ft PKKI.K. l>iihiUh?n N C HSC RT PtriL. Mltar KALPN POOL. AmmIiIi (Mar. City. N. C? m mm>< aUo Mtti ? ??barrlpCJoa H?U? lij Carrier. El * ,c"" It Caah _ . 41 Caati ??t*l (ta ?*?????) f! *? . ?? (la a?vaiK ?f |L? 1 ImOm (la atfvaaaa) RN Ity MaII. ?M. II MoftTfti > Tbi IS i FRIDAY. DEC. 4. 1925 fA^EjyjARTlN '"ny ? sir? i,?r? b? ?" night heron-. S2JK 'M L r*rr'"1 '? '!?" ? Yen, you must shop now If you i shop early, " Tho sooner tin. leftov! r of Flor- ' ida'a Storm gets away from our M 'fair city, the better we'll m,e n I -Inexorably, despite Ulo ,)at| weather, the number of shopping days till Christmas aro dropping ?no by ono. The Camden-8llg<, road is ?ne ^.pf tho most Important arteries of tra<1" coml"lt ln,? Elizabeth C,,y 11 "> la ao easily raised as the Thanks'. ?Ivtag g?? tho var|ouI orp|iM_ ??? still Is the child's sob |? the alienee more quick to get the ear than !he voice of a strong man "i hla wrath. The cause of the movement to ! eradicate tuberculosis among cat tle In rasquotank. viewed In It, ' Proper perspective, I, ,?e cause o( "ttlH ehlldren of the County It I. these children who drink ; most of the raw milk consumed i thl" c?ut ?1,?00; and wh.t ? ? ??? i Wh''n *elghed against t'ho health ( of ono of our children? The ln ? ?Portion Will cos, own<>r ; nothing, if ,hl, ,n,pt.c?on ?,?lw> i tbat he haa an animal that Is ln , f acted the animal will be slaugh ? tered, but the owner will be paid t " ln ? "* ba pnt te no such ? trouble a. ,h.t ,B,orTM| whfi| >' Ihey used to hare their cattle aent t- regularly to the dipping vat. The ' Inspector come. t? ,.ch f Wd. f "?*? are the arguments f,? ? ersdleatln* the dlseaae. Are there itr ? ? - AUTO INDUSTRY TO BEGIN YEAR WITH HIGH AIMS Schedules Aimed at Pro duction of Five .Million ?f ift?t. I ->3y by Th? A?*a>r?) New York, -Doc. 4. ? Order* Just \ plan (1 for parts and raw mate rials Indicate that the aulonioblle Industry will ko Into the now year with schedules aimed at a produ'c llon of 5.0U0.000 cars. This trend toward heavier output in 1926 ha* been felt first in the ste?'l centers since bankers claim tliat while Detroit factories form the thermometer of the automobile trade the steel mills are its baro meter. For example, the Steel Products Company of Cleveland has Just re-, celved an order for $2,500,000 worth of automobile parts. Ac.* ' cording to Charing K. Thompson president of the company, this in the largest single order ever writ ten on the company's books. Tin parts will be us< d an original, equipment on 1926 n?od? I cur*. The order consisted largely of en-' glne valves and tabular chassis parts. The steel industry Is preparing to care for the demand which ?e tlve automobile production entails and meet other increasing require ments In addition. When the ore freighters now on tW lakes reach ' l.ake Erie ports tin- last Iron ore of the season will have. been de livered. The last ore ships of the year left Duluth before midnight Monday when the Increased insur ance rates incident to the winter i season went Into effect. The ton nage shipped from I^ake Superior ports in 1925 showed a gain of about 11.000.000 tons as com pared with 1924. Total loadings | at Duluth. Superior and Other j northern porta approximated 53. 000.000 tons as compared with 42.000.000 last year. Active work will go on at the Minnesota Iron Mines during the winter In order to Insure a big supply with the opening of navigation next spring. The steel sltuution In the Pitts burgh district is distinctly healthy according to dispatches received from there today and advices from New York offices to Pittsburgh companies. Production there has failed to yield to the Influences which nor mally cause a decline at this time of year. The principal Independ ent company is operating st f'O per cent of capacity and while the V. S. Steel Company plants ar?! working slightly under this rate their activity Is mounting