m a Ui/hi Will Mrft Uednradiiy Tlit- Literary Department of the Woman's Clnb will meet Wednes day afternoon at (our o'clock. The subject of the program is "Tut-Aukh-Amon," which promis es to ho very interest iiiK. A full attendance is desired. MIhs Glover l.'utertuin* Miss Glenna Clover enterlaiued the Lucky Thirteen Club Friday evening at her home on West Church street. Miss Ruth I-ane received a prize for making the ugliest fac?i. t'nufestjs and games were' enjoyed and refreshments *vere served. A large pumpkin in ilu- center of the table and 1 miniature turkeys wer? given as 1 favors. The guests were: Misses ? \^ Martha Outlaw. Clara Thompson. 'Mary Louis White. Pauline Dean. Suzanne Mellck. Ruth Lane und Dorothy llii ks. Kiitertaiir. It. C. Club Miss Miljhout Sanders enter tained the II. C. Club Monday af ternoon at her home on Riverside ? venue. After the business meet- , lug u contest was enJo>cd and j Miss Margaret Simpson was j awarded first prize and Miss Ma rie Davis received the booby. Do- 1 licious refreshments wero served. Those present were: Misses Mar garet and Mildred Simpson. Mil dred Bright. Marie and Alice Davis. Mllliccut Sanders and Ka tie Murdeu. Miss Saunders Cutertains Miss Mary Byrd Saunders en tertained Wednesday evening at her home on First street iu cele bration of her fourteenth birth day. A contest was enjoyed and Miss Miserere Ilettrick won the first prize and Kurrus Tillett the booby. Games and dancing were enjoyed. Magic tricks by Miss) Elizabeth Saunders and a popu- j lar dance step, the Charleston, by ; Miss nillle Saunders were also features of entertainment. Re freshments wi re served by Misses Elizabeth and RRlie Saunders. Grace Jenkins and Olivia lien ton. The birthday rake was while with blue candles. The guests were; 1 Misses Mary Ramos. Frances Pendleton. Nellie Jloyce, Mildred Newbern. Dorothy Twlford, Kllz ubeth Rrlght. Evelyn Pritchard, Margaret Driggers. Miserere Ilet trick. Myrtle llill. Doris Harrison, Mubel Gordon. Catharine Daven port: Messrs. Edward Midget t, ' Rurrus Tillett. Robby Lewis, Frank Snowdeu. John Shannon house. Rill Cordon. Lorlmer Mid ge! t. Delberl Dudley. Albert Kramer. Samuel Twlford and Ken neth Mundcn. Personals Mrs. .1. R. Black and little daughter. Miss Kathleen Rlnck, of Red Springs are visiting Mrs. G R. Rrigbt on Matthews street. Mrs. lilac k lived in Elizabeth City for a number of years, her husband being pastor of Cann Memorial Presbyterian Church. J. R. Williams of Sliiloh was iu the city Monday on business. Miss Minnie Nash has returned, from Raleigh where she visited her sister. Miss Margaret Nash, at Meredith College. Miss Mary Pott It of Charlottes Exide Batteries Harrison & McCoy, , Ltd. T O M B S T O N E S 2IHI 8. lUmd 8C Elisabeth City Marhlc Jc Granite tf'orku ATE TQOI FAST Sonth Carolinian Took Black Draught For Indigestion, and Sa/s He Could Soon Eat Anything. rallrntlne. 8. C.? Mr. W. n. Iloukulghl. of this pl?cr. to tho following account of his uso of Thedford'a Black-Draught "Jiint after I married I hart Inrll fjestlon. Working out, I not In the habit of eating fast, for which I Boon paid hy having a light, bloated forlinn after meals. This Ifitde mo very uncomfortable. I would foci Bttlpfd nnd dnvvsy, didn't feel llko working. 1 wai lold It was Indi gestion. Home ono recommended Mack-Draught and I took it after meals. I noon could oat anything any time. "I iim it for colds and bilious ness and it will knock out a cold nnd carry away the bile belter anil quicker than any liver medlrino I have ever found." Rating too fast, too much, or faulty chewing of your food, often t-auseg discomfort after meal.i. A l>inch of Black-Draught. washed (town with a swallow of water, will help to bring prompt relief. Bloat ed sensations, crtictations. bad Itraath and other common symptom* ret indigestion , have dlsapi?eared after Black Draught has bean taken tog several days. NC-1M Miss 1926 They Match Fashionable Pump ? - ? ? A pltntfns ccvn1>ltra?ion ia hfr<* frvrc duced. The l?an 'h>:: of red :m I whJti ( hffkfd w'(,cl, u**d to nc'Jmo the caj?e ?lrevrs nf.th*' tan woM ccji 1.1 repented on the t^n wool hat. S-h^i an outfit i? pnrtlfiilnrJy appropri.iv for^the collf*^ kw! or for general ?1*0U \*e.Ti\ ' r::is pump Ii.im taken the *nndaj for It."