?? ctloi. of Th* Advance. tf A For Hem 10 FOR RENT ? Desirable hntiae on Oladn atreet on roaftonable tnrma. M. B. Rlmpaon. lltfn For S?l? 1 | ONK KRKSH MILK COW; tllt?-r cular Poor y??r? nlil. AMr to Advance. t-3-n HOURK AND IX)T roil SALE Price rtoisonahte. 424 Cherry and ; llolley. Apply to occupunts. 27-l>ec. 3 p COAL IIEATKK FOIl SALK. good condition, at 315 Cedar utroot Phone 56S-J. 2 4 -dee ip FOR 8ALK Ford touring car. CJood condition. Chvop to quick buyer. H. L. (iarrrtt. Phone 970 23tfnp. FIRE^-iks an J ."op Cap Pis tols at Ijrnt Chance Filling Sta tion. D. F. Webster, Mgr., N. Road St. Extended. lltf-n Help Wanted STRAIGHT SALARY: $35.00 per week and cxponncp. Man or wo man with rig to Introduce ?>ax producer. Kurcka Mfii. Co.. Kant St. f.oulfl. III. Ip KMPI.OYKRS can secure tho best type ?f men or women to work for them by running an ad un der this heading and stating In the junt the kind of work thnt they want done and the kind ?( person they want to do ? ?? j I>n*t 7 I.HHT Alnlal^ cU>K utiKWfm ( <? the name of "Special." Reward If returned to Lloyd Perry. 4 IS First street. not fn Millinrry ft WE HAVE a full line of ladles, minuet and children* bat* all r#? d tired at Walker A. Company. 11? Polndcxter St. noMnip Opportunity Knock- 20 HALED PAPER for aale ? Scrap stock not suitable for wrapping hut good for packing In place of excelsior or other filling. Ten cents a bale or take our ?oHrc stock st your own prlca. Thw Advance. lltf Fosiiinnn Wanted 9 EXPERIENCED STENOGRAPH er and bookkeeper deairoa poiil ilon. Phono 8S-W. 30-bp EXP ERIENCED SALES WOMA N who hna taken htiftlneri* rotirm riftnlfM position, preferably one In which ?he nnuld odd lo her experience In taking dictation, j j typewriting nnd oilier office! work. Now ?-tnploy<>d hut enn begin work nt once nnd muni , make change by liocemlicr I. Write K. M Care The Advance '?r rail Mi** Hloiiiit ut Advance j Wire. 191 fn I'lucc* To Eat 22 LIO (IT LTTNCHKfl DAILY at Hltie Tea Room. Dellcloua aandwich e*. flstladn and pie*. ort Mfn Plnmliitig | ;j PLUM Bf NO ? Wo fake Jnha Inrge and *mall. Service our motto. Owena A Garrett. Phone 9fi9 Xlverald*. 29tfn Srrnnd Hand Kiirnitiirr 2') FOIt flAl.R ? Hwmift hand furni ture. The Auction Store, UP Poindeiter *tr?*>t. Plr 7 71 IHtfn * Shoo lie pairing SIIOK i:i:i?Ali:iNO? Work called for and delivered. W. P. Wll I ia inn Shoo Itepalr Hhop; 10s WAtf-r Htrict. I'honn 70S. 29tfd Tif'- i? OOOhYKAK and United Htato* Tlren. Nationally known and rec ognized. Auto Supply & Vulcan izing; Co. Wnntfd 25 WANTKD \ housekeeper; mid dle hk'1. w-ltlrd and nod; for small fa mll> ; iM, ehlldren; a aood homo fr.r the rl^ht party Wilt" Mr*. K S., care Dally Advance. dor. 1-7 up LI-.T MK Iw your typing., ropy InK or addron?in* envelope* and card*. AddrcM "It. IV* ' Car** Th?? Advance. 30-1 p TKA ROOM MANAGER wanted Apply Mr*. C |\ Brown or Wo . man's Cluh, Corner Pool and" Church strceto. nor 30-dec5n

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