stead ily. Heavy buying by manufacturers who require steel for their prod ucts Is In evidence, and Jobbers and dealers are replenishing their stocks to be ready for spring de mand. Some orders are being placed In anticipation of a general price advance. The farm machin ery producers are buying extens ively. Pittsburgh wire products mills are operating at about fiO per cent land strip mills ure at 85 per cent with prices steady. Orders for plates are rather light as Is call for structural steels. The pig Ir on market In Pittsburgh has be come quiet, because of the drop ping prices of coke and the fact that consumers have now placed orders for most of their require ments for early 1f>26. Prices are firm, however, and some buyers are anticipating their require ments by asking car numbers In advance of ordinary shipping In structions. Steel loaders In the Northern Ohio section report an increased demand for 19 2R delivery P'K Iron, seml-flnlshed steel and fin ished products. Operations In the Mahoning Valley continue high with sheet, strip, bar and hoop d?? partments running at almost 100 I per cent of capacity. HAVE YOU GOT YOURS? If you have not bought your fall Clothes, you should lose no lime in doing so, while stock is full and ' complete. There is absolutely nothing for you to gain by waiting! Our prices arc the lowest to be had. C. A. TOOKE (llcad-to-Foot Outfitters) TRADE EXPANSION SALE Now On at M itchell's POLYPHASE WAVE MAY BE SOLUTION S) Tliinks General Eire trie, ut Any Kale, Since the Recent Tents II) HOIIKKT MACK IC?nr?|kl, |?5. b, Th? Washington, Dec. 4. ? A Blight decrease In fading and a general Improve ni'-nt til sltnal strength at distances of from 50 to 250 miles from ih?- transmitter proved to be tho principal featiinf-, Inltely concluded (hat signals from . a vertical antenna are lees reli able at point* from 150 to 200 j mill's from the transmitter than ; nt greater distances. This, cou pled with the WCJY report is viewed as supporting the theory of the General Klectrlc Company engineers that a polyphase wave be broadcast, employing both ver tical and horizontal antenna, might make a substantial im provement in transmission. Further tests to determine the I exact increase In signal strength J In the 50 to 250 mile radius will I be made for the horizontal anten na erected at Schenectady for the I purpose. Atlanta has sought to show the; country something about "big' time" attractions for radio nhows. : Already tli?? Georgia city has en gai:e<| Graham McNamee, nation-' ally known announcer for the WKAF chain of gtatlons; George' Dewey Hav. "The Solemn Old Judge," and other outstanding voices of the air as performers for! the visitors to show next week.) As its principal musical attrac tion, the show has eqgaged the i support of A. Atwater Kent who has arranged for the personal ap pearance of Jleinald Werrenrath, baritone, in the only recital that artist has ever broadcast outside of New York City. Almost con tinuoua broadcasting from the ex hibition will be done from station WSU with Lambdln Kay. "The ! Voice of Georgia," doing the an ' nouDdng. ( KOWI> KWKLLM AT FOtMT LET UP IN RAINFALL Continued from page 1 beauty of the exterior that counts. In the day of stress and storm 1 the Important thing about a house 1 is not the harmony and grace of I Its design but the character of Its | foundation. 'One thing thou lack est,' said Jesus to the moral and upright young msn who Inquired ' how he should inherit eternal life, j And that one thing was erery thlng. 