* inod?d. and has Inserts of braided leather introduce! on the vamp and at the heel The heel i? very high, a* l * the ease with nearly all the ftnart new pump mcdel)>. Villi* if taking tho plucc of Mrs. William Parker ;is imMir leurlior in the rtty Kt hnols while Mis. l':irk?>i* ia a( h?*r huin^ i;i Franklin whom sh?? was cnll?-d bf illiieaH. Mm. C. (' Kcrobeo and daugh ter. Mis* Marjory, ot (irogory have returned to thoir home of Smofcnl nl;m*rs ou>;lii i* ?;?? ovrr l>?i; mxt >?*ur. llciv'x Mi*h 1i.m.>i)iv r*h.ini)1?-r of l/M Aiiki ]? s. uarlxil :i< (.lMhK'11 . pity | |i.ii<|K>r ??f IWS will l'i- p;ll !?? ti. * * December ?i I Son iMbMTiuBTwEoi thw^ri | sat ; ijjo wlo iv p^xj ^ ? 8 15 Zl 19 w2? Shopping MORt Come in unil hav? I lie gift* wrapiwJ for the whole family for ilrlivfrry on Christina* Dav. I'. W. IVIeliek (o. Put Flowers on Your Gift List CHRISTMAS CORSAGES : BASKET ARRANGEMENTS CUT FLOWERS. BOXES CUT FLOWERS. BLOOMING POTTED PLANTS. CHRISTMAS CEMETERY WREATHS. WHEN YOI ' DESIRE the beautiful in (lowers, ar ranged and delivered when and as you spccify; we await your commands. l)o Not Print/ ? Plan- Voitr Oitlrt Torlay. RYAN FLORAL CO., Inc. 8 South Road St. Elizabeth City Phone 842 Branch Store Edenton, N. C. Phone 232 lor .. w?-<*k fill! visit lo Mr.:-. T. IV N;i li ii Matthews Ktr?M>t. Mk. KlPil DiitIs. M i*"s?'s Mar Karn Hill ami Mary l.ouino Skin ner. -rs Constant Feuriiir ami Wiii i " !i J? :iih?i!i> haw rfturmd from ;? motor trip to <'liap?*l Hill ami i;ri>t>)i>lmi'o, M:- .1 H. Sno\vd? m ? |" nt Mosi ?!:?"? in Norf(.'k shopping Mi>s Flori'iiri* Hrli rturiii'd Sun da y from Norfolk, wlM*rt* sin1 ?op?'nt Thank*?iviiis villi frinuls. Solicitor W. I. Sniiill. M I* Siir.ppiiti ami I' W. MrMnllati Iff Trn sday to utu-nd Superior Court at Colu in liia. Mr ami Mri Kiikdio Nuiini villi* ami Roll, Itirhard. ? >f Nor folk. spent Tlurnkscivliin with Mr and Mr*. I*. K. Watftloit. City llouie Thro??. Mr ? J. W. Modi in left Monday lo Mpi'aid a fi'W day* at Virginia Mr and Mtm. K. K Aydh-tt. Sr.. (eft Tuenday for Columbia, wlirro Mr Aydh-tt will attend Superior Court Mr?s. ,1 Butler l'arrons and lilt son. (.ierahl Francift, l? it Fri day for their home ut Cradock. ultor ? !.?"? Norfolk Thurmlity. J K. lli-ll of Aurora lum n* lurnoil lioin" all??r rtpoiHitu: a f? * ?lays with Hathrii luro. Better Stropping for yc^i ? too* That's what this growing list of advcr' iscrs means Look foftli offers of ? ? ? ? Iljaii Moral Co. I'. W. Mel irk Co. Atthons & Ivc* AllM'IIIUrlf PlllltllllK-) A|Millii'<'iirv Shop Stumlnnl IMiurniury Wrckti & Suh ycr lit'llloii & West Kaglr C?fi (?arret! Hardware Co. K E I) MEN'S ORCHESTRA FOR HIRE Phone 396-J J. W. Shnniionlioiisc & Son Frtnh nud Quality Orocprlo*. rilO.VKN 187 nml ttWJ ?WHIT A FAT LETTES: FRCM The COUNTRY CLOB - TH6V must cc scn&ins tt.e. ?wmoa-_ Kxrcsrr our Eacj.v thvs VCA.P JtMOSOPxAT Avo littlc "re.vu.rosy THIS MiJC-T 3E E 00 L ? VI O ir< THIS ? ^\ HOOSf. *> WHA"*" ARC y00 t-> OotfJC . OOROXMY7 N^HEVj' ?Y TAYLOC HEY CHICK ) 111 / III r_ '"J <* I I T S l or ( Jiri*!tiWK .hi-. *fio(? il'\ototl to v ??;.?.?"?* !?? ?*?|s you will find ;i l.irn*' ?i't in* nt of nov?*l I !??!? will uinki! pl^attlng ClirNlutiifi (litis. AI-mi \v?? havt an ununual asHoi I m? -iif ?? r lingerie fea turing t?\nut;rul towns, u>d *!? rlr. V ?.-* ii rhln shop for un nru.il i'liil-fn.i.H !\1. I.ri^li Sheep Co. Woman's Wrnr ??Tin* K*Z Wny Is iho I '-ll Wny'* r-it GLASS CLEANER No urns*. Cilsn, or l to lili/jtlxrlli City Folk*. Win it ??in- Itus had ih*? mlsfor tun*' in ;.nfi?-r from backache, illziim . miliary dU onh'i'K and oth'-r kidney i 1 1 k ? tind ban found i? 1 1?- r from all HiIb alck* iiohm and >MfI* riui;. that i>orflon'a n ? t s i< is i'i iintolii value lo frlendn anil in l^bbm*. Tin- following: mi"' is only on*- cf many thoua nnd... but ii is thai of an Klizu b* Hi City i * ?** I ? 11 1 . Who could oak feu a bi i'-T f \aiii|d>'? Mi -. I'. I". U'lioiiwiiril, 704 Sou I lii* I'll A vi . :a.va: ' I f t rained my liO' l. and lb" j- iiiis v. . r.- ko bad I bad i?i in-*' a nlb-h l i around. My In. i?l paiiM'l .?i.d my norvea w*i" iiuh ruin:. (Jfti-n I became dizzy and my kh|tn-> i didn't act rli.ht I M . 'I l)n:iii :i i'llla and th? Iron bio ?1 it*? |i|H';ir<r luml?ag<>. neurit ia, ti.iikarh?. Hiff n"i'lc, Mtrc mu? l*s, col da In