'But will one thing damn j me?' you ask. Friend, X tell , you with all the seriousness that I know, If you haven't got Christ ; you haven't got a chance to meet God. Your body may be divinely . formed and superbly propor tioned. But without the breath ' of life In It it Is worthless. "Preachers are not always fair. 1 Jesus was. He didn't charge these : builders on the ssnd with dellber- j ately choosing an undesirable lot { upon which to build their lives. ; His charge was merely that they 1 neglected the one sure founda tion. . "I see two men that are like I two houses apparently much alike j that stand side by side. Both are 1 prominent. Both are trusted. , Both are progressive and thor- 1 oughly honest. But one Is an ar dent Christian and the other la a 1 skeptic. The superstructure In each case Is practically the same. I But how different the foundation! The one has built upon the rock. | The other has built upon the sand. And the veriest shanty of a house 1 on the rock is safe, while the most | beautiful cathedral upon the sand Is sure to fail and fall. Your Mind or Clod's "If Calvary was not a necessity then Ood committed a terrible blunder in sending His Son into the world to die. Why trifle with eternal verities and set up your I puny mind against the decrees of God? What was the one founda tion? 'These sayings of mine.' All He said of Himself I accept. And 1 that Is why I preach Jesus and | Him crucified. I didn't have to | be a preacher. I think I might | have been a success as a league | baseball player if I had tried. But ! seeing men walk careleasly with A "TIMELY" QIFT! /'%??#} ? 1 ' Tnbii ui WOT WANT gifts that vtH prodoce rack ? mflcl A food witch is one of them I v. .}\ A wmtch U a luting Christ mat gift. Beautiful sad aacful? ? and made to sertre ? life-tim* rbcrcfore, It vffl ?hnp-aA m M remembrance. > ^Perhaps be vonld Eke a new wrfct-watch ?4 modem cow* ' lenience. Dumbs the belief that they arc tffwlwH ?W bo? , pressed men wear them mijiwkifc 7 \ We hare many styles end makes* prices dW wO pftmrayw. ; ' They ere products of good i isfuinarakif. depcwhbW **d I , ever accurstc? -the gift that sstUlul BRIGHT JEWELRY CO. main and MARTIN 8T8. -and the Worst is Yej to Come 1 ^CLAU&h*, 1 tJS53^St; \r ^... "V> [only a few stop* to decide the is | sue of eternal life or eternal d?-ath for them how can I do else than hold up Jesus a s the One H?|k* and Only Light of the World? "Somebody asked that great preacher, Alexander MacLarvn, when he came to die what he was thinking of. 'I am trying to gath er together all the sermon* I have preached.' Mid the grand old man. 'all the books that 1 have writ ten. all the gifts that I have made and burn them up and to swing out on the Grace and Mercy of God and on that alone.' "Oh. beloved, when tho tidal waves of death splash at my feet 1 don't want the sand. 1 want the Hock, the Rock of Ages. My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus' blood and righteousness. I dare not trust the sweft?>st frame, but wholly lean on Jesus' name. I invite you to plant your feet on that solid rock tonight. All oth'-r ground Is sinking Band." Of Importance to Creditors This is to announce* that I have sold out the Eagle Cafe to Messrs. Gregory and Grandy and that 1 am not re sponsible for hills made to this Cafe af ter December 2. I am grateful to the public for the patron age given ine while in business at the Eagle Cafe and solicit a con tinuance of same to my successors. I have gone out of the cafe business with a view to devoting my entire time to the firm of Ashen* & Ives. CLAUD IVES. Better Sl&oppiiig for you ? ? ? ? ? That's what this growing list of Advert isers means. Liook for the offers of ? ? ? ? Cartwright'a Bakery M. Gi Morriselte & J. W. Randolph ZoeDtt'i Studio Ryan Floral Co. /J P. W. Mellck Co. Ashen* & Ives ' ' Albemarle Pharmacy Apothecary Shop Standard Pharmacy Week* & Sawyer Benton & Weil Eagle Cafe Garrett Hardware Co. Back on the Rock Pile 38# SOMORA 'JOt AKIO PlNOU CHARLIE < DID WOH GlT A Good look aTTh' FELS.tR WHO OonE v "THIS ? ^ ' MO- HE HAD A 8luE BANDANA \ cner the lower Part of his \ FACE. ThEH HA0 30ST OODEREO ME "Vt> THROW UP MM HAmOS VNHEK1 HESItPPEO \K? THt .\?eJ?S \ tie W? N? rtcw> \ PH1 STXHCO a ' ??l \ w, T?te fea^a* 6 I